NO TIME TO DIE (2021) - Discuss Hans Zimmer's Score



  • Haven't posted in forever but i am floored by this soundtrack.

    It's like Zimmer pays tribute to every previous composer, and then adds a few tracks of his own style (which I've always enjoyed anyway).

    I had no expectation of this, I figured it would be a "Inception" style score.
  • Just finished a listen. Off of just one listen, sans context from the film of course, I’d put this maybe a bit behind Casino Royale’s score. Certainly among the best non-Barry scores and a big improvement on Newman’s work.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    FoxRox wrote: »
    My face during the second minute of 'Matera':


    Claaaay…. Bill, Clay.

    I was thinking more along the lines of "Well, well, well......Hans."

  • GatecrasherGatecrasher Classified
    Posts: 265
    Haven't posted in forever but i am floored by this soundtrack.

    It's like Zimmer pays tribute to every previous composer, and then adds a few tracks of his own style (which I've always enjoyed anyway).

    I had no expectation of this, I figured it would be a "Inception" style score.

    The score is quintessential Hans Zimmer, especially with the percussion and the long, drawn out 2-note brass, and “The Final Ascent”
    has the emotional intentionality of “Time”’from Inception, as well as “I Never Left” from David Arnold’s Quantum of Solace.

    Another forum member said this is probably the best since TLD, and I agree. NTTD is a throwback to the sinister and dangerous sound of Bond, but it keeps things light when it needs to be. I also appreciate now Billie Eilish’s song is interwoven, along with an action cue/motif that makes itself known at 3 various key points, and Johnny Marr’s slick use of the JB Theme.
  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    I would very much appreciate a link to the score if it's circulating? =)
    I'm sooo eager to hear it!
  • Cuba Chase is such a fun track
  • ShakenNotStirredShakenNotStirred Canada, True North Strong and Free
    Posts: 1,408
    Loving what I've heard so far... Breathtaking actually.
  • Could someone pm me the link too? It seems like everyone likes it so I’m really curious
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    Posts: 4,347
    Zarozzor wrote: »
    After hearing track #20, someone is definitely dying at the end
    I have a feeling it might be either Madeline, Q, or possibly Nomi (although the latter is doubtful)


  • loullersloullers Eskilstuna, Sweden
    Posts: 82
    Cuba Chase is seriously Bill Conti fun! :D
    I love the obvious Barry-influences! :D

    This makes me even more hyped for the film!
  • DB007DB007 Toronto
    Posts: 15
    Almost done. Incredible, one of the best Bond scores in a long time. Zimmer pays respect to Barry and Arnold perfectly, yet still manages to infuse his own sound in there.
  • Posts: 6,791
    CD order: done :D
  • Really liking Norway Chase, especially the part that starts at 2:54.
  • WillyGalore_ReduxWillyGalore_Redux I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my homosexuals flaaaaaaming
    Posts: 294
    Can someone dm me link please?
  • WaltPachWaltPach Brazil
    Posts: 2
    Hello guys, I would really appreciate the link to the soundtrack... Can someone DM me, please?
  • edited September 2021 Posts: 12
    Big fan of mi6 hq. Had to join just to ask. Please could someone share the link with me :) thanks,

    If someone can share the link to me I will honestly, hand on heart, send you something in return. Some NTTD goodies in the post.
  • Posts: 606
    matt_u wrote: »
    Zarozzor wrote: »
    After hearing track #20, someone is definitely dying at the end
    I have a feeling it might be either Madeline, Q, or possibly Nomi (although the latter is doubtful)


    Speaking of that image, reminds me of something from another Fukunaga work...

    And what happens to these characters in the end...

  • Just listened to Matera... it gave me goosebumps I haven't had in a while from music. The combination of music from not two but three films
    WHATTITW, "Vesper", and the NTTD theme)
    in a single track is surely something unprecedented!
  • edited September 2021 Posts: 490
    WOW!!!! Completely blown away. I’ll be right back is incredible. So much urgency and energy. The chords in it sound familiar im not sure what they are.

    And good god Final Ascent. Preparing myself to cry in the theater.

    We made it friends, we made it.
  • I'm tempted by the prospect to hear the soundtrack before release! If someone could please PM a link my way too, that would be greatly appreciated. Can't believe we're finally so close!
  • JamesBondOWLJamesBondOWL London
    Posts: 1
    Could someone PM a link, I'd love to get in on the Bond fun. Really made my day to hear that they've gone balls out for it, I was afraid it would be generic or underplayed like Newman. Cheers!
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    They finally wove the theme into the score so it feels all part of bigger thing, rather than a separate entity.

    We've been wanting the composer and the artist to collaborate since Arnold did with late much missed Chris Cornell and boy have the done it.

    Breathtaking, fun, thrilling, sinister and undoubtedly emotional, this film is going to deliver and then some.

  • Sounds amazing!
  • Posts: 2,205
    Cuba Chase.... f***** hell. Its everything I imagined that sequence to be.
  • MrSwindermanMrSwinderman North Canton, Ohio, USA
    Posts: 9
    The score is stunning. The last track scares the hell out of me though...
  • Posts: 12,609
    Here we go!
    01. Gun Barrel - I really love this rendition. The guitar work is super exciting off the bat! The eerie outro, I assume lead in to the Norway opening, is really cool too.
    02. Matera - Beautiful, and such a welcome surprise with the gorgeous rendition of We Have All the Time in the World. Not very Zimmer-esque at all, but in the best possible way. Definitely reminds me of Arnold’s romance themes.
    03. Message from an Old Friend - Oh boy, it’s getting real now. At the very beginning I was getting John Williams Star Wars/Indiana Jones vibes (like when something creepy happens), then some similarities to African Rundown. Super contemporary yet classic. Blood-pumping. I was on the edge of my seat imagining what was happening.
    04. Square Escape - Depressing as hell. This is when Bond leaves Madeleine. It’s going to hurt to watch. Teared up just listening. Powerful, powerful stuff.
    05. Someone Was Here - Is this Bond in retirement? Super cool stuff anyway. Good little breather after all the excitement of the last couple. Oh, wait, it gets crazy at the end XD
    06. Not What I Expected - Quite a unique one here. Not like anything else in the series I can think of…
    07. What Have You Done - Ominous. What the heck is going on here? Very creepy.
    08. Shouldn’t We Get to Know Each Other First - Paloma? Sounds a little romantic. Wonder if she does something funny like spontaneously kiss Bond or something, given the song title. Always thought it would be a fun “subversion” for the Bond girl to be too forward towards Bond first.
    09. Cuba Chase - Here we go, another action score. This one’s very lively and energetic! Like many others have said, I’m expecting this to be one of the film’s biggest highlights. Super awesome song. The Bond theme inclusion with Zimmery bits closer to the middle-end, damn. I cannot wait for this.
    10. Back to MI6 - Here it is, the classic Bond theme in Zimmer’s style. Absolutely solid! Back to the old stomping grounds.
    11. Good to Have You Back - Oh my God, they did NOT! Hahaha, what an amazing surprise. Fabulous rendition of the OHMSS theme, did not expect it at all! That movie must be a heavy influence, which is quite fine by me.
    12. Lovely to See You Again - Sounds dark and ominous at first. Is this Madeleine and Safin? At first I thought maybe Bond and Blofeld, but I think the alternative makes more sense.
    13. Home - Sad, moody instrumental of the title track. They are returning to the cabin here, where the tragedy happened of Madeleine’s mother’s death and her… well, whatever Safin does with her.
    14. Norway Chase - Nice, slow, eerie buildup for the next big action setpiece. The choir makes it quite epic. Should be another incredible part.
    15. Gearing Up - Preparations for the climax! Nice hype song, including a little more of the Bond theme. Can feel the Zimmer a little more in this one towards the end. Becomes creepy once more. They aren’t playing about Safin being unsettling.
    16. Poison Garden - Please oh please tell me Safin has a line akin to “I call it my little garden of death…” I’ve been predicting / hoping for a long time this film will carry big YOLT novel influence, and this is a prime example. The choir and dark sounds really make you feel the weight, how this villain is the most sinister and global threat in Craig’s run. I get some Temple of Doom vibes at times.
    17. The Factory - Man, it’s getting really spicy. Fantastic piece here, one of my favorites. It’s different, intense, and epic. Gets so dark and creepy at the end.
    18. I’ll Be Right Back - The most Zimmery track probably. Man, the cursed words of the title too. Bond CAN’T DIE. But he surely says these words to Madeleine…
    19. Opening the Doors - Man, there is a lot of the movie at Safin’s base it seems. Very interested about all the insane things about to go down. Things are getting so intense here…
    20. Final Ascent - Sounds incredibly sad, geez. Is Bond really going to die? I don’t know if I could handle that. Perhaps it looks hopeless and Bond even expects to die, but he ends up making it, with the Bond theme coming in at the end? Geez, I don’t know. Very emotional. Whatever happens is going to be hard to watch.
    21. No Time to Die - A very solid title track by Billie Eilish. I’m comfortable ranking it third of Craig’s title songs after You Know My Name and Skyfall and above The Writing’s on the Wall and Another Way to Die.

    Overall… just very blown away. It’s not overly Zimmer-esque at all, which made me happiest of all. The callbacks to some old Bond songs were fabulous, and the new stuff is just terrific across the board. I’m impressed.
  • I know it's a bit of a mickey take signing up to ask for a link to the score, but if anyone has in in their heart to send one to a huge Bond and Bond music fan it would be hugely appreciated!
  • Posts: 606
    To those who have heard "Final Ascent", tell me what you think. I feel a lot of "Time" vibes from it.

  • Hi. Sorry late to this post. Would anyone be kind enough to share the link please? Thank you very much.
  • Posts: 1,913
    Thanks for the link guys!
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