Best themes & quotes for Ringtones & Text alerts

edited October 2012 in General Discussion Posts: 7
Hello all,
I hope this hasn't been covered yet, and if it has my apologies. I hope this was the best catergory for this as well. I recently acquired a new phone and have been personalizing the settings. Being a Bond fan, naturally I would like it to reflect 007. I have a piece from Blunt Instrument in Casino Royale as a ringtone. I also have the Vesper Text Alert. When I recieve a voicemail: "Transmission Begins from Moneypeny". I was curious as to what you all have used. What themes, score or other sound files have you used from the movies? I'd love to hear about it. Also, anyone know of any other clever lines like "transmission begins from Moneypenny"?


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