The 'Die Another Day' Curse



  • I've become convinced that the two writers are great at big concept ideas and terrible at assembling them into a cohesive narrative.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 533

    Well, back 10 years ago then, DAD was the movie of the 40's anniversary of Bond. So, this year, comes Skyfall, as the 50th's anniversary.
    at 40th's, DAD sucked and was considered worst Bond movie ever (as you guys says) and has the worst critics ever on 007 films.

    I'm one person who does not share the general opinion of most Bond fans. I believe that DAF was the worst Bond movie ever . . . and I still liked it. For me, GF was the second worst . . . and I dislike it. DAD was basically pretty good. But as I have stated before, I hated the invisible car, the Iceland locations, some of the bad dialogue and Miranda Frost's obviously dumb decisions. It' middle of the road for me.


    This is tackiness beyond belief. Who created this piece of crap?
  • Posts: 7,653
    Some naysayer on DAD, if you see his taste why discuss his taste in movies. ;)
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    edited September 2012 Posts: 2,635
    DRush76 wrote:

    This is tackiness beyond belief. Who created this piece of crap?

    Show some respect for the creator, it is not crap. It was a creation of one of the members of this forum, and it's not required experience in Photoshop to create a creative poster here. Many people had liked it including me, and it IS funny.
    If you can do better, Good for you. But I guess that you wouldn't like someone tell your arts are a 'piece of crap'.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 533

    In other words, I'm not entitled to express my opinion on a "piece of work" that catches my eye? How democratic. Not.

    I didn't know who had created it. And if I had, my opinion would stand.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    edited September 2012 Posts: 2,635
    DRush76 wrote:
    In other words, I'm not entitled to express my opinion on a "piece of work" that catches my eye? How democratic. Not.

    I didn't know who had created it. And if I had, my opinion would stand.

    If you offend the work of someone, how do you think that person would look like? Happy is not the answer. The guy probably hasn't enough resouces to make something better than that.

    Why does these people need to be rude like this? "...This piece of crap". It's not understandable. I've already said and i'll repeat, probably the one who criticises wouldn't like to have their work bad seen by the others. So why the ppl need to act roughly like that? I hate it.
    A little more sense of solidarity to be brought in this planet would be fine. :|
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 7,653
    X3MSonicX wrote:
    DRush76 wrote:
    In other words, I'm not entitled to express my opinion on a "piece of work" that catches my eye? How democratic. Not.

    I didn't know who had created it. And if I had, my opinion would stand.

    If you offend the work of someone, how do you think that person would look like? Happy is not the answer. The guy probably hasn't enough resouces to make something better than that.

    Why does these people need to be rude like this? "...This piece of crap". It's not understandable. I've already said and i'll repeat, probably the one who criticises wouldn't like to have their work bad seen by the others. So why the ppl need to act roughly like that? I hate it.
    A little more sense of solidarity to be brought in this planet would be fine. :|

    I'll be the one to show solidarity: It is a piece of crap!! Some find this of Brosnan and/or DAD and I have reading their "subtle" texts about it.

    If you can produce this piece of (f)art then you have no business calling DAD names. ;) :D

  • edited September 2012 Posts: 11,216
    Just on a sidenote, I'm nearing the end of an audio book of Moonraker (bits of which are used in DAD) read by Bill Nighy. Maybe it's Mr Nighy narration but (to me) Drax is more hammy and over-the-top than I remember (especially in the last few chapters where he reveals his true identity) to the point where I was actually laughing out loud in the car while driving. You can imagine Toby Stephen's (not to mention Fleming) having a field day with his character. Graves was over-the-top and pantomine but is Drax really that much better?

    The only thing missing was the Robocop suit ;)

    (NOTE: I'm not intending to bash MR - it's one of Fleming's best stories - merely trying to point out an observation)
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    We must never lose sight of the fact that back in the day Ian Fleming was considered pure hokum/pulp fiction. His merit has increased in subsequent decades but he was never taken too seriously in the 50s and 60s.
    His stories were about deformed villains blowing up cities or holding the world to randsom. We aren't talking John Le Carre here. Which brings me to the point about DAD and let's say LTK.
    I would argue that DAD is actually the true grandchild of Fleming's work, bringing his mad ideas into a new era, whereas LTK and other more serious Bond films have comparatively standard villains and plot lines.
    I'm not saying DAD did it well or is worthy of note, simply that we have the sort of villain and plot that Fleming may just have conceived himself had he been born in a different era.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    DRush76 wrote:
    In other words, I'm not entitled to express my opinion on a "piece of work" that catches my eye? How democratic. Not.

    I didn't know who had created it. And if I had, my opinion would stand.

    There's a difference between expressing an opinion (howty towty aren't we?), and being a child, as you were with your unrefined response. If you have a vocabulary, use it. Again, as @X3MSonicX said, some don't have the resources outside of MS paint to create such art, and if they are expressing their feelings, no matter how foreign it may be to you, it should never be that rudely ridiculed. But, let's see what you can do, and then gauge this "crap" spectrum you seem to be working on.
  • NicNac wrote:
    We must never lose sight of the fact that back in the day Ian Fleming was considered pure hokum/pulp fiction. His merit has increased in subsequent decades but he was never taken too seriously in the 50s and 60s.
    His stories were about deformed villains blowing up cities or holding the world to randsom. We aren't talking John Le Carre here. Which brings me to the point about DAD and let's say LTK.
    I would argue that DAD is actually the true grandchild of Fleming's work, bringing his mad ideas into a new era, whereas LTK and other more serious Bond films have comparatively standard villains and plot lines.
    I'm not saying DAD did it well or is worthy of note, simply that we have the sort of villain and plot that Fleming may just have conceived himself had he been born in a different era.

    You might have a point there. But LTK is still a much better film than DAD :P
  • Posts: 11,216
    I don't believe for a moment that Fleming intended his books to be great works of literature. More - as NicNac says - escapism for adults.

    The problem with DAD is that it strays too far into science fiction. The MR novel (and the film of course) were over the top but there was an ELEMENT of reality. The locations were "of this world", the characters had good juicy backstories and Bond was someone who was fairly grounded (I use that term cautiously because he still did some fairly remarkable things).

    LTK is the better film but still has its faults. Namely that it lacks the "panache" and "exoticism" of Flemings writing (despite borrowing from LALD).
  • BAIN123 wrote:
    The problem with DAD is that it strays too far into science fiction. The MR novel (and the film of course) were over the top but there was an ELEMENT of reality. The locations were "of this world", the characters had good juicy backstories and Bond was someone who was fairly grounded (I use that term cautiously because he still did some fairly remarkable things).

    LTK is the better film but still has its faults. Namely that it lacks the "panache" and "exoticism" of Flemings writing (despite borrowing from LALD).

    What's wrong with DAD's locations? Cuba was nice and exotic, Korea was cool and Iceland looked great.

    LTK had plenty of exoticism.
  • Posts: 7,653
    BAIN123 wrote:
    The problem with DAD is that it strays too far into science fiction. The MR novel (and the film of course) were over the top but there was an ELEMENT of reality. The locations were "of this world", the characters had good juicy backstories and Bond was someone who was fairly grounded (I use that term cautiously because he still did some fairly remarkable things).

    LTK is the better film but still has its faults. Namely that it lacks the "panache" and "exoticism" of Flemings writing (despite borrowing from LALD).

    What's wrong with DAD's locations? Cuba was nice and exotic, Korea was cool and Iceland looked great.

    LTK had plenty of exoticism.

    All It needed was a good excorsisme.

  • edited September 2012 Posts: 11,216
    BAIN123 wrote:
    The problem with DAD is that it strays too far into science fiction. The MR novel (and the film of course) were over the top but there was an ELEMENT of reality. The locations were "of this world", the characters had good juicy backstories and Bond was someone who was fairly grounded (I use that term cautiously because he still did some fairly remarkable things).

    LTK is the better film but still has its faults. Namely that it lacks the "panache" and "exoticism" of Flemings writing (despite borrowing from LALD).

    What's wrong with DAD's locations? Cuba was nice and exotic, Korea was cool and Iceland looked great.

    LTK had plenty of exoticism.

    But it looks cheap - like a tv film.
  • edited September 2012 Posts: 12,837
    An 80s TV film wouldn't have been able to afford the tanker chase alone.

    It's my favourite, but I do admit they could've done more with the locations in LTK. But I think the film was going for a darker, gritty look.

    I've heard people say that Miami was used better in CR, I disagree. It looks nicer with the bright beaches and clean hotels, but it wasn't meant to look nice in LTK. It's meant to show the dark side of there, with places like cheap bars and ships filled with drugs.
  • Posts: 11,425
    It's like the calm before the storm around here. All creaking rigging and calm waters. Quiet but strangely menacing as well - lots of pent up emotion about and people on short fuses.

    A strange vibe. Can't even summon the energy to have a go at DUD.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Getafix wrote:
    It's like the calm before the storm around here. All creaking rigging and calm waters. Quiet but strangely menacing as well - lots of pent up emotion about and people on short fuses.

    A strange vibe. Can't even summon the energy to have a go at DUD.
    The waters are very calm on my end. Paranoid, are we?
  • Posts: 11,425
    Getafix wrote:
    It's like the calm before the storm around here. All creaking rigging and calm waters. Quiet but strangely menacing as well - lots of pent up emotion about and people on short fuses.

    A strange vibe. Can't even summon the energy to have a go at DUD.
    The waters are very calm on my end. Paranoid, are we?

    What are you saying!? ;)
  • Posts: 199
    Dr_Metz wrote:
    Catwoman for me will forever be Michelle Pfeiffer, Berry doesn't come close
    And The Joker for me will forever be Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger doesn't come close.

    I find it somewhat strange comparing performances from totally different settings and storytelling!
    Jack Nicholson was great in Tim Burton's Batman world, and Heath Ledger was great in Nolan's Batman world!

  • It's late and I'm damn tired and haven't found anything thus far I could quite reply to (in more ways than one), but on an above response, License to Kill, never went to Miami if I remember, it was in fact the Florida Keys and even the Bahamas but Bond (or anyone involved) never once stepped foot in Miami city limits. Just as well as the last time they tried it for Goldfinger it was shaky rear projection backgrounds and Connery never even went to Florida for it. Royale was maybe the best, at least it was there, but as it was after dark and we didn't get to see much, as it was mainly at an art exhibition and subsequent chase at the airport didn't offer much maybe. This thread has gone off course it would appear from initial subject but what's there to add? Already about six threads for Die Another Day (mainly castigating) and responses from here to Neptune fot it. One again, and for the benefit of this thread, there was no curse evident, it was merely a poorly released film due to a number of negative factors that shouldn't have been involved with production to begin with. Poor Brosnan left the series on a low note when he could of stepped down when still plausible three years earlier and the fine World Is Not Enough. I can never usually look beyond that
  • Die Another Day had one of the BEST opening sequences. The surfers were good, those waves are not a game, one mistake and you're dead. The hovercrafts were smart. The tortured Brosnan was excellent from his talks with the General "Tell it to the concierge" to great acting as he's about to be executed (one of his best moments as 007) his entrance in the hotel up to his meeting with the "sleeper" That is as far as it goes. The rest was a disaster
  • NeengPohNeengPoh Banned
    edited November 2012 Posts: 34
    DRush76 wrote:
    In other words, I'm not entitled to express my opinion on a "piece of work" that catches my eye? How democratic. Not.

    I didn't know who had created it. And if I had, my opinion would stand.

    to heck with you... I create this poster.. and for you information DAD is one of my favorit Bonds.. defintly my favorite Brossnan. it is a fun movie and the fun over top bonds are the ones i have as my favorites... YOLT... DAF... ETC... I have enough sense of humor to poke fun at things I enjoy... relax

  • Posts: 11,425
    Die Another Day had one of the BEST opening sequences. The surfers were good, those waves are not a game, one mistake and you're dead. The hovercrafts were smart. The tortured Brosnan was excellent from his talks with the General "Tell it to the concierge" to great acting as he's about to be executed (one of his best moments as 007) his entrance in the hotel up to his meeting with the "sleeper" That is as far as it goes. The rest was a disaster

    i'm not even sure i agree with u about the opening sequence and early scenes. it's pretty dire from the get go IMO
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2012 Posts: 14,906
    The PTS was pretty darn awesome, I thought. The three coolest things Bond did in that scene were:

    1. Blew the lining out of that 'brief'case with his watch detonator, making Zao look like the property of a lady, if you know what I mean;

    2. Found a new way to put a Porsche 911 Turbo in reverse;

    3. Jettisoned from Moon's hovercraft just before it truly lived up to it's name.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 11,216
    The best aspect of the PTS:

    Brosnan's grin as he takes the sunglasses.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2012 Posts: 14,906
    Just remembered that one. Very cool. B-)

    I'd pay money to know what Mr. Van Bierk thought when he looked Bond up and down.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 176
    NeengPoh wrote:
    DRush76 wrote:
    In other words, I'm not entitled to express my opinion on a "piece of work" that catches my eye? How democratic. Not.

    I didn't know who had created it. And if I had, my opinion would stand.

    to heck with you... I create this poster.. and for you information DAD is one of my favorit Bonds.. defintly my favorite Brossnan. it is a fun movie and the fun over top bonds are the ones i have as my favorites... YOLT... DAF... ETC... I have enough sense of humor to poke fun at things I enjoy... relax

    Do you like Hallee Berry? I thought the poster seemed disrepectful of of an Oscar-winning actress.

    BTW, I just now read the top of the poster and realized that was Jeffrey Wright. In drag and with the teeth I thought it was Will Smith. LOL.
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