GOTHAM (TV Series 2014 – )



  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I was... well... Lukewarm, on this episode.

    On the one hand, we got to see Bruce and Selina running through the city, showing off the people they're destined to be. On the other hand, we got to see Bruce and Selina running through the city, showing off the people they're destined to be. Since all this show can truly be is foreshadowing things we'll never actually see on it, wouldn't this have been better served in a later season, when Bruce is closer to being Batman? Granted, at this point, I am going to be surprised if this show makes it past season 2.

    (Actually, I may even be surprised if it makes it to season 2.)

    After a decent showing last week, Harvey Dent became yet another idiot to make a mistake in a corrupt town where everybody knows your g*ddamn shoe size. Leaking that Gordon was the detective who had the witness was just a stupid thing to do, Harvey. Good f*cking job.

    Bullock was pretty underused. He didn't really do much of anything, unless I was looking away for half the episode. I did like the line about how he was the only cop who was willing to wait for back up, though. That was pretty good.

    This week's only non-useless character aside from Gordon turned out to be Alfred, who got to show his chops as the badass butler he's been hiding for the past... Um... I forget which episode we're even on. That's sad. It was nice seeing him fight Copperhead. And nice on the deadly accuracy with the gun, too. I think it's gonna clash a little bit with Bruce in the future, but, hey, the kid's only twelve right now.

    It's nice to see that in a city so corrupt that the police will either sit on their asses or sell each other out, the mayor can literally bust a detective down to security guard. How does that even work? Oh, well, it puts Gordon in Arkham so that he can start his relationship with that alien chick from V. I'd much rather see him shagging her than Barbara, because Barbara was pretty useless, even for this show.

    The one remaining portion of the show I have to talk about is Falcone's awesome conversation with Fish, when he shot a man in the back of the head and made people eat around him while the guy's head was face down in his spaghetti. That was good. It's nice to see that Falcone isn't just some dumb sh*t who's basically there to be a pawn in the Penguin Vs. Fish war that the show seems to want to brew as slowly as possible.

    I thought that this show started out great. It took the concept of Gordon being the only honest cop in a dirty town and a Gotham before Batman and it made it pretty good. But... as the show has dragged on, it's only shown me that I was probably right about this show the first time I heard of it: There's just not enough material. I think, if anything, this show really should have been a 22-episode version of Batman: Year One, with Bruce returning to Gotham after his training and finding his Bat-groove while Gordon arrives and starts his own mission to take down Gotham's corruption from the inside. There, we could have had a great show, the introduction of certain villains wouldn't have seemed so bad, but the way the show's going now, I just don't know if I'll stick around for season 2, if it gets a season 2. They're gonna havta pull a great episode out of their ass to keep me around.
  • TokolosheTokoloshe Under your bed
    Posts: 2,667
    Just to say that I watched the first two episodes of this and was very disappointed.

    The characterisation was poor and cliched, especially the need to crowbar in every possible reference in unsubtle fashion in the very first episode. The cartoon on the first page of this thread about the Riddler sums it up perfectly.

    Hugely wasted potential here, and with so much other good stuff to watch on TV these days it just didn't hold my interest at all.
  • Posts: 15,417
    Problem is that Gotham is a show with Easter eggs... And not much else. I did enjoy the development of the Penguin though, even if he is far more insane than in the comics.
  • To answer agent 007391 and Ludovico,

    I don't have any problem with a reboot version of Batman.
    Hey, wasn't our hero, James Bond, rebooted?

    I LOVE the way they handle Alfred, James Gordon and the Penguin. Alfred especially is a breath of fresh air from the somewhat lackluster character we are used to see on tv and in movies. Up until now, the Alfred from the comik book was far more interesting.

    Also, the young actor playing Bruce Wayne is very, very good. Lots of talent, his presence is felt even surrounded by veteran actors.

    No tv show is perfect (maybe Three's Company, Married with Children, Star Trek the Next Generation and The Practice were...), but, for my money, Gotham is the best tv drama that came out in YEARS and I hope it will stay on for a long time, as long as it takes for Bruce to wear the cape.
  • Posts: 1,107
    To answer agent 007391 and Ludovico,

    I don't have any problem with a reboot version of Batman.
    Hey, wasn't our hero, James Bond, rebooted?

    I LOVE the way they handle Alfred, James Gordon and the Penguin. Alfred especially is a breath of fresh air from the somewhat lackluster character we are used to see on tv and in movies. Up until now, the Alfred from the comik book was far more interesting.

    Also, the young actor playing Bruce Wayne is very, very good. Lots of talent, his presence is felt even surrounded by veteran actors.

    No tv show is perfect (maybe Three's Company, Married with Children, Star Trek the Next Generation and The Practice were...), but, for my money, Gotham is the best tv drama that came out in YEARS and I hope it will stay on for a long time, as long as it takes for Bruce to wear the cape.

    Great post finally that someone agrees with me.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I never claimed any dislike or problem with reboots in general. My problem is how this show is being handled. Would you like a Bond show where, in the end, the only thing the producers can do is drop names that don't resemble their namesake and the hint, hint, hint? This show can't have much, if any, payoff at the end.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 15,417
    Well its not a reboot, but an adaptation from the same material. Completely independent from previous adaptations.

    And I disagree about your list of perfect tv series. The Wire is. This is no Wire, I don't expect it to be, but it could be better.
  • Posts: 1,107
    I’ve been watching the new GOTHAM television series since the first episode, and I’m a confirmed fan. I’m hard to please with Batman filmed stuff, so if I’m on board, they’re doing something right.
    There are those who are missing the point of the series, though I feel I’m enough of an expert that I can explain to one and all…

  • To answer agent 007391 and Ludovico,

    I don't have any problem with a reboot version of Batman.
    Hey, wasn't our hero, James Bond, rebooted?

    I LOVE the way they handle Alfred, James Gordon and the Penguin. Alfred especially is a breath of fresh air from the somewhat lackluster character we are used to see on tv and in movies. Up until now, the Alfred from the comik book was far more interesting.

    Also, the young actor playing Bruce Wayne is very, very good. Lots of talent, his presence is felt even surrounded by veteran actors.

    No tv show is perfect (maybe Three's Company, Married with Children, Star Trek the Next Generation and The Practice were...), but, for my money, Gotham is the best tv drama that came out in YEARS and I hope it will stay on for a long time, as long as it takes for Bruce to wear the cape.

    I may have wrote a little too quickly, Three's Company wasn't perfet, Janet should have marry Jack. Married with Children wasn't perfect, too few bar fights involving Bud Bundy, Star Trek the Next Generation wasn't perfect, there was a gay Klingon.
    The Practice wasn't perfect, Alan Shore should have been there since season one.
  • I never claimed any dislike or problem with reboots in general. My problem is how this show is being handled. Would you like a Bond show where, in the end, the only thing the producers can do is drop names that don't resemble their namesake and the hint, hint, hint? This show can't have much, if any, payoff at the end.

    The payoff would be Bruce wearing the cape.
    Good enough payoff for me.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I never claimed any dislike or problem with reboots in general. My problem is how this show is being handled. Would you like a Bond show where, in the end, the only thing the producers can do is drop names that don't resemble their namesake and the hint, hint, hint? This show can't have much, if any, payoff at the end.

    The payoff would be Bruce wearing the cape.
    Good enough payoff for me.

    But the odds that we'll get that, after all the crap we'll have to endure... It won't be a big enough payoff.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    I have been a batman fan since I was four years old I have watched all the movies and read like a hundred of Batman comics and I love this show !
    I don't care for any payoff Im fine if in the last episode he bacome The Batman or maybe not .
    Why is it important for Batman to appear in this show? IMO, he doesn't even need to. We have multiple versions of Batman that we can see and hell we can even play as him that sometimes I feel like even for a Batman fan like me, it's too much.
    I doubt that WB will even let them show Batman for more than the final episode. He may have a few episodes/series fighting crime and building his equipment and bat cave. But I think they will keep Batman for the films.

    We've all seen numerous films/shows of Batman this is about how he and the others become what they are in those stories.

    People waiting for Batman to show up are going to be in for a long wait I fear.

    For all of you If you don't like this show as much, I am sorry, but don't complain just stop watching it It's that simple.



  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    It's really not outrageously important to me, I just see so much wasted potential in Gotham, and it disappoints me. Maybe the show will get better, maybe it won't. Only time will tell.
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 1,107
    Favorite moment from the episode :)


  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Alfred being a badass in this episode, oh yeah!
  • Posts: 15,417
    I am looking at the glass half full here: Gotham cannot really jump the shark. So it might grow the beard.
  • Posts: 1,107
    GOTHAM: Details On 'John Grayson' And 'Mary Lloyd' (Robin's Parents) And Another 'Dollmaker'
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    edited January 2015 Posts: 7,854
    Let's start a riot! Seriously, a play (because a nut house full of extremely unstable people should do this sort of thing) erupts into a riot, and Gordon helps to end it. He's given a bitch slap across the wrist by the director, and then chills with Dr. Thompkins for a bit, getting to know our newest cast member, who's heard quite the gossip about him. I can't help but think there should have been an extra episode between this one and the last, because there seems to be some weird disconnect between them.

    Selina's prowling the streets, where she finds Ivy sick as a dog, living under a cardboard box. She then leads Ivy to Gordon's (or his girlfriend's, I forget) apartment, where they stay for the night.

    We CGI over to the docks, where The Penguin, who now seems to have embraced the name he hated, gets his teeth knocked in by a cop, who one of the dock workers who called in.

    Back to Gordon, who checks on a nutcase. Who falls over dead. Holy sh*t, I don't think this show has gotten better...

    Granted, this is all just the cold-open teaser. Let's see where this goes.

    Oh, guess he's not dead, just totally f*cked up. I can almost guarantee the villain this episode is that nurse/doctor/whatever the hell she was that was introduced a little bit before Dr. Thompkins showed up. Either way, Gordon is assigned to hunt the perpetrator of this crime down.

    Gordon realizes that one of the guards must have lost their keys for a moment, so he starts interrogating one of the guards. He somehow finds that one guard that lost his keys right away.

    CGI us over to a meeting in Fish Mooney's place, where she and some dudes we've never seen before are discussing taking Don Falcone out of business. Apparently, it's the 20s again, with all this talk.

    Gordon's talking to some nutcases. Oh, that one nutjob is dead. And he's interrogating Todd the Wraith from Stargate: Atlantis. Cool. Then some others are questioned, all of whom really deserve to be in a nuthouse. I particularly like the guy petting a stuffed animal before suddenly lashing out for no reason.

    Finally, looks like we're on the last nutjob, and that doctor that I think did it is defending him.

    CGI us back to Selina, who's on the roof of a building looking down at the city.

    Now we're back to Fish, who's talking about those people we've never seen before. She wants to take over the family business after Don Falcone is out of the picture, and she thinks her right-hand-fatman is betraying her, which the look on his face doesn't deny.

    CGI us back to the nuthouse, and our villain is f*cking with another nutjob. Gordon's sleeping on a couch that looks like it saw better days back in the 70s, and then he finds the nutjob that had just been recently f*cked with, and realizes that he's been f*cked with, as opposed to just being a normal nutcase.

    Two commercial breaks, things still aren't really making sense, or getting better, but at least the show's going by quickly.

    Nutjob # 2 is being taken care of by Dr. Thompkins, and the idea that he's just reciting words from the play tells me that the doctor's doing it. I'm sure of it. It's almost obvious. And Nutjob # 1 isn't dead, but just a vegetable. This could have been more clear.

    The director is certain it's an inmate, Gordon's certain it's a staff member. The cops have been called.

    Now we cut to the future Missus Barbara Gordon and her ex-lover Renee Montoya, because that was a plotline we all liked in the first half of the season. Apparently, Barbara went to live with her after leaving town. She's been drinking and taking drugs, apparently. Don't know why she's so f*cked up. I seem to remember her leaving by choice.

    Hey, Bullock! Awesome! I can tell Donal Logue is having a ball with talking to the nutcases. The director is pissed off that Bullock is there. Very pissed off. Bullock is having fun treating the director like sh*t, and Gordon's loving it.

    Now those two gangsters that we've never seen before are talking to one another by the docks. They're talking like we've been invested with them in since the pilot episode. The right-hand-fatman clearly wants to betray Falcone, but not Fish. I'd rather betray Fish and leave Falcone alone. He's at least a good character.

    The Penguin is in a cell, and Bullock drops by. Penguin wants out of that cell, I'm going to assume he's been butt-raped a couple dozen times, because he's acting like he has.

    Back to Fish and the right-hand-fatman, at the club. Fish doesn't seem to like that this is taking too much time.

    Project Almanac TV spot during the commercial. It looks better than this episode, honestly.

    Bullock is interrogating the director of Arkham about the electroshock therapy being done to f*ck up the nutcases. I really don't know why the show is trying to hide the fact that it's clearly that one doctor from just after the play. Seriously. The director is afraid of authority. It has nothing to do with the case at hand.

    Back to Gordon, who's noticing something on a map of the facility, it looks like. Here's the doctor that I think did it, offering Gordon some drink. She's very adamant that he not go to the basement, then it looks like she's about to lead him.

    Bullock is asking the director about the staff, and he reacts, saying "She couldn't...".

    Gordon and Dr. Dorothy (I just learned her name) get stopped suddenly by Dr. Thompkins, who's now looking very suspicious. Oh, nope, it's Dr. Dorothy. I was right. Holy sh*t. Looks like Dr. Dorothy's actually a nutcase herself, and she let's the asylum out for the day. Oh joy.

    Dr. Thompkins is suddenly chased by more inmates than it looks like Arkham has room for. And Todd the Wraith is still in his cell. Clearly he's going to be a recurring character. Some laughing guy just killed a woman, and I think it was Dorothy. I wonder if that was a Joker reference.

    The inmates really want Dr. Thompkins, including one who's going "Dah dah dah, dah dah dah!" in the background. I like him. Don't even know who he is. Gordon and Thompkins managed to get on the other side of a gate, I think. We'll find out after we come back from commercial.

    CGI us over to Ivy and Selina, who are still in the apartment. Barbara calls, and Ivy answers like a seductress. What the hell? Oh, well. Clearly, it's making Barbara jealous, and the idea of this eventual plotline annoys me.

    Gordon and Bullock are telling Captain Whatshername about the whole thing, and she seems very eager to get Gordon back. Essen. That's right.

    Back to The Penguin, who is visited in the middle of a slightly-reformed police department by one of Gotham's reigning, well-known crime bosses. I guess Maroni's the one who decided that The Penguin should be in the cell. Seems Maroni's a very common sense type of crime boss, as he respects the fishermen who "risk their lives for us". He has The Penguin and the man who probably raped him out of the cell. Yeah. Maroni really tears The Penguin a new one in this episode.

    Uh, oh. Looks like Dorothy wasn't the one who did all the electroshock crap. Another inmate, under the instructions of Todd the Wraith, snaps a guard's neck. I guess Todd the Wraith is the villain. Huh. Dammit, I wanted him to be a recurring character.

    Gordon and Bullock get to the asylum, and find the director near death. Oh, I think Todd the Wraith's name is Gruber. Huh. Didn't know that. Todd the Wraith escapes, so maybe he'll be a recurring character after all.

    Gordon goes home, expecting to see Barbara for some reason (despite the fact that she left). He sees that someone's been there.

    The right-hand-fatman exits his own car and gets into the one guy's that would take over if Falcone is out. Turns out the right-hand-fatman f*cked this guy over years ago. No wonder he's fat. He kills the one guy. Looks like he couldn't betray Fish after all, for no reason. I hate Fish Mooney. I want her to die by the end of the season, but it probably won't happen.

    Oh, judging by the preview of next week's episode, Todd the Wraith is the Electrocutioner. Cool.
  • Oh, judging by the preview of next week's episode, Todd the Wraith is the Electrocutioner. Cool.

    Gotham starts again next week? Sweet, can't wait!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Wait, did I miss some sort of week skip? I wasn't really paying much attention to the preview.
  • Posts: 1,107
    Wait, did I miss some sort of week skip? I wasn't really paying much attention to the preview.

    Next episode : 19 Jan.
  • I completely missed that the show's return was tonight. And yes, Dalton12's right, the next ep will air in two weeks.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Dammit. Oh well. I was changing channels when the preview started.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The ending was like something out of a scorsese film.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited January 2015 Posts: 4,572
    Gotham wil start at 21.55 (09.55 PM) in The Netherlands on Saturday 17 January 2015 after Arrow Season 3 (20.00-21.55) on VERONICA.

    Who know Arrow, knows that it also has links with Batman, so it be a bit confusing in my opnion to have Gotham after Arrow. But my expection are that there doing this because left overs from Arrow and Gotham get the 16+ rank.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Show goes on winter hiatus, comes back for one episode then off for two weeks. Why not just air the first episode on Jan 19?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Because FOX is Republican. (I don't know the real reason, I'm just using this for no reason.)
  • Posts: 2,341
    Maybe its for that NCAA championship game on Jan 12, whatever the reason just seems kinda dumb to run it then wait two weeks for the next episode. I guess programming execs are not that bright.
  • Posts: 1,107
    GOTHAM: Title & Synopsis For Season 1, Episode 13 Revealed
    synopsis for the January 26 episode of Fox's Gotham, which is titled "Welcome Back, Jim Gordon". Sounds pretty self explanatory! This ep sees the return of Anthony Carrigan as Victor Zsasz, and the debut of Dash Mihok as Arnold Flass.
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