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That's an understatement. All along, I knew it would be bad, but I really didn't expect it to look that bad.
So which is it, lol
makes it funny. ....... sadly comedy isn't that easy.
I was confused by that as well. Maybe there's reason to hope that Murray, Aykroyd, and Hudson will actually be playing their old characters and that this offers something for those of us that wanted a straight-up Ghostbusters 3
The movie looks bad, but there were a couple of positives. I liked the design of the ghosts for the most part. Also liked the nod to the "People Busters" episode of The Real Ghostbusters tv show. The remix of the theme tune was pretty good as well.
And @dalton I agree there were some positives to be sure! I started watching, prepared to hate it, and despite my best efforts, I cracked a smile here and there ;)
I wasn't even fussed about the originals being back, I just wanted something decent. I'll happily take a female team as long as it doesn't look utterly shite.
watched it without sound as I am at work and just NO Nope I refuse to see it.
How hard is it to create an original black hero? Seriously...Michael B. Jordan will star in Thomas Crown Affair and Idris Elba will be The Gunslinger in King's adaptation....if black people want bigger presence why don't they create an original character? Anyone remember Shaft? Axel Foley? Everyone liked them right? So...why won't you create new character/story?
Holywood is out of ideas, and everything that's original turns into a sequel-fast quickly...
Now about the Ghostbusters (the comment above was with me being mad Elba is Roland):
Lol. Not in the funny way. It had great visuals and amazing theme song remix. It had like 1.5 funny thing in the trailer. And I'm not mad with 2 jokes in entire trailer. It's that the rest of the jokes seem awkward and terrrible. It's like none of these ladies can act....holy the hell they managed to make Kristen Wiig boring? Why??? Why she must be the boring one? Why all these characters seem boring?
Well..not everyone..The girl left of Wiig in the thumbnail is the only good spot in the trailer..i totally forgot her namer right now but it seems like she's the only cool character in the movie. I knew she would eventually shine in Hollywood and this might be her breakthrough. She's great in SNL (as well as the guy that's married to Cobie Smulders..I expect him to have a breakthrough eventually as well) and it seems like she will be great in this.
Everything else left me unimpressed.
This is going to be bad.
Also who wants to wage a dollar that someone will cry sexism when this bad movie will flop? :D
Oh well...I'm seeing Grimsby tonight...and if that movie is not funny..who knows maybe we won't have great comedies in 2016 :/
@Risico007, watching that trailer without sound was probably the best way to watch it.
If you turn off the screen too, it is even better.
the comedic style of this movie is not in keeping with what Ghostbusters was - granted, this is it's own thing (at least, thats the excuse they'll use) - but when you're directly remaking something that did not need remaking, it's going to draw comparisons whether they want it to or not.... the humor of Ghostbusters was more to do with the wit that came out of the dialog - not slapstick gags.. and it was the way each character played off each other.. the serious scientist - the overzealous geek - the disinterested casanova - and the regular guy... their dynamic all worked.... i dont get the same sort of feeling from this new group.. they all seem like cosplayers instead of real characters to me...... but lets not forget that Ivan Reitman had a huge hand in shaping Ghostbusters as we know it as well... and Paul Feig, the man behind this new movie, is no Ivan Reitman...
but it's Sony, so what else would you expect - look at the way they handled the Spider-man franchise.. =D> .. they lit that thing on fire and ran it into the ground faster than the Hindenburg.. talk about killing the golden goose.
but also.. big props to Bill Murray - who, because of his stubborn refusal to do a 3rd movie with the original cast, kind of indirectly led us to being served with this shit show... Thanks Bill. ~X(
A good Reboot Sequel remake should
1. Expand upon the original material (I am seeing shot for shot scenes in the original)
2. Keep the charm of the original
3. and get us invested in this new world
this reboot does none of that
it looks like a bland sequel to Bridesmaids with ghosts instead of weddings. Mellisa MCcarthy is becoming the female Will Ferral all her characters are the exact same. and before people say well aren't all great comedians like that? Nope John Candy Steve Martin even Chris Farley could go from the "straight man" (a subdued chracters and let others around them do the crazy acting) to the Crazy man
For Actors like Ferral and Actresses like McCarthey there is no nuance no subtleness just hammering the same jokes over and over.
then there is the female empowerment feminisim nonsense in the trailer I get it woman aren't sex objects fine but really we have to make the female ghostbusters look bland and not even kind of hot except for Hemsworth but honestly men are just sex objects I guess...
the ghosts look very cartoonish and Feig's direction looks well a mess (is this a parody of the original film is it a remake I don't know and I don't Care) It also relies a lot on gross out humor which I am sorry Vomit Pooping and peeing isn't funny it never was to me and it never will be it does make my stomach churn and make me want to gag but it doesn't make me laugh (I still can't watch that scene in Bridesmaids without feeling quesy) It's the same path Horror movies have taken (Blood is not scary nore is brains and guts being splattered everywhere it's about atmoshphere and tension)
Again based on the Sony leaks I now actively hate Bill Murray, as the original Ghostbusters 3 script was fantastic with murray and crew having one last battle before dieing actually I liked Ghostbusters: Hellbent as it has a bit more Christian themes (as a christian the idea that science can take on the devil and win sign me up) a bit more but I would of Taken Ghostbusters vs Kothulu any day over this nonsense.
That isn't to say I wouldn't want a ghostbusters reboot or even an all female ghostbusters (though the idea is a little silly) and as hot as Sigoruney Weaver was Ghostbusters wasn't about sexing up anyone really (though one of the actors playing the devil hands got two second base with Sigourney and I think we all hate that actor a little bit for doing it and getting paid)
over all this looks like a pass for me and again I don't mind chick flicks heck I don't even mind Chick comedy action flicks or comedy horro flicks but this... yeah I hate to say it but the franchise ended with Ghostbusters the video Game.
May I ask when the last time was you watched it? I personally grew up on it, but as I get older I find more and more little things I like! The movie's for everyone!
Way back, I lked it as a teenager, but how stupid are teenagers?
And I do own the soundtrack from Part 2.
which is close enough. ;)
It's so.....80's..... :)) and produced and composed by Babyface by the way.
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