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It sounded like a Sparks song to me, tbh.
Considering we haven't even qualified for the past few years, Bambi Thug did very well, and to come 6th, with what was a quite different (to put t mildly!) Song, she did us proud, but yeh, its not a song I want to hear again! They apparently bonded well with the Swiss winner, and are even considering collaborating!
Oh God, dont remind me!! The only good thing about that embarrassment was that it pi**ed off Dana, which was hilarious to watch! A bit l like her attempt to get nominated for President many years back!
It goes without saying that it is impossible to keep politics out of this when one of the participating nations are committing atrocities, and engage in war crimes and ethnic cleansing. They should not have been given such a platform and most people are not cynical enough to turn a blind eye to it and pretend everything is fine.
Well, I don't remember any rap parts in a Bond title song. But yes, at least the calmer parts of Nemos song did remind me a bit of a Bond song, which of course isn't a bad thing.
Yes, although I'm in Northern Ireland I remember seeing a clip from the show where they voted to choose the Eurovision act for Ireland in 2008. I recall former Eurovision winner Dana being on the jury and her reaction to Dustin the Turkey winning was that it was "a fowl decision". I think it's brilliant in how it takes the mickey out of Eurovision as only the Irish can do. I love the naming of all the countries in a mock attempt to curry favour, the spitting feathers and the end line accompanied by booing: "Did we win?!". It really is the perfect satire of Eurovision and its political voting process.
Sometimes it pays off to do something different. And by the voting, it seems like she found her audience among ESC fans. I wonder how a collaboration between the two will sound like – but unlikely pairings sometimes works out great.
I mabey can have agree Joost mabey not have live on stage again, but there should have repeat Thursday one. Sweden wins 7 times and you expect better from them. Fact it take place in Sweden there should at least another person from big 5 next to him.
For first time i think Netherlands should skip a year include not showing it on tv and if people whant to watch it should go watching it on Belgium 1. Talking about Belgium, if have stand in the final my expections have been people have voted for Belgium as protest.
France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany and Belgium. No UK, Australia, Scandinavian countries, Israel, and so on. Just the very west of continental Europe. Today, nearly 70 years later, disqualifying the Dutch singer "just" happens and no one cares. As more and more details about the incident are leaked to the press, it also becomes more obvious that this was nothing short of an overreaction centred around a single reporter who repeatedly disrespected a man's simple request to please leave him the bleep alone for a while.
Then there's the European flag, which wasn't allowed at the show. Let's see... EUROvision... What am I missing, exactly? "Only countries' flags are allowed." I see. What about the rainbow flag then? Also a political statement. I don't care about either, but if the European flag is somehow unwelcome. In Europe. At the EUROvision song contest, then why should we allow any flags of any kind at all?
And with that, Eurovision has once more proven itself the farce that I have always claimed it to be. It's an overdirected celebration of mediocrity--heavily politicised, and probably too big for what it can handle. In any case, the Dutch singer's career will benefit from this, no doubt about that, and if I were Holland, I'd give Eurosong the finger in the future. In fact, I wish my country would stop with this BS too.
The European flag not being allowed is beyond ludicrous, since other non-country flags appear all the time. They might as well take 'euro' out of the contest's name now.
This year was a total farce. Maybe next year I'll just stick to the Sanremo festival. Everything in Italian and with a live orchestra. Yes, please.
PS @jobo, I don't disagree with you, I just think they should have avoided the situation all together from the very beginning.
I just saw a clip from their performance but it looked positively Satanic. Definitely something different from them! ;)
Isn't it wonderful that we still have nice people watching over us, helpless children? I thought Bambi Thug had an interesting song for us, and certainly one to break through the painful slew of mediocre music that is Eurosong.
Sometimes even very low ranked at song contest turn out be hit like Rosa Linn with Snap from Armenia in 2022 (She end 20th place) who enter the list on 16 July 2022 two months after final show and stay in the list for 26 weaks (6 months). S10 who end 11th place with De Diepte (Netherlands) stay in list for 17 weaks.
I much rather preferred those Estonian guys on their talharpa, my favourite 'wacky' entry of this year...
But hey what do I know, I like Conti's FYEO and Serra's GE scores ;)
😂 Personally, I'd rather listen to Bambis "screeching" than Serras cacophony of a score for GE!🤪
Ahahah, I knew you'd say that! :))
Made me smile though, even though we disagree :)
😆 I plan to do a detailed review of GE soon! You might want to avert your eyes for that one, mate! 😂
Partly with English subs
All with English subs
Although it's a bit similar to Céline Dion, I think that it could be in the top ten, at least.
Australia's entry.
What the Hell Just Happened? indeed! ;)
Yes, that awkward celebration of mediocre, has-been music with awkward political biases and confusing goals... My wife will probably make me sit through it again.