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The outcome may not be super-sophisticated, including borrowing from the "nano-bot" concept of NTTD. But the software describes its considerations and approach, and then at least provides, uhm, "a concept of a plan" for a screenplay.
I didn't feel like copying the entire output into this board, so I uploaded it to Dropbox as two docx files. Hope it works! I'm not really a heavy Dropbox user, so tell me if it doesn't. (I just sent it to my wife via E-mail, and it did.)
It works, I could read it, but I'm not impressed. It really feels like a mash-up of all films together. But then again, that's what an AI bot does, so no surprise there.
And won't be there for a very long time. It's for a reason humans are programmed for 18 years and then still hardly understand society. For creativity you need a full understanding of the intrinsic value of words - and that's exactly what AI doesn't, and can't understand. AI, or at least the LLM's, are only trained in understanding which word follows which other word the most often. It is, however, quite impressive that it can reproduce something that comes over as reasonable. It seys something about how we use language.
and Haphazardstuff are doing a livestream at 5pm UK time today, to discuss the Amazon news.
Where do you think each Bond falls in?