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Thx, Peter. I have spoken to so many witnesses, teachers, military, police men, nurses, local odd-job men (totally working class), most of them never even considered UFOs to be real - until they saw them with their own eyes. More disturbingly, I've interviewed several men and women who are absolutely convinced they have been abducted (sometimes at night, but not always) and they have had DNA, sperm and eggs taken from them. One woman, a veteran English teacher, lost her job because she reported her deeply disturbing encounters, and, I fear, she is suicidal. If people think all these people are making this stuff up, then I say, for what purpose? It sure as hell doesn't make their lives better, in fact they are ridiculed and, like the teacher and also a Yorkshire police officer, lose their jobs and livelihoods. That is real. Real. So people can go and speak to these witnesses and listen closely to their stories. These are traumatised people. Something is going on. And we are blind fools to ignore it.
Yes, when people fail to see how important the drive for truth is, then we are screwed.
I recall telling a friend 30 years ago about climate change. He laughed at me. Genius!
No sir. I first learned about it in astronomy courses I took in 2002, during my college days. I also read about it in a book by Asimov and I memory serves a book by Sagan as well. It is also mentioned and discussed in 21st Century Astronomy, an expensive textbook I treated myself to in 2014 to help me get over a painful breakup. Wikipedia is rarely my go-to source for anything science.
Yes, I 100% admire that.
I apologise for being hard on you. The reason is that this is very, very important stuff in our history and for our survival (like your son's future) and our evolution. All I can say is that I have gone down the rabbit hole and it's been very tough. I am very serious about this subject matter. We are not alone. They are here.
They are lying low in our unexplored oceans. Why? It's obvious. Seek out worlds with oceans. Our planet surface is 71% water. We know, and they know, life begins in the oceans and near hot vents/springs. We are already focused on several of Jupiter's moons, specifically Europa. The genius Arthur C. Clarke, the man who, in the the1940's, accurately predicted satellite communication and data will be fundamental to our future societies - said that Europa is where we will find life in our own solar system (see 2010). And Europa's oceans are now showing, just this year, carbon and the other key ingredients for life, and, very soon, we are going to find primitive ocean life on that moon.
They, ETs. know that ocean worlds orbit within the Goldilock's zone - close enough to a sun, but far enough away, for water, on a vast scale, (water which came to us from carbon loaded asteroids) to be fluid and at the right temperature for life. Also, that means these oceans, wherever you look in our galaxy or in the wider universe, have the same basic chemical compounds. That means, even if a planet's atmosphere is hostile to life, its oceans will still be very similar to any other world. So that environment is, if you're an alien, a very safe place to establish a base or bases. And that is exactly what they have done. That is why so many UFO sightings are over oceans or lakes or other water locations. Don't believe me - look it up.
Beyond that, @ColonelSun obviously has a strong point in the fact that he states that we usually won't accept anything beyond our own senses, which is daft considering the fact that we've already developed technology that can probe further than we can, and that's most likely just the tip of the iceberg. What I've always found interesting is the notion of more dimentions interacting. IIRC for quantum mechanics to work we need about 10 dimentions, whereas we can only move in 3 and perceive the 4th (time). If ET's move through a 5th, we wouldn't notice at all.
All in all, a but of humility on human's side is definately called for. @ColonelSun please let us know when your series is finished and where we can see it. If anything I'm highly curious.
Quantum physics works fine. It's string theory that requires 10 dimensions (though, in all fairness, string theory isn't entirely disconnected from quantum physics.) An interesting little novel that explores the philosophical implications of higher-dimension creatures visiting lower-dimension ones is FLATLAND, which I highly recommend to anyone with an interest in maths and physics.
The 'problem' with the higher dimensions (i.e. higher than our three or, indeed, four) is that according to string theory, they aren't stretched out over the entire span of the universe, but rather are curled up into incredibly small 'dots'. Michio Kaku, in one of his best books ever, HYPERSPACE, explores the possibilities of 'pulling open' such a dot into a portal that connects with another dot somewhere else. He, indeed, sees that as a not so implausible mode of space travel, jumping between higher-dimensional dots without having to cross the vast three-dimensional distances of space. The only problem, he asserts, is that in order to manipulate such 'portals', a vast supply of energy has to be available. We're not talking about merely a nuclear reaction (not even a fusion reaction), but something in the order of magnitude of a full star's entire energy content, and then some. So the message he gives us, humans, is basically: keep dreaming (for now.) However, it may not be entirely inconceivable that another, more advanced civilization has already been able to work out a solution. (I first read HYPERSPACE in the late '90s; that book helped me to decide that I was going to pursue a teaching career in science.)
If this stuff piques anyone's interest, I highly recommend Liu Cixin's amazing trilogy of books THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM, THE DARK FOREST and DEATH'S END. These books explore something akin to what you are proposing, @CommanderRoss. A civilization from a planet in a solar system not too far from ours uses 'uncurled' higher-dimensional particles to transmit information back-and-forth between us and them. These are some of the very best books I have ever read. The first one takes a slow start and initially seems to be dealing with the politics of the Communist revolution in China; yet, after a handful of chapters, it becomes very clear what is actually going on. The author has, in fact, done such a remarkable job of making it all seem so convincing, that many chapters feel like I'm reading an actual scientific dissertation on the subject. Amazing stuff.
Ah, another fan! Yes, I'm glad you agree.
watching the 'encounter' series on netflix (I'm at episode 2 now), it seems there's ampel evidence that aliens HAVE visited earth. Especially the Mozambique case is very, very compelling.
I saw a small snipped of a video online the other day where an iteresting character said that 'if you believe, it means there's doubt'. Which, I think, is correct. Which makes me wonder, do I now 'believe' in Aliens whom have visited, or do I accept is as a fact?
Well, they did try to warn us:
That's what I used to think (until a week ago). I'm not so sure now.
What changed your mind a week ago, if I may ask?
Watching 'encounters' on Netflix. Especially the second episode is quite compelling.
I've long thought that if aliens do exist they'd most likely be other human beings just like us. It kind of goes against the "little green men" stereotype but it's the most likely hypothesis for me. That's if they exist at all. Obviously, if they are visiting us in UFOs then they have more advanced technology than we have. That's a lot of "ifs", but you get my point I'm sure.
I mean, you have loads of testimony from alleged victims of possession, from exorcists, from witnesses. You have peripheral miracles witnessed by even more people. You can find this in cultures that have some religious framework for it, and they can tell you the names and heirarchies of these demons, and it's all as dubious as it is commonplace. Interestingly, I've seen some of these folks claim that what people believe to be alien abductions are actually cases of demon possession, and I've even seen people claiming the reverse.
Now, belief in demon possession would require a much bigger reworking of my worldview, but the mountains of evidence for it look a lot to me like the testimonies of alien this or that. The idea that extremely advanced extraterrestrial life has kind of been dicking around our planet for decades/centuries, not doing much that's obviously interesting, only detected by rather zealous UFO buffs and apprently "The Government", I mean, that's still a pretty big deal. The fact that everyone carries a camera around nowadays, and that the US government has very recently had a number of lunatics with impressive security clearances, and the fact that those two things don't seem to have greatly influenced the amount of evidence we have...I mean, on the meta-level, from outside, it doesn't seem like something worth digging into all that much.
I can highly recommend this 4 part BBC Three documentary series on alien/UFO sightings in Wales in the late 1970s and early 1980s: