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He later says he's "not sure" if he would return if asked by EON.
Dirty Angels got savaged by critics, like a lot of recent Campbell works. But it seems like it was mostly the script and budget that were holding the film back, not its director.
I remain convinced that given the right script and the production might that comes with Bond, Campbell can still deliver the goods.
Especially if it was Aidan Turners debut. Ehh @buddyoldchap
The new trailer for black bag feels as close to a Bond film as we will get for a while.
Honestly even though he is 47 god i want Fassbender to do at least a Lazenby and do just one Bond film the man just should of been Bond
Dune Messiah will likely NOT meet its original release date (although that would be nice) of December 2026 due to scheduling of actors, and could see a similar shift to March that Part 2 saw last year. At this point I think EON want Villeneuve and are happy to wait, keeping busy in the meantime on their own projects. As David Zaritsky of the Bond Experience says, EON are in no hurry, they are more than happy to wait for the right peices to come together until they feel comfortable moving forward with the series. At this moment, I think October 2028 will be the earliest possible time we could see Bond 26.
Overall I wouldn’t say no to Edwards as a Bond director, so long as he’s more shooter than auteur (as The Hollywood Reporter described his role on the new Jurassic), he isn’t touching the script, and that whoever is scripting makes it airtight.
I don't think so. He doesn't have the romanticism that Bond requires. I do enjoy his body of work but his films don't have that kind of emotional intensity and adventure Bond requires; they are too grounded in detail and process.
Nice analysis. Same goes for Nolan!
He is not good enough for JW.
His Godzilla was ok but lacked well Godzilla… i loved the world building in his film the secret organization sworn to hid Godzilla from us knowing the world would ultimately panic if we knew giant monsters existed… love all of it except for the lack of Godzilla…
So maybe i would go for it if he actually showed Bond in his Bond film and not just world built for two hours
I am curious how Blackbag does so i can see if Soderbergh would be good for Bond
So to sum up, here's the FACTS that we know to be true:
- Denis Villeneuve was wanted by EON to direct the last film, but had scheduling conflicts with Dune.
- Denis Villeneuve has stated he is an immense Bond fan from a young age and he absolutely WOULD emphatically like to direct a Bond film In future.
- Denis' work on the Dune franchise comes to an end in 2026, roughly the same time as EON would be expected to be done with producing Othello and CCBB.
Michod shot a new film starring Sydney Sweeney last autumn, so for the time being the potential poor quality of Wizards! doesn't seem to be affecting his ability to get projects made, though I admit that could change if the film finally does get released and its reception matches the test audiences'.
This was Nolan in 2017. I highly doubt Amazon are willing to wait until Nolan is done with Odessey, but it does sound exactly like what they need, someone to reinvent Bond from the ground up.
Because the last one is dead.
Yeah I was listening to kind of a podcast and a person was saying this has now opened a huge widow for Nolan because now he can have full creative control vs before where it wouldn't happen because babs had full control.
I wonder though whether Nolan, who knows Barbara Broccoli socially, might feel less than happy with Amazon if the Amazon takeover was as brutal as we suspect? Might he turn them down out of loyalty?
Brutal? They paid her very well and she did not sell the rights! It was a great deal.
If it was like Peter how made it sound, it was a hostile takeover where Amazon basically cut off Eon's revenue stream by blocking their ability to make Bond films. Eon presumably had the choice of trying to wait-out an opponent who had a far deeper cash-well whilst they themselves bled money, or admit defeat and hand complete control over to Amazon and accept a golden handshake. If that was the case then that's accepting terms when defeat has become inevitable. That's siege-craft.
Where are you getting that from?
It’s how I interpreted this post of peter’s:
It’s all speculation, but it shows the way people are thinking. I’m not convinced Amazon will want to wait around for Nolan’s slate to clear.