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Thank you muchly - though the release date is after the movie!
And an instrumental as the 'b side'....
Is it just me or in the lyrics video there are shadows of women in the background? Or am I seeing things?
Nope deffo sexy silhouetted woman
There is also a vinyl version if you want a real b side ;)
Why is it £4.99??
What are you talking about?
€0,99 for mp3, €3,99 for CD. I'm not in the UK I'm afraid.
Certainly a more conventional and traditional sounding piece when compared to "Another Way To Die" (a forgettable song to a forgettable entry).
After several listens, it would seem to settle in nicely somewhere in the middle-of-the-pact as far as Bond themes are concerned.
Solid and respectable but, no Top-10 material by any stretch in my opinion.
Yea I got the track off iTunes last night for £0.99 but as @quarterdeck says its £4:99 for the cd in uk. Why!?? Robbing Bar stewards .
I don´t say anything against your opinion, and since you rank the TWINE song so high you make sense liking this song, but I honestly don´t hear any connection to a Bassey /Tom Jones era. Those were massive voices, while here the singer sounds as if she had a cold. Which is a shame, considering that´s the woman who set fire to the rain.
I was referring to Bond songs and nothing else. I wrote Bond song era, not Bond era. And, regardless of their popularity, the songs from Craig´s film thus far both had balls, while the only song from Brosnan´s films which wasn´t smothered with safe-playing wasn´t a Bond song at all.
Why is he forgetting? Shure, doing a bad thing ten times is better than doing it 20 times, but that doesn´t make it good by any means.
It's a matter of taste also. I heard earlier on this forum, that the song is 'too romantic', 'too loungy', 'too slow-tempo'.
Well lads, these things have been part of the Bond films as well. Romantic atmosphere, lounge, slow-tempo are actually most of the time part of a James Bond title theme.
It started with Nancy Sinatra's sultry Bond-ballad 'You Only Live Twice', then continueed beautifully in Louis Armstrong's 'We Have All The Time In The World'. Not to mention the rather not-so-Bond-ian-sounding 'Nobody Does It Better'. Which was a pure romantic ballad....and a huge hit success, earning an Oscar-nod. Slow-tempo moved forward with the soulful music of John Barry's / Hal David's 'Moonraker'.
Then 'For Your Eyes Only' enhanced the romantic atmosphere again. Sheena Easton was beautiful and in 1981 one of the most popular and beautiful singers of her time. Rita Coolidge did a rather lacklustre attempt and did not really reach an 'All Time High'.
But I firmly believe Adele belongs in my above summary about fantastic female performers who set the standard for lush, jazzy, slow-tempo and romantic melodies. Adele is the Shirley Bassey, Carly Simon, Louis Armstrong, Sheena Easton and Nancy Sinatra. Without a doubt.
Bravo Adele.
It already is! On iTunes, at least...
Well, what do you expect at 007pm on Bond Day ;-)
So? Just because DAD did it, it doesn't make it ok.
Adele has a huge lead in sales with this single, and it will only become bigger throughout the weekend. It's becoming a huge hit. #1 in 43 countries over night, literally!
It's the same as the Austrian Sony clip, so yeah.
I for one am glad they went here and brought back some of the old vibes. In fact, having now listened to the song in the double digits, I'm fairly confident this one will stick to me for a long time. Also, if I wasn't already in the mood for SF, this song certainly got me in the mood.
I agree with everything you said, I spent the afternoon listening to it and it did nothing but grow on me. Sometimes I hear a song and then the first impact vanishes but it isn't happening with this one and I'm glad it's like this.
I just saw that Calvin Dyson was fast and has already reviewed the song! I beginning to watch it now.
[url]<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>[/url]
EDIT: Calvin makes a brilliant comment about Daniel Kleinman: "Give the man a good song, a computer, and naked women and he will never disappoint".
Wow! Lets see how long it stays there for? Is it due to Bond fans and Adele fans only though? I will guess its most likely but hey? A Bond UK number one is always good! :-bd