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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
This did make me laugh, maybe I should watch the second film?
The previous film was surprisingly good though it is daft, the cast are all great
I would welcome more adventure type movies, I think Tom Holland is playing Nathan Drake?
Jumanji: Secret Level Unlocked
That trailer was a bit of a mess, though as a whodunnit fan I am in and that cast is impressive.
I have to say that looks quite entertaining.
And I love that poster!
A proper movie poster too, wish Bond posters would go old school. As in sketch form would be brilliant for the 25th movie.
I was wondering how many more live action remakes they were going to do???
I saw a few and they were by no means bad, sure I have some very fond memories of the original animated movies and still love quite a few to bits, they are excellent and very well made. Even if Disney does do a remake which is done by most studios these days they certainly do put the money on the screen, Cubby would enjoy that.
The first one was surprisingly good.
The film stars John Turturro, Bobby Cannavale, Audrey Tautou and Susan Sarandon.
Jungle Book 2
Aladdin: Revenge Of Jafar.
The Lion King 2
Mulan 2
There also plan
Mabey those:
The Incredibles 1 & 2
Knabbel en Babbel (Chip and Dale). Warner already plans Tom and Jerry movie.
And now Disney owns Fox, there always can consider: Ice Age, Epic and Rio 1 & 2.
An Interpol agent tracks the world's most wanted art thief.
Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber (Skyscraper).
Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot, Ryan Reynolds.
Production will start in 2020.
I'm a big fan of Judy, so I may go see it.