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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
So clichéd and obvious I think it would cause me physical pain. 😖
Life Not Death
Bond just doesn't die.
Shaken with pain? Not stirred. 😂
Sorry, that was cringe. 🤭
The Elon Musk of Death? 🤭
That is a good title. Is that your own artwork, @mtm?
You obviously can't go wrong with a forum favourite:
It looks really good. I couldn't do it, anyway! :D
I still really like this one (it's from Fleming!), and couldn't resist a bit of retro styling
Always The Hero
Not Enough Trust
I'll one up you with 'Not Enough Thrust'
Not Enough Thrust To Launch
Don't give Amazon any ideas!
Bond Meets Bambi and Thumper (animated co-production with Disney)
It has a bit more of a chance now I feel.