Eurospy films



  • Posts: 17,875
    Finished watching Assignment K (1968) last night. A yearly Christmas viewing for me, I had to watch the film over two days this time, as I started watching way too late in the evening. this actually highlighted my own, few issues with the film.


    I've never actually viewed this film as a Eurospy, but it features elements and locations that would qualify it as one. And seeing as @Seve has already reviewed it, I'll only add my own notes on the film.

    @Seve makes some good points which might not make this a film for everyone. It's a slow burner for sure, and more geared towards those that appreciate The Ipcress File and similar films. But unlike Harry Palmer, our hero of the story, Phillip Scott (Stephen Boyd) freelances rather than being forced into the profession, and thus can quit the spy game at any time. He's clearly not enamoured of moonlighting as a secret agent though, at least as the story progresses. In other words, where many Eurospy stories features a Bond type, larger than life main character, this film doesn't.

    We do however get the travelogue aspect of Bond films and similar films in the same vein, and it's only in the latter half – in the London scenes towards the climax, when the more exciting spy craft sequences are over, I feel the film could have been more exciting. I do enjoy watching Assignment K though. It's one of those 60's spy films that managed to tap into the more weary, John le Carré like spy world, in contrast to the more action filled, adventure like world of James Bond.
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited January 5 Posts: 473
    Anthony Eisley starred in the private detective TV series “Hawaiian Eye”, and managed to combine that with a B (C, D, etc… all the way down to Z) movie career, which included one Eurospy.

    Operation Goldman (but as far as I could tell there is no “Goldman”) aka Lightning Bolt (as “Thunderball” came out the previous year) or my personal favourite, as suggested by a reviewer on IMDB…


    This one takes the rocket downing plot from “Dr No” and combines it with a grand scheme to mount a laser weapon on the moon (anticipating “Goldeneye” and “Die Another Day”) in order to rule the World. The villain’s appearance is clearly based on Auric Goldfinger and his undersea base is reminiscent of “The Spy Who Loved Me”.

    Production wise, this is a real mixed bag of “the good, the bad and the ugly” of Eurospy, but I’d like to start off with “the good”, which, by the standards of the genre, I might even dare to describe as “great”, namely the villain’s lair and the climax, which is where most Eurospy movies are usually found wanting. Due to their threadbare budgets, the “Emperor” is eventually revealed as having not enough clothes and the audience are left shaking their heads in disappointment or laughing out loud, rather than being excited and thrilled, as intended. Not so here. For once the final third of the movie easily surpasses what has gone before and delivers a surprisingly effective and relatively exciting spectacle.

    The futuristic internal sets of the Villain’s undersea base are without doubt the most impressive I have ever encountered in a Eurospy. I think even Ken Adam would approve of them. I’ve asked myself how they could be of such a high standard, when compared with the rest of the production. The best theory I have come up with is that director Antonio Margheriti was also working on his popular “Planets” series of Sci-Fi adventure films over the course of 1966, so he may have either borrowed some of the space age sets used for them (or some other Spaghetti Sci-Fi production) or alternatively, he got the same set designers to knock something up for this movie as part of a larger contract.

    The finale does not disappoint either, containing no shortage of action and destruction, with fiery explosions, torrents of red lava, and numerous fight scenes of varying quality. All in all, it comes closer to matching the grandeur of an actual Bond movie climax than any other Eurospy I’ve seen.

    However the external visuals of the base are far less effective, consisting of brief, murky shots of a model, which, at a stretch, may remind the viewer of Stromberg’s undersea city in “The Spy Who Loved Me”, but are nowhere near the standard of a Gerry Anderson TV series equivalent from the same period.

    So the story concept is above average, the plot development is rudimentary, but contains all the necessary situations required. Fight scenes vary from very good to embarrassingly inept. The dialogue is banal and the music is unremarkable, but they perform their function appropriately.

    Anthony is not really good looking enough to be convincing as an “International Man of Mystery”. He ogles his way around the hotel pool, stepping over sunbathing babes, then makes his way across the dancefloor, deliberately walking between dancing couples and leering at the ladies, all the while delivering a smug monologue to the audience. He gives off a sleazy vibe that registers a negative reading on the Suave-o-meter.

    Two women aren’t faking an attraction to him, his superior officer, Diana Lorys, who is strangely besotted with him in a totally unprofessional manner, and an air hostess crew member of a sea-plane that he purchases, so he tells us, as part of establishing his cover as a playboy millionaire. Quite a bit of screen time is invested in this purchase process, which seems to be a redundant irrelevance. They do eventually manage to tie the plane back into the story right at the end, but the appearance of a rescue plane at the end of a Eurospy hardly needs a back story to justify it.

    His only gadgets are a watch with a Geiger counter and locator beacon (“even tells time” quips Professor Rooney), a pen which releases some sort of teargas, and a cheque book, which he deploys to try and buy his way out of tight spots, with mixed results. It’s a plot device which doesn’t come off and just seems weird and lame, particularly when he tries to bribe the main villain, who is clearly already very rich or he wouldn’t be able to fund his evil scheme.

    Diana Lorys, as Agent 36-24-36, holds a higher rank than Anthony and is talked up at the beginning of the movie as being a highly respected and deadly agent by the bosses, while Anthony is referred to as her “assistant”, however in practise Anthony gets all the glory, while she functions mainly as a damsel in distress and romantic interest. Perhaps it’s intended as a joke? A woman taking credit for the man’s heroics?

    Wandisa Guida has much the better role, as the beautiful henchwoman who at first appears to be bad, but turns out to have been coerced into co-operating with the villain, because he has cryo-frozen her father as a hostage. It’s a common Eurospy plot element. She gets to change sides, help Anthony escape, kick some ass and foil the villain’s evil scheme, before dying courageously

    There is no Ursula Andress, as some imdb reviewers suggested, but there is an Ursula Parker

    Jose Maria Caffarel turns up again, but this time his role is not nearly as quirky and interesting as it was in "Ragan". At one point he tangles with Anthony and gets slapped around for information, before being shot by Wandisa. He appears to be seriously wounded, yet turns up again later, apparently unharmed, to tangle with him again, this time with fatal results.

    Folco Lulli plays “Mr Rehte”, a Beer Baron seeking World domination. He is portly and sports a quiff of bright red hair, along with a perpetually amused demeanour and a fruity foreign accent. In other words, if you enjoyed Gert Frobe’s characterisation of “Goldfinger” then you will probably enjoy Lulli’s performance as “Beerfinger”. Anthony engages he and his henchmen in an extended battle during the climax, before the two of them eventually end up at the the top of the rocket gantry for a final confrontation (“Beerfinger” takes the lift, leaving Anthony to climb up the hard way)

    Florida is the only exotic location, with Cape Kennedy / Canaveral visited via the magic of stock footage. The film begins with extensive scenes of space rocket launching, showing the huge slow moving machines, gantries and sliding hanger doors, and the towering rocket trundling into position. Further footage of blast off, mission control, radio telescope and then several examples of rockets going off course, veering this way and that, becoming engulfed in fire and having to be blown up by remote control. All of which would still have been quite fresh and fascinating for movie audiences in 1966.

    Anthony drives a stylish red E type Jag, which gets an extensive workout mid movie, before being blown to smithereens in a bizarre attempt by Anthony to prevent another launch. This incorporates more stock footage of another rocket exploding on the launch pad in an inferno, while Anthony staggers around amongst the fiery carnage, a scene which rather overstays its welcome in my opinion.

    There's also a rom-com finish before Anthony and Diana fly off into the sunset

    Overall I found that the gap in standard between its best and worst aspects is so wide that it makes it hard to rate.

    Goldfinger-esque moments

    Beerfinger – (revolving his chair to face Anthony) “Welcome Mr Sennitt, I was certain that sooner or later you would do me the honour of paying me a visit” (studies Anthony for a moment) “You look disappointed”
    Anthony – “I was expecting something different. Are you always pushing your beer?”
    Beerfinger – “I brew many things young man, including an excellent whiskey, would you care for a drop?”
    Anthony – “On the rocks… if you can spare some of your ice”

    Beerfinger – “I've never killed anyone until now, Mr. Sennitt, but you may be the first.”
    Anthony – “I'll decline the honour”

    Beerfinger – “You are the only unpleasant incident in my otherwise impeccable plan”
    Anthony – “Thankyou”

    Beerfinger - (zaping Anthony with his “lah-ser” beam when he tries to attack him from behind) “Heh, heh, heh, heh, I should have warned you that I’m not particularly fond of personal contact”
  • edited December 2024 Posts: 17,875
    I saw Lightning Bolt some years ago, and was left with a similar impression. There were some good elements to it, but overall I found the best aspects too few for me to rank this particularly high on my list of Eurospy films. It's mostly a film for those with a particular interest in the genre, for sure!
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited January 5 Posts: 473
    Dale Robertson worked his way up the Hollywood Western ladder, from bit part player, to second lead in female led productions, to lead in B Westerns, until he finally made it big on television, starring in the Western series “Tales of Wells Fargo” and later “Iron Horse”. In between those two he formed his own production company and made this dreadful Eurospy in Yugoslavia.

    The One Eyed Soldiers (the mind boggles!)

    Dale may be past his prime physically by this time, but he still has his undoubted charisma and impressive quiff of Elvis style hair. He plays a journalist rather than a spy, and the story is a treasure hunt for personal gain, rather than recovery of information of vital national interest, but aside from that the plot elements fit the template of a Eurospy.

    There is a beautiful and mysterious woman, Luciana Paluzzi, who got into the spy business via “The Man From UNCLE”, where she featured in the movie length pilot episode (with second billing, way ahead of David McCallum, who only rates 7th!). That was followed by the undoubted pinnacle of her espionage career, appearing as assassin “Fiona Volpe” in the James Bond movie “Thunderball”. From there she went on to feature in an episode of the spin-off series “The Girl From UNCLE”, the Robert Vaughn spy movie “The Venetian Affair”, and then this one, before signing off on her distinguished spy movie career in one of the French James Bond films “OSS-117 Murder For Sale”. Appearances in three of the most renowned 1960s spy franchises is quite a notable achievement. She starts out strongly in this one, but fades away to become merely a damsel in distress by the end.

    Guy Deghy plays a poor man’s Sydney Greenstreet, Mirko Boman is suitably grotesque as his bald mutilated sidekick, and dwarf Milo Avramovic does a decent job of making the lead villain menacing, despite his lack on inches. They provide some much needed colour to mitigate the scripts many shortcomings.

    Unfortunately the plot itself is almost non-existent and the dialogue is banal. To say there are “plot holes” would be misleading, as it would imply there is some sort of structure for the holes to exist in, whereas this is just loose sequence of scenes linked by some random running and hiding and shooting and capturing and escaping. The best thing I can say for it is that, for the most part, it is played straight (apart from the appalling fat woman scene) and it moves along at a reasonable pace, thus remaining somewhat watchable.

    The few vehicles available in Yugoslavia all appear to be from the 1940s, the rundown locations more reminiscent of a cold war thriller than a Eurospy and the soundtrack is unremarkable.

    For die hard Dale and Luciana fans only


  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited January 12 Posts: 473
    Password Kill Agent Gordon

    Roger Brown’s third Eurospy is an incoherent mess. There are plenty of Bond-esque scenes which are ok when considered individually, but add up to less than the sum of their parts when taken as a whole. In other words the plot makes no sense whatsoever.

    Someone is selling arms to the Vietcong (in addition to the Chinese of course) and someone had obtained the evidence and hidden it inside a cigarette lighter in some way before being killed off. Now someone else has it and everyone else wants it. The Americans nominate Roger to represent their interests. So far so good, but after that it’s anyone’s guess what is going on.

    The only thing you can rely on is that every five or ten minutes Roger will be attacked by several henchmen and will punch his way out, in his customary exaggerated style.

    Women come at Roger so thick and fast during the first half of the movie that I couldn’t keep up with them, but as far as I could tell, although he gets some offers and opportunities, he doesn’t manage to bed any of them, (but I could be wrong, maybe the audience is meant to read more between the lines). However in the end he does manage to arrange an off screen assignation in San Tropez with Russian Agent Helga Line.

    While the henchmen are numerous and undistinguished, Miguel de la Riva makes an angry impression in his red polo-neck and Franko Ressel foreshadows Charles Gray in “Diamonds Are Forever” as the evil mastermind.

    After a while I gave up trying to keep track of who was who, who was on whose side or who was double crossing who.

    Traditional settings like the casino, the docks, the cabaret and the luxury villa are visited and there are some nice locations choices for the key set piece confrontations, an imposing ruined castle on a cliff (with helicopter arrival and departure), and an empty bullring.

    There’s also an interesting double torture scene during the climax back at the villa. Helga is tied to a bed and tortured with gold tinsel blown by a fan (I think it was meant to represent some sort of Van de Graff generator style electrical charge?) while Roger is tied to a chair in an alcove, behind a glass wall, and subjected to poison gas. The villain makes them watch each other being tortured but he ends up being distracted by the writhing of Helga and Roger is able to make his move.

    Paris, Tripoli, Madrid and other parts of Spain make for acceptable exotic locations.

    The soundtrack is adequate with another Shirley Bassey-esque title song that sounds suitably dramatic unless you actually listen to the appalling lyrics.

    There is one nice sports car, possibly a Triumph Spitfire Mk 1.

    As for gadgets, he has an exploding watch, she has a lipstick with a laser weapon and the villain has a spear-gun umbrella.

    Roger would fare much better in his next outing, “The Spy Who Loved Flowers”

    Lines You Wouldn’t Hear From The Other Fellow

    Francesca Rosano – “It would be very easy to fall in love with a man like you”
    Roger – “That would be my pleasure I can assure you (caresses her chin)…now let’s get back to business, where can I find…" (!!! ???)

    Mile Stanic – “Couldn’t we…”
    Roger – “Some other time (!!! ???), I hope you managed to check her hotel room, that’s all I asked”
    Mile – “I know, she’s staying at the etc”
    Roger – “Good, I don’t think you should wait till I come back (!!! ???) (Kissing her gently on the mouth) you’re very sweet and someday I want you to meet my twin brother” (???)

    After interrogating Rosalba Neri by tickling her feet with a feather
    Roger - “Humph, how about that, a wild goose chase, you don’t know anything about anything”
    Rosalba – “Well. after all. I’m only a woman”
    Roger – “Humph, and I bet you’d be just great at freestyle wrestling… (gently fondles her hair) wouldn’t you”
    Rosalba – Chuckles
    Roger – “Listen I have a proposition to make (!!! ???) you still broke?”
    Rosalba – “Always daring, always”

  • Posts: 17,875
    Seve wrote: »
    Dale Robertson worked his way up the Hollywood Western ladder, from bit part player, to second lead in female led productions, to lead in B Westerns, until he finally made it big on television, starring in the Western series “Tales of Wells Fargo” and later “Iron Horse”. In between those two he formed his own production company and made this dreadful Eurospy in Yugoslavia.

    The One Eyed Soldiers (the mind boggles!)

    This one was new to me – and featuring Luciana Paluzzi too! I see it's available on Youtube, so I will have to check it out when I get the chance.
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited February 2 Posts: 473
    Ring Around The World aka (and IMO much better) Duel Around The World

    Richard Harrison returns for his third and final Eurospy, this time sporting a pair of glasses ala Harry Palmer.

    To me this is a solid production with a serviceable plot, uninspired dialogue and appropriate music, which might well have reached greater heights in the hands of a better than adequate director.

    Richard is an insurance investigator rather than a secret agent, but all the usual Eurospy bases are touched. Another investigator has been killed while looking into a series of suspicious deaths among policy holders, and Richard has been brought in as trouble-shooter. The audience have already witnessed his main adversary, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart (Italian father, Scottish mother, perhaps he should have auditioned for the part of James Bond?), a cool customer reminiscent of the Jackal, who assassinates people from a distance with special poison bullets that leave no trace.

    Some of the intended victims have got wise to the scheme and gone on the lam, so the story mainly consists of Giacomo letting Richard do all the leg work of trying to locate them, while he follows along behind and tries to knock them off once they have been located. This quest takes them all over the World, sometimes via the magic of stock footage. Giacomo kicks off proceeding by bumping off victims in Rio and Bangkok, before we meet up with Richard in London. From there it’s back to Rio and later Brasilia, before heading off to Hong Kong, then returning to London, with a final romantic denouement in New York.

    All the usual action is present and correct, chasing and catching and escaping, with Richard fighting and shooting and being knocked out at appropriate intervals. There are some car pursuits, but none of the cars are particularly notable, although I recall thinking I hadn’t seen many red Mercedes in my life (they are Hong Kong taxis)

    There are three beautiful women. Esmeralda Barros, billed as “the girl in the chevy”, who wants to be bedded, but does he make the time? (it all depends how you interpret his comment “eat and run”?). Yoyo, the nightclub escort, who comes to an unfortunate end at the hands of Giacomo, after Richard fails to apply sufficient charm to bed her, and Helene Chanel, the daughter of one of the intended victims, who joins Richard on his mission. She helps out by shooting a few henchmen and becoming his main romantic interest.

    In most ways the film is fairly routine, but it does have a handful of moments worth noting.

    Firstly it may contain the first instance of the hero and villain jumping out of an aeroplane with only one parachute between them. James Bond did this in Moonraker in 1979 and it apparently took 88 skydives to get all the footage required. Richard and co probably did it in one. Of course they aren’t nearly as successful in creating the illusion, shaky camera work and close-ups of Richard and the henchman hanging from the ceiling in a studio being no substitute for the “real” thing.

    The second is the setting for the climactic battle between the two antagonists, which was the Tiger Balm Garden, in Hong Kong, a park on a hillside filled with statues of heroes, gods and demons, depicting scenes from ancient Chinese folk tales, along with grottos, pagodas, temples etc. It makes a fine exotic location for a shootout, although the length of the battle somewhat out stays it’s welcome and the final moments are rather poorly handled by the director, trying to milk too much drama.

    The Tiger Balm Garden had special nostalgia for me, as I was shown photos of an equivalent place in Singapore as a child, and was fascinated by it. I later felt compelled to nostalgically visit those same Haw Par gardens as an adult, but of course, the magical feelings of childhood were long gone. The internet tells me that while the original in Hong Kong was demolished in 2004 to make way for a housing project, the Singapore one is still around, along with another intended one at Yong Ding, in Fujian China, that was never completed but still exists as a museum.

    Thirdly during the twist ending there is a surprise… which I won’t mention here, but suffice to say it was more unexpected than the actual twist, which is easily deduced in advance.

    Meanwhile Richard’s romantic banter is down to his usual standard…

    (With Esmeralda)
    Esmeralda – “I can wait… if you want”
    Richard – “I want”

    (Later back at her place)
    Richard – “I know it’s rude to eat and run… (leans in to give her a kiss but doesn’t) “Too bad I have to go…”
    Esmeralda – (In a hammock looking wistful) “Oh”

    (After rescuing Helene from the villains)
    Richard – “You won’t object if we sleep in the same room huh?”
    Helene – (sounding tired and resigned) “No” (Fondles the poison lipstick provided by the villains, to be used to kill Richard)
    Richard – “What’s the matter, you worried… about your makeup?”
    Helene – (smiles weakly)
    Richard – (Takes her in his arms) “I think that lipstick… will have to wait until tomorrow night”
    Richard – (Kisses her, but gets no response) “Well I guess everything waits until tomorrow night”
    Helene – “You don’t agree with the old saying – better late than never?”
    Richard – “Sure, when my charms fail, I play…the part of the gentleman. I’ll sleep on the sofa”
    Helene – (Reconsidering) “Why don’t you sleep in your own bed… gentleman”
    Richard – “Why not indeed” (They clinch, kiss and sink sideways onto the bed)

    (In his New York apartment)
    Richard – “You got a bad deal Mary, I’ll make a lousy husband, I’ve got a wandering eye, I’m untrustworthy, unfaithful…” (They kiss)
    Helene – (producing a piano wire garrotte, as used several times by Giacomo during the film, and wrapping it around Richard’s neck) “The killer showed me… how to hang on” (They kiss again)


    Giacomo Rossi-Stuart


  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited February 13 Posts: 473
    Countdown To Doomsday

    Another competent Eurospy featuring George Ardisson, let down by plot holes which become bigger and more frequent as we go along and by the customary budgetary restrictions, which leads to laughable special effects during what should be climactic moments

    A rich man hires George to find his crusading journalist daughter, who has disappeared while investigating drug smuggling activity in Venezuela. Somewhere along the line the plot morphs into a ransom demand for the daughter and an extortion demand to prevent a number of oil rigs that have been rigged to blow up, thus ruining the Venezuelan economy (which Sanchez, Maduro and co have since managed to do, using slower but equally effective methods)

    George makes a convincing hero as usual, but his proclivity for walking into traps and taking a beating pushes the envelope here, even by Eurospy standards. The straw that breaks the camel’s back moment for me being the occasion where George is buried in a railway hopper car under a hopper load of sand, which then sets off on its journey, only for Pascal Audret to have a psychic moment as the carriage passes by and tell the Police Inspector that somehow she know George is in there. The carriage is drained via the hopper mechanism until George’s body is revealed. Pascal tells us he survived using some sort of mini oxygen rebreather apparatus gadget, which has not been foreshadowed or highlighted as is traditional, other than that George may have used it previously when he swam out to the villains private villa (an island or just remote coastal is not made clear)

    Women get a mixed bag of opportunities in this one. Christa Linder, as the daughter, gets to show off her body in the opening scene but is otherwise completely wasted, almost invisible and gets no dialogue to speak of. Pascal Audret, as the rival / allied female agent, gets the most screen time and dialogue, but she’s mainly a damsel in distress and messes up when left to guard perennial henchman Sal Borghese. Maria Julio Diaz plays the lead drug mule and gets one decent dramatic scene before being poisoned. While Luciana Angiolillo gets to play the lead villain (villainess?) but lacks the charisma to carry it off in my opinion.

    On the men’s side Harold Leipnitz, as the affable male rival / agent and Horst Frank as evil Dr Soarez both make a memorable impression, along with the ever reliable Borghese.

    Caracus makes for an unremarkable location, other than looking modern, bustling, clean and shiny, bursting with hope for a better future based on fossil fuels, in sharp contrast to the present day conditions. Similar to Beirut, which appears in so many 1960s Eurospy movies and was once considered the “Riviera” of the Middle East back then, long before Donald Trump revived the term for use in Gaza. Sad how things have turned out.

    I suspect other locations, such as the villains villa, may well have been in Italy or France rather than Venezuela.

    Well worth a watch if you enjoy the genre

  • edited February 16 Posts: 17,875
    Great reviews yet again, @Seve! I'm actually planning to watch Ring Around The World soon – maybe even this weekend, so it will be fun to watch it now that I've read your review of the film.

    I see there's a three-part upload of Countdown To Doomsday on Youtube, so I'll give that a watch soon too.

    Edit: Found time to sit down and watch Ring Around The World last night. With your review in mind while watching it @seve, I pretty much came to the same conclusion as you did: A decent enough Eurospy that might have been more than decent under the guidance of a more skilled director. The ending could have been much better too.

    The music by Piero Umiliani works well too. Interestingly, there's a track playing in one of the scenes that looks to have been reworked for 1968's Svezia inferno e paradiso (Sweden: Heaven and Hell). I've never seen that film, but I have heard the soundtrack, which is why I recognised the similarities between the two tracks.
  • SeveSeve The island of Lemoy
    edited February 17 Posts: 473
    Interesting how Eurospy soundtrack music is quite often deserving of a better fate than the movies they appear in...
  • Posts: 17,875
    Seve wrote: »
    Interesting how Eurospy soundtrack music is quite often deserving of a better fate than the movies they appear in...

    Haha, yes! Some movies were spoiled with great music.
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