Osama bin Laden is Dead

KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
edited May 2011 in General Discussion Posts: 2,629
CNN has just confirmed. President Obama will be announcing shortly.


  • Posts: 128
    Reports saying he was killed in a mansion near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. Some hard questions will have to be asked of the Paksitani govt, military and the ISI if it turns out Bin Laden had been there for some time.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    Good Riddance, you Muslim Murderer! I bet there are no 72 Virgins where you are going: HELL!!
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a chill of pride when the people outside of the White House were singing the National Anthem and God Bless America.
  • Posts: 9,915
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Say what you will about President Obama, but he delivered a great speech. Direct and to the point and reminded us all as to why Bin Laden's death is important.
  • Posts: 117
    Brilliant news! Well done cousins
  • brinkeguthriebrinkeguthrie Piz Gloria
    Posts: 1,400
    Navy Seals did the job. Rock on, the TRUE face of evil (as opposed to say, Blofeld) is history.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    unfortunately, Obama will take credit for this and use it to get re-elected

  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    Excellent news, true justice has been granted. Thanks to all those men and women who serve this great country.
    Quoting Kerim: Say what you will about President Obama, but he delivered a great speech. Direct and to the point and reminded us all as to why Bin Laden's death is important.

    Quite right Kerim, Barack is a very good public speaker.
  • I quite agree, that was one of the best Presidential speeches I've heard in some time.

    Although I have this to say about Bin Laden's death:

    During WW2, the Allies floated a dead German in English fatigues down a river for the Axis powers to find. The false documents on his body made sure a large portion of German forces were on the wrong side of the country on D-Day. If I recall correctly, I believe it was our own dear Ian Fleming's idea! But the point is...Let's celebrate after a little bit of solidarity. I want to see a body, photos, DNA tests or something to prove to us that he's really dead. I'm not sure about Europe, but in the face of American media, he's died before, you know.
  • Posts: 1,856
    Well Done Boys u Got 'em
  • Posts: 2,599
    Hooray! Good work chaps. Time Square and outside the Whitehouse is buzzing in celebration. "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ,nah ,nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye!

    Caution must still be exercised however. There could be retaliation from his supporters.
  • Posts: 406
    Woke up to the great news this morning, well done yanks!
  • Good news and I guess it means that the world is the tiniest bit better and people throughout the world, especially the US will rejoice. Good job by all concerned.

    I guess there is the worry however that there will be someone to take over from him not making the world any safer.
  • Posts: 303
    One man who truly got what he deserved.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited May 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Quoting johnstrangways: I guess there is the worry however that there will be someone to take over from him not making the world any safer.
    OBL wasn't in charge of Al-Qaeda for years. The entire 'organization' has been cut into a multitude of small cells across the world, since 9/11. So there are litteraly hundreds of leaders of all these small terrorist cells as we speak.

    It is no mystery that terrorist attacks are expected in the coming days and weeks.
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 7
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    @MiniBond You should link to that picture. No MGM copyrighted images, remember !! ;-)
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting j7wild: unfortunately, Obama will take credit for this and use it to get re-elected

    to President Barack Obama for taking care of business.
    Evidently I'm hoping there will be no severe repercussions.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Assuming the details are true this is obviously great news for all those who were affected by September 11th. Obama's popularity will surely rise now as he succeeded where Bush failed.

    However we need to remember that this is NOT the end.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting BAIN123: However we need to remember that this is NOT the end.
    Yes, sadly I do think that there will be attacks caused by this, let's hope none succeed.
  • Posts: 2,782
    Quoting j7wild:

    Good Riddance, you Muslim Murderer! I bet there are no 72 Virgins where you are going: HELL!!

    Glad the terrorist and mass murderer has been dealt with. Easy with the Islamic reference. The majority of the world's Muslims will tell you that he was not considered or even highly regarded as a Muslim at all. He killed Muslims as well. I see him as terrorist and a mass murderer, I don't consider him a Muslim at all as he killed women and children and if you are true Muslim you don't do this; he was a CIA trained coward and terrorist.

    I reckon they all knew where he was; the bogey man was not needed anymore when the Middle-East is self imploding, the West has now a more legitimate excuse to 'intervene' and take charge of the natural resource that we all need.

  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited May 2011 Posts: 14,080
    It turns out he was wearing a mask, the face underneath resembled Sean Connery but with a tache. How strange.
  • Posts: 11,216
    According to Twitter another jb has had a surge in popularity ;)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Wow, you know, I never thought it was happen so well done to all involved. I just hope things don't get worse from here.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    When Osama bin Laden died, he was met at the Pearly Gates by George Washington, who slapped him across the face and yelled, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!"

    Patrick Henry approached, punched him in the nose and shouted, "You wanted to end our liberties but you failed."

    James Madison followed, kicked him in the groin and said, "This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!"

    Thomas Jefferson was next, he beat Osama with a long cane and snarled, "It was evil men like you who inspired me to write the Declaration of Independence."

    The beatings and thrashings continued as George Mason, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans unleashed their anger on the terrorist leader.

    As Osama lay bleeding and in pain, an Angel appeared. Bin Laden wept and said, "This is not what an angel promised me."

    The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in Heaven. What did you think I said?"
  • Posts: 2,782
    The total count of people, who died on 9/11 were 2,976. Out of the fatal victims 236 were foreigners, which makes the total number of Americans who died to 2,740. In a series of orchestrated suicide attacks committed by the Al-Qaeeda, on the morning of September 11, 2001, the victims were mainly civilians.

    On the fateful day, 19 terrorists hijacked 4 commercial passenger jet airlines. Each team of hijackers had a qualified pilot. The hijackers then crashed two of the airliners into the WTC in New York City. One plane (United Airlines Flight 175) hit one tower and the other (American Airlines Flight 11) crashed into the tower two. The third airliner (American Airlines Flight 77) smashed into Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. The fourth plane (United Airlines Flight 93) in which the flight crew and passengers wrestled with the terrorists to take control of the plane, crashed into a field in the proximity of Shanksville town in Pennsylvania.

    All of the 246 people on the planes died. 2605 of the people who died were either in the towers or on the ground. 125 people who died were from Pentagon. Among the fatalities were 343 New York City Fire Department firefighters, 23 New York City Police Department officers, and 37 Port Authority Police Department officers. An additional 24 people still reportedly remain listed as missing. Only about 18 of the people managed to escape in time from the South Tower (2 WTC) before it crashed down.

    It makes for awful reading, a terrible day for all humanity. I don't think you should joke about it.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,525
    Well done and my congrats to our American friends. This is a retribution and revenge at the same time, for bringing terror to our hearts. Too bad he couldn't have been made to suffer more but there you are, a symbol of terror is dead.

    I suppose Obama is sure to serve twice... ;;)
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    Great news indeed. I didn't see that coming. Well done to anyone involved in this.
    Quoting BAIN123: According to Twitter another jb has had a surge in popularity
    Well, yes. Apparently it only took one call... B-) :p
  • PrinceKamalKhanPrinceKamalKhan Monsoon Palace, Udaipur
    Posts: 3,262
    Thank you, US Navy Seals.
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