Skyfall - Teaser Trailer - Discussion Thread



  • TreefingersTreefingers Isthmus City, Republic of Isthmus
    Posts: 193

    This was absolutely amazing. This isn't the same as the one from ComiCon is it? That one didn't have any Silva in it, which I thought was weird, but also gave me hope another one would be released. I suppose this is precisely that.

    Anyway it looks amazing, they're throwing all the meat in the grill.

    BTW nice TWINE throwback from Sévérine with that "not like him" line
  • omg cant wait until nov 2012,only complaint javider is really blonde, i thought that was just a diguise to get into london england
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    blofeld702 wrote:
    omg cant wait until nov 2012,only complaint javider is really blonde, i thought that was just a diguise to get into london england

    Since when do you have to be blonde to enter London?
  • Posts: 3
    Why does it look so ... generic and underwhelming? I don't know about this one. Even Javier Bardem doesn't seem to pull any strings for me. Either that or the movie's great, but this is just a plain bad trailer with all the boring parts.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    EDell wrote:
    Why does it look so ... generic and underwhelming? I don't know about this one. Even Javier Bardem doesn't seem to pull any strings for me. Either that or the movie's great, but this is just a plain bad trailer with all the boring parts.

    I'm not sure, because I couldn't disagree more, especially about Bardem.
  • Posts: 1,856
    Yeah Javider Blondem just dosnt look right.

    I am now confident that Q is in safe hands.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Love the mommy was very bad line.
  • Posts: 1,856
    Kerim wrote:
    Love the mommy was very bad line.

    Yeah, Every film has a "Yo Mamma" Line though.
  • Posts: 501
    I know that most of you won't mind, but they just showed the spanish version of the trailer and Bardem doesn't double his own voice! And then in my city, I think they're not going to show it in OV, so I think I'm going to hate the parts he's going to appear in just because I'm going to have to watch it in Spanish.
  • Posts: 1,856
    0iker0 wrote:
    I know that most of you won't mind, but they just showed the spanish version of the trailer and Bardem doesn't double his own voice! And then in my city, I think they're not going to show it in OV, so I think I'm going to hate the parts he's going to appear in just because I'm going to have to watch it in Spanish.

    So an Actor who speaks Spanish, isn't doing the Spanish version!! Oh come on MGM!!!
  • be as good as Royale in a different way
  • Creasy47 wrote:
    blofeld702 wrote:
    omg cant wait until nov 2012,only complaint javider is really blonde, i thought that was just a diguise to get into london england

    Since when do you have to be blonde to enter London?

    I think he meant that Silva was too well known by the authorities so he dyed his hair to get into England.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @thelivingroyale, that makes sense. Yeah, I'm absolutely loving Bardem as this villain thus far. I can't wait to see that full scene between him and Bond.
  • Bardem seems to be a great, memorable villian but I do prefer his dark hair. Makes him look more menacing.
  • 0iker0 wrote:
    I know that most of you won't mind, but they just showed the spanish version of the trailer and Bardem doesn't double his own voice! And then in my city, I think they're not going to show it in OV, so I think I'm going to hate the parts he's going to appear in just because I'm going to have to watch it in Spanish.
    There's still the (real) possibility that the person doing the dubbing for the trailer will not be doing it for the movie. The real dubbing of the movie often happen far later than you think. I think the translation work (ie ; adaptation) is actually just beginning on some "work in progress" copy of the complete movie.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Bardem seems to be a great, memorable villian but I do prefer his dark hair. Makes him look more menacing.

    I couldn't agree more. I re-watched 'Collateral' the other night, and he had really short hair with a full beard, and definitely looked like he meant trouble.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 501
    0iker0 wrote:
    I know that most of you won't mind, but they just showed the spanish version of the trailer and Bardem doesn't double his own voice! And then in my city, I think they're not going to show it in OV, so I think I'm going to hate the parts he's going to appear in just because I'm going to have to watch it in Spanish.
    There's still the (real) possibility that the person doing the dubbing for the trailer will not be doing it for the movie. The real dubbing of the movie often happen far later than you think. I think the translation work (ie ; adaptation) is actually just beginning on some "work in progress" copy of the complete movie.
    Yes it's true, but usually they choose the voices and then use them for the trailers and everything. What's more, in spanish at least, each actor has its doubling actor and almost never change them. Jack Nicholson, Robert DeNiro, Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan... no matter which film they do, they have always the same voice. And I found out, watching Pirates of the Caribean 4 and No Country For Old Men, that Penelope Cruz and Bardem didn't make the spanish voice. The only spaniard who does so is Antonio Banderas.
  • 0iker0 wrote:
    Yes it's true, but usually they choose the voices and then use them for the trailers and everything.

    Well, Bardem is far more busy and expensive that the other actors who do dubbing hence you've still have the little possibility he'll do the job only for the critical part (ie : the actual movie) ! But your comment about Pirates is a bad sign, clearly.

    Here in France Olga Kuryenko and Mathieu Amalric did their own part for QoS, but indeed they did the trailer voices too. Berenice Marlohe is also casted as her own French voice. I don't know her voice well enough to judge if that's her in the French dubbed trailer.

  • Bardem seems to be a great, memorable villian but I do prefer his dark hair. Makes him look more menacing.

    When Javier coos at Bond, "Just look at you, chasing spies," I expected Bond to snap back with, "Just look at YOU, b**ch, chasing Swedish guinea pigs to make wigs out of." Congratulations to Sam Mendes for giving us the most glamorous evil Bond queen of ALL-TIME!
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 371
    I can only assume that the weird/ridiculous/freaky blonde hair is actually explained in the plot, could such an accomplished crew really have decided to have his hair like that, just because they liked the way it looked??
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Who is to say that just isn't his trademark? Trevelyan had the scars, Renard had the 'invincibility,' Le Chiffre had the bleeding eye, Amalric had the bug eyes, so it appears that Silva's is the hair.
  • Posts: 3
    Creasy47 wrote:
    Who is to say that just isn't his trademark? Trevelyan had the scars, Renard had the 'invincibility,' Le Chiffre had the bleeding eye, Amalric had the bug eyes, so it appears that Silva's is the hair.

    Yes, but all of those features were due to physical imperfections or injuries suffered. Bardem's blonde hair suggests nothing of that, other than perhaps he may be bald underneath or he's concealing a hideously fried skull that was roasted in some accidental or intentional fire. If it's just blonde for the sake of being blonde, well, that's just as boring as Zoran having platinum white hair for no discernible reason other than to look like a bad cartoon character.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @EDell, but even though it may be a lame trademark - just being blonde - it'll still be a trademark. He'll still be that "new blonde bad guy," but you're right, it could be a wig, or dyed, or something. Time will tell.
  • Creasy47 wrote:
    EDell wrote:
    Why does it look so ... generic and underwhelming? I don't know about this one. Even Javier Bardem doesn't seem to pull any strings for me. Either that or the movie's great, but this is just a plain bad trailer with all the boring parts.

    I'm not sure, because I couldn't disagree more, especially about Bardem.

    I agree with you, 100%. Here's a case of someone starting to make assumptions about the full movie based on a trailer. I know it's an opinion, but I can't understand it. The trailer has a definite "wow" factor about it.


    This was absolutely amazing. This isn't the same as the one from ComiCon is it? That one didn't have any Silva in it, which I thought was weird, but also gave me hope another one would be released. I suppose this is precisely that.

    Anyway it looks amazing, they're throwing all the meat in the grill.

    BTW nice TWINE throwback from Sévérine with that "not like him" line

    Yes, a little nod to TWINE for sure. Except Cucinotta's nice delivery of her line is sabotaged later on by the lame Renard. If Silva turns out to be a great villain like he is capable of being, then Marlohe, who also delivers a nice sense of dread, will have improved on the line.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 6,601
    Give people enough time and they will try to turn everything good into bad. Its human nature, I suppose.
    But I don't understand the moaning about Bardems hair. We knew FOR AGES, he would be blonde. Why cmplain now? Because it looks too good to be true and the naysayers need something to moan about?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    I just don't see why you would want to set out to hate a film, especially a series as renown and loved as the James Bond films. Don't make assumptions off of what, a total of five minutes or so of trailers and teasers. Wait until the final film. The last thing I felt when I watched the trailer was an underwhelming feeling. Silva and his crew are bringing the fight home to London, and Bond is going to have a serious fight on his hands.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 3,494
    @ German Lady- that's the way it always is around here. Craig's naysayers will complain, Brosnan's naysayers, Moore's naysayers, etc, etc. I roll my eyes at a lot of things said, but obviously you can't stop someone from having an opinion no matter how lame and meaningless it might be.

    One thing about me is that if I venture an opinion, positive or negative, there's a strong reason for it. I don't come here just to type something because I made a rash decision that I didn't like something, therefore it's no good. There really isn't any reason I can rationalize why people complain about something they already knew.
    Creasy47 wrote:
    I just don't see why you would want to set out to hate a film, especially a series as renown and loved as the James Bond films. Don't make assumptions off of what, a total of five minutes or so of trailers and teasers. Wait until the final film. The last thing I felt when I watched the trailer was an underwhelming feeling. Silva and his crew are bringing the fight home to London, and Bond is going to have a serious fight on his hands.

    Well said Creasy =D>
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    Thank you very much, Sir Henry. It seems like anytime another big, promotional video or what have you is released for the film, we get a few new people added to our community that just want to trash Craig, the film, etc. I have no problem with someone disliking a film or an actor, but like you said, there should be a very strong reason behind it.

    "Silva is blonde, so this movie will fail at the box office and will be absolute garbage."

    No, that isn't valid in the slightest. Don't join our friendly community just to be an arrogant, one-sided pessimist.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Shouldn't we be discussing all this in the trailer 2 thread, since this one was for the teaser???
    Germanlady wrote:
    But I don't understand the moaning about Bardems hair. We knew FOR AGES, he would be blonde. Why cmplain now? Because it looks too good to be true and the naysayers need something to moan about?

    Not all of us knew, I haven't been following alot of the film because of spoilers so I didn't know. I thought it was a wig he was wearing as a disguise when I saw a pic of him dressed as a policeman, I didn't know he would actually be blonde. I'm not complaining btw, I just think he looks more menacing with his dark hair.

    @SirHenryLeeChaChing Why do you think Renard was lame? Never got why people don't like him, he's one of my favourite villians.
    I agree with you, 100%. Here's a case of someone starting to make assumptions about the full movie based on a trailer.

    Exactly. It's like I said on another thread, we can't say "it's gonna be crap", or "it's gonna be great", because we haven't seen the film, it's a trailer. We can say "this bit looks great" or "this bit looks crap", but we can't know for sure.
  • edited August 2012 Posts: 3,494
    @ TLR- Robert Carlyle in general is a very good actor, so my thoughts on Renard aren't a result of anything he did wrong. I would answer your question by saying that the script and editing betrayed the potential of the character. For example, I think about a scene that Apted dropped after Cucinotta had left the banker's office. You hear Renard in the background but never see him. Add that to the end of the PTS where Cucinotta screams "not from him" and now you've added some menace. I'm looking at the trailer and what I've seen from Silva and Marlohe and thinking that Mendes knows exactly what to do with Silva.

    Then I think about the "bullet killing Renard theory", which makes about as much sense as the JFK "magic bullet" theory. They can say it, Renard can do what they say, but the implausibility of it all renders the idea meaningless to begin with, making his holding of the hot rocks without pain also fairly ho-hum. The anarchists in "XXX" were more menacing than this. I could go on and on about the too transparent giving away of his alliance with Elektra, but I'll end this with about how unimpressed I was with his physical confrontations. This guy should pretty much be physically unstoppable like the Terminator with increasing strength and being unable to feel pain, but is no match whatsoever for Bond compared to other villains that came before. All the potential he has is undermined and Elektra winds up being the more effective and compelling villain in my estimation.

    Hope that explains my statement.
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