Best Bond Theme : License To Kill

edited March 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 76
The USA/UK Alliance is Evident in Bond Films by one great thin - British Accent - Hollywood Dazel.
But Which Bong song gets you up and running in the AM?

Glady's Knight - License To Kill (1989)



  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    Not really, the song isn't suitable to the much-grittier film. It's a fine song but not really a Bond song
  • Posts: 76
    So....OK....What is a BOND SONG?
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,303
    Please stop writing your posts in all capitals.

    It's rude.

    As for your question, I'm afraid I disagree on that one. A forgettable Bond theme.
    Something like Nancy Sinatra's 'You Only Live Twice' or Carly Simon's 'Nobody Does It Better' would be a better way to start my day. Though I'm not in the habit of waking up to Bond.
  • Posts: 76
    Sorry Benny,
    No effort to be rude.
    How about Madonna. Die Another Day?
  • Quoting JB007LTK: How about Madonna. Die Another Day?
    Most people seem to hate this theme song but I've always rather liked it. It fits the tone of DAD well. But my favorite songs have always been LALD and the CR theme song.
  • Posts: 2,495

    well this is some guy who made video about his favourite theme song.
    about Madona i dont know why people hate the song.anyway yea i agree it fits with those new mileniun Bond movies
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 76
    I am Surprised by the Lack of Response to this discussion
    The whole reason for Bond Movie acceptance among movie goers in both USA and UK is the music.
    Not everyone spends their day on line. It's what makes BOND, ONLY BOND.
    Did you ever hear of a Bourne Identity Girl.
    Come On Chaps.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    I like LTK but it's far from my favourite. I much prefer the classics: GF, DAF, the OHMSS theme, LALD, FYEO, etc. I'd rank it middle of the pack.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    I don't mind it (though I prefer TLD), but I wish they'd have chosen a song to reflect the tone of the film.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I like to start my day with MR during the Winter season, when it's still dark as I leave home, and with DAF on other occasions. That said, I used to actually do this when I was younger. Nowadays I wake up listening to film related podcasts till I start working. ;;)
  • If I WAS TO WAKE UP TO A BOND song, I'D wAkE Up tO LALD. ThERE's SomETHING AbouT THAT Song that gets your juices STIrrinG FIRST tHInG. It has eVERYTHING, meldoy, gREat LyRIcs and George Martin. A classic pop/Bond song. Top notch in every way.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 107
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Diamonds Are Forever, A View To A Kill and of course The James Bond Theme itself are all top tier tunes.

    As for Licence To Kill, it feels like a Goldfinger rehash right out of the gate, and does little to distinguish itself from other Bond songs; a tired retread. (The consequences of the powers-that-be establishing a template for "what a Bond song should be" back in 1965 by echoing Goldfinger with Thunderball.)

    Die Another Day, on the other hand certainly deserves credit for trying something different. That said, I hate almost all of the stylistic choices made with it: it somehow relies on auto tuning even in the absence of melody. The string and percussion parts are appallingly repetitive. Trying something new is a noble endeavor and all, but in order to do it successfully, some actual ideas need to be brought to the table. Die Another Day has very, very few of them (thus the repetitious nature).
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    Personally I prefer the songs with lyrics that are directly about James Bond such as Nobody Does It Better and You Know My Name, LTK although with the Licence To Kill line is written from a women's point of view of guarding her man from other women's attention...yeah I suppose actually it could be interpreted as very a Bondish sentiment'
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    It's a good song and maybe even a good Bond song that works but it doesn't work in this film itself.
  • Posts: 7,653
    I found the other TD titlesong The Living Daylights much more memorable, and better.

    The Gladys Knight song lacked the quality her earlier stuff did have, this song left me kind of cold as does most of the soundtrack.
  • Can't rememberlicence to kill's theme,but i remembernot-so long ago been a hugefan of Casino Royale's: "you know my name" (still enjoy it :D), QoS': "Another way to die", live and let die, the world is not enough, but i don't think that any bond songcan be one that i'd listen to over and over again :$ :P
  • After thinking about it, it's easier to list the themes I didn't like because on the whole I like most of them. The only ones I don't like are the themes for MR, FYEO, and AVTAK. I enjoy the rest!
  • Posts: 37
    I'll say You Only Live Twice is the most enchanting Bond melody for me. They play the instrumental version at the building where I work over the lobby speaker system (along with other instrumental songs).
  • All Time High
  • Posts: 1,497
    To wake up to?

    I think of the rockers: The Man With The Golden Gun, Casino Royale, or A View to a Kill.

    LALD would do too. Certainly not License to Kill, one of the more blander entries in the series.

    Another Way to Die would wake me up too, but I would probably be pissed off the rest of the day
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    Posts: 475
    The USA/UK Alliance is Evident in Bond Films by one great thin - British Accent - Hollywood Dazel.
    But Which Bong song gets you up and running in the AM?

    Glady's Knight - License To Kill (1989)

    Bong song?
    something by Cheech & Chong?
    "One toke over the line"?

    as for "License To Kill", it doesn't make my Bond playlist
    original Bond theme from DN, GF, TSWLM, LALD, OHMSS (instrumental), YOLT & CR make up the first division for me

    "waiting for the train to go home sweet Mary,
    hoping that the train is on time,
    sitting down town in a railway station,
    one toke over the line..."

  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367
    Diamonds Are Forever, GoldenEye, Nobody Does It Better, The Living Daylights and A View to a Kill are my five favourite title songs.
  • I love Goldfinger and Diamonds Are Forever as well.
  • Posts: 638

    original Bond theme from DN, GF, TSWLM, LALD, OHMSS (instrumental), YOLT & CR make up the first division for me
    Throw in TB and I am right there with you.

  • 001001
    Posts: 1,575
    You Know My Name is my favorite of all the bond songs.It rocks.

  • Nobody Does It Better. Wonderful tune, vocals and lyrics. Sums up the franchise and character perfectly!
  • edited May 2011 Posts: 3,494
    Goldfinger is still my favorite. The music defines what Barry created to be the Bond sound, and Bassey's vocals still send chills down my spine to this day. But to be fair, there are so many other great songs in the series that it's easier to name the ones I don't care for, which thankfully are very few.

    Licence To Kill is a very good title song, but not one of the greats. I'd be fine with it if it were the first song I heard in the morning.

    The ones that I either mute or skip over are DAD and AWTD. If either was on the radio, I'd change the station.
  • j7wildj7wild Suspended
    Posts: 821
    For Your Eyes Only by Sheena Easton, Nobody Does It Better by Carly Simon, Goldfinger by Shirley Bassey, Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney and the Wings, The Living Daylighs By A~Ha, Tomorrow Never Dies by Sheryl Crow - and no, I am not going to say A View To A Kill by Duran Duran (BLAH! YUCK!)
  • Posts: 212
    Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I always thought that Patti Labelle's "If You Asked Me To" that plays over the end credits would have been a better title track than "Licence to Kill" ended up being. Granted, in a perfect world the title song would have had a bit more grit to it than either of those two songs (but I love the inclusion of "If You Asked Me To" over the end credits, where I think it fits perfectly), but Labelle's song would have been a much better song for the titles than LTK.

    As for the best title songs, my favorites are "For Your Eyes Only", "Nobody Does it Better", "You Know My Name", and "The Living Daylights".
  • I share that opinion too Chuck, as far as IYAMT is a better song. Patti is my Philly homegirl and that probably has something to do with it to some degree. But I wouldn't flip the songs. The songs I would flip is Surrender as the TND title and Sheryl Crow's TND for the end credits.
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