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The Man From Hong Kong was the only other significant lead film role of his career.
Of course he had leading roles in "Stoner" and "A Queen's Ransom" but neither of those films recieved significant theatrical releases outside of Hong Kong.
He was quite thin in this movie.
Tried watching that a few months ago. Couldn't get past the dreadful dubbing.
The thing with spaghetti westerns is they are essentially fun entertainment so the dubbing doesn't matter so much. Who Saw Her Die is about child abduction so the performances and story should be what you focus on - not the dubbing.
Haven't heard of this movie before today....
George Lazenby lost 35 pounds for this role.
I think Broccoli still had to come to terms he'd gotten a new leading man, and they misjudget the impact of that. They learned their lesson, but it's a pity it had to come at the cost of Lazenby.