The 007 furniture and interior thread



  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,351
    Shamefully, I've only ever seen the Steve Carell Get Smart film and not the original series, but I recall the doors also being in that.
    Now that I think about it, the secret headquarters hidden behind a door or even more common, an elevator, is probably too much of a spy film cliché, isn't it?
    I have been thinking about whether the opening of the TMWTGG novel - Bond calls to get a meeting with M after having been missing and MI6 has to figure out whether he is the real guy - would be a good PTS for the next Bond actor. Very meta, with all the "we thought you were dead", but I think it could be fun. And I've always loved how that sequence shows the outer shells of the MI6 cover operation. You'd have to change quite a few things, but I still think they could pull that off.
    But I'm veering away from furniture and interior again...

    Does anyone know whether the hotel room in Matera in the PTS of NTTD is an actual room with (close to) the original furnishings or completely self-built by the production?
  • CharmianBondCharmianBond Pett Bottom, Kent
    edited August 2022 Posts: 557
    Built by production, along with, it seems, like all the others. There's some nice pictures in this AD article. And Tim Browning did this concept art for it timbrowning-6156bbb9281de08.jpg
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    Posts: 3,169
    That table is an oddity even in the film it's in, the rest of Quantum goes for the gritty realism tone and then MI6 looks like Starfleet HQ. But it was a small extrapolation of the Microsoft Surface table that was released the same year that history has quite rightly chosen to ignore.

    I love the very particular way Bond films date, and how sometimes they pick the wrong piece of technology to back! I remember the YouTube footage of the Surface Table and how futuristic it looked.

    Craig-era Bond's old-fashioned gear, and quality, old-school furniture, feels quite true to Fleming. The book Bond likes hanging on to old stuff, has an old car (as does Craig), objects to his faithful old gun being taken off him.
    thedove wrote: »
    One of my fav parts of TB is early in the film when Largo walks through a humanitarian aid office and the SPECTRE meeting space is directly behind a secret door. Course the industrial look and secret doors was used as the opening credits of Get Smart a wonderful spy spoof show of the 60's. As a kid I loved all the secret doors and the theme music!

    A great favourite of mine too, hence the username - Get Smart was the gateway drug that led me to Bond, UNCLE and a general appreciation of 1960s style, TV, film and music!
  • Posts: 2,914
    This needs to be in the next Bond film:


  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,537
    I could easily see Moore poking around that thing after noticing it while dialoguing with the main villain in his lair... "Now's not the time to be... sheepish..."
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,491
    Dolly got optional extras installed, unlike in MR.
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,351
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,537
    Lol is that how M tells Bond to get killing these days?
  • rock223rock223 Isenburg
    Posts: 13
    I think we should revive this thread. What's your favourite Bond piece or pieces of furniture?
    Mine's M's flat in Casino Royale. The whole of it.
  • edited June 17 Posts: 75
    Always liked Craig's Bond minimalistic style. I even recently bought a sofa that looks a bit like the one in Casino Royale, this one. The rest of my living room looks similar to his room, too.
  • edited June 14 Posts: 17,712
    Yes, let's do that!
    M's flat in Casino Royale is fantastic. It might not be one of the aspects of CR that's talked about a lot, but I do think the set decoration in this film is really good.

    The Barcelona Chairs in M's flat must be up there with my favourite pieces of furniture from the films, but there are so many other great furniture pieces too. Lamps is a thing for me, so I could go into detail about the lamps from the films that I really like, but if I was to choose a furniture I would like to own myself, it might be the Bodil Kjær desk that featured in three (!) films in the 60's.


    And, it's not a furniture piece, but as a coffee and espresso lover I would like to own Bond's LALD espresso machine, the La Pavoni Europiccola. They still make these, and although not cheap, I might save up and buy one.

    The less we say about Rog's technique, the better. At least he uses freshly ground beans!
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