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Essentially, TLJ would have been beginning of the sequel trilogy, rather than the middle chapter.
As much as I like Rey, I just don't get Lucasfilm anymore. As I've said before, at least EON waits for the right time to announce things. Kathleen Kennedy lacks direction with these films. She's no Cubby Broccoli, that's for sure! I want to defend IFP and EON, on much of this type of marketing. They’ll always be rumors, sure, but both will announce things when they’re ready to. It’s a shame that Daisy Ridley won’t probably be able to do a Bond movie, now, though. She’d be a good Moneypenny.
By the way, Mark Hamill is still a working actor, everyone loves Luke Skywalker, why not do more projects with him?
Yes, let’s bring Luke back please!
However, according to Kathleen Kennedy, they've got no source material to base themselves off.
I understand that was long ago and she might've meant there's no source material linked to Lucas (even if that isn't exactly true), but it kind of feels like they're ignoring Legends to the point of treating it like it never existed, even when they brought back some lore and characters into canon.
Yeah I don't see why not at this point, considering they've already poached Thrawn.
Lucas did give Disney story treatments for 7, 8 & 9, to up the sale price. I understand that they intentionally didn't use them, and Lucas felt betrayed. Kennedy I think some days wants to make Star Wars her own as much as possible honestly. Rey getting so many possible appearances is proof of that. Ironically, her possible story arc is what Lucas planned for Luke long ago, before deciding to end on ROTJ.
At least we're getting The Madalorian and Grogu in 2026 though. It's actually somewhat amazing that we only know 3 members of the cast: Pedro Pascal, Grogu and Sigourney Weaver.
I would say that Lucas did write the prequels, it's possible his treatments weren't gold.
That's true. He also never put in writing that Disney HAD to use his treatments. So, it honestly went both ways somewhat fairly. Daisy Ridley could be playing Rey for the rest of her life, if they don't kill her off until she's an older woman.
You can’t keep deepfaking/AI this forever.
Sebastian Stan has been in fans' sights to play young Luke for some time now. He only has one condition:
Some other actors on their watch have been Anthony Ingruber and Jamie Costa for Han Solo:
And i know it's probably a little too soon to talk about Vader (May the force be with you, JEJ), but there's this guy named Ryan Golden who does an amazing impression of him:
I think Lucas has good story ideas, where things tend to fall about for him is in the dialogue. I would be curious what was in those treatments just to see if it may have been an improvement over the final 3 films.
Yes, GL has personally admitted that he's not good with writing dialogue. As @Red_Snow and I were talking on the Daniel Craig thread, maybe DC can get an actual appearance in SW. If namely, the Rian Johnson trilogy gets going. That includes Rachel Weisz. At the risk of sounding controversial, I'd like to see RJ direct a SW with characters we don't know. It just seems more to his style.
Also, yes, Grogu is a cast member, just as much as Yoda! Speaking of cast members, something tells me that Jon Favreau will bring some MCU cast members with him.
I'm maybe not 100% sure about the Spielberg pastiche quality of it all though, it might be time to move from the 80s.
George Lucas, Rian Johnson and many others have tried to move SW out of the 80s. The fans complain. When that happens, JJ Abrams and his types go back to the 80s, and more people complain. It's becoming a general cycle in this series, it seems.
“A great question… for another time!”
I don’t think Abrams’ mystery box was so great for Star Wars. That meant burdening other filmmakers to answer (or even not answer) questions Abrams didn’t even think through.
The ship taking off was pretty cool, looked great.
I like The Goonies but that is based on my own nostalgia when I watched the film as a kid. I am sure kids today will enjoy Skeleton Crew
Just remember what George Lucas himself has said. Now, actually start some of those movie projects, Lucasfilm!
Place your bets for other Star Wars characters that will appear.
First, I finally binge watched The Mandalorian. I was very impressed with it. The third season was just slightly written less as good the first two, but still enjoyable. If the show were to end as it is, it would be a positive mark for SW.
As for the upcoming movie, here are some rumors.
Sigourney Weaver is only in the movie for a small part. I know some people who aren't happy with these rumors. However, I'll wait for the final product.
Rey and the New Jedi Order.
I'm just happy that Damon Lindelof ISN'T writing anymore. Also, I hope J.J. Abrams doesn't come back in any production role.
Daisy Ridley on coming back, via Premiere: "They simply asked if I wanted to do it, based on an idea, without the script being written yet. But if I hadn’t been convinced by the concept, the movie wouldn’t have been made. I took a day to think about it and I told myself that I had had great times making those films. This new adventure seemed fun to me, so why say no? My thoughts on the subject are quite simple: if I didn’t think the story was worth telling, I wouldn’t have come back." I'm sure the money and possible top cast billing helps as well.
Shawn Levy and his movie.
Dawn of the Jedi.
Some people are upset that James Mangold doesn't want to follow the true SW cannon, or the expanded legends. It's amazing to me that Lucasfilm has kept him around. Usually, if the director's first project after the SW bombs, they get fired. Even more shocking, his last bomb was Indiana Jones and the Dial of Density a Lucasfilm production! But, the sooner it starts filming, the better, in particular for him!
Rogue Squadron.
I find it ironic that Mangold is openly going away from the existing material. While Jenkins is going to take influence from it. This is both creators arguably taking creative risks. This is the project that I'm most excited about. The future of Star Wars seems to be bright. Bring on the Star Wars Celebration in April. On this journey, may the Force be with us, both the fans and the creators!
Just watched the finale, arguably the best Star Wars TV show along with Andor. It had heart and was fun and had good visual story telling, there were some shots near the end of the finale when certain ships flew by that got me. Jude Law was great, good writing and characterisation. The show got surprisingly dark later on.
It's a shame so much trash shows preceded this show as its not getting good viewing figures
It's head scratching how some of the special effects in this show looked so good and The Acolyte with an infinitely larger budget looked awful.
One thing I really liked about SC is that the character of Wim is the one which, in anything else, would have heroically saved the day single handed. But I really liked that here, although he did what he could to save his friends and was pretty brave, he also stayed inside of what a kid can believably do. They all did really.
Mixed opinions. I'd take almost anyone but JJ Abrams and Kevin Feige. Both are too unoriginal.
Still a classic, and it's 20th anniversary makes me feel old. Arguably, the OHMSS of the SW series.