I've lost respect for Connery



  • To be honest I think he just came up with the money excuse because EON are never going to pay him more and then he will always have an excuse to get out of these things. He probably doesn't want to travel to England as it is a lot further than the US Open. I still think it is a bit poor that he isn't even going to recognize the 50th anniversary of the reason people know who he is.
  • Connery is an asshole.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    sirroger wrote:
    Connery is an asshole.

    Why I oughta!!! >:/
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    sirroger wrote:
    Connery is an asshole.

    Good to see some witty and intelligent contributions on here.
  • Posts: 369
    I lost respect for Connery years ago, he should be stripped of his knighthood as he doesn't pay UK/Scottish taxes.
  • Had a few drinks this evening so please bear with me, but Connery is one of the greatest Bond's ever. I don't care if he appeared at some tennis game, it's immaterial, the fact of the matter is Connery is up there with Dalton as possibly the greatest James Bond. I can never lose respect for this individual, especially considering all the fine work he has done, not just for Bond, but in other releases
  • LeChiffre wrote:
    Dan Craig is rapidly approaching the point where he becomes my favourite Bond EVER, ahead of Connery plus he's happy to talk to fans. So much for Sir San as a working class hero. However frail he may be I,m sure he could record a tribute for the various events etc.

    I once looked up to Sean Connery but in the last 10 years that has tarnished. The way he spoke to and about Cubby Broccoli all those years, according to Roger Moore's book and Cubby's. The guy apparently feels he does not need to attend. Well, let this be a warning to him and his legacy. We, the fans, will remember what he did, and did not do, at the 50th Anniversary. If he decides to attend, all's forgiven. If he avoids the celebration - screw him.

  • That's a bit harsh on Sean Connery if he decides not to attend. The man is his own being, he has a mind of his own, of course some will be disappointed if he decides not to participate in the half century celebrations but it's his decision at the end of the day. We can't force him to turn up, although it's understandable some may be upset at his omission
  • That's a bit harsh on Sean Connery if he decides not to attend. The man is his own being, he has a mind of his own, of course some will be disappointed if he decides not to participate in the half century celebrations but it's his decision at the end of the day. We can't force him to turn up, although it's understandable some may be upset at his omission

    He may have a mind of his own, but his mouth certainly has insulted many in the entertainment field. No one is forcing him to come to the celebration. However, since it is the role that made him a household name, he should attend. That said I am becoming more and more bitter towards him because of his attitude.

  • I just concentrate solely on Connery as I know he is one of the best Bond's ever, I am also aware of some of the outstanding work he was done away from the James Bond franchise. For sure, it wouldn't hurt him to turn up for the 50th year celebrations, he is still in able health, is able to participate in our half century extravaganza, but at the end of the day, it's one mans decision, we can hardly castigate Connery if he decides not to attend this year, even though it's well aware some may be upset by his non attendance
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    He may have a mind of his own, but his mouth certainly has insulted many in the entertainment field. No one is forcing him to come to the celebration. However, since it is the role that made him a household name, he should attend. That said I am becoming more and more bitter towards him because of his attitude.

    Yeah but to be fair would you attend a reunion at some company you used to work for where you didnt like any of your workmates just because the company was celebrating its 50th and you were one of its first employees?

    Just because we are Bond fans doesnt mean Sean is. He probably holds Bond in the same regard as his characters in Marnie, Zardoz and the Rock - just a job. Much as I agree it wouldnt hurt him to turn out you have to say fair enough if thats how he feels. We should take it on the chin, ignore him and just celebrate with the other 5 and not mention Connery at all where possible.

    And while we're all castigating Sean have any of the others apart from Dan actually confirmed? Although obviously Rog will turn out as usual - hes a connsumate pro, a trooper and a bloody national treasure.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Connery would not have been the Bond he was without Terrence Young's help and guidance - check out the documentary on Dr No and Terrence Young: Bond Vivant, everyone (apart from Terrence himself) agrees that Terrence turned a rough diamond into the sophisticated Bond on screen. Connery has great screen presence but I really believe that without Bond we probably wouldn't really know who he was. He had been in quite a few films before Bond and failed to make that much of an impression. But I still think he was a great Bond and FRWL is my favourite and the benchmark which all Bond films should be measured against.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    This returning to an old company to celebrate the anniversary doesn't really sit well with ne because as I mentioned in my previous post, the guy came back and did the bloody video game to FRWL. According to Brisnan at Connery's AFI tribute, Connery even showed up to see a bit of filming for TWINE.
    Bitterness is like a cancer abd I'm afraid Connery's bitterness has really set in to the point where after all this time and at his age, that bitterness will never leave him.
  • doubleoego wrote:
    This returning to an old company to celebrate the anniversary doesn't really sit well with ne because as I mentioned in my previous post, the guy came back and did the bloody video game to FRWL. According to Brisnan at Connery's AFI tribute, Connery even showed up to see a bit of filming for TWINE.
    Bitterness is like a cancer abd I'm afraid Connery's bitterness has really set in to the point where after all this time and at his age, that bitterness will never leave him.

    This is why I'm not so sure about the...let's face it, rumours - that Connery won't attend because of an enduring grudge against Cubby. In the last few years he did the FRWL game and I've seen him interviewed about Bond where he seemed enthusiastic to talk about how he played the part. So if he doesn't show then we'll only be guessing at the reason why unless he specifies it himself.

    I suppose that it's possible that his hatred of Cubby is so huge that although Connery will do something Bond-related that has no connection to Cubby (the video game, interviews) he won't do something that is attended by his family (namely Barbara and MGW). Sad if true, but as I said we're all just guessing...

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    doubleoego wrote:
    This returning to an old company to celebrate the anniversary doesn't really sit well with ne because as I mentioned in my previous post, the guy came back and did the bloody video game to FRWL. According to Brisnan at Connery's AFI tribute, Connery even showed up to see a bit of filming for TWINE.
    Bitterness is like a cancer abd I'm afraid Connery's bitterness has really set in to the point where after all this time and at his age, that bitterness will never leave him.

    This is why I'm not so sure about the...let's face it, rumours - that Connery won't attend because of an enduring grudge against Cubby. In the last few years he did the FRWL game and I've seen him interviewed about Bond where he seemed enthusiastic to talk about how he played the part. So if he doesn't show then we'll only be guessing at the reason why unless he specifies it himself.

    I suppose that it's possible that his hatred of Cubby is so huge that although Connery will do something Bond-related that has no connection to Cubby (the video game, interviews) he won't do something that is attended by his family (namely Barbara and MGW). Sad if true, but as I said we're all just guessing...

    And the fact that for the game he was given a huge bundle of cash which EON are unlikely to do has absolutely no bearing on it. As usual with Sean it all boils down to the money.
  • Mind you it would be nice if Babs and MGW were magnanimous and called him up and offered to pay say 250k or whatever to a charity of his choice. Call it an appearance fee or redressing the balance for whatever perceived injustice he thinks he suffered
    It would be nice but it won't happen. Connery has no interest in this event. Some fans can name call all they like. The man is entitled to do as he pleases
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 506
    I understand that people want to respect Sean's decisions, but you can respect a decision and still be disappointed in it and disagree that it is the right decision.

    It's one event, one day, a few hours that would make all the difference for Bond fans and the Bond legacy alike. Never again will there be such an opportune chance to have all Bond actors alive together, why pass it up? It's a free dinner, Sean is clearly physically able to attend... just drop the bitterness for one day, old pal.
  • I’m with @Verybond and many others that are supporting Connery here.
    The bitterness reason is something the rags have been regurgitating for the last few decades and is nonsense. OK he’s not Roger Moore who would gladly bend over backwards for EON but there is no complete blackout when it comes to Bond…one of the last occasions he happily spoke about it was in the 2008 south bank show.
    If he doesn’t want to go to the event and mingle with all the ex-Bond cast and crew then that’s fine with me.

    It’ll now be interesting to see if he is featured in EON’s new “Being Bond” documentary or if its archive footage.
    Posts: 260
    The thing that gets me most upset, or should I say sad...is the fact that this will be the only time all 6 Bond's will be alive to gather for a reunion . There will never be another event like this. It really is a big disappointment to me , I thought just once maybe I would live to see the day where all the Bonds met at the same time and talked about being Bond and how the experience differed for them. That would be a great piece of footage.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I thought just once maybe I would live to see the day where all the Bonds met at the same time and talked about being Bond and how the experience differed for them. That would be a great piece of footage.

    Is this happening though even if Connery attends?

    Far as I know this big Bond 50th celebration get together everybody is talking about is just them showing up at the premier.

    4 of them were at the DAD premier and chances are 4 of them will be at the SF one, because I don't think Connery or Brosnan will go. And that's fine, they can do what they want, although I think Brosnan has a much better reason.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Why does everyone want to believe some Bond actors will be dead by the 60th? Have faith everyone! I can't even bring such a word as death into a sentence with you know who and the others.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Why does everyone want to believe some Bond actors will be dead by the 60th? Have faith everyone! I can't even bring such a word as death into a sentence with you know who and the others.

    Will if Sean is too bitter and reckons hes too ill to attend this one, hes going to be even more cantankerous and frail at the age of 91 - if he makes it that far. So its the 50th or nothing people.

    Although I have to say I fail to share this obsession with seeing them all together on the red carpet for 2 minutes. It would be a nice DVD extra and photo in the paper the next day but given the choice I'd much rather have an extra 10 minutes added to the running time of SF.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    The thing that gets me most upset, or should I say sad...is the fact that this will be the only time all 6 Bond's will be alive to gather for a reunion . There will never be another event like this. It really is a big disappointment to me , I thought just once maybe I would live to see the day where all the Bonds met at the same time and talked about being Bond and how the experience differed for them. That would be a great piece of footage.
    Well let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are 6 weeks to go yet, and anything can happen!
    On October 4th 1989 on the very eve of Monty Python's 20th anniversary party, Graham Chapman died. His colleague Terry Jones called it (in typical Python fashion) ''the worst case of party-pooping in all history".

    Joking aside I hope we can see all 6 of them safely through to the 50th anniversary (and beyond).

  • Posts: 144
    Connery made six Bond films for Eon, several of them by common consent among the very best in the series. Connery owes a lot to the role of Bond but equally the series owes a major debt of gratitude to him. His performance as Bond was a massive factor in kick starting the series and giving it the momentum to see it through 23 films and 50 years. Connery consistently tops best Bond polls and for very good reason.

    Sean Connery owes us nothing. He gave us everything back in the 60s/early 70s and then moved on.Successive generations of fans have been able to continue enjoying his performance as Bond.

    I have never met Sean Connery and don't know what sort of person he is. However,at the age of 82 he has earned the right to attend or not attend these events as he chooses and I believe that we fans should respect his decision.
  • Posts: 1,817
    This sort of opinions about what Connery should do in his private life is one of the reasons of his boredom with the franchise, I think.
    I've never like the fact that he made an unofficial movie, but again it was his decision.
    Claiming him to be Bond and having him in an ivory tower, instead of considering him a human and an actor, is why many people get disappointed, I guess.
  • Posts: 1,548
    Correct me if I,m wrong but hasn't Connery come out and advocated violence against women ie it's ok to slap a woman if she's "out of line"? If my respect for him disappeared long before he dissed the 50th celebrations.
  • Posts: 1,548
    LeChiffre wrote:
    Correct me if I,m wrong but hasn't Connery come out and advocated violence against women ie it's ok to slap a woman if she's "out of line"? If my respect for him disappeared long before he dissed the 50th celebrations.

    sorry, last sentence should read "If true,my respect..."
  • Why does everyone want to believe some Bond actors will be dead by the 60th? Have faith everyone! I can't even bring such a word as death into a sentence with you know who and the others.

    Will if Sean is too bitter and reckons hes too ill to attend this one, hes going to be even more cantankerous and frail at the age of 91 - if he makes it that far. So its the 50th or nothing people.

    Although I have to say I fail to share this obsession with seeing them all together on the red carpet for 2 minutes. It would be a nice DVD extra and photo in the paper the next day but given the choice I'd much rather have an extra 10 minutes added to the running time of SF.
    I'm starting to think Roger and Christopher Lee will see freaking 100 when all is said and done!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited September 2012 Posts: 24,520
    I just read the "Sean Connery gives 'coldfinger' to 50th anniversary celebrations article", and I must say my admiration for Connery has gone down quite a bit. Seriously Sean, you are a millionaire , you are living in a gated manision/compound in the Bahamas without a care in the world . Stop being a baby . It's really a disgrace Sean won't be attending the anniversary , this is one of the last times all of the Bond actors will be alive at the same time, I hate to sound depressing but I highly doubt all 6 Bond's will be alive for the 60th anniversary . Seriously Sean stop being a spoiled old man, get your old ass out there for SKYFALL and thank god you were given the opportunity to play Bond, because if you didn't I highly doubt you would be where you are now.

    I completely disagree! Connery is 80+ years old. He's fulfilled his contract. Give the man a rest. If he doesn't want to be there to please us, I will respect that! And lest we forget, this is the man you've lost your respect for. Wow. He's pleased us all right.

  • edited September 2012 Posts: 824
    LeChiffre wrote:
    Correct me if I,m wrong but hasn't Connery come out and advocated violence against women ie it's ok to slap a woman if she's "out of line"? If my respect for him disappeared long before he dissed the 50th celebrations.

    This is a quote from a 60s Sunday Express interview with Roderick Mann. Hardly new information. His views might well have changed over 47 years or so!
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