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The ‘Star Wars’ chief is staying on at Disney, despite a report that she’s leaving. At least for now
Who is pretending?
I know actors pretend.
Nobody was pretending that Star Wars was perfect before Disney. The prequels weren’t good but that still doesn’t excuse how much the brand has diluted under Disney. Star Wars used to be an event in cinema - now it’s just a series of mediocre TV shows on one of the least popular streaming platforms.
I do agree that under Disney there’s been too much of a push for TV shows. Star Wars should be a theatrical event first.
Though I think it’s incorrect to say Disney+ is one of the least popular streaming platforms. That would be platforms like Starz and Apple+.
Yes, the SW prequels (at least 1 & 2) were not the most beloved movies when they came out. George Lucas took the criticism pretty personally. The aftermath of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull didn't help. So, GL felt that he should let the franchises go. With some reluctance, he sold it. He felt betrayed in more ways than one, arguably between fans, Disney and above all, not getting his way (aside from the prequel trilogy). So for GL, (and I think Kathleen Kennedy and JJ Abrams have in recent years have noticed above all others) SW is a damned if you do, damned if you don't type of situation.
As for Star Wars TV shows, I generally agree with you. Obi-Wan Kenobi and The Book of Boba Fett should have just movies, honestly. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. I hope that The Mandalorian and Grogu will fix the movies side of Star Wars.
I'm actually happy that Star Wars is (generally) planning on moving into the future after the sequel trilogy. No word on Lando, the Rian Johnson trilogy or Rogue Squadron. I'm also looking forward to those!
MANDALORIAN and ANDOR are the only shows that actually felt like were written as actual planned out episodes. The former being almost an episodic adventure where the lead character goes from planet to planet like a cowboy. ANDOR being a more serialized drama.
Though I’ll be honest I never gave BOOK OF BOBA FETT a watch. I absolutely detest not only bringing back yet another character from the dead but also trying to soften him into a likable protagonist, when the whole point was that he was a ruthless bounty hunter who’s so trigger happy that even Vader had to tell him to calm down.
Never watched AHSOKA, because I never watched the CLONE WARS thus have zero attachment to her as a character.
Star Trek, Doctor Who, SW, Bond etc I have so much greatness there to rewatch from the past, I can compartmentalise and ignore the rubbish now.