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Perfectly willing to accept, I got the wrong wrong end of the stick.
Always liked this quote from Mark Strong ( who I do like ) about people not liking you.
(On working with Christopher Eccleston in "Our Friends in the North") He didn't speak to me for the whole year we were filming. At first I thought it was to do with the characters - because there was supposed to be tension between us, but then I realised - he just didn't like me.
Oh well. Talking about anything on the internet can be difficult and frustrating.
That's interesting, hadn't heard of that. I can't even imagine not talking to someone you work with for a long time. Really weird. I mean, even if you don't like a colleague much (everyone can't like everyone), you should still be able to talk to them (except maybe if they did something truly awful to you or your loved ones or something).
The movie doesn't speak to me. I don't know any of those actors"
Okay, I get that (to a degree) Younger fans want to see stars and actors they know and can relate to. Okay...
Why not just make something new and fresh with actors today? You leave the classics alone and Hollywood can keep their creativity sharp. Movies like "Argo", "Crash", "Gone Girl" shows that they can still do good filmmaking.
Final note on the sacrilege of "Ben Hur" the film was originally made in the 1920's during the silent era with Ramon Navarro in the title role. A good film but 30 years later the decision to do a remake but this time with color and sound made a lot of sense. But now: WTF new can they bring? We've had sound and color forever. Oh, we can be treated to the chariot race in good CGI.
Asshole, please.
an early clip from it.
John Williams has confirmed he will do the soundtracks for 'Star Wars Episode 8' and 'Indiana Jones 5' !!
Has it really been that hard to get all the boys back for Ocean's 14? I've been waiting for that one for years now, but this? No.
Maybe when the new Ghostbusters bombs big time at the BO, studios will realize that a film can't succeed when the only thing it exists for is to push a gender agenda. Instead of all-male or all-female movies, how about we just get films with great characters. Gender has never mattered. Of course, you've got bean counters to contend with these days who tell you what gender sells action figures better, or what gender charts better reactions at test screenings, so maybe we're just doomed, and this is the backwards world we've got to adjust to now?
Curb Your Enthusiasm will come back for a new season!
Love that show. My tv broke down, so have to buy a new one now.
'Free States of Jones' with McConaughey gets R rating for 'intense and bloody battle scenes and graphic disturbing images'. Really can't wait now.
Yep. I'm hoping to catch all of those that weekend.
New poster for Mechanic: Resurrection.