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Brilliant album from an amazing band. I still have the vinyl LP i got back in the 80's..!
Good taste @Fire_and_Ice_Returns
I only currently own The Dark Side of the Moon so need to look at Pink Floyds other albums they are on my list. I am currently doing a deep dive on YES and Cream and Eric Clapton. I have recently bought a lot of CDs I once owned on vinyl decades ago.
Doors The Doors on vinyl nice, will have good value also, I frequently visit a record shop like the old style shops from the 80's and 90's to buy CDs, when I look at the vinyl section I cringe as I gave away well over a thousand LPs and they are so valuable now.
Tales of Brave Ulysses - Cream
I've posted a prior song in this thread called 'Double O Bo', an obvious James Bond reference, not familiar with Pink Floyd myself, but that song really caught my attention.
Anyway, to share my recent listenings:
The Bangles - Through Your Eyes
This is my first time doing deep dives into their discography and I'm surprised because there's more to just 'Eternal Flames' and 'Manic Mondays', also heard 'Hero Takes A Fall', 'Talking In My Sleep', and 'Nickel Romeo'.
Also would fit in with the release of their new Authorized Biography book, now I've realised that while The Go-Gos have been inducted into the Rock Hall, I think The Bangles deserved a spot too.
Here's also Nickel Romeo:
And Talking In My Sleep
And is it me or The Bangles should've also done a Bond theme back in the 80s? No offence to A-ha, but I think The Bangles could've done well.
Yes are not of this world.
Great Album.
Goin' Away Baby - Eric Clapton
Badge - Cream
One of the first albums I ever listened to as a young kid in the late 70's.
She Caught the Katy
One of the first VHS tapes I bought, R.I.P. John Belushi.
Peter Gunn Theme
Gimme Some Lovin'
This is such a great album must have listened to this thousands of times.
Norwegian Wood
It is difficult to pick a best The Beatles album though this is probably there most important one.
The Beatles last recorded album I tend to listen to more than the rest.
Paul Mcartney - SNL50
It was a good show, mainly because of who appeared on it.
My favourite Beatles album. Along with 'Revolver'
'Nowhere Man' is bloody gorgeous!
Rubber Soul and Revolver would be most other bands greatest ever album they are that good. Rubber Soul was one of if not the first Beatles Album I bought.
Just bought this classic album on CD yesterday...
The Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson
21st Century Schizoid Man