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Yep, everything is always a contingency. Colin Trevorrow was well into preproduction for his "Star Wars" until he had a movie bomb and Disney got cold feet.
Assuming they keep to the tropes and format, will it read "Amazon MGM Studios presents [actor] as Ian Fleming's James Bond 007..."
Or "Amy Pascal and David Heyman present..."
Or something else entirely?
I suppose there will be no obligation to continue keeping Cubby's name in there, nor will it make much sense because it's no longer his EON Productions making them. It'll all be very strange. However, I remain cautiously optimistic.
So I imagine they could just adjust part 1 to be "Amazon MGM Studios in association with Pascal Pictures and Heyday Films presents" or "Amazon MGM Studios presents a Pascal Pictures and Heyday Films Production" or something similar.
I think it’ll remain “Albert R Broccoli’s Eon Productions Presents” for purposes of legacy. After all, Eon itself is still owned by the Broccolis and the new producers have been hired to continue that legacy.
That sounds realistic and smart on Amazon’s part. Much like Broccoli herself, Pascal and Heyman are two of the most successful independent producers working today. Ironically, even though Pascal and Brocccoli seem to have had a fruitful, working relationship, Broccoli hated Pascal’s mentor, John Calley. He was a prolific producer who, as the head of MGM for a time, helped revive the franchise in GoldenEye.
Bond 26, no matter how it turns out, is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated films of the decade. At this point, box office predictions is just wishful thinking, but I truly believe that Bond 26 will hit big. It’s a shame that neither Craig in Casino Royale or Judi Dench in Skyfall got Oscar nominations. Although Craig was nominated for a BAFTA. But with someone like Cuarón or Nolan directing, we may see a bigger, positive reception to Bond 26 than for CR or SF.
I would hope that Broccoli gets a producer credit. I would love if they respected the legacy enough to have Albert's name somewhere in the mix. I think it is very likely Amazon Studios gets the top billing and rightfully so.
Yes. And they're making him cisgender.
James Bond (He/Him) Will Return in The Gender Agenda.
It's Amazon Prime: Next Day Delivery.
Only if you pay extra.
Whatever one thinks of it: There's not going to be anyone in today's America making a commercially-oriented film where the hero is non-binary. Too much backlash. (And yes, I think they should keep James Bond as a British - meaning also white - male if he is still meant to be the same James Bond, while they are free to create another character having another colour or gender doing the same stuff. If the stories are good, count me in.)
Bond must be tall, dark and handsome. Any of this crap must be ignored, shot down and allowed to disappear from public consciousness.
I think that’s without question. Sort of like how Christopher Nolan got an executive producer credit for the DCEU.
Probably not. Actors are typically signed in for multi film contracts, and if the first film or two just happens to perform horribly at the box office Amazon could either let the contract expire or just pay him off to walk away.
This is just like the Post-Fleming books.
They'll exist. Some might be good. Some might be utter crap. Some I may enjoy while everyone hates and vice-versa.
Watching a new Bond film will not hit the same 'high' that the official movies did. No matter what they'll do I won't be as emotional or opinionated about it, cause like I said, to me the official Bond franchise ended and now we are seeing "alternative universe". Just like there are new comic books. They might be good they might be bad. Or the new books. Or the new 00 books. Or... whatever, you get me.
Not too optimistic about the producer choices tbh, but we'll see.
My initial thoughts when Amazon bought it was that they'll GO HARD on the first movie, trying to make the most "fanservice" movie possible. I expect(ed?) them to pick people you always wanted to see in the franchise but they never got the chance. Won't be shocked if they even get Cavill tbh. Guy Ritchie to direct? Danny Boyle? Lana Del Rey song? Sydney Sweeney as a Bond girl? Idris Elba as a double 0 agent? M and Q stay the same but they get a new Moneypenny who won't be as prominent of a character? No idea what's the general consensus on who people want as a villain but you will probably get it. Bryan Cranston? Whatever fits the fan service, we'll probably get it.
That was my opinion at least.
Maybe I am so wrong.
Either way.
New Bond movie/franchise. Sure, ok, whatever, it's not like they'll ruin the original one.
It's like getting your fave book adapted. It will probably be bad. It probably won't capture the soul. It will miss the mark and won't understand why fans love it. But it will exist and hey, if you're lucky it might be decent. But no matter what, it won't be the original and no matter what you'll still have your fave book, so...
That’s a perfectly valid opinion to have. I can’t say that I can’t relate, but I am hopeful. Amazon choosing these two producers gives me hope. Pascal and Heyman are intrenched Hollywood talent; operating at a height that few reach.
Amazon’s commitment to theatrical releases gives me hope as does, for now, the singular focus on producing and releasing a film. The spin-offs are coming but Amazon has been deliberate and careful in not floating such things—yet. SONY would have already announced the release date of “Goldfinger II” if Bond was shepherded as haphazardly as Spider-Man.
Amazon’s global reach gives me hope. We all know the ever threatening downside to all of this. But the sword has double edges. The upside is that unlike anything else Amazon owns in the entertainment space, Bond is not simply the crown jewel, he wears the crown. Bond’s international popularity matched with Amazon’s worldwide reach makes the mouth water with anticipation of Bond’s renaissance—a product and marketing renaissance, at least.
It gives me hope that Bond, like Star Wars, holds the attention of many talented filmmakers and artisans. Can one imagine a world, for instance, where Shinichirō Watanabe (director of Cowboy Beebop and Samurai Champloo) creates a James Bond anime? I can, and I like the thought.
There’s a lot that could go wrong but there’s a lot that could go right. We’re on the cusp of Bond not simply being back but possibly being the biggest and best and most anticipated-back he’s ever had.
I’m calling a billion international gross right now. Crazy, I know. Too early, I know. Moviegoing isn’t as big as it used to be, I know. But Bond survived, and thrived, after Connery leaving, Lazenby’s hiring (great Bond nonetheless), Connery leaving again, Saltzman selling his shares to UA, the post-Moonraker hangover, Connery’s return, Kevin McClory, Timothy Dalton’s Luke warm reception (great Bond nonetheless), a six-year hiatus, and the vitriol spewed by many before Casino Royale became one of the great action films of the 21st century and, maybe, the best Bond film of all time.
All that to say, we Bond fans have survived worse doomsday scenarios and, based on the news today, and with all due respect to the icons Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson, it ain’t all that bad.
Thank you for your uplifting post. I wholeheartedly agree and share your hopes.