I've lost respect for Connery

edited September 2012 in Actors Posts: 260
I just read the "Sean Connery gives 'coldfinger' to 50th anniversary celebrations article", and I must say my admiration for Connery has gone down quite a bit. Seriously Sean, you are a millionaire , you are living in a gated manision/compound in the Bahamas without a care in the world . Stop being a baby . It's really a disgrace Sean won't be attending the anniversary , this is one of the last times all of the Bond actors will be alive at the same time, I hate to sound depressing but I highly doubt all 6 Bond's will be alive for the 60th anniversary . Seriously Sean stop being a spoiled old man, get your old ass out there for SKYFALL and thank god you were given the opportunity to play Bond, because if you didn't I highly doubt you would be where you are now.



  • Posts: 140
    Well the man is in his 80's and apparently a bit frail. I can understand if he does not want to attend public engagements especially when it centers on a time in his life when he was in his prime.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    He's already been out in public twice this year, so you'd think he could make this event. If Sean is still bitter, he didn't do himself any favours by doing three 'final' Bond films.
  • I tend to agree that he should attend. Bond made him a star, giving him the freedom to go on to a distinguished career, LXG notwithstanding. He was not so frail that he could not attend a 5 set outdoor tennis final yesterday, so that is no excuse. By the way, here is his publicist's reply on August 22 to my request for an interview on behalf of HMSS.com: "Thank you but he has retired and isn't giving any interviews."
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited September 2012 Posts: 13,369
    Mark59 wrote:
    "Thank you but he has retired and isn't giving any interviews."

    Just like his publicist saying on the 50th anniversary “Sean is, and remains, retired and has declined making public appearances” just he appeared just days before!

    He's not even attending the dinner - what a joke!
  • As much as I love the guy on screen, I don't respect him much in real life because of his politics (a guy with a knighthood, who lives in the Bahamas and doesn't pay UK taxes shouldn't really have the right to tell people to vote for Scottish independance).

    Anyway, I do think he should go to the SF premiere but if he's not healthy enough we can't really have a go at him for it. But then again, he seemed pretty healthy at the tennis.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 11,216
    Of course as Bond fans we'd all love it if Connery attended...but he's perfectly entitled not to attend if he doesn't wish to.

    As I've already said in another thread the difference between the tennis and this premier is that Connery isn't a dominant figure. At least in going to the tennis Connery could sit back, enjoy the sport and watch Murray with the rest of us. With Bond I suspect more people would be looking at him than they would Craig. At the age of 81 I can understand him being reluctant to attend in person.

    ...However a recorded message would be great.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Where is the article/statement that says Sean is absolutely not attending? I haven't heard a thing. Regardless, I will be floored if it is true. You would think he could move past grudges to celebrate his most famous role, and the character he defined on the big screen. He is the only one I would do anything to get there, and it is just solemn news if this news is factual.
  • Posts: 12,553
    If this is official and it turns out to be the case? I will be disappointed but will not let dampen down my enthusiasm for what is about to happen.

    One thing i will say is this? If for whatever reason Sean steps out into the limelight in the future? Be braced for lots of questions about WHY he snubbed the anniversary like he has? Surely he cannot hold the current producers responsible for whatever had gone before?

    Sad sad news indeed.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,884
    I must say my admiration for Connery has gone down quite a bit.
    I admire your courage, Mr...
    Mark59 wrote:
    He was not so frail that he could not attend a 5 set outdoor tennis final yesterday, so that is no excuse.
  • Posts: 1,492
    To be honest he's committed alot worse crimes then not attending a Bond reunion.

    Throughout the eighties he was my hero. Not just for Bond but for other roles as well ie The Untouchables, Robin and Marian, The Man who would be King etc. He was a god. He bestrode the world like a colossus..

    Then other things hit the rumour mill.

    His treatment of agents and producers. The way he had his hand out for a knighthood while still contributing to the break down of the United Kingdom. His treatment of co-stars and directors. His outbursts notoriously on 'Medicine Man' and his very quick willingness to sue if things didn't go his own way.

    I admire him as Bond still. But the burnish has come off the man for me.
  • A great Bond but a right c u next tuesday in real life.

    Had the producers renegade on his original contract I could understand the bitterness but they didn't!! No-one knew how popular the Bond films were going to be. Cubby has always said he'd rather put the money on the screen which has got to be better than lining the pockets of over paid actors!!

    Lazenby was told by Cubby that it is the PUBLIC that make you a star. Sadly Connery has decided to spit in the eye of the public who made him one. Connery's career flopped after DAF and it's wasn't till he made NASA that he was hot property again!!

    He should learn some class from Sir Roger Moore
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 5,767
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Of course as Bond fans we'd all love it if Connery attended...but he's perfectly entitled not to attend if he doesn't wish to.
    And the public has to accept it, wether they understand him or not.
    I don´t know how much one fiftieth of the early Bond returns was, neither do I understand what that has to do with Connery´s payment if he had a contract on a certain amount of money. But if it is true that Connery gave his complete payment for DAF to charity, then it can´t be all childish.
    Lazenby was told by Cubby that it is the PUBLIC that make you a star. Sadly Connery has decided to spit in the eye of the public who made him one.
    Still, everyone has to find his balance between making a living and being able to bear the public pressure.
    Connery often seemed to make a point of not being public property. Apparently, Moore doesn´t feel the same pressure that much. Both should be respected.

  • Posts: 1,548
    Dan Craig is rapidly approaching the point where he becomes my favourite Bond EVER, ahead of Connery plus he's happy to talk to fans. So much for Sir San as a working class hero. However frail he may be I,m sure he could record a tribute for the various events etc.
  • It's the way of the world the men in suits get more than the performers, but his small slice was still a fortune and without Bond he would be nothing.
  • This is a bit of a loaded topic I feel. It seems that a lot of you are taking this quite personally, and in many ways I understand. The simple fact is that Sean Connery simply has no obligation to attend this, or any other Bond-related events. He has the complete right to turn this down, and quite frankly, it's not really our place to insist otherwise. Especially if this is all health-related, he is more in his right to do so than ever.

    That said, I don't suspect this to be the case, and there's likely more to it than that. It's highly likely that he still holds the grudge against the Broccoli family for what happened back during his tenure as Bond. Unfortunately, there are two issues at stake here that perhaps need further examination, and hopefully by him first and foremost. The first is that, as @RogueAgent pointed out, his anger is misplaced by aiming it at the current producers. This all stems from his personal frustration against Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman. Both men have been deceased for quite some time, yet the whiplash still seems to fall on Barbara and Michael G. Wilson, who, in all reality, had nothing to do with it then and still don't currently. That is unfortunate, and is the type of bitterness that can perhaps best be labeled as unfair.

    However, the greater issue at stake here are not the heirs of Cubby Broccoli. Quite frankly, I have a feeling that neither Barbara nor Michael could likely care less about dealing with him further for the sake of their own gain. The greater issue that I speak of is that the ones who are truly invested in this debacle are us - the fans. It is precisely for the fans that Connery, should he change his mind, should choose to do this for. If allowed the possibility for clear thought, he would likely be aware of what his inclusion in this year's celebrations means to us, but sadly it seems to be nowhere near his list of priorities. Anger can blind judgment as we all know. I can't fault him for that. Like I said earlier, he has a right to live his life in whichever way he chooses, especially at his age. But unfortunately, I fear that his on-going bitterness towards one party is somehow clouding the fact that his appearance would truly only have value with another. And this is why we are likely to lose.
  • Posts: 1,722
    Connery/Moore won't be alive for the 60th , time passes at rapid speed......this is it really , if it doesn't happen now it'll never happen.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Tracy wrote:
    Connery/Moore won't be alive for the 60th , time passes at rapid speed......this is it really , if it doesn't happen now it'll never happen.

    They both have plenty of life left. I would never speak of such a thing in regards to either men, or the rest of the legends I hold dear, no matter how pissed they make me at times.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    I'm not surprised. Yes, he is 81, but he still would not attend if he was 61 or 41. His age and physical condition is only the minor reason for him not attending.

    He may be my 2nd favourite Bond, but outside of 007, I find Connery to be a limited actor.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 12,837
    actonsteve wrote:
    The way he had his hand out for a knighthood while still contributing to the break down of the United Kingdom.

    That's my only issue with him.

    I'm all for an independant Scotland, and if Connery wants to support that, good for him. But 1) He doesn't live in Scotland and hasn't done for years, and 2) he accepted a knighthood.
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Lets face it many of us may love his Bond and think he's the best but the man himself is not what you would call a warm human being. The fact he never attended Cubby's funeral has always got me, here's the man who made him what he is today and gave him undoubtedly his biggest and most significant break and he couldn't let bygones be bygones and attend.

    He would never be the star he is today without Bond, many say he's the most significant contribution out of Cubby but I still think they could have found an actor to play the role and still made it a success, it's not like he walked into the part all to go, Terence Young is as responsible for the actor we see on the screen in Dr No as Connery if not more.

    I think sometimes Connery is attributed far too much of the responsibility for the success of the series, he got it started yes but it's still going strong decades after he decided he was too good to be associated with it and yes he is a limited actor, too many make out he's some acting god, he isn't he has presence and charisma but Craig and Dalton are far more all round talented actors and I hope Craig delivers as I expect with Skyfall and Connery can stop being my top Bond.
  • Never meet ur heroes they say.

    I don't mind what he does, I cherishhhhhh him on the silver screen...that's all that matters. If he has issues with Eon and co daatshhs his privilege. If I felt hard done by my old employers I wouldn't go to a do to make them some more money.

    Not coldfinger but middlefinger.
  • Never meet ur heroes they say.

    Nah. I met Timothy Dalton once and he was a pretty cool guy :)
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 2,782
    Never meet ur heroes they say.

    Nah. I met Timothy Dalton once and he was a pretty cool guy :)

    Oh yeah I bet he talked about you behind your back and will be less than favourable to you in his autobiography.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 11,216
    Never meet ur heroes they say.

    Nah. I met Timothy Dalton once and he was a pretty cool guy :)

    Connery's cool as Bond but I have a feeling Moore, Brosnan and Dalton would all be easier and more fun to talk to in real life.
  • Connery made six Bond films for Eon, several of them by common consent among the very best in the series. Connery owes a lot to the role of Bond but equally the series owes a major debt of gratitude to him. His performance as Bond was a massive factor in kick starting the series and giving it the momentum to see it through 23 films and 50 years. Connery consistently tops best Bond polls and for very good reason.

    Sean Connery owes us nothing. He gave us everything back in the 60s/early 70s and then moved on.Successive generations of fans have been able to continue enjoying his performance as Bond.

    I have never met Sean Connery and don't know what sort of person he is. However,at the age of 82 he has earned the right to attend or not attend these events as he chooses and I believe that we fans should respect his decision.

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Where is the article/statement that says Sean is absolutely not attending?

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Where is the article/statement that says Sean is absolutely not attending?

    Now I am less tense. It's from the damn National Enquirer people! More unreliable than the Daily Fail.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Connery to me is my favorite Bond actor by a significant margin and even though it's his God-given right to do as he pleases it can be heart breaking for fans who admire him and in some cases worship him when he refuses to participate in some of the more significant and poignant events, such as the 50th anniversary celebrations.

    I think the sad thing for me, if what we're lead to believe is true is indeed fact is, that Connery is bitter. I find that quite sad because he's an elderly man now, the recipients of is bitterness are long dead and if this is something he still clings onto then it's something he's unequivocally taking with him to his grave and what is the point? The man gave EoN the middle finger by making NSNA and he still went onto voice Bond for the game of FRWL no more than only 7 years ago. Then there's the AFI tribute also in '05 where he was resoundingly praised for his body of work and for Bond in particular. The man is alive, is able-bodied, lives in the Bahamas, is a millionaire and to cite his bitterness for a couple of dead men as a reason to not entertain or at least humor the fans and to mark his own legacy that he helped started does appear to be quite pathetic and as a Connery fanboy I don't say this lightly.

    Connery is free to do as he pleases, like others have said, he's under no obligation to do anything Bond related but it's a shame, a damn shame if he lets his bitterness obstruct what would be an almost majestic-like event if he were to at least have some involvement but what ever. Bond is bigger than Connery and I'm sure the celebrations and Skyfall will be a massive success so that's all I'm looking forward to. I'm not interested in Connery attending anymore. I'll always love him and regard him as the greatest Bond but other than that my focus is on Craig, him doing a great job in SF and the celebrations being awesome.

    Bond rules.
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    Though it saddens me his attitude is entirely expected, he's made his feelings of animosity to the Broccoli clan very clear over the years, and not knowing all the facts it's possibly not for us to pass judgement on the merits of his resentments. For the majority of us James Bond and his world is an amazing all consuming passion, but hard as it may be for us to accept for Connery it was probably just a job, admittedly one thought bought him fame, wealth and success but also many less welcome drawbacks.
    From what I've read of Sean Connery he does seem to have an awfull lot of faults, but also some very good and decent traits as well, so I for one wish him well in his retirement and will just continue to enjoy his Bond films and try not to equate his performances with the man himself.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    What a surprise. Connery's had a big chip on his shoulder for years. Without Bond he would have been just another jobbing actor. He owes his good fortune, excellent lifestyle and pick of film parts to 007. He was a great Bond but the man should be thankful for what he has had and think about the fans without which he would be a nobody. Come on Sean, the past is past be humble and give the fans (those that still like you!) a thrill and take part in the 50th celebrations of the man that gave you all you have.
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