Appreciation of new MI6



  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    We all know who you are Nid ;)

    Welcome aboard!
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    @Nid Huh, shame indeed you couldn't use your full username, Nidster. Still, as Disco points out, you're a fine part of the furniture around here - like a Welsh chaise lounge... :-h
  • NidNid
    Posts: 4
    Thanks, guys - it's just that it looks like I've assumed that absolutely everyone will know who I am based on my nickname, or that I've shortened it in the assumption that, in being an old hand on deck, I'm given unofficial Modlike status.

    Neither of which crossed my mind, you understand. Not at all. ;-)
  • Posts: 7
    Hmm. I think the new layout is a little bit naff, and way messier than on the old board. Within threads, I really dislike that beyond the first three or four posts about half of my screen is completely wasted, due to the sidebar. And I don't like that really awesome members like FourDot are leaving.

    But at least now I get a better username, and a kickass Jerry Lewis avatar.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Quoting HJackson: But at least now I get a better username, and a kickass Jerry Lewis avatar.
    "I suppose that's something" ;)
  • Posts: 1,092
    I'm find with change but I wanna find my old posts.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,318
    The way I see it is this.
    The change is a shock to the system, after all those years it's going to take time to get used to.
    But on the plus side, it gives us a chance to start afresh.
    We can start new threads.
    Make new discussions.
    We can build a new forum, with all the best bits of the previous one.

    This is not the end.
    It's just a new beginning.

    There will be those who we lose along the way, but hopefully not all, and there will be new friends who will join the fun.
    Full steam ahead, and let the good times roll.
  • Posts: 3
    Well, erm, hello everyone.

    This is gonna take some getting used to.

    Just to clear up, who's left the forums altogether?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    Quoting Gsection: Just to clear up, who's left the forums altogether?
    Some have claimed to, we'll see in time, for some the shock may have been a lot at first.

    Glad you're here G!
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 163
    I liked the old forum , having joined there in October 2010. I had been wanting to do it for a long time, and some how time restrictions meant I could not do it until October 2010.

    I read a few Fleming's novels even before they were filmed and was thrilled to see Dr No on the screen then. It was a long time ago, then I was a university student, and we the university students were hooked onto Flemings novels.

    This forum is thrust upon us I guess. I could not use my old user name (fleming's007).
    Any way, I will visit this site from time to time.

    Later: After trawling through this site, it is not bad after all! Let us get used to this site.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    I'd be willing to learn a whole new system if that included a great search engine and some other new features... Like was said earlier here though, this page is like a template blog that wastes much of the page after a few posts. It's really not as nice or modern looking as many other forums. I'd say the old forum looked classier.

    But what people are most upset about was the lack of warning. They may have looked very differently at this new set up if they, we, were told about the change and could still link to the old archives. If not forever (to enhance the fun here) but just for a few weeks to save some posts. I've got my own reasons but certainly the fan fic guys who write their stuff on the forum only have lost a tremendous amount of work.

    I suppose after so many years of being promised an upgrade, this kind of a change was a surprise and I'd go so far as to say slightly thoughtless. I know the admins don't have as much to do with the forum and so won't have memories caught up in it, but they know the rest of us do.

    And now I go to spend some time this morning searching the old forum, willing to do it page by page.... and it's linking to I don't know, it just seems to say... Fit in or f*** off. Maybe they really do want to cull the herd and start fresh. A little warning would have been nice though. Even a message by email saying that the format has changed and will be better suited to younger members... though surprising, would have been appreciated.

    Do you get what I'm saying?

    I do appreciate the admins. I've always stuck up for them and been grateful that the site ran as smoothly as it did and that it was free of ads and such. I suppose I'm worried that ads are what the space on the page is for - eventually. I'd rather make this a pay site if that were the case. And I'd certainly not have scoffed at that suggestion had it been discussed previously.

  • edited March 2011 Posts: 107
    I gotta admit, it does feel good to not have that shotgun-toting Vanquish always hanging over my proverbial head.
    Quoting DiscoVolante: All gone, but am I sad? No, why should I? We are still the same members, we know who are oldies and what we think about each other and we know each other's personalities. We don't need high-digit post counts next to our usernames and a slow, old forum to be reminded.
    Quoting DiscoVolante: I've seen some of you say it looks like a facebook chat, but perhaps you should ask yourselves why it does. Is it the design itself, or is it maybe because you use it as such and just spam?
    On the other hand, a design (more accurately, that's design's evoking of a massively popular entity like Facebook) can and does dictate it's own usage. It's like Pavlov's website.

    That said, we should be honest with ourselves and remember that a lot of the old forums were spam without any prompting from the site's design; c'est la vie. In a way, you might say that the new site design just serves to highlight the spam-tastic traits in many of us.
    Quoting DiscoVolante: Have you tried creating a "normal" thread with Bond-related discussion? I myself can see this layout and design working perfectly fine for the true purpose - to discuss James Bond.
    Old members are already posting old threads. For now, it's difficult to say "boo" to any of that; restarting old threads is comfort food for those jarred by the change. But I can't help but wonder if this behavior will result in bringing forward the best of Keeping the British End Up (as someone suggested somewhere around here; @Benny, maybe?), or just a caricature of Keeping the British End Up.

    Of course, one man's shameless self-parody is another man's greatest hits album (see also: Chandler Bong, Die Another Day), so it may be impossible to fairly evaluate this change without a good deal of hindsight…
    Quoting DiscoVolante: There are many glitches, I agree on that (for instance we need a take-me-to-the-last-post function and page numbering on top), but if we all vent them in mannered ways in the proper threads, we can get all these things working more smoothly as well. Rome wasn't built over a night.
    …and after some of these glitches (which, to be honest, feel a little more like functionality oversights) are dealt with. The twenty-four hour editing limit, for instance, makes it impossible to run a table of contents within a long-lasting thread.
  • Posts: 19
    Well, the old color scheme is still here, which is good. And the ability to upload your own avatar is a huge "improvement".
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 4,622
    Edit:deleted original post and moved it to a different thread.

    I guess there is no way to delete a post entirely like before?
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    It's pretty good, maybe a bit of a dull layout. But other then that i stay open to this " new " forum and hope that we can live up to the old forum!

    Just wonder, is the old forum saved somewhere or is it gone forever?
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Quoting MrBond: Just wonder, is the old forum saved somewhere or is it gone forever?

    It's gone - forever.
  • quantumofsolacequantumofsolace England
    Posts: 279
    Um... kinda caught me by surprise, all this. I'm a firm believer in the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Was the forum we all knew and loved broke? It seemed great just the way it was - but I'm sure there must be a valid reason for this reboot. We'll just have to give it our best shot.

    Anyway, at least I've been able to keep my original name.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Quoting Samuel001: Quoting MrBond: Just wonder, is the old forum saved somewhere or is it gone forever?

    It's gone - forever.
    We do not know if it's gone forever.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    The search system was broke, so the whole forum was fixed - or at least that's how I understand it, qos. Nice to still have you with us, by the way! :)
  • nick_007nick_007 Ville Marie
    Posts: 443
    @Samuel001 Don't worry this whole thing wasn't done in an effort to fix the search function alone!

    Some problems that may not be evident to the regular user have to be fixed. If your house has termites or mold in the walls you won't be able to fix it by adding a new coat of paint. I hope that analogy makes some sense.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    @nick_007 Well that's good to know - I think.

    Will any of the reasons for the sudden changeover be made public? It may help some members understand why it had to/has happened.
  • nick_007nick_007 Ville Marie
    Posts: 443
    That is James Page's department, not mine. Though, I honestly feel he has expanded on the topic as best he can.

    Anyhow, lets keep this as an appreciation thread and forward all other feedback/suggestions to the feedback thread, eh? :)
  • I like it, more or less. Navigating around posts is still a bit clunky, especially if they're more than a page long. I LOVE the fact that we can choose our own avatars now. Also, having our own individualized profile is an interesting idea.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Quoting nick_007: Some problems that may not be evident to the regular user have to be fixed. If your house has termites or mold in the walls you won't be able to fix it by adding a new coat of paint. I hope that analogy makes some sense.
    Right, but you'd likely let your kids take their favourite pictures of their grandparents with them before burning it.

    I get the analogy and am not opposed to the new site... It's just that, like so many, I used the old site as reference. Sometimes I'd go and just read old threads in which I wasn't even involved just to learn more about other members and, get this crazy idea, to learn about James Bond.

  • edited March 2011 Posts: 886
    Quoting retrokitty: Sometimes I'd go and just read old threads in which I wasn't even involved just to learn more about other members and, get this crazy idea, to learn about James Bond.
    Same here and that's how I got to learn about things, from the connoisseurs especially.
    It was like having a library to hand.
    Thankfully, I never invested that much of my limited knowledge (due to that fact) into the old site but it must be awful for those who did.

  • nick_007nick_007 Ville Marie
    Posts: 443
    Quoting retrokitty: Right, but you'd likely let your kids take their favourite pictures of their grandparents with them before burning it.

    I get the analogy and am not opposed to the new site... It's just that, like so many, I used the old site as reference. Sometimes I'd go and just read old threads in which I wasn't even involved just to learn more about other members and, get this crazy idea, to learn about James Bond.

    I hear you, kitty, I really do. I too liked to browse old threads and thought they would stick around for the future.

    My comment however was referring mostly to the reason why the MI6 Community happened and not how it happened. I've been getting the vibe that some people think the only reason this was done was so that we could get a working search function. I just wanted to clear that up.
  • Posts: 202
    So, can we swear around here now?

    Or am I still going to get a PM from a mod telling me to be a good boy?
  • JamesPageJamesPage Administrator, Moderator, Director
    Posts: 1,380
  • After a few hours of playing around, I'm finding a lot to like about NuMI6. Sure, typing the HTML tags is annoying and my mouse's scroll wheel is getting quite a workout, but the ability to save drafts is great, as are the bookmarks, customized avatars and the embedded videos. I like the way one's own posts and topics are highlighted, too.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 114
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