What do you want to see?



  • Jazz007Jazz007 Minnesota
    Posts: 257
    I for one hope that Bond 23 continues with the "Quantum" storyline, making the evil organization a 21st Century SPECTRE. I would also like it to keep true to the dark, Flemingesque, globetrotting direction that the Craig era has already established, as I think a TSWLM type of film would feel out of place at the moment - and with Mendes at the helm, I do not doubt that it can stay dark and thoughtful (considering Road To Perdition and Revolutionary Road).

    After that, I really do not have all that many expectations. I would like the Bond character to be fleshed out, Fleming-heavy, and at the film's center - with Craig as Bond I think I have that covered. I want the film to be visually stunning, stylish - and with D.O.P Roger Deakins at the camera, I do not doubt for one second that Bond 23 will be one of the finest looking Bond films of the series. I am hoping for a good story - Purvis and Wade have delivered 2 great scripts and Logan is a pretty good writer as well (Star Trek Nemesis' problem was that Baird and Berman cut out a lot of the film's great character moments, not Logan's script; the guy wrote Gladiator and The Aviator and is clearly talented).

    Things are looking good, from my point of view.
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,216
    Less flat out, filler action would probably be a start. This was something that hampered the last film and made it one of the most forgettable entries in the series.

    Likewise, cut the whole "rogue Bond" thing and have 007 be an agent his boss can trust again.

    Also, have a larger-than-life bad guy or at least a villain we can remember. The kind that existed in the novels and were far from subtle.

    Finally, just make the film "fun" again. By "fun" I don't mean in silly DAD-style, but rather indulgent and escapist. The world of James Bond was always meant to have an element of "fantasy" to it (Bond wrestled a giant squid and went to a "Castle of Death" for crying out loud). Terence Young understood that, Martin Campbell understood that and hopefully Sam Mendes will too.

  • Posts: 49
    I would like to see Craig exit the role, but since that isn't happening, I will say this:

    Give us back a very serious and less hokey Moneypenny and Q (as Major Boothroyd, who can give practical gadgets - not the over the top stuff) return to the suave, likable Bond who is serious, confident and womanizing (to a point), who also can fight like no man before him and makes a cigarette look cool.

    Use the tone of the Craig and Dalton films.
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,216
    I think Bond needs to be someone we can aspire to and root for once again to be honest.

    As I said before, Id really like to see Samantha Bond back as Monneypenny as I thought she was brilliant in her 4 films with Brozza. However that won't happen - and probably for the best to be honest. New era new start afterall.
  • Posts: 49
    It seems to me that Craig is the most polarizing Bond in that many fans don't like his portrayal and many fans love him.

    I think that the obsessive Bond that he portrays is not James Bond. I think Bond must be effected certainly by the world around him and ruthless i.e. obsessed with the mission, but his Bond at times seems heartless and unforgiving.

    I hope I'm not in the minority here to think Craig is not very good.
  • Posts: 1,497
    Less flat out, filler action would probably be a start. This was something that hampered the last film and made it one of the most forgettable entries in the series.
    I wonder if that is even possible in this day and age of film-making. Audiences want high-octane action--just consider "Fast Five" for example. I certainly am one who prefers a more spy driven plot (ala From Russia With Love), with one signature action moment (Red Grant's fight). I think CR almost achieved this with the free-running chase, but this was quickly overdone with all those overly-long scenes at the Body Works exhibit and the airport. I digress...Like it or not, you're going to see some fast-paced chase scene(s) throughout B23. Dark Knight is a template now as well: lots of loud machine gun fire aboard moving vehicles. Don't get me wrong, DK is a fine film, but producers such as Broccoli and Wilson cherry pick these elements: ultra-intense action, mixed with dark introspective protagonists; which if you think about it is what QOS was. I don't see this formula drastically changing with the producers pulling the strings.

    This is a wish list however...so hey, we can hope
    It seems to me that Craig is the most polarizing Bond in that many fans don't like his portrayal and many fans love him.

    I hope I'm not in the minority here to think Craig is not very good.
    I don't get that impression anymore--yes in 2005, but Craig seems to be pretty respected these days: it's his films that get the critique for various reasons; particularly QOS. So I don't think you're in the minority by any means.

    Roger Moore and George Lazenby are far more polarizing IMO

  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,216
    Less flat out, filler action would probably be a start. This was something that hampered the last film and made it one of the most forgettable entries in the series.
    I wonder if that is even possible in this day and age of film-making. Audiences want high-octane action--just consider "Fast Five" for example. I certainly am one who prefers a more spy driven plot (ala From Russia With Love), with one signature action moment (Red Grant's fight). I think CR almost achieved this with the free-running chase, but this was quickly overdone with all those overly-long scenes at the Body Works exhibit and the airport. I digress...Like it or not, you're going to see some fast-paced chase scene(s) throughout B23. Dark Knight is a template now as well: lots of loud machine gun fire aboard moving vehicles. Don't get me wrong, DK is a fine film, but producers such as Broccoli and Wilson cherry pick these elements: ultra-intense action, mixed with dark introspective protagonists; which if you think about it is what QOS was. I don't see this formula drastically changing with the producers pulling the strings.

    I agree. I think one or 2 big set pieces are OK (although I do enjoy the CR Miami airport chase), its more when the action BECOMES the main focus rather than the plot. That's the issue I had with Quantum, it had a lot of action but never really set out its story adequetly or gave us a reason to care about what was going on (eg. the PTS which has no set up other than a mere establishing shot). As a result the action doesn't add anything - its filler.
  • Posts: 11,216
    "I hope I'm not in the minority here to think Craig is not very good".

    I've never been a HUGE fan of Craig tbh (he just lacks that "gentleman" quality Bond should have) but I can't deny that he was excellent in Royale. Maybe he needs another film to win me over.
  • Posts: 49
    I've never been a HUGE fan of Craig tbh (he just lacks that "gentleman" quality Bond should have) but I can't deny that he was excellent in Royale. Maybe he needs another film to win me over.
    I suppose I feel the same. I adore Casino Royale (even though Craig still leavaes something to be desired). But QoS was a boring film and it just turned me off to Craig.
    Maybe a new film will convince me I'm wrong.
  • Posts: 2,782
    You're kidding he's been the best thing out of both the films, they just need to let him have a bit more fun.

    I want to see DC have a TB or TLD type of adventure.
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 11,216
    they just need to let him have a bit more fun.

    That's the problem. He needs to love life, indulge and be trusted to do his job once again. Frankly I miss that element of charm/sophistication that makes Bond different from other contemporary action heroes. I know Bond wasn't necessarily conceived as being a particularly charming person but still I occasionally miss that aspect. It's what got me into liking the whole franchise in the first place.

    Don't get me wrong, Craig can do it with some help from the script. I know I'm not the biggest Daniel fan (he's #5 atm) but it would be a shame for him to go since he seems to genuinely care about the character.

  • edited May 2011 Posts: 139
    In the PTS:

    A montage of Quantum's 5 top operatives being bumped off around the globe. Each kill will be brutal (fibrewire, thrown off building, crushed by something) and be carried out by a shadowy figure, who we are mean to believe is Bond....

    Then cuts to a sinister looking boardroom (think Thunderball). All the chairs except the head of the table are taken, and suited Quantum chiefs are arguing about the 'situation'.

    The previous unseen Head of Quantum enters the room, takes his place at the head of the table (but remains standing) calls the meeting to order and then proceeds to summarise Quantums losses. In the background, a very large plasma screen shows images of the dead agents, before returning to a static Quantum logo....

    Banging his fist on the table, the chief promises results, before finally sitting down..... the second he does, he's violently electrocuted in his chair (again TB stylee). The lights in the room dim, the plasma goes to static for a few seconds, only to be replaced with an animated steal logo of a familiar Octopus.....

    The doors to the room fling open, and machinegun totting goons in blue boiler suites fill the room, their weapons trained on the Quantum boys.....

    A very tall and very large man enters the room.... dressed all in black.... his face hidden by shadow... he walks slowly and gracefully over to the dead chief, pushes the body from the chair and sits down....

    POV shoot from the table at the man, who's still in shadow, except for his right arm which is outstretched slightly more- revealing a ring on his hand which has an Octopus logo too....

    The man speaks in a loud, commanding, powerful voice (an eastern european accent perhaps?).....

    "Consider this a hostile takeover....." the man says.

    A Quantum fella says "Who the hell are you?"

    "My name is Blofeld..... but you may call me... No.1"

    Cue the titles.

    For the movie:

    I want everything everyone has said above.

    But most importantly, an old skool 'villian holds the world to ransom' plot, involving some kind of countdown/deadline; Bond has to actually investigate; other 00's to be shown; a big lair assault at the end; and a really impressive fist fight between Bond and the villan, who totally out classes Bond who has to use his cunning to eventual win.

    I know the above will never, ever, ever happen..... unless I make a fan movie of some kind.... but I can at least dream.....
  • Posts: 49
    Is bringing back the Fleming villains a good idea?

    Maybe for us Literary fans, but would general audiences accept it?
  • Posts: 562
    Done right and steered well clear of the cliche, I think Blofeld and SPECTRE could be brought back effectively. Preacher_711's SPECTRE intro is a fun idea. The only change I would make is to place such a scene at the very end of the film. Let Blofeld play the puppet master by pitting the members of Quantum against each other and Bond all at the same time. This would serve to destabilize Quantum from within while using them as pawns in SPECTRE's 'old school' schemes.
  • Preacher_711's SPECTRE intro is a fun idea. The only change I would make is to place such a scene at the very end of the film. Let Blofeld play the puppet master by pitting the members of Quantum against each other and Bond all at the same time. This would serve to destabilize Quantum from within while using them as pawns in SPECTRE's 'old school' schemes.
    I like that outro idea.... the Blofeld reveal being the end of the movie.... nice.
  • Posts: 1,894
    Preacher_711's SPECTRE intro is a fun idea.
    But it doesn't work. EON have clearly set Quantum up to be the resident Big Bad of the Bondverse for the time being. If SPECTRE were to simply overthrow them without warning or reason, it would just be lazy writing. Both groups would also be largely interchangeable.

    They basically did this between the second and third seasons of "Chuck". The original antagonists of the first two seasons was called FULCRUM, a secretive arm of the CIA. They were behind practically every plot in the first two seasons, and while they often simply did whatever the episode called for them to do, a lot of time and effort went into making out just how good they were at being bad. Then, at the end of the second season, FULCRUM was eradicated and replaced by a parent organisation known as The Ring, which had never been mentioned before. It was never clearly stated that FULCRUM had been destroyed, and nor was it made clear that The Ring was a part of the Chuckverse. The first half of the third season was therefore very confusing as everyone ran around doing things for reasons they weren't really sure of; it was a low point of the entire series.

    So you can see where this would be headed in Bond - Quantum would take on the role of FULCRUM and SPECTRE would be The Ring: two groups that are largely identical, with similar aims and objectives. One has been set up as a villain, and then quickly and quietly dismissed in favour of another villain who had not existed until that point and didn't really serve any function except to be a new enemy.

    That said, I do like the idea of Quantum members being killed off. But instead of SPECTRE being responsible, I'd have Quantum killing their own members off as the Senior Management (the core members of the organisation) try and go to ground. Meanwhile, in London, M has been steadily working out the extent of Quantum, only for their people to start dying off just as she is about to make her move. She sets Bond up on a mission deliberately designed to put him outside the agency and sets him investigating the deaths. As a possible sub-plot, the deaths would have the hallmarks of a series of murders that happened in Berlin in the 1970s when M was station chief there early in her career. I figure it would be something like NCIS' current Port-to-Port Killer subplot, with the victims killed, embalmed to remove all traces of DNA evidence, their teeth pulled and their fingerprints burned away and their faces smashed to make identification impossible before being tightly wrapped in plastic and dumped somewhere out of the way.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited May 2011 Posts: 4,572
    Actors/actresses you'd want to see in future Bonds

    Frank Sinatra Jr. Son of whylen Frank Sinatra. Only if Bond going to New York in Bond 24.

    David Morrissey. For a part like TMWTGG. I sugest him also for the man with the red tatoo, again based on TMWTGG with the 3 nipel story. He also have something from Liam Neeson, i sugest him before Liam Neeson be a resing star again with Batman Begins.

    Jared Harris http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0364813/
    Have him in mind as replacement for the guy who is seen in CR who official be a crew member. For playing a returning chacter.

    Antonia Campbell-Hughes. English. 29-30 years old in 2012. Bondgirl with properties close to Wailin, Camile and Vesper wth a dark inside and not intrest in men. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2063982/

    Melis Birkan.http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2115236/ At some pictures she look like on Carice van Houten. I don't whant Carice in a Bond movie, this sugestion be a kind of gift to people who whant see a Carice look Bond girl.

    Alma Saraci http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2526497/ There is always the misunderstanding there can't be more then 2 woman in it, who don't have some with Bond.

    Amy Hunter. Black actres. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005034/

    Samaire Armstrong. American, born and her first years in Japan. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1027847/

    Anne Hathaway. Sugest her when she whas climing actres and predict she going to be a big one. I whas happy she get a part in movie based on a spy series. Last Mondday i saw her in this movie, Ger Smart, where she play a serious chacter with Eva Green look. The movie whasn't so good as Johny English and some chacter holes but not with the lead chacters. Now she get more fame and is ask for Batman iam not sjure or stil like to Hathaway in a Bond movie.
  • I want to the JIC (joint intelligence Committee involved or mentioned in the next film maybe trying to rid of the 00 section and M and replace with"M" with someone esle...Since the JIC oversees Mi6 it could work...
  • Posts: 1,894
    This will probably earn a disparaging comment or two, but I'd love to see a Ken Block-style gymkhana chase. Preferably one planned out by Block himself. It doesn't hve to be anything too flashy, and with the right set-up, it could work. Something like this:

    Bond has to catch up with a villain, who is currently fleeing on a luxury yacht. Unfortunately, Bond has been held up by redshirts, and the villain is getting away. He then has to drive desperately to catch up with the villain before the yacht leaves the harbour and he loses the lead for good. He races through the dockyards in the Aston, taking the shortest route possible - over shipping containers, through packed warehouses, under semi-trailer trucks and so on - before making it to the end of the pier, climbing up onto a crane and using the cable to swing down to the deck of the yacht.
  • Posts: 94
    Hmm what I want to see?
    1) Oona Castilla (Chaplin) - real Bond girl of XXI century for me - sadly that she take only small part in last Bond.
    2) Osama bin Laden related theme - aren't there some rumours that Mi6 had part in it? Or just a opening/little - like Bond tried to catch but some guys (e.g. CIA, Pakistan) broken it.
    3) screening in Africa (even South Sudan have now some "on time" problems, or Cote d'Ivore president crisis), post soviet republics in Europe ( just to see the differences beetwen now and ~'94 year Bond.
    4) NO Craig - I know this is not possible now, but for next Bond why not?
    5) Back to some good related gadgets, and make a difference
    6) London! Today! Maybe royal wedding (sorry but nice theme with bond as a guard in glimsing horse rided vehicle (You known that SIS agents playing servants in real world) - it can be nice conversation).
    7) London! Again :-) ! But now with some chase / hunt in underground - Bond taking an underground, using Barclays cycle (maybe modified and with some gadgets like rocket launcher/ accelerator :-) ) and just running/walking would be something new and fresh.
  • I would like to see the authorised biography of 007 made into Bond 23 or 24 if the script has already been written. That is the way Bond is and should always be remembered. Bond is becoming too soft nowadays.
  • Posts: 1,894
    2) Osama bin Laden related theme - aren't there some rumours that Mi6 had part in it? Or just a opening/little - like Bond tried to catch but some guys (e.g. CIA, Pakistan) broken it.
    That's just in poor taste. There's a reason why Bond has avoided dealing with Islamic fundamentalists in the past: it can get very ugly, very quickly. It's also very difficult to do in a two-hour film because it will inevitably generalise Islam.

    Besides, the best thing we can do about bin Laden is forget he ever existed. Erase him from history entirely. There are fates much worse than death - and to be forgotten is one of them.
  • 1. gun barrel sequence in beginning (but a new entrance or whatever its called his pose is awkward looking)

    2. the usual vodka martini and a brief gambling scene

    3. Moneypenny and Q (emily blunt and Michael Caine?)

    4. An actual walk in debriefing with M and Bond

    5. A villain people can remember. Dominic Greene in my opinion didnt have enough character

    6. An amazing main title song. preferably Muse or back to basics like shirley bassey tune or maybe even tina turner.

    7. giving the film a sean connery vibe.

    8. less over the top explosion and so/so green screen and more of actual spying and espionage.

    9. an overall script and main idea of the film people can understand and more importantly the cast (judi dench said she really didnt understand the plot).

    10. finish Quantum in the beginning of the film and start fresh.

  • Posts: 37
    ....more glamour...... less fighting
  • Posts: 4,762
    A few things to make Bond 23 a grand success:

    1. The return of Moneypenny and Q (I know how old-hat that must seem around here)
    2. Omission of the lightning-fast camera confusion that made scenes in QoS so unenjoyable
    3. A diabolically evil main villain with a big-scale master plan, and a tough as nails, nasty, blindly obediant henchman with the likes of Oddjob, Tee Hee, Jaws, Necros, and Stamper
    4. Less of M's distrust in 007 and less of her constant nagging about how Bond gets the job done. Also, let's please return to the classic M and Bond debriefing scene in M's office, not some random place.
    5. A longer runtime than QoS that at least runs over 2 hours
  • Posts: 1,894
    4. Less of M's distrust in 007 and less of her constant nagging about how Bond gets the job done.
    Were you even watching QUANTUM OF SOLACE? The entire point of the film is that Bond finally earns M's trust, which he does by risking capture in the La Paz hotel to tell her that Strawberry Fields died in the line of duty.
    5. A longer runtime than QoS that at least runs over 2 hours
    An extended runtime does not guarantee a better film. I saw DARK OF THE MOON yesterday because I was bored (and because I wanted Michael Bay to apologise for REVENGE OF THE FALLEN), and it was over two and a half hours in length - but you could have cut an hour of content from it and made it a better film for it.
  • Posts: 4,762
    @shadowonthesun: I just didn't like how M always had to comment on Bond's every move, such as when he killed Slate. She shouldn't care that much so long as Bond finds a lead and keeps investigating. Also, QoS was very rushed and didn't have any time to work out what CR took over two great hours to accomplish. The fight with Greene at the hotel was very rushed and felt like, "here, let's slap on some action at the end and call it the climax. QoS needed at minimum 15 more minutes.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I just didn't like how M always had to comment on Bond's every move, such as when he killed Slate. She shouldn't care that much so long as Bond finds a lead and keeps investigating.
    But M has just given Bond 00-status and needs to know he's not going off the rails, is out for revenge or just plain crazy. That was the whole point of the two film arc. Now that's concluded, I'd expect none of that in the upcoming films.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Were you even watching QUANTUM OF SOLACE? The entire point of the film is that Bond finally earns M's trust, which he does by risking capture in the La Paz hotel to tell her that Strawberry Fields died in the line of duty.
    Just because there was a point to it doesn't make it good... It was plain horrible and wrong. I am tired of the trust issues between Bond and M... It makes the last 2 films execrable, pathetic and boring. It makes Bond look like a total teenage fool, and M Bond's mom. Drop the whole thing, give Craig the mature role he needs, and make M a male admiral again.

    The phrase "the entire point" is not a valid argument, as you can find a point in every scene of every Bond film, to every action Bond does... Even the CGI surfing in DAD has a point, does it make it good ? No. Same for QOS. Pathetic film.
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