How old are you? At what age did you first encounter Bond?



  • Posts: 1,497
    Age: 31

    I discovered Bond my Freshman year of college, so I was 18. It was the fall of 1999. None of the Brosnan films that were coming out in the past few years interested me though. The idea of a guy in a tux saving the world seemed bogus to me at the time. The Mission Impossible series seemed more believable. Then I started to watch the Connery films. The first one I saw was Diamonds are Forever. It was a fun adventure. I realized how much style, charm, and humor was a part of the movies. Then I saw Dr. No followed by From Russia with Love, and from then on I was hooked and proceeded to watch the entire series.

    Of course the Goldeneye game for N64 was really popular at the time, and Austin Powers was really big, so Bond was really in the zeitgeist.
  • Posts: 6,079
    I'm 52, and I saw my first Bond at the tender age of 15, in the french movie theater in West Berlin (l'Aiglon, it was called. The name of the theater was chosen probably because it was on the outside of the Quartier Napoléon, the french barracks in Berlin).
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    I'm 15 and my first Bond movie? Dr. No, when I was 4. Never regretted it ever since.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,394
    I'm 49. My first Bond, in the theater, was Live and Let Die. I was 10 and a fan ever since.
  • 43 (almost the same age as Daniel Craig), and first Bond films were when I was 11. Saw the double feature of GF and DAF on TV one Sunday afternoon and I was hooked. All the boys at my school ran up to each other on the playground the next day yelling "OHMYGODDIDYOUSEETHOSEMOVIESYESTERDAY!!!". Many Bond fans were made that day...

    About a year later they started showing the old Bond films on TV surprisingly regularly and I was able to catch them all within a year. I loved the first seven but thought that Moore was an embarrassment to the name James Bond - who was this clown that was pretending to be Bond? And I couldn't stand his films - even at that young I found them silly and lowbrow. Because of that the first Bond film I was supposed to see in a theatre was NSNA; when we couldn't get in my friend pressured me to see OP. We saw NSNA the next weekend (and saw it again a couple of weeks later) and then TLD started the trend of seeing all the Bond films in the theatre on opening weekend.
  • Posts: 278
    actonsteve wrote:
    We all miss the 90s @Murdock. :D

    Considering the world is melting down at the moment the nineties were a golden age I suppose.

    I didnt realise how very young some of the posters are. I suppose I should cut them some slack for that.

    This will make you feel very young.

    The summer of 1977. The world was in recession, the Queens silver jubilee was on and punk was blaring out of the radio (when it wasn't banned)

    I was taken to see Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger at the Southend Odeon and because I was a good boy (I wasn't always) they took me to see The Spy Who Loved Me for my 8th birthday. Seeing the ski jump and tanker battle on the big screen blew me away.

    I started reading the books and seeing them on double bill soon after.

    Wow, amazing how similar to my own experience. Same time, same circumstances, proper picture houses.
    I was 10 (safe to go out on your own in those days so this meant lots of Saturday morning ABC club and double bills (I remember Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger/Spiderman amongst numerous summer visits ) at the local ABC in the aftrenoon.

    Then along came something strange. One film with a villain called Jaws that wasn't part 2 of the shark and you had to queue around the block to see it. Within 10 minutes I was hooked as the parachute opened and the rest they say is history.

    Those days we had the main releases in the 'pictures' all summer and then numerous double bill releases so you could catch up with previous encounters to fill in the gaps between film years.

    Those were the days.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited June 2012 Posts: 1,347
    27 yrs old here, and a Bond fan since my 12. :)

    Not sure why, but I thought you were younger Marketto!

    I'm 24 this September, first Bond I saw was TWINE in the cinema in 1999. Became a fan in 2000 when TV showed all films DN -> GE.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    I'm 24 this September, first Bond I saw was TWINE in the cinema in 1999. Became a fan in 2000 when TV showed all films DN -> GE.

    Snap, me too! TWINE, to this day, still holds a special place in my heart. Now the first TV Bond film, was probably Goldfinger, when I was 5 or 6ish, I guess. Either that or For Your Eyes Only; I have vivid memories about the PTS.

  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I'm 23 and my first Bond was probably the N64 GoldenEye game when I was a kid. My first Bond movie was Goldfinger, on TV, during the Rocky vs James Bond Marathon when I was 15.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I'm 30.

    My first Bond adventure was DN, which I saw on TV when I was about 7 or 8 - can't say for sure.
  • Posts: 498
    I'm 26. I can't remember exactly when my first Bond experience was, but I DO remember being in elementary school and watching parts of For Your Eyes Only. I remember thinking that the ending was one of the most scandalous things I'd ever seen. :\">
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 5
    I remember I watched my first Bond with my Dad. I must've been about 8 or 9...It was Timothy Dalton in TLD. I remember being so impressed by the Cello ride...
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    I'm 26.

    I was 10 (I turning 11 later that year) when I watched YOLT on VHS back in 1996. Though I was aware of the James Bond jr cartoon of 1991, it was YOLT that made me a Bond fan.
  • jackdagger wrote:
    I remember thinking that the ending was one of the most scandalous things I'd ever seen. :\">

    Maybe it's because I'm so tired but the phrasing of this sentence made me fall in love a little bit...

    It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes about Fleming; that he wrote about sex and "love scenes" with "a gentleman's restraint". It's funny how that type of language can be so evocative, so much more than blunt or obvious language...

  • 17 years old..
    First encountered Bond at the age of 10.
    My first Bond-film in the theatre was Casino Royale when I was 12 :)
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 4,813
    29 over here- first experience was in 1997 with the summer of GoldenEye on the N64.... matter of fact, I'll just cut from what I wrote in the old thread. Still holds up ;)
    I'm ashamed to admit this- since I'm old enough to have been a Bond fan for much longer... but I was first introduced to James Bond with the GoldenEye video game for the N64. I had heard of Bond, sure, but I had MANY misconceptions as to who he was. If you were to ask my younger self who OO7 was I probably would have said something along the lines of, 'Oh, James Bond- he's that stupid spy that flies around in a jetpack with a tuxedo on, with a gun in one hand and a martini in the other, right?' LOL

    I saw AUSTIN POWERS before I ever saw a Bond film.... terrible, I know!

    But get this-- before I played the GoldenEye game, and subsequently saw all the older films, I knew Sean Connery ONLY as Indiana Jones' dad!! [-X I had seen pictures before, but never knew who the actor was. Needless to say, I've seen all the films and read most of the books since then and am an enormous fan now!!

    Feeling a bit nostalgic now that I think back-- aside from Blockbuster Video, my biggest success in seeing all the older movies was during Christmastime, when they would all be on TV. Anyone else remember that?
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    I'm 22.

    First encounter with Bond was when I was 6 or 7 and watching Bond films on TV with my dad and/or grandfather. I still remember asking them "who's Bond in this one?" and calling Dr. No "that scary man with metal hands".

    Then when I was 9 I saw my first grown-up movie at the cinema, The World Is Not Enough.

    Believe it or not, I became a full-time Bond fan after watching Die Another Day at the cinema, age 12.
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    edited June 2012 Posts: 1,699
    This has, indeed, surely been done before, but as its proving a popular thread, why not?

    32 years young here and first encountered Bond at five or six years-old, I'd say, when my dad let my brother and I watch the Aston Martin chase from GF and the boat chase from The 'Die on his Betamax recordings off the telly. We both were, unsurprisingly, blown away by what we saw.

    I must have been seven or eight when I first watched a whole Bond flick, though, and it was probably DN or MR when both were shown at some point on old-school Saturday night ITV. My Bond fandom genuinely began a year or two later in autumn '89, mind, thanks to me buying this very book. Happy days, indeed...! :)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited June 2012 Posts: 13,369
    There's no harm in having a seventh thread open about the same thing, I suppose, especially when we've done it so many times already. ;)
  • Posts: 4,813
    Samuel instead of posting links, share your story damnit!!! ~X( ;)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I already have - in more than one of the many others threads, I'm certain.
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 1,497
    Samuel001 wrote:
    There's no harm in having a seventh thread open about the same thing, I suppose, especially when we've done it so many times already. ;)

    I agree with what @Samuel001 is inferring. I'm starting to feel this has to do with an inherent problem with the layout of the site. First of all, I do love this place and it is user friendly, so I don't want to sound critical of a free space that I get to talk about a subject I love...

    BUT...there is a problem with an redundancy of discussions. Countless threads just get lost in the shuffle, and then countless REPEAT threads get posted. Then there are the random threads, such as "What do you think about this, or what do you think about that?"--whole threads devoted to one issue, when those could have easily been asked in the questions threads. There is little sense of continuity, because ongoing threads, as I say are lost in the shuffle. I've brought this up before, in that there could be a better layout with the organization of topics and sub-topics. We've added I don't know what the solution is, and honestly it's a minor gripe. But it would be nicer, if we could have a better way to ARCHIVE the discussions, so that they are easy to find. As we all know, the "search" function is serviceable at best...Maybe discussions could be screened by the MODS first before they are published?, so that we don't have so many redundant threads... But all that being said, I love all you guys, and it's great fun. Intelligent discussion with a supportive staff. Just an issue that's been bugging me a bit... 8-X
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    I was 14 when I saw my first Bond film, Moonraker.

    I'll let you all do the math.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,106
    I'm currently 21, and I suppose I was 9 or 10 years old when my Mom came home from shopping one day with GE on VHS. I swear, I watched the entire thing, rewinded it, rewatched it, again and again and again, nonstop, until, one day, she went out and picked up TWINE and TND on VHS, and the same thing happened. Ever since that day, I have been an absolutely die-hard Bond fan, and I don't see that ever stopping.
  • Posts: 1,856
    16 now, 12 when my dad brought LALD from the video shop.
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 12,553
    Virage wrote:
    16 now, 12 when my dad brought LALD from the video shop.

    Fairplay to your dad! =D> It was my mom who introduced me to Bond! with the same movie!
  • edited June 2012 Posts: 172
    Now I'm 13.
    In 2007 my country national broadcaster LTV broadcasted all Bonds, except of then-latest Casino Royale. I only watched a little of GoldenEye. Remember motocycle and plane chase in the PTS, and then Onatopp in casino. And that my mum told me to go sleep :)
    About years ago, other broadcaster, TV3 broadcasted DAD. I watched it entire!
    I didn't like heavy CGI, smoking Brosnan and Jinx, but it hooked me!
    Later in same TV3 I watched Casino Royale, I was soo excited.
    QoS in Sunday (CR was in Saturday) wasn't so good, but I was then Bond fan.
    Today, I've seen all Bond films, and I love listening to TLD, GE, CR and QOS soundtracks :)
    And I'm going to Skyfall at cinema. Maybe not in 1st November, but I am!
    LOL, I added here too much bangs :) , and smileys.
  • Posts: 469
    38 years of age and still standing !
    First remember watching Bond on tv in the late 80's and playing with the toy cars in the 70's ! Started collecting in the 90's after Goldeneye
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