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That's probably why I got it! ;)
Here is goes...
EON Character, speaking role!
EON Character, speaking role!
Incorrect Guesses
Incorrect guesses
EON Character, speaking role!
Incorrect guesses
EON Character, speaking role!
Hotel Maid in Goldfinger
Congratulations @Last_Rat_Standing over to you!
Anyway here we go so there's no lapse.
Unnamed EON character. No dialogue.
1. My screen presence is extremely limited.
2. It's cold both inside and out
3. Based on forthcoming events, i probably perish
4. My job is important to those i serve.
5. i create a small window of opening for Bond.
6. A prior Bond has been in my specific place of work.
7. White on white on white
8. The alternate version of my location features a relatively empty room
9. We only see one other person don similar attire as myself throughout the overall sequence
10. I'm featured in a PTS.
11. It's all in the past.
12. Bond sees me but I don't see Bond which relates to clue 5
Incorrect Guesses
Chris (YOLT)
Guy Haines
Horsey in Barn (OHMSS)
Russian Bobsled Driver AVTAK
Police that Bond lasers TLD
Two more clues added
Its a very minor person with maybe 3-5 seconds of screen time. 0
Two more added