James Bond on Blu-ray/4K



  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    OwenDavian wrote:
    Walmart had no Bond movies at all in store not even the box set. Picked up AVTAK and TND at Target. Best Buy only had the box set.

    They had all of them advertised at the Wal-Mart closer to my town, but when I went in, there was no site of them. So they had all three of the exclusives at Target, I'm guessing? Which one is the third?
  • They had LTK, TLD, TND, and AVTAK. Best Buy and Walmart had no clue what I was talking about when I asked about the movies.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    I picked up LTK from Wal-Mart online, so the third exclusive at Target is TLD. You can get a majority of them from Wal-Mart online for $9.99 a piece. I bought eleven of them from there.
  • I wonder if the prices will drop even more for Black Friday?
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    OwenDavian wrote:
    I wonder if the prices will drop even more for Black Friday?

    I would see them going down to $7.99 at the cheapest. I'm not sure how much they were at Target, but the prices (as of now) at Wal-Mart for the separate UE blu-rays are $9.99, but they were originally listed as $19.99. I'm not sure if that's going to change.

    The reason I think I understand the entirety of the cluelessness at Best Buy is because I have never seen anything James Bond related (in terms of films) at the Best Buy I shop at. It could be different for the other stores, though.
  • Goldeneye Bluray review now online at bluray.com
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    I wish I had just saved my money and bought the 50th Anniversary set. My new SE copy of YOLT came in the mail today and started skipping. BRAND SPANKING NEW!!! ~X(
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 74
    Oh, rejoice . . !


    While You guys enjoyed Your new Bond blu-rays, I kept a close watch on my Amazon account in France -- and guess what: regarding my Brosnan era box, it now says, "Expédition nº 1 : À expédier " . . .

    If anyone else is waiting for one of the obviously exclusive era boxes (Connery, Moore, Brosnan), You might want to check Your account as well -- maybe they are packing Your orders right now. And maybe, they will even send them soon . . .

  • Oh, rejoice . . !


    While You guys enjoyed Your new Bond blu-rays, I kept a close watch on my Amazon account in France -- and guess what: regarding my Brosnan era box, it now says, "Expédition nº 1 : À expédier " . . .

    If anyone else is waiting for one of the obviously exclusive era boxes (Connery, Moore, Brosnan), You might want to check Your account as well -- maybe they are packing Your orders right now. And maybe, they will even send them soon . . .


    Bonnes nouvelles!...Did you check out the GE bluray review. I posted a link to a review where they discuss the quality of Brosnan's 1st 007 adventure. Hopefully you will recieve it soon and make up your own mind.

  • edited October 2012 Posts: 74
    Bonnes nouvelles!...Did you check out the GE bluray review. I posted a link to a review where they discuss the quality of Brosnan's 1st 007 adventure. Hopefully you will recieve it soon and make up your own mind.

    No, not really. My knowledge of the French language isn't what it once was. I got it wrong -- no change in status really. I thought they were in the process of packing the order -- and usually, it is sent soon after Amazon makes that status update. Whatever: I still have to wait. Damn . . .
    Did you check out the GE bluray review. I posted a link to a review where they discuss the quality of Brosnan's 1st 007 adventure. Hopefully you will recieve it soon and make up your own mind.

    I just checked it and it basically confirms what was mentioned here. Too bad -- but at least, the reviewer thinks there is indeed an improvement with respect to the DVD version. That's worth something.
  • More bluray reviews from bluray.com

    Thanks for the update -- I checked the review for "Tomorrow never dies" and was quite happy. Image and sound seem to have convinced the reviewer. The overall rating of merely 4.0 obviously roots back to that 3.5 for the movie itself. As I would rate the movie 4.5, I am looking foreward to a 4.25 blu-ray . . .


    If those French guys ever send me my stuff . . !

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    I picked up AVTAK, TND, and TLD on blu-ray at Target last night. For some reason, TLD was $15, but the rest - and all of the others I've picked up - have been $10. Now, I just need MR and the three Best Buy exclusives (that I cannot find anywhere, and I believe they are TSWLM, OHMSS, and something else. Still can't figure that out). Any news on what's happening with them?
  • 00Zenon00Zenon Perth, Australia
    Posts: 44
    Dunno if it's worth the buy since I have the DVD box set and already have the BDs for CR and QoS

    One thing though, what are the menus like for Casino Royal and Quantum?
    Same as the old versions?

    If anyone has a photo or vid I'd love to take a look!
  • Creasy47 wrote:
    I picked up AVTAK, TND, and TLD on blu-ray at Target last night. For some reason, TLD was $15, but the rest - and all of the others I've picked up - have been $10. Now, I just need MR and the three Best Buy exclusives (that I cannot find anywhere, and I believe they are TSWLM, OHMSS, and something else. Still can't figure that out). Any news on what's happening with them?

    The best buy BDs are coming out on the 23rd I believe.

  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    @OwenDavian, October 23rd? And if so, do you have a link?

    I went in there yesterday and they (apparently) had two copies of the Bond 50 box set, but I couldn't find them anywhere. I was just looking out of curiousity, and they only thing I found was CR on DVD, just the old edition.
  • 001001
    Posts: 1,575
    I saw a connery br box set on ebay coming soon.
  • Creasy47 wrote:
    @OwenDavian, October 23rd? And if so, do you have a link?

    I went in there yesterday and they (apparently) had two copies of the Bond 50 box set, but I couldn't find them anywhere. I was just looking out of curiousity, and they only thing I found was CR on DVD, just the old edition.

    There is a review here of OHMSS which states that the individual release is available on October 23 from BEST BUY...here is the link.


  • 001 wrote:
    I saw a connery br box set on ebay coming soon.

    That must be the French box. As You said it is coming soon, I bet it is not one of the 2008/09 box sets -- and France (i.e., its virtual equivalent) is the only place where I have seen era box sets containing the Bond films of individual actors.

    By the way: my Brosnan box is now definitely on the way -- no Franch language pitfall this time . . .

  • http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/7841/bond50_yolt.html

    Another review of YOLT has been posted on highdedigest...
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 165
    I bought the box set from Amazon, basically because I mostly wanted all the movies on blu-ray and in one place. Also because I'm lazy and didn't want to track down all the different discs/sets.

    Had a chance to review most of the stuff the past two weeks and I'm left with this:

    1) The bonus disc is an absolute joke. And by joke, I mean insult to all us die-hard fans. Would it have been so hard to put together a few mini-documentaries, historical overviews, etc? There's nothing on the bonus disc that is worth watching or that we haven't seen before. I plan on tossing this disc and using the slot for Bond 24 blu-ray.

    2) Some of the bonus stuff on each movies' disc are pretty cool. But you have to put each disc in your player and select from that menu to see what the features are. There's no booklet or menu to find what features are on which disc. Again, how hard would it have been to include a booklet that included a menu of what exactly is on each disc? It seems they've given us the absolute minimum they could get away with.

    3) The picture and sound are great. They really did a fantastic job and every disc is a huge improvement from the DVD's - especially the older entries.

    Overall, I'm satisfied. But remember I'm not an avid collector or one of these guys who spend countless hours pouring over every bonus featurette or examining the clarity of the picture in microscopic detail. I just like to enjoy the films and watch the occational bounus feature. So all I really wanted was all the Bond flicks on blu-ray, and in one easy-to-store box set. And that's what I got. Unfortunately, that's ALL I got.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Still haven't received my copy. I pre-ordered it... Pretty shitty.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,216
    Just ordered my Goldeneye blu ray off Play.com with the steal case.

    I don't care about having the others now* :P

    (*I already own several of the classic ones on Blu Ray anyway)
  • @ grinderman: The single release blu rays list all the special features on the back of the case.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    @BAIN123, I'm very jealous. I really wanted the steelbook edition of GE, but the regular UE blu-ray with the fantastic cover art works for me. Waiting for three more (can't recall which, ordered so many lately) to arrive (should be tomorrow) from Amazon, then I need to pick up MR and just await the three Best Buy exclusives, and I'm all done.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 74
    Guys, I got my Brosnan era blu-ray box -- and what a box it is. The four discs came in shrinkwrapped individual Amaray blu-ray cases with French cover sheets featuring the 50th anniversary re-design. The discs themselves have French writing and look exactly like the ones in the Bond 50 Box.

    Quicker than a Greek protester can say, "Merkel go home", I checked out "Goldeneye" and "Tomorrow never dies" -- and was quite impressed. There's normal grain in "Tomorrow never dies" -- but the wax effect in "Goldeneye" was not quite as apparent to me as I had feared. Maybe, it is because I "merely" have an HD ready TV set and watch my films in 1080i instead of 1080p.

    While the writing on the high-gloss box and on the individual cover sheets say that French and English language tracks are available, both "Goldeneye" and "Tomorrow never dies" featured Spanish, German and Portuguese as well -- astonishing, wouldn't You say? I did not check the other two discs yet.

    Finally -- after all those years! New Bond blu-rays!
  • Posts: 11,216
    Not bothered about owning the other Brozza films on Blu Ray (I already own DAD as part of a 7 film set anyway).
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Finally got my box set, watched FRWL right away. Beautiful. Has to be the best film too.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 612
    The box set is worth its weight in gold. One thing though, did they include new sound FX is some of the movies? I noticed gunshots in the ski sequences of Majesty that I feel like they weren't in the previous version.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    The 5.1 mix might have some new sound effects, not sure. I just finished watching it, I picked the mono track though :)
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