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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Hugh Janus?
War with Russia
Oh, no. Inspired by GoldenEye. The two-faced Roman god.
Live As One / Die As They Do
End Without A Name
Yeah apparently it's widely regarded to be Silver Birch but isn't in fact. But then who knows, maybe that's not true either! :)
I like it!
It's not bad at all.
The Ties That Bond
Night Scope - Lots of sneaking and a bit of sniping.
Silencer - Sequel to Night Scope.
Inspired by recent suggestions:
The Dancing Flame - Bond goes camping; stares at the fire while toasting his marshmallows.
Quantum Black - Quantum is back. Back in black. Hiring assassins through the black market online; the dark web.
Battleship Grey - Naval theme. Bond in uniform.
The Spy in Motion
On His Majesty's Secret Service
Czech Mate
Forever the River
Third rock on fire.
Blonde Bomber.
Blonde Bombs Hell.
Never Blonde Enough.
Rejected John Gardner title, I think for Nobody Lives Forever.
Hope You Like Our New Direction.
Double Entendre.
Double-O Steven.