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Good guess and welcome!
(also, please number your clues as per normal - thanks!)
1.He’s not very faithful, is he?
2.This time, this guy did know!
3.Who’s boss here anyway?
4.Not everyone is dressed for the occasion
5. I take the plunge, but it wasn’t my idea!
6.I’m in, he’s out!
7.I'm one of plenty
8. I'm certainly no peaceful fountains of desire
9. I’ve got nothing to say
10. That guy and his big plans!
11. I’m so happy this film isn’t Thunderball….
12. Bond is nowhere to be seen
13. A similar setting was seen in an earlier film
14. I do follow the birds' advice
15. What kind of credits is that?
16. I have very limited screentime
17. It’s not the legs the so-called boss is interested in
Good luck!
Incorrect guesses:
Chang or char
Dr. Metz
Hai Fat
Helga Brandt
Gen. Akakievich
Kovacs (NSNA)
Le Chiffre
Mr. Wint
Nick nack
Nigel small-Fawcett
Patricia fearing
Stephen Obanno
Wave Crest Guard
White Shark (any)
Still thinking about it.
Nope, nothing yet. Nr. 7 is for you @Max_The_Parrot 😉 maybe I'm giving too much away but I can't resist.
I feel honoured, I shall treasure this moment for years to come, thank you! ☺😇 Unfortunately it doesn’t help me solve it, I feel like there’s plenty (see what I did?) there to solve it but lockdown fever is draining all my (what little I had) cognitive and creative powers at the moment. The nearest I can come to an educated guess is Bond’s bath-girl/masseuse in YOLT?
Or even the piranhas?
Three more clues have been added.
1.He’s not very faithful, is he? Sanchez betrays Krest in this room.
2.This time, this guy did know!
3.Who’s boss here anyway? Maybe he thought it was Krest, but it's clearly Sanchez.
4.Not everyone is dressed for the occasion I feel like Bond is wearing a suit/tux under the scuba gear when he infiltrates?
5. I take the plunge, but it wasn’t my idea! Is pulled underwater by Bond.
6.I’m in, he’s out! Bond gets out of the water as he pulls this guy in.
7.I'm one of plenty Henchmen everywhere.
8. I'm certainly no peaceful fountains of desire Not a sexy masseuse, not at all!
9. I’ve got nothing to say No lines
10. That guy and his big plans! Krest and/or Sanchez
11. I’m so happy this film isn’t Thunderball…. If this was Thunderball, it's likely the nukes would be kept here.