Does E = mc² or mc³? The Science in Bond Films Thread



  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    CPR in Entertainment: Casino Royale
    by Paul Martin - last updated on October 30, 2018
    There are two CPR sequences in Casino Royale to mention. One that worked, one that didn’t. And neither of them accurately portrayed. Casino Royale is one of the latest James Bond movies, and was the first to star Daniel Craig in the leading role.

    In the first scene, James Bond is poisoned. He realizes what is happening, and stumbles to a restroom with a glass and a salt shaker from a table he passes along the way. He proceeds to drink a cup full of saltwater, and then stumbles out of the building. He then makes it to his car where he injects himself with something, and proceeds to attempt to use a defibrillator on himself. Finally, someone else comes along and does it for him after he passes out. At this point, he recovers and the movie goes on.

    Movies are wonderful things, aren’t they?

    The next CPR scene happens after a drowning, and the victim is Bond’s supervisor Vesper Lynd, as played by Eva Green. As Bond does CPR, he manages to do some things correctly, including properly finding the correct location for doing the compressions (which some claim he does for other immature reasons). That said, his CPR technique needed work, and there was no chest rise and fall when he was delivering rescue breaths.

    CPR in Entertainment is a series based on rescue scenes found in both TV shows and movies. If you have a suggestion for a future entry, please comment below!

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    Top 5 CPR Movie Moments That We Love to Hate
    February 16, 2016 | Dr. Mary Williams, RN, DC | 0 Comments


    You may have noticed in my last few posts how much I love movies and television. In fact, the only thing I love MORE than movies and television is teaching people about the necessity for CPR. So you can imagine how crazy it makes me when movies get CPR and First Aid skills utterly WRONG. In fact, it's gotten to the point where the moment someone in the movie I'm watching needs emergency medical attention, I almost can't watch. Nine times out of ten, I just end up shouting at the screen, "NOOOO! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!" Then I remember they can't hear me. What's important here is that Hollywood seems to botch most of their attempts to depict CPR and First Aid skills in movies. This bothers me so much that I've decided to compile a list of the top five CPR movie moments that drive me nuts:
    1.) Casino Royale

    Scene: The Poisoning Scene

    What Happens: James Bond, international man of mystery: lethal, cunning, fearless…and completely incapable of working a portable defibrillator. Now, I'm cutting him some slack because he did happen to be poisoned AND experiencing ventricular tachycardia (rapid heartbeat caused by improper electrical activity in the heart), which would probably make what he was attempting pretty difficult. Still, he makes a rookie mistake when he doesn't check the leads on the defibrillator before attaching the pads to his chest, a mistake that very nearly costs him his life. In addition (it's a bit hard to see, so you might have missed it), he places the second defibrillator pad on the wrong side of his body! He correctly places one beneath his left collar bone, but then places the other pad under his arm on the SAME side of his body. ACK! Wrong! Big mistake!

    What He Should Have Done: When removing the pads, always make sure the leads are attached. If you are using a portable defibrillator with one-use pads, ALWAYS make sure they are appropriately hooked up to the leads. Once you place them on the victim's body (because I highly doubt you'd be doing this to yourself) make sure that the second pad goes under the arm on the OPPOSITE side of the first pad. This is what creates the ZAP that will hopefully shock the heart back into normal sinus rhythm.
    2.) Mission Impossible III
    Scene: Ethan Electrocutes Himself

    What Happens: The scene in which Ethan Hunt electrocutes himself to stop a charge from going off in his brain and then becomes unresponsive is probably one of the most irritating scenes in all of cinema for me. Why? Because Julia is supposed to be a NURSE! As a medical professional, she should know how rescue breaths should be given, and how many compressions should be given for every two rescue breaths. Apparently, I have a little too much faith in Hollywood's fictional medical professionals. First, she doesn't check to see if he has a pulse or if he's breathing before she begins CPR. Next, she fails to tilt Ethan's head back before giving him two VERY quick rescue breaths. At one point, she counts off the number of compressions, gets to 15, and then STOPS to give him two more incorrect rescue breaths. Definitely not correct CPR! Not to mention, after having a charge implanted in your head, being electrocuted, and then being resuscitated, Ethan would be in no condition to sit up, let alone point and fire a weapon (but now I'm just being picky).

    What She Should Have Done: Always check your patient's Circulation, Airway, and Breathing before you begin CPR (just think C.A.B.). When you give a rescue breath, tilt the head back by lifting the chin with one hand and pushing down on the forehead with the other to ensure that the breaths go into the lungs and don't just stay in the person's mouth. Finally, when giving compressions, make sure that you give no less than 30 compressions for any two breaths. If you are with another person, you should give up to 100 compressions a minute while the other person takes care of the rescue breathing.
    3.) Jurassic Park
    The Scene: Dr. Grant Performs CPR on Tim After Tim Is Electrocuted

    What Happens: Once again, we have an electrocution victim who needs to be resuscitated. Dr. Grant frantically attempts to perform CPR on Tim, but there are a few issues with Dr. Grant's form. Once again, there's no head tilt, and this scene actually does a good job of illustrating why you shouldn't skip this step. You can see Tim's cheeks puff out as they fill with air, so you know that air isn't going anywhere near the poor boy's lungs. This scene also depicts what is probably one of the worst compression-to-breath ratios I've ever seen. Dr. Grant gives maybe six compressions, then goes straight to giving two breaths. He gives another four compressions, then goes to give two more breaths when Tim miraculously recovers. I say it's miraculous because, in any real life emergency, this attempt at CPR would do absolutely nothing to help the victim.

    What He Should Have Done: Like Julia, Dr. Grant needs to remember to tilt the head back before giving rescue breaths. He also needs to adhere to the proper compression-to-breath ratio. Doing CPR incorrectly can exhaust you, and it really does nothing to help the victim recover.
    4.) The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
    The Scene: Peeta Hits the Forcefield

    What Happens: Poor Peeta. This guy just can't seem to catch a break. He was grievously wounded in the first film, and now this. In this scene, he's going along, minding his own business, chopping through the forest, when ZAP! He hits a force field, which happens to sound and look just like being electrocuted. (Noticing a Hollywood pattern here? I think I am.) I must say, seeing Katniss check to see if he's breathing came as a relief. Of course, then Finnick jumps in and ruins the moment. As usual in these films, there's no head tilt; I've come to expect that by now. Then, after Finnick gives two rescue breaths, he immediately starts giving compressions. There's no checking for a heartbeat; he just hops right over there and starts plugging away at those chest compressions. It isn't until he finishes his first round of CPR that he finally decides to check Peeta's heart beat, but I'm just happy he checked at all. I'll give him extra points for that! At first, Finnick seems to be the world's slowest compression-giver. I wanted to tell him to give it a little more hustle, but he does toward the end of the scene. Like the others, Finnick doesn't come close to the correct compression-to-breath ratio, but he is the first of our offenders to give compressions that are way too shallow.

    What He Should Have Done: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you need to give 30 compressions to every two rescue breaths. Plain and simple. While you're giving compressions, make sure that you push the chest to a depth of about two inches, and keep the pace as regular as possible. Still, Katniss and Finnick did manage to check for both breathing and circulation so I have to give them some credit. Two out of three is better than none at all.
    5.) Sandlot
    The Scene: Wendy Peffercorn Gives CPR to Squints

    What Happened: This humorous scene depicts what is probably the most manipulative use of CPR I've ever seen. "Squints," more the victim of unrequited love than of any true medical emergency, leaps off of the diving board into the deep end of the community pool. His actions are a desperate attempt to gain the attention (and the rescues breaths) of one attractive lifeguard, Miss Wendy Peffercorn. Squints, who can't swim, gives Miss Peffercorn a coy wave and then recklessly leaps into the water, where he, perhaps not surprisingly, sinks like a brick. Miss Peffercorn, clearly on duty, leaps in, saves him, and starts to administer rescue breaths. I'm actually pretty satisfied with Wendy's execution. She checks for breathing, checks his heartbeat, and even tilts his head back by pressing on his forehead with her hand. She doesn't jump right into compressions, because she knows she doesn't need them. All in all, she does a great job! Unfortunately for Miss Peffercorn, it is entirely unnecessary. "Squints" (who was faking the whole time) wraps his arms around her head and gives her a big, sloppy, wet kiss. Miss Peffercorn, understandably upset, grabs him and ejects him from the pool area. This is not really so much a critique of form, but more of a personal "Ew, gross," thing on my end. This kid just weirds me out.

    What She Should Have Done: Miss Peffercorn, you did EXACTLY what I would have done to Squints, both during and after the incident. I applaud your perfect form while administering rescue breaths to Squints and your self-restraint in dealing with him afterward. What you should do now is go and teach the rest of our CPR offenders all that you know about CPR and administering rescue breaths. They could definitely use your help resuscitating their friends (just make sure they're not faking, okay?).

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    in: Manly Skills, Tactical Skills, Visual Guides
    3 Ways to Escape Zip Ties:
    An Illustrated Guide
    AoM Team • March 27, 2014 Last updated: October 22, 2018

    Slipping Out.
    1. Present your hands to your captor with fists clenched and palms facing down. Doing this makes your wrists bigger and creates room to slip out.
    2. After the tie is tightened, unclench, turn your wrists so they’re facing inward, and work your way out. It may be tight, but the key is to just get your thumb out first. This method can be used from a variety of hand positions, and should be tried first.
    Breaking the Ties.
    1. Tighten zip ties as much as you can with your teeth and try to make sure the locking mechanism is between your hands. The tighter the zip tie, the easier it is to break.
    2. Lift hands above head and bring them down quickly into your stomach. Your elbows should flare out like chicken wings, and you should simulate trying to touch your shoulder blades together. With that, the ties should break at their weakest point – the locking mechanism.
    Shimming Out.
    1. Defeat the mechanism of the zip tie with some kind of shim. If you look closely at a zip tie, you’ll see it has a small locking bar that does all the work. If that bar is lifted from the tracks of the zip tie, it can be easily removed.
    2. You can use a variety of objects to lift that locking bar: a fingernail, a pin, even a credit card. Once the bar is lifted, simply pull the tie out of the locking mechanism. This method is easier with multiple people held captive to help each other, but can be done on one’s own as well.
    Zip ties are increasingly being used to restrain innocent folks in home invasion and kidnapping scenarios. With a quick Google search, you’ll see a number of situations where suspects used standard zip ties from the local hardware store to restrain their victims.

    We tried out all of these methods, and they all work. We even did it with the heavy duty variety, rated at 175 lbs. With a little bit of practice, it’s actually fairly easy to escape from zip ties, and you should be well-prepared should you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being illegally restrained by a home invader or other criminal with zip ties.

    The folks over at ITS Tactical have a great series of videos on how to escape from zip ties that, with their permission, we based this illustrated guide on.

    Like this illustrated guide? Then you’re going to love our book The Illustrated Art of Manliness! Pick up a copy on Amazon.

    Illustrated by Ted Slampyak.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    How to Escape from Zip Ties
    Sep 26, 2009
    By The ITS Crew

    There are quite a few hasty methods of illegal restraint and zip ties are a method that’s available to any would-be kidnapper.

    A few of the other methods used by criminals are duct tape, rope and even phone cord. With a little education, you’ll see that all of these methods can easily be defeated. There are two things you’ll need in any escape scenario and without these two things, nothing we’ll show you will work.

    Those two things are time and opportunity. You’ll have to first have the time to be able to put one of these escape methods into action and the opportunity to do so. Your captors are most likely not going to have the resources or the patience to keep an eye on you constantly and when they don’t, it’s time to make your move.

    Update: We’ve recently put together this comprehensive how to video guide on escaping illegal restraint. This is an update to many of the videos you’ll find below.

    How Zip Ties Work

    Heavy Duty Cable Ties - Escape from Zip Ties

    The best way to defeat any type of restraint is to first analyze how it works.

    Zip ties consist of a sturdy Nylon tape that contains small teeth running lengthwise down one side and a ratchet with small teeth housed in a small open case.

    The ratchet is molded to allow downward pressure to be placed upon it as the tape is threaded through the open case. The ratchet then springs back up to position as the valleys of the tape align with the teeth of the ratchet, locking the zip tie.

    At this point, further forward movement will continue to tighten the zip tie and backwards movement will lock it.
    The particular zip ties we’ve used in all our demonstrations are the most heavy-duty zip ties we could find at Lowes or Home Depot. The Zip Ties shown in the photo hold a 175 lb. rating.

    We chose these because realistically if someone was determined to go out and buy zip ties to use to illegally restrain someone, they’d more than likely hit the local hardware store and find the toughest ones they could.

    To defeat zip ties, you can either completely break the zip ties, shim them, use a friction saw or with a little forward thinking just be able to slip right out of them. For shimming and friction sawing, consider keeping tools like our ITS SPIE™ Kit on you to aid in these techniques.

    Breaking Zip Ties

    Shimming Zip Ties

    Friction Sawing Zip Ties

    Slipping Out of Zip Ties

    Breaking Dual Zip Ties

    Hand Positions and Remaining Passive

    Now that we’ve demonstrated four methods for defeating zip ties, let’s talk briefly on how you’ll be bound. It’s equally as important as the method you choose to escape.

    For an exercise and just so we’re all on the same page, put both of your hands straight out. Now touch your wrists together. This will be called “wrists together, horizontal.” This position is the easiest to escape from by slipping out.

    Next rotate your wrists so your right hand turns a quarter-turn clockwise, your left hand turns a quarter-turn counterclockwise and your wrists touch. This will be called “wrists together, vertical.” This position is not preferred, but as shown on the breaking videos, it is optimal to break zip ties.

    Now, from the “wrists together, vertical” position, rotate your hands so the backs of them touch together. This will be called “wrists together, inboard.” This is the hardest position out of the four, but you can still defeat zip ties by breaking them from this position.

    The final way you could present your hands, is by crossing them at the wrists, making an X. This will be called “wrists together, crossed.” This position is a bit harder than the others for slipping out of, but it’s still possible

    wrists together, horizontal
    wrists together, vertical
    wrists together, inboard
    wrists together, crossed

    The first thing you should always do in any restraint situation, is remain passive.

    Let your captor know that there’s no fight in you and that you’re scared and helpless. This will psychologically lead your captor to believe that you have no plans to try to escape and thus make what we’re about to tell you easier.

    You want to make every effort to present your hands to your captor before they use force to restrain you. Essentially you’re presenting the wrist position of your choosing to them, hoping they’ll use it.

    Tools to Escape Zip Ties

    Using the information we’ve provided to your advantage, you can put yourself in a better position to escape or determine which of the methods presented will work best in your circumstances. Additionally, we’ve created our ITS SPIE™ Kit to give you the tools necessary to defeat common methods of illegal restraint, including zip ties.

    We hope at the very least you watched the videos we’ve made, so you have the information stored somewhere in your mind, tucked away just in case you ever have to use it.

    Let us know your thoughts and any questions you might have; we hope you never need to utilize this skill.

  • edited June 2019 Posts: 6,072
    I can't help but notice that the methods used to escape zip ties are done with the hands on the front. But what about the hands tied in the back ? Wouldn't it make things more difficult for the captive ? And would the method used by Bond in John Gardner's License Renewed (putting toilet paper between the two wrists before being tied up) really work ?
  • On zipties: regarding the methods posted above and the Spectre scene.

    Well, the thing is, he doesn't use a method per se. He quite simply snaps them away. Just like that. No friction, no use of a trinket or gadget, no shimming, no slamming his wrists against his chest or whatever, etc.

    Just breaks them. And with incredible ease at that.

    Suspension of disbelief is, like in most movies (specially of this variety), part of the entertainment, if not the formula. For example, I'm okay with the pulp trope of the hero being able to slow down his heart rate (as in DAD).

    But with stuff like this, I find it too just be a bit too much.
  • Posts: 6,072
    Maybe SPECTRE went to the lowest bidder when ordering their zip ties, and didn't do quality control. It has happened before.
  • edited June 2019 Posts: 18
    Yup. Only explanation. Someone cutting corners over at Spectre by shopping at the 1 pound store.

    Not to mention the torture scene, and how the drill was supposed to have caused permanent brain damage. But just didn't. Because. Reasons.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited July 2019 Posts: 14,120

    Bond clearly uses the established method to break the zip tie. It's not complicated.
    Breaking the Ties.
    1. Tighten zip ties as much as you can with your teeth and try to make sure the locking mechanism is between your hands. The tighter the zip tie, the easier it is to break.
    2. Lift hands above head and bring them down quickly into your stomach. Your elbows should flare out like chicken wings, and you should simulate trying to touch your shoulder blades together. With that, the ties should break at their weakest point – the locking mechanism

    Is there some reason that shouldn't work for 007?

    1:50 or so


  • edited July 2019 Posts: 18
    "Bond clearly uses the established method to break the zip tie. It's not complicated.

    2. Lift hands above head and bring them down quickly into your stomach.Your elbows should flare out like chicken wings, and you should simulate trying to touch your shoulder blades together.

    Is there some reason that shouldn't work for 007?"

    I also watched the dailymail vid.

    The established method of raising your hands above your head, etc. is clearly not used by Bond.

    Also, when the man fastens the ziptie to the woman's wrists, he clearly doesn't do so that tightly, being visibly careful about it (if not gentle).

    Of course, it's an instructional video, he's not an evil henchman nor is she Bond.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    Close enough for government work.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,553
    "Bond clearly uses the established method to break the zip tie. It's not complicated.

    2. Lift hands above head and bring them down quickly into your stomach.Your elbows should flare out like chicken wings, and you should simulate trying to touch your shoulder blades together.

    Is there some reason that shouldn't work for 007?"

    I also watched the dailymail vid.

    The established method of raising your hands above your head, etc. is clearly not used by Bond.

    Also, when the man fastens the ziptie to the woman's wrists, he clearly doesn't do so that tightly, being visibly careful about it (if not gentle).

    Of course, it's an instructional video, he's not an evil henchman nor is she Bond.

    The method shown in the DailyMail film is meant for untrained people. You can clearly see Bond excellerating his arms. He is trained in thissort of thing, it would actually look amaturish if he'd have to heave his arms that high. He also clearly turns his hands the right way and fastens the tie. And again he doesn't need to do it as fast as others, he's strong enough.
  • [quote="BondishFanlike;c-1003968"
    The method shown in the DailyMail film is meant for untrained people. You can clearly see Bond excellerating his arms. He is trained in thissort of thing, it would actually look amaturish if he'd have to heave his arms that high. He also clearly turns his hands the right way and fastens the tie. And again he doesn't need to do it as fast as others, he's strong enough.

    I've watched a couple of vids where similar methods (where the ziptie is not simply broken away as if it was paper) as in the Dailymail film employed by fellows with military backgrounds. Anyone else willing to do it can find them as well.

    It wouldn't look amateurish if he lifted his arms that high, or something like that, it would look more realistic. Being humanly strong doesn't make him the Terminator.

    Many authorites use zipties as handcuffs replacements, so if it was that easy and simple as slightly twisting one's wrists and then just snap it away as if it was paper, they simply wouldn't be used in such way.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    What's key is that common folk don't have the knowledge or the ability (or the reason) to escape from zip ties. That's why they're effective.

    So I'm glad that's settled. Good thing it wasn't duct tape.


  • What's also key is that a ziptie does not paper make.

    Unless it's from Poundland.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited July 2019 Posts: 14,120
    Well I'm glad that's further settled.


    Animal-Friendly Idioms That Your Students
    Will Love

    The words that we use have the power to influence those around us. Unfortunately, many of us grew up hearing common phrases that perpetuate violence toward animals, such as “kill two birds with one stone,” “beat a dead horse,” and “bring home the bacon.” These old sayings are often passed down in classrooms during lessons on literary devices.

    While these phrases may seem harmless, they carry meaning and can send mixed signals to students about the relationship between humans and animals and can normalize abuse. Teaching students to use animal-friendly language can cultivate positive relationships between all beings and help end the epidemic of youth violence toward animals. Try using some of the following fun idioms in your lessons this year:

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited July 2019 Posts: 14,120
    Diamonds Are Forever, Ian Fleming, 1956.
    Chapter 21 - 'Nothing Propinks Like Propinquity
    "Pinkertons seem to have quite a machine," said Bond with admiration. "But I'll be glad when we're both out of here. I used to think your gangsters were just a bunch of Italian grease-balls who filled themselves up with pizza pie and beer all the week and on Saturdays knocked off a garage or a drug store so as to pay their way at the races. But they've certainly got plenty of violence on the payroll."

    Tiffany Case laughed derisively. "You ought to get your head examined," she said flatly. "If we make the Lizzie all in one piece, it'll be a miracle. That's how good they are. Thanks to Captain Hook here we've got a chance, but it's not more than that. Greaseballs!"
    Felix Leiter chuckled. "Come on, lovebirds," he said, looking at his watch. "We ought to get going. I've got to get back to Vegas tonight and start looking for the skeleton of our old dumb friend Shy Smile. And you've got your plane to catch. You can go on fighting at twenty thousand feet. Get a better perspective from there. May even decide to make up and be friends. You know how they say." He beckoned to the waiter. "Nothing pro-pinks like propinquity."
    Leiter drove them out to the airport and dropped them there. Bond felt a lump in his throat when the lanky figure limped off to his car after being warmly embraced by Tiffany Case.

    "You got yourself a good pal there," said the girl as they watched Leiter slam the door and heard the deep boom of the exhaust as he accelerated away on his long drive back into the desert.

    "Yes," said Bond. "Felix is all right."
    Who came up with “nothing propinks like propinquity”?

    The Online Etymology Dictionary entry for the verb to approach references propinquity (NED, psychology, AHD, wiktionary) which contains a reference to an aphorism:
    late 14c., "nearness in relation, kinship," later also "physical nearness" (early 15c.), from Old French propinquite (13c.) and directly from Latin propinquitatem (nominative propinquitas) "nearness, vicinity; relationship, affinity," from propinquus "near, neighboring," from prope "near" (enlarged from PIE *pro "before;" see pro-) + suffix -inquus.
    Nothing propinks like propinquity ( Ian Fleming, chapter heading, "Diamonds are Forever," 1956; phrase popularized 1960s by U.S. diplomat George Ball )

    [ Online Etymology Dictionary - n.b. added links ]
    He often used the aphorism (perhaps originally coined by Ian Fleming in Diamonds are Forever) "Nothing propinks like propinquity," later dubbed the Ball Rule of Power. It means that the more direct access you have to the president, the greater your power, no matter what your title actually is.

    [Wikipedia @ George Ball, note omitted]
    On Books the Diamonds are Forever can be found (such as here with the cover of The Diamonds Smugglers, which is Mr Fleming's non-fiction work from the research for the novel); in it, there is the aforementioned heading. When you scroll a few pages down, you have the following:
    [Felix]Leiter Chuckled. "Come on lovebirds," he said, looking at his watch. We ought to get going. I've got to get back to Vegas tonight and start looking at the skeleton of our dear dumb friend Shy Smile. And you've got your 'plane to catch. You can go one quarreling at twenty thousand feet. Get a better perspective from there. May even decide to make up and be friends. You know what they say" - he beckoned to the waiter - "nothing propinks like propinquity."
    Bond knew that he was very near to being in love with this girl.[...]

    [Ian Fleming, Diamonds are Forever, 26 March 1956/UK]

    I don't know the novels, but Felix making some sort of insinuation is not necessarily out of character from what I remember of the movies; I construe the reference as such. But for a U.S. diplomat of the (President) Eisenhower era to be using exactly that and then having the Ball Rule of Power being coined after it strikes me as somewhat odd. Or is it?

    Who came up with "nothing propinks like propinquity" (if not for Mr Fleming); is that "heading" from the novel really the basis for Mr Ball using it and for the Ball Rule of Power being coined?

    1 Answer
    It looks to me as though Ian Fleming is the first author to have used the expression, "Nothing propinks like propinquity." A Google Books search for propinks strikes out on anything older than 1956, as does a Library of Congress newspaper search for the word propinks across the period 1836–1922.

    The online attributions to P.G. Wodehouse seem based on a conversation in Right Ho, Jeeves in which Jeeves suggests propinquity as the word Bertie Wooster is trying to think of, and Bertie confirms that it is. (The conversation appears on the Association of Independent Librarians page that Hot Licks links to in a comment above.) None of the online attributions of the quotation "Nothing propinks like propinquity" either to Wodehouse or to Dorothy Parker that a Google Books search turns up identify a page in the author's work where the expression appears. This is a warning sign (though not a definitive proof in the negative) of false attribution.

    The only quotations involving propinquity that make their way into The Oxford Book of Quotations, third edition (1979) are from Shakespeare, King Lear:
    Here I disclaim all my paternal care,/Propinquity and property of blood,/And as a stranger to my heart and me/Hold thee from this for ever.
    and from Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Robert Elsmere (1888):
    'Propinquity does it'—as Mrs. Thornburgh is always reminding us.
    The quote from Robert Elsmere has much in common with "Nothing propinks..." as an idea, but I don't think that Ian Fleming owes her any royalties on the wording he devised.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited July 2019 Posts: 14,120

    In social psychology, propinquity (/prəˈpɪŋkwɪtiː/; from Latin propinquitas, "nearness") is one of the main factors leading to interpersonal attraction.

    It refers to the physical or psychological proximity between people. Propinquity can mean physical proximity, a kinship between people, or a similarity in nature between things ("like-attracts-like"). Two people living on the same floor of a building, for example, have a higher propinquity than those living on different floors, just as two people with similar political beliefs possess a higher propinquity than those whose beliefs strongly differ. Propinquity is also one of the factors, set out by Jeremy Bentham, used to measure the amount of (utilitarian) pleasure in a method known as felicific calculus.

    Propinquity effect

    The propinquity effect is the tendency for people to form friendships or romantic relationships with those whom they encounter often, forming a bond between subject and friend. Workplace interactions are frequent and this frequent interaction is often a key indicator as to why close relationships can readily form in this type of environment.[1] In other words, relationships tend to form between those who have a high propinquity. It was first theorized by psychologists Leon Festinger, Stanley Schachter, and Kurt Back in what came to be called the Westgate studies conducted at MIT (1950).[2] The typical Euler diagram used to represent the propinquity effect is shown below where U = universe, A = set A, B = set B, and S = similarity:
    Euler diagram used to represent the propinquity effect
    The sets are basically any relevant subject matter about a person, persons, or non-persons, depending on the context. Propinquity can be more than just physical distance. Residents of an apartment building living near a stairway, for example, tend to have more friends from other floors than those living further from the stairway.[2] The propinquity effect is usually explained by the mere exposure effect, which holds that the more exposure a stimulus gets, the more likeable it becomes.

    In a study on interpersonal attraction (Piercey and Piercey, 1972), 23 graduate psychology students, all from the same class, underwent 9 hours of sensitivity training in two groups. Students were given pre- and post-tests to rate their positive and negative attitudes toward each class member. Members of the same sensitivity training group rated each other higher in the post-test than they rated members of the other group in both the pre- and post-test, and members of their own group in the pre-test. The results indicated that the 9 hours of sensitivity training increased the exposure of students in the same group to each other, and thus they became more likeable to each other.[3]

    Propinquity is one of the effects used to study group dynamics. For example, there was a British study done on immigrant Irish women to observe how they interacted with their new environments (Ryan, 2007). This study showed that there were certain people with whom these women became friends much more easily than others, such as classmates, workplace colleagues, and neighbours as a result of shared interests, common situations, and constant interaction. For women who still felt out of place when they began life in a new place, giving birth to children allowed for different ties to be formed, ones with other mothers. Having slightly older children participating in activities such as school clubs and teams also allowed social networks to widen, giving the women a stronger support base, emotional or otherwise.[4]


    Various types of propinquity exist, varying from Industry/Occupational Propinquity, in which similar people working in the same field or job tend to be attracted to one another.[5] Residential Propinquity, in which people living in the same area or within neighborhoods of each other tend to come together.[6] Acquaintance Propinquity, a form of proximity in existence when friends tend to have a special bond of interpersonal attraction. Many studies have been performed in assessing various propinquities and their effect on marriage.

    Virtual propinquity

    The introduction of instant messaging and video conferencing has reduced the effects of propinquity. Online interactions have facilitated instant and close interactions with people despite a lack of material presence. This allows a notional "virtual propinquity" to work on virtual relationships where people are connected virtually.[7] However, research that came after the development of the internet and email has shown that physical distance is still a powerful predictor of contact, interaction, friendship, and influence.[8]

    In popular culture
    William Shakespeare's King Lear, Act 1 Scene 1 Page 5

    'Let it be so. Thy truth then be thy dower.
    For by the sacred radiance of the sun,
    The mysteries of Hecate and the night,
    By all the operation of the orbs
    From whom we do exist and cease to be—
    Here I disclaim all my paternal care,
    Propinquity, and property of blood,
    And as a stranger to my heart and me
    Hold thee from this for ever. The barbarous Scythian,
    Or he that makes his generation messes
    To gorge his appetite, shall to my bosom
    Be as well neighbored, pitied, and relieved
    As thou my sometime daughter.'
    "Love is a Science", a 1959 short story by humorist Max Shulman, features a girl named Zelda Gilroy assuring her science lab tablemate, Dobie Gillis, that he would eventually come to love her through the influence of propinquity, as their similar last names would put them in proximity throughout school. "Love is a Science" was adapted into a 1959 episode of the Shulman-created TV sitcom The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, featuring Dobie as its main character and Zelda as a semi-regular, and a 1988 made-for-TV movie based on the series, Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis, portrayed Dobie and Zelda as being married.
    "Propinquity (I've Just Begun To Care)" is a song by Mike Nesmith of The Monkees. It was first recorded by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on their album Uncle Charlie & His Dog Teddy.
    On page 478 of Jonathan Franzen's 2010 novel Freedom, Walter attributes his inability to stop having sex with Lalitha to their "daily propinquity".
    On page 150 in Michael Ondaatje's novel The English Patient, "He said later it was propinquity. Propinquity in the desert. It does that here, he said. He loved the word – the propinquity of water, the propinquity of two or three bodies in a car driving the Sand Sea for six hours."
    In Ian Fleming's 1957 James Bond novel Diamonds Are Forever, Felix Leiter tells Bond "Nothing propinks like propinquity."
    In William Faulkner's 1936 novel Absalom, Absalom!, Rosa, in explaining to Quentin why she agreed to marry Sutpen, states, "I don't plead propinquity: the fact that I, a woman young and at the age for marrying and in a time when most of the young men whom I would have known ordinarily were dead on lost battlefields, that I lived for two years under the same roof with him."
    In Ryan North's webcomic Dinosaur Comics, T-Rex discusses propinquity.[9]
    In the P. G. Wodehouse novel Right Ho, Jeeves, Bertie asks, "What do you call it when two people of opposite sexes are bunged together in close association in a secluded spot meeting each other every day and seeing a lot of each other?" to which Jeeves replies, "Is 'propinquity' the word you wish, sir?" Bertie: "It is. I stake everything on propinquity, Jeeves."
    In Ernest Thompson Seton's short story "Arnaux: the Chronicle of a Homing Pigeon," published in Animal Heroes (1905): "Pigeon marriages are arranged somewhat like those of mankind. Propinquity is the first thing: force the pair together for a time and let nature take its course."
    See also
    Human bonding
    Proxemics – Study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour
    Westermarck effect
    ^ Marvin, D. M., (1919). Occupational propinquity as a factor in marriage selection, University of Pennsylvania.
    ^ a b Festinger, L., Schachter, S., Back, K., (1950) "The Spatial Ecology of Group Formation", in L. Festinger, S. Schachter, & K. Back (eds.), Social Pressure in Informal Groups, 1950. Chapter 4.
    ^ Piercy, F. P., & Piercy, S. K. (1972). Interpersonal attraction as a function of propinquity in two sensitivity groups. Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior, 9(1), 27–30.
    ^ Ryan, Louise (2007). Migrant Women, Social Networks and Motherhood: The Experiences of Irish Nurses in Britain. Sociology. 41 (2): 295–312. doi:10.1177/0038038507074975.
    ^ Martin, Donald M. (1918). Occupational Propinquity as a Factor in Marriage Selection, Vol 16, No.123, pp. 131–150. American Statistical Association.
    ^ Bossard, James H.S.(1932). Residential Propinquity as a factor in Marriage Selection, Vol 38, No.2, pp. 219–224. American Journal of Sociology.
    ^ Perry, Martha W.(2006). Instant messaging: virtual propinquity for health promotion networking, 211–2
    ^ Latane, B., Liu, J. H., Nowak, A., Bonevento, M., & Zheng, L. (1995). Distance matters: Physical space and social impact. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 21(8), 795–805.
    ^ "Dinosaur Comics!".

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    @RichardTheBruce , that was an interesting read. Good spywork as usual.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,553
    So which one is the double taking pigeon

    indeed, good read! And yes, that's Felix staying in character for sure.
  • edited July 2019 Posts: 18
    Well I'm glad that's further settled.


    Although I didn't understand the meaning of those images you posted. Could you explain it to me, please?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    Dead horse. Beat.

    And in that spirit.

    King Lear, Act 1 Scene 1, William Shakespeare, 1606.
    See 4:48.

  • edited July 2019 Posts: 18
    Dead horse. Beat.
    And in that spirit.

    Awesome. Dan Brown's got nothing on you.

    Although, it wouldn't hurt you to more clearly express your feelings.

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way, as we don't know each other in any way whatsoever, and thus, as such, we have no valid reason to insult each other.

    Just saying.

    And all that.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    Okay. I'll try.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    There Was a Door
    There's a door right there! A glass door!
    "That's just like Clark. Perfectly
    serviceable door, and he makes a hole in
    the wall."

    Batman, Justice League Abridged

    Some people just don't feel the need to follow certain rules. Like, using a door to enter a room. Instead, they prefer to simply burst through a wall or window in a dramatic fashion, even if it makes no sense or it would have been easier to go the conventional way. This is especially common when someone shoots through a door despite the considerable time and ammo this would take in Real Life. Use of this trope may be an indicator that the buster is really a Small Name, Big Ego and/or not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Also sometimes an action of the Leeroy Jenkins, who screws up his or her allies' plans for a stealthy entrance by doing this. Another variant is simply kicking the door open and then someone pointing out that it wasn't locked.
    Also often happens in the form of a fake-out, where the audience is led to believe someone will enter through the door when the camera focuses on it, only to have them burst through the wall somewhere on either side instead.

    Frequently lampshaded by someone shouting out the trope name, especially the Deadpan Snarker or the disgruntled owner of the building. Also, keep in mind the old joke about the stupid burglar: he breaks two windows, one to get in and one to get out. The gag can run loose if the person goes through a different place every time, or does it just as the hole is being repaired, much to the frustration of the owner.

    Oftentimes this is committed because they forgot that We Have the Keys or they are simply Door Dumb. See also Impact Silhouette, Bullethole Door, Dungeon Bypass, Super Window Jump, Enter Stage Window, Car Meets House, Boarding Pod, The Exit Is That Way, and Dynamic Entry.

    Compare Barrier-Busting Blow, "Open!" Says Me. If the enemy manages to burst through a massive fortification, see Breaching the Wall. When going through the wall (rather than the door) is actually the easier solution, Myopic Architecture may be in play. Not to be confused with Right Through the Wall, which is about someone being entirely too loud about their... well... bedroom business.
    Casino Royale, Martin Campbell, 2006.


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    by Odd Job • August 6, 2007
    By floyd_dbmaxx007
    I think and I strongly remember that there are two
    things those producers keep reminding us even before
    the release of CR. Bond’s no Superman, and there will
    be no gadgets. Not Superman? But he could chase fast-
    running vehicles just by foot, he could wrestle with a
    nail stuck on his back, he could go through explosions
    and even crash through walls!
    Yes, Bond is not
    Superman, but that doesn’t he must look like
    The Exploder: Action Movie Recaps
    RECAP: Casino Royale
    By andy on May 28, 2018 in Bond
    Casino Royale (2006): Martin Campbel
    The bad guy runs through the building, still an active construction site, without goggles or a hard hat or anything. He could get hurt! He does his best gazelle impression over a table, drops down a level by bouncing off a wall, and swings through a hole in a wall seven feet off the ground. Bond, like a gorilla, bursts through that wall.
    A Ridiculously Obsessive Appreciation of 'Casino Royale'
    By Matt Patches Published On 11/18/2016 @misterpatches
    Sit back and study this masterclass in geometric, dramatic, constructive action filmmaking. Campbell understands our body's need for ups and downs like a SoulCycle instructor. He plays with height, perspective, and motion while never cutting completely loose -- even while learning from Bourne's lessons in reality, Casino Royale never compromises choreography with "shaky cam." A shot of pipes crashing from an unbuilt skyscraper into the dusty earth deserves as much composition as Craig's hero shots. Which he gets -- Bond goes full Hulk in this scene, bursting through a wall and not giving a damn.
    The opening Casino Royale chase scene is THE greatest pedestrial
    chase scene I've ever scene in a movie.
    Totally agree. It's the main reason that is one of my favorite films ever. I love Craig's Terminator persona during that scene, smashing through walls and what not. F****** awesome.

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    Real world example.

    More real world examples.
    Being Human
    Check out the one where Kool-Aid breaks through the refrigerator!

    More examples.
    Oh, yeah!

  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,553
    The more interesting question is: why was there a gap left at the top for some random terrorist to jump through? That bond saw this was a single plate chalk wall I find very believable, but that gap makes no sense.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,120
    Well, that transom-type opening is usually for a window over a door.
    But it can exist at the top of a wall for the same effect to share natural light or act as ventilation when open.
    The way the wall was framed maybe they simply ran out of drywall and hadn't patched it yet.
    Sure, it's all a setup for the Parkour underbar move. Still, it makes sense a freerunner would gravitate to that opening and flow through it like water.

  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,553
    Oh absolutely, and it does delay Bond somewhat as he's held back by the wall. I understand why he jumps like that, I was just wondering why such a gap would be there, but I guess your explenation does make sense. Without a window it looks sure as a dark corner.
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