Recurring Bad Guys your favorties or least favorites

edited July 2014 in General Movies & TV Posts: 2,341
I want to pay homage (and slam) some of our favorite series and films recurring villains. Most fiction will always have one or two that crop up to mess with our heroes. Some are good, some bad, some fun, some not so much fun. Some are downright boring (zzzzz) that leaves us scratching our heads. Without further ado, here's some of mine well known baddies.

Sherlock Holmes---Dr. Moriarity
Dr Who
The Daleks
Jonny Quest ---- Dr. Sinn
Pick em
Klingons, Romulans
Romulans, Borg
Cardassians, The Dominion
Blakes 7
Commander Travis, Severine

Of the ones I listed, I found The Borg and the Kromaggs as the most scariest and threateneing. The Borg were vicious and relentless in their quest for perfection. being killed by them was merciful and perferred to being assimilated. Scary.
The Kromaggs were from a parallell Earth who had the technolgy to travel to and conquer other Earths. Like space aliens, if they have this tech, then they are all powerful. A nasty bunch (and ugly, at least the originals from Season 2). They had contempt for humanity and killed without mercy.

Your choices?


  • Posts: 368
    I really like Moriarty! And I like Loki from Marvel's The Avengers... :)
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited July 2014 Posts: 14,884
    Biff Tannen from Back to the Future trilogy. You love to hate the butthead.

    The Borg from Star Trek TNG. Did Picard ever fully recover from his assimilation? I watched the TOS episode 'Errand of Mercy' just recently, and Kor, the Klingon governor had some interesting exchanges with Kirk, a certain respect for him. Although, he is not a recurring villain, I'll just state the Klingons in general, and how they eventually become allies of Starfleet. More Bloodwine!
  • edited July 2014 Posts: 6,396
    QBranch wrote: »
    Biff Tannen from Back to the Future trilogy. You love to hate the butthead.

    The Borg from Star Trek TNG. Did Picard ever fully recover from his assimilation? I watched the TOS episode 'Errand of Mercy' just recently, and Kor, the Klingon governor had some interesting exchanges with Kirk, a certain respect for him.

    Never was a big fan of any Star Trek series except for TNG. Patrick Stewart was just so good as Picard.

    Plus, The Borg were great adversaries. I need to re-watch them again.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,884
    Never was a big fan of any Star Trek series except for TNG. Patrick Stewart was just so good as Picard.
    I agree. My love for Star Trek started with TNG. It took me at least a few episodes to get into the other series, as TNG was just so good- but since then, I've watched all of DS9 (really good), most of Voyager (okay), and am now on TOS. Pretty cool stuff so far.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I think The Joker is the greatest nemesis of them all. Such a great character in almost all of its incarnations. Brilliant, wicked, crazy, scary, ... Joker has it all.
  • edited July 2014 Posts: 2,341
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I think The Joker is the greatest nemesis of them all. Such a great character in almost all of its incarnations. Brilliant, wicked, crazy, scary, ... Joker has it all.

    Obviously the studios agree because we get more incarnations of this villain than all the others. I always loved the Riddler from the old Adam West series. He was in the pilot episode and like other Bat-villains he kept coming back to wreck havoc.
    Joker has his fan club but just once I would like to see another interpretation on Riddler. ( Jim Carrey doesn't count)
  • Posts: 12,837
    Great thread idea, some of my choices


    Blofeld from James Bond. Duh. I'm thinking more of the novels here though. I liked Pleasenxe and Salvas but I don't think the films ever did Blofeld very well.

    Cheng from 24. Seeing him back this last season was a great surprise. I like Cheng. He's great because he's not a villain you love to hate or anything like that, you just hate him. He's a real nasty piece of work, a proper bad guy. It's weird because while he didn't actually have much screentime he made a massive impact on the show. He got Jack imprisoned and tortured, he got Audrey imprisoned and tortured, he almost caused world war three on two seperate occasions and then finally he killed Audrey.

    Nina from 24. Pretty much Jacks arch nemesis. Again, a villain you really hate. A manipulative bitch who was responsible for the death of Jacks wife. Jack finally killing her in season 3 was one of the shows best moments.

    Mandy from 24. A bisexual, manipulative, slutty assassin. She fucked a guy during a flight to steal his wallet then blew up the plane and parachuted out. She infected the president of the USA with a deadly virus and escaped before anyone knew. And she got away with all of it, managing to get a pardon in the end. Great character.

    The Weeping Angels off Doctor Who. They're dead creepy and the episodes with them in are always the best ones. Plus they're pretty much impossible to kill or get away from (blink and they'll get you) and there's something horrible about them killing you by sending you back in time so you just die of old age.

    Templars in Assassin's Creed. The main villains in every game besides Brotherhood and even then they were still influencing things. The best thing about them is that they're not really evil. They share the same goal as the assassins (world peace), they just have different ways of achieving it. It's not black and white. Plus they've existed for centuries, constantly manipulating history and with tons of powerful members (Rodrigo Borgia, Hitler, etc). They're like Quantum, they have people everywhere.

    The Grubers from Die Hard. Hans is one of the best villains of all time and Simon was a great villain too with a really clever plan.


    The Daleks off Doctor Who. Maybe back in the 60s they scared kids but come on. They're fucking pepper pots with weapons that are made from a sink plunger and an egg whisk. It doesn't matter how much modernising they do, they still look ridiculous. And everyone on the show shits themselves when they show up. It just seems stupid, everyone's so scared and then a Dalek wheels in and it's gun is an egg whisk. Come on. And they're boring. They constantly come back and every time it's the same: kill everyone, take over everything, etc. Same every time and they're not really a threat. They're constantly defeated anyway. The worst though was during the first few series, when they were meant to be extinct. Every time they came back he acted all shocked "but they're all dead!". Well since they've been in every season I think it's pretty fucking obvious thst they're not all dead. At least when Steven Moffat took over they stopped doing that, pretending they were all wiped out. I get that they're pop culture icons but they're still crap imo and I feel like the only reason they're in the show is because they always have been.

    The cybermen off Doctor Who. They're not scary in the slightest and like the Daleks, they're not really a threat because they constantly get defeated. And they're not intimidating at all and they can't run. They're just bland robots at the end of the day.

    Mr Freeze from Batman. His weapon is ice. It just seems really dumb and impractical when he could just use regular weapons and his name is really stupid.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited July 2014 Posts: 24,515

    I agree, Frank Gorshin made a great Riddler. I never disliked Jim Carrey to be frank; he was just given a poor film. I always thought Matt Frewer might have made a great Riddler back in the 90s.

    The 60s television show had an overall great casting I dare say. Cesar Romero as The Joker - Nicholson so obviously emulated Romero's performance. Burgess Meredith as a loud but very enjoyable Penguin, and one I prefer over De Vito's TBH. And then our catwomen... Oooooh. :x Julie Newmar and Lee Meriwether were my first childhood loves, I can assure you. The Adam West series even cast Vincent Price as a baddy, something our beloved Bond series failed to do.
  • edited July 2014 Posts: 2,341
    @thelivingroyale, I liked Salvalas as Blofeld but thanks to the musical chairs (like Leiter) involving actors who played this iconic character, the film versions never got the respect that Fleming would have required of this great character.

    Back when I used to watch 24 their baddies like Nina Myers, Mandy were great. She was introduced in Season 1 and in Season 4 she blackmailed the government into giving her a full pardon. She was one of my favorites.

    As for the Kromaggs from my beloved Sliders. The initial introduction of them in the creepy and dark Season 2 episode "Invasion" was pure genius. They were differently evolved and had many simian features. In addtition to having superior technology they were masters of mind minipulation. When they were "rebooted" in Season 4 the Kromaggs had changed drastically. they were basically reduced to ugly bald, pig faced men who strutted around acting like half baked nazis. this was a mistake. they should have kept with the original concept. The"suits" at the network thought they were too scary for prime time.
  • Posts: 75
    Jim Carrey, fine as the Riddler. He has a real heart for the kids - Batman Forever proves that.
  • Posts: 12,837
    @OHMSS69 Yeah, the show has it's problems but one of the things 24 does do really well is the villains. Logan is another good one. The president being a bad guy doesn't sound like something that'd work well but it turned out great. I'm surprised Mandy hasn't returned since season four actually.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Even Quantum Leap gave the recurring villain a shot in its fifth and final season. The show introduced us to evil leaper , Alia and her holographic observer, Zoey. These two were given a three episode arch in season 5 and it ended kinda ambiguous. It was never 100% clear whether Alia and Zoey were dead. I guess we can assume they were but it was left open ended.
    My only complaint with this was that their existence was never fully explained. They were from the future but what year? Were they before or after Sam Beckett's time? Were they from a parallel earth?
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