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But as @mtm rightfully said,we have no idea in what direction Amazon will go.
It doesn’t need to be over-the-top and silly like The Man With the Golden Gun, Moonraker, Die Another Day, but I want it to feel like a Bond movie. Casino Royale was jarring to me because it didn’t feel like a Bond movie, and what I liked about Spectre, and until the ending of No Time to Die was they felt like they incorporated more classic ingredients into the mix.
I’d like to see a return to that in which there’s more humor involved - maybe not to the Moore levels, but maybe to the Connery or Brosnan levels, which showed Bond could be both serious and have lighthearted moments.
Yes, they can hire him, but I don't think he's a better candidate than other names. I don't see him as an alpha male.
Well said.
As Bond fans I think we’d be the worst.
Which is kind of weird.
Yeah... and cudos to anyone who guessed that the guy on the left would be cast as James Bond a couple of years later:
Hello my names Boooonddd. Jaaaammesss Boooonddd. You wanna martiniiii?
It's not the fans, it's the actors. Twenty years ago we had better candidates than we do now.
Absolutely not even in my top 10, but “ Carry-On” showed me that there is some potential there.
I feel like actual casting directors are much more open minded when it comes to casting Bond (or they were under EON) then we are when picking suggestions! Some folks at some point may very well have to accept that the next actor might not be their cup of tea and move on.
HA! This picture is so early 2000’s and I love it. But your point is 100% correct.
I don’t think it’s a shortage of talent. Plenty of names on here have been floated around and championed by several different members on here and I don’t find those picks to be bad at all. At some point you have to give somebody their shot even if you don’t like the end performance.
I know 😂
(Funny, considering how people say the franchises mirror eachother.)
Amazon is a business, not a social enterprise for what they consider good for society and culture. Bond makes money as it is presented, ergo it doesnt matter.
The chap on the right did a good job too.
This WILL be more important than the casting of Bond. Though Craig was good as Bond, the universe the producers created for him completely fell apart.
Yeah. That's the thing, though.
Yeah. I wonder if Amazon would want a new evil organization or simply continue with Spectre.
Judging by some of the names being bandied around, I must agree as well.
Obviously you've never seen Layer Cake or Tomb Raider. Most of the time, Craig has not looked like this pre-Bond.
So much better than Nolan or Villeneuve in my book.
That's why you're not a producer. Those are film roles and not Daniel's normal styling of himself.
For those who need me to spell it out, the point is, that grooming, hair style, clothes and so forth can make a whole lot of difference when people are championing their next Bond.
He's described online as 5'9" and that may be generous...