The Award Winning : 'Bond...comments while you watch...'



  • Posts: 16,378
    Bond is being a douche when Anya tries to get them out of there.
    Now they have to walk miles and miles. Bond lost his shoulder holster somewhere.
    He should be wearing it. Damn, LAWRENCE OF ARABIA is going to be playing at my local cinema sometime soon. I should look into that. Great on the big screen.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Sunset. They spend the entire day walking in the desert. No food or drink, unless there was something for them on the boat.

    And Bond is out for the count.

    Now he has to walk miles again to M's office.
    By this point Bond wouldn't have eaten in two days unless he stopped somewhere on his way to the office. I doubt it. Duty comes first. I like to think he passed by a film crew truck on the way and Cubby offered him some pasta.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Ah, Valerie Leon! Ah Caroline Munro! I may pop in some Hammer horror tonight actually. Several have gotten Blu-ray re-releases this year.
  • Posts: 16,378
    I love the Lotus chase.
    Here we go........................the legendary ROGER NOD!!!!!

    I'm almost tempted to place this as my #1 favorite Bond car as I feel the Aston Martin is now vastly overused.
  • Posts: 16,378
    "The Tanker". I love Hamlisch's score here.
    In addition, the Supertanker set is my favorite Ken Adam set. Even more so than the volcano and Fort Knox.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Kim Fortune steps up to the plate......takes responsibility like an adult and true soldier................and is shot down horrifically.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Bond removes the detonator. I love this scene. Shane Rimmer is so good here.
    Everyone is on needles and pins.

    The impulse conductor circuit.

    Time for the Bond theme. I'm going to crank moment.....................okay................I love Bond's facial expression when he gets stuck.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Bond has to use the manual to re-program the missiles. The audience laughed at that shot when I saw this in the cinema about 20 years ago.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Nearing the end here and I feel like I just popped in this Blu-ray five minutes ago. The pacing on this one is excellent, IMO. I'm completely enthralled.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Watching TND and Paris Carver is a 90’s Kara but at least she dies
  • Posts: 16,378
    Here we go........................................


    It is indeed George Lazenby's birthday today and time for my annual Lazenby birthday viewing of this iconic film.

    Great gunbarrel in every aspect, IMO.
    Lazenby is the man,

    I love the Bond theme arrangement as he drives in Portugal. The Lazenby Aston Martin. Love it.

    There's Diana. One of my all time favorite Bond girls.

    George is in tip top shape.
    This is a top 10 PTS for me. Maybe even top 5.
    I love every frame.

    Terence Mountain is the man.

    Get in!
    Lie down!
  • Posts: 16,378

    The first time I saw this one was on the ABC SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE. Summer time, actually September 1st. I had bought Raymond Benson's JAMES BOND BEDSIDE COMPANION a few weeks earlier and had been reading up on this film. I even wrote a letter to my local ABC affiliate station to inquire when they's be showing more Bonds. Back then you actually got an answer in the mail. It told me OHMSS was next up to be aired. Yay! This was the one Bond film I was dying to see more than any other.

    I remember my folks doing some shopping the afternoon of the day it aired. It was pretty hot that day. School was suppose to start the middle of the week, and lo and behold we had a teacher's strike! Yay!! That strike lasted an entire month, which we would make up the next summer. We popped into our local Shell Gas Station to get some snacks and I told the clerk OHMSS was going to on that night. he had seen it before and thought Lazenby was a good Bond. He spoiled the title sequence for me by telling me scene from the previous films were incorporated. That only made me more excited to watch this entry.

  • Posts: 16,378
    M genuinely looks disdainful of Bond as he dismissing him. Bond looks pi$$ed as well.

    Bond is packing his junk. Looks like he put a new band on Grant's watch. I don't remember it being a tan leather.

    The Draco birthday party sequence. I love this section.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Madame always makes one feel so welcome.

    Louis Armstrong. Great song.

    This next bit is one of my favorite scenes in the entire franchise.
    Bond sneaking into Gumbold's office.

    Years ago I was watching this one with a friend and he was convinced the actor playing Shaun Campbell was William Katt of THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO.
    Aside from the blond hair I see no resemblance whatsoever.
    I love the tension building up here as Gumbold returns from his tasty lunch.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Piz Gloria.
    The blu-ray does look quite stunning.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Bond in disguise as Sir Hillary.

    To hell with 2020 and the times...........we need more scenes where Bond is surrounded by a bevy of beauties.

    Jenny Hanley, Anouska Hempel, Julie Ege, Joanna Lumley...............all Hammer Horror beauties.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Bond goes to meet The Count. This is one of my favorite Barry cues in the series.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Barely commenting as I'm again enthralled by the story. I never tire of this film, or any of the '60's Bonds for that matter.

    This is such a masterpiece there's no wonder Eon tries to emulate it with other films. I personally find it a mistake to attempt to make an OHMSS for the Craig era.
    SP pales by comparison. So will NTTD if they are in fact trying to make Madeleine out to be the new Tracy. This movie just cannot be touched.

    I think FYEO is the only film to successfully capture some of this film's essence in tone and look. Yet it was done subtly.

    Tracy just kicked a$$. Great fight scene. I love hearing the DR NO Bond theme one last time here.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Birdleson wrote: »
    It's been awhile since we've set up a simultaneous group watch.

    I could probably do one this Sunday night. I work the other nights this weekend.
  • Posts: 16,378
    I'm in an '80's era Roger mood.

    Besides, Roger needs to catch up with Sean on the Bond Meter Thread.


    Bond dines with Magda and makes some wonderful facial expressions.

    Bond in bed with Magda. Again he has some wonderful facial expressions.

    Bond dines with Kamal and Magda. Is this and AVTAK the only 2 times we see Bond consume eggs on screen?

    I remember the "eeeewwww" in the cinema as Kamal munches on the eyeball. It was funny.

    I loved this sneaky Bond bit in the cinema.

    The safari hunt. Kamal has a cool safari outfit. I like the hat.

    Let the sport commence!!!!!!
  • Posts: 16,378
    Apparently, according to some of the Bond podcast sites, Octopussy's real name was Octavia Charlotte Smythe. I wonder where that information came from? Early draft of the script perhaps?
  • Posts: 16,378
    I love the fight at Octopussy's palace.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Last time I tried commenting, life got in the way and I had to go and do something. Just like Dirty Harry. Every time he sits down for lunch he has to stop some sort of robbery.

    Had this dream last night that Pierce was coming back.

    Also had a separate dream about Valerie Leon.........

    that's another story............
    anyway I'm not feeling like NSNA, so we'll be inspired by Pierce and go with..........


    Great PTS.

    I love Pierce's leather coat.

    Filthy habit.

    Great Arnold score.

    Pierce's hair looks real good here.

    Back seat driver.

    Ever since GE the font used on the poster artwork is the same for the title sequence.
    That means we should get that flashy old school font during the NTTD title sequence.

    Sheryl Crow was huge in the '90's. Good choice for the song, IMO. However, I still like SURRENDER more.

    Here we go, FYEO over again. This opening reminds me of the St George's sinkage.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Stamper is kind of an underrated henchman, IMO. He's pretty cool, really.

    I think Allan Cameron's sets are quite good for this film. As good as Gassner's work on the Craig's. Yet Cameron is hardly ever discussed. I get the impression many assume Lamont did this one. He was busy sinking the Titanic thus killing off Leo. A scene for which I loudly cheered while the teenage girls in the audience wept.

    That's '90's Leo curtain hair was certainly huge back then. Had Hugh Grant played Bond, I imagine we'd have gotten an 007 with '90's curtain styled hair.

    Thank goodness for Pierce and his sense of style.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Mickey' G's cameo is iconic and legendary.

    He's my hero.

    Elliot Carver is my favorite Pierce era villain.

    Cecilie Thomsen is my favorite Pierce era Bond girl.

    At least in this film.

    The Aston Martin make's it brief appearance and it's out the door.

  • Posts: 16,378
    Colin Salmon is great here. Great M performance by Judi. I love this briefing scene .
    Pierce had great rapport with Samantha's Moneypenny.

    My favorite Q scene in the Pierce era. I love this bit.
    Seeing Desmond is like seeing a grandfather or beloved relative you only see on the holidays. Make you want to give him a big hug.
    I like the bright red blazer.

    Damn I like Pierce's overcoat.

    Controversial opinion: Pierce's wardrobe wipes the floor with Craig's.
    He had much better clothes, IMO Timeless, though some of the patterned ties might be a bit dated. Either way Pierce looks damn good as Bond.

    He also has a great "Bond, James Bond" delivery here.

    He's the man.

    Paris slaps Bond and he keeps his cool.

    Teri was great on MACGYVER. I should pop in one of those episodes she's in.

    Bond gives Carver sh*t.

    Bond gets pounded by men old enough to be Sir Roger's great grandfather.

    It's a generational thing. Guys from the WW1 and WW2 generations were much tougher.
    Fleming's Bond is of the WW2 generation and could beat anybody today.

  • Posts: 16,378
    Fight scene at the newspaper press factory. I really like this fight.

    Pierce on the phone talking to Carver. You can see Pierce's stitches here from his injury.
    That scar remains for the duration of his Bond career and is a permanent feature on his face.

    Dr Kaufman.
    I remember VHS tapes!

  • Posts: 19,339
    I like Stamper as well,i must admit,and Carver.

    The way Bond pushes over the satellite is on of my favourite moments.
    BTW you probably know this,but the conversation in the car with M,Robinson and Moneypenny actually went on a lot longer originally and was much much better,shame they cut it right down.

  • Posts: 16,378
    barryt007 wrote: »
    I like Stamper as well,i must admit,and Carver.

    The way Bond pushes over the satellite is on of my favourite moments.
    BTW you probably know this,but the conversation in the car with M,Robinson and Moneypenny actually went on a lot longer originally and was much much better,shame they cut it right down.

    I remember that scene. Pierce is trying to sip his beverage and it keep it from spilling.

    Right now I'm on the scene which made me rank this film low all these years. The Stamper fight.

    I think the dialogue is unnecessary for the most part, but this is much better now.
    Certainly entertaining and Arnold's score elevates everything.

    There is an overall sense of fun with this film. Most of my friends preferred this one to GOLDENEYE at the time.

    I wonder how different the title sequence would gave been had SURRENDER been the main song?

    I love this tune and it's my favorite post Barry era Bond song.

    So another TND viewing ends. I think of the Pierce era as being my coming of age period. A lot of fond memories of my very early adulthood resurface when I watch these entries.
  • Posts: 19,339
    They are all very watchable to me,the films I watch the most.

    I also like the way Bond shoots the guard on the stealth boat who was above him,approaching on the beam,and also when he sets off the grenade trap - classic Bond.
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