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I like him as an actor and think he has a lot of charisma and good amount of swagger to him. Very raw and masculine I suppose. A bit short but it's not the end of the world. I don't think he's necessarily a top contender, but who is at this point? I wouldn't exactly put money on him as the next Bond but stranger things have happened.
Also, they ask him who should be the next Bond in this video and he says Jack Lowden.
Yeah but I guess they will choose the director before the actor.
End credits: James Bond willl be back... @-)
Will Amazon want an already established star? Rather than EON wanting a pre fame sweet spot
Will there even be screentests this time round?
The EON way is the best way to go, but there goes that, probably chucked out the window. Yay, more doom thoughts about the future of cinematic Bond... 😮💨
Fans and general audiences alike are already concerned with Amazon's new control, so they need to make decisions that are gonna give people more confidence...
I mean, I'm sure there's a hypothetical scenario where an American actor could come along and be the best option for Bond (presuming they can convincingly do a British accent). I mean, look at how many American superheroes are played convincingly by British actors. But at the moment I don't see any particular candidates.
I was already concerned when we used to discuss the possibility of EON selling the franchise that the character and the world would become incredibly two-dimensional, and hiring an American, in my eyes, would possibly be putting us on that path. Sure, we don't need an actor who is James Bond in their day to day, but someone who can represent that character and the history of the character, is important I think and could only be done honestly and respectfully through an actor from the UK.
I agree. And again, I can’t personally think of any American actor suitable anyway. Frankly even the Americans EON considered/tested in the day weren’t either.
And let's not forget one thing: historically American actors playing Brits fail miserably when it comes to accents. They end up sounding like this:
I know some people here will say, "well, what if an American actor can get a genuine British accent." It's all fine hypothetically, but you don't do a casting with "what ifs".
Having said that, I believe there are more than enough British options out there that they needn't even entertain the idea of looking at American actors to be the next Bond.
I hope you're right.
Oh, yeah. We have to count on that.
Good ! Brits have played Americans quite well, but the occasions of the vice-versa are few and far between.
I saw an article online saying that perhaps Tom Holland's chances now are greater with Amazon making such decisions. Good grief, did he get taller ? Perhaps I am not recognizing a publicity article or trolling when I see it...
Tom Holland would be a bizarre bit of casting for Bond. I doubt it'll happen even if rumours of famous actors for the role will continue into the Amazon era.
Probably because Brits are exposed to American culture (films, TV) way more than vice versa, so the American accents are more familiar to Brits than British accents are to Americans.
On another note, Brosnan’s accent for Fast Charlie was painful and, as someone very familiar with the region, unrecognizable.
Yes, not the best but far from the worst.
I think the best I've seen, apart from Renée Zellweger's, which is pretty spot on, was a guy in that action series Strike Back called Philip Winchester whose accent was amazing.
Christopher Chung in Slow Horses I recently found out is an Aussie, and he does a very particular London accent flawlessly.
Very entertaining though! I like to imagine he was an older Taffin who'd gone into hiding there and adopted a bizarre accent to try and cover his tracks.
I'm a bit of a linguist, although I'm not a specialist. I suspect there are a number of factors involved. America is the dominant culture, so less likely to adapt to other realities. You see the same with French: not only they are unable to create a genuine Québec accent, but often they cannot distinguish it from a Belgium one. A Québec actor can usually neutralise his accent fairly easily if the role requires it. Then some cultures are physically more accute to sounds differences and can modulate their voice accordingly. Russians for instance are apparently better at learning foreign languages because of this.