Adele Theme Spoofs

edited October 2012 in Fan Creations Posts: 15
Hi, Im new here. :P I was just noticing more and more of these spoofs of Adele's awsome theme online (maybe because the song is the most listened to currentl on itunes and over 10mil. views on youtube) and wanted to share them.

Chipmunks sing Skyfall

Gollum sings Skyfall


Sorry if a thread like this has already been made.


  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Hi Bondian and welcome to the community.

    I'm moving your thread to Fan Creations for now, since it's not News.
  • Posts: 15
    Hi Bondian and welcome to the community.

    I'm moving your thread to Fan Creations for now, since it's not News.

  • Posts: 5,745
    Bondian wrote:
    Chipmunks sing Skyfall

    If Duffy were to do the theme...
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    JWESTBROOK wrote:
    If Duffy were to do the theme...

  • haha :) that Gollem one had me in pieces :D I don't know how anybody could have come up with that....
  • Posts: 5,767
    haha :) that Gollem one had me in pieces :D I don't know how anybody could have come up with that....
    Or how anyone could even halfway sing with such a voice....

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