My new book, "The Real James Bond"

TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
Schiffer Publishing is releasing the book next February. You can read more about it here.

Jim W


  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Avian Intrigue. That is a great cover as you said. And a great charity.

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Welcome aboard, @TheRealJimWright!

    I'll certainly be investing in a copy of this book when it comes out. It sounds very interesting.
  • RoadphillRoadphill United Kingdom
    Posts: 984
    Sounds interesting.
    The 'Avian intrigue' has me, well...intrigued!
  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    Thank you. I can't wait for the book to arrive.
  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12

    As a tip of the hat, Pierce Brosnan's 007 posed as an ornithologist (just like the real James Bond) in "Die Another Day."

    In a scene set in Havana, he even carried a copy of the real Bond's "Birds of the West Indies."
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    A nice surprise, my copy arrived tonight ahead of its 28 March publish date.

    Interesting to note how things have changed since I ordered it earlier this year, and that it's printed by Schiffer... in China.

    Anyway I've been doing some related reading. Looking forward to getting to this one probably next weekend.


  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    I hope you enjoy the book!

    Where are you located?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Not far from you, @TheRealJimWright, northern Virginia just outside DC.
  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    Thanks. I hope to do a talk there when things get back to normal someday.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Just bought a copy of this book tonight.
  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Welcome aboard, @TheRealJimWright!

    I'll certainly be investing in a copy of this book when it comes out. It sounds very interesting.

    Would love to hear what you think. You can check out my blog for more Fleming-related posts.

  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Welcome aboard, @TheRealJimWright!

    I'll certainly be investing in a copy of this book when it comes out. It sounds very interesting.

    Would love to hear what you think. You can check out my blog for more Fleming-related posts.

    I see today from Amazon that it's just been dispatched. I'll let you know what I think when I read it. Thank you for the link. I'm also following you on Twitter.
  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    Thank you. This is great news. Having trouble with distribution in these challenging times, so I am glad you were able to get a copy, Dragonpol
  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    Just wanted folks to know that "The Real James Bond" is now out as a eBook, in hopes of easing the shipping challenges during the Covid-19 challenges.
    Also includes a link to The Wall Street Journal review. Thanks.
  • Posts: 2,946
    Artistic Licence Renewed has also published a recent interview with Mr. Wright: Goldfincher: ‘The Real James Bond’
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,488
    Thank you. This is great news. Having trouble with distribution in these challenging times, so I am glad you were able to get a copy, Dragonpol

    Thank you, @TheRealJimWright. My copy arrived the other day. It looks very good!
  • Red_SnowRed_Snow Australia
    Posts: 2,556
    Interview with @TheRealJimWright on James Bond Aus: [Link]
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    Got some time and got focused and enjoyed it very much.

    I was aware of a lot of the material, nice to see my interests in nature, espionage, and fiction collected together this way. And of course with detail new to me. All very satisfying and interesting.

    Highlights for me.
    • Use of the term peregrination. This really set the stage for my enjoyment.
    • p. 56, Overview of the all the editions of Birds of the West Indies, Bond or otherwise. (I have the 1961 Bond edition, plus the Taryn Simon volumes.) Really nice to see them with the detail shared.
    • p. 76, Bond's own martini recipe. Makes sense to me.
    • p. 77, Agatha Christie's "A Caribbean Mystery" with Charlie Higson (as Jasmes Bond) mentioned. I only learned of this myself in the past few weeks.
    • p. 85, Background to the Fleming family motto "Let the Deed Shaw", with credit to Sir Robert Fleming speaking those words to Robert the Bruce himself.
    • p. 87, Description of Richard Meinertzhagen a spy, bird expert, and ultimately exaggerator, hoax-ster. Prompted by discussion on these message trails, I have a copy of his Pirates and Predators: The Piratical and Predatory Habits of Birds [by Colonel R. Meinertzhagen C.B.E., D.S.O.]. Scandalous.
    • p. 92, The tale of Wideawake Airfield (Ascension Island) in the South Atlantic.
    • Lastly, the roll-up of the involved locales with detail is a nice finish to a good read. And something to return to where travel aligns.

    Beyond that there was quick mention of a couple Australia-specific items. I searched out an image to match the text description, I see it's on your blog. Worth seeing.

    (mentioned p. 77, Cumberland Bird Observers Club, Australia, 2001 flyer)

    Overall: substantive, fun, relevant. VERY well illustrated.

    And it looks great on the shelf as well alongside Mrs. Bond's book. Thanks, @TheRealJimWright.


  • TheRealJimWrightTheRealJimWright New Jersey
    Posts: 12
    Sorry to take so long to reply.

    So glad you enjoyed the book. I think I was on the same wavelength as you when I wrote the book. Hoping that 007 25 comes out no later than next April.
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