James Bond Documentary Everything or Nothing Coming Oct. 5



  • Hey could i also get a link to PM as well? really wanted to watch this, thanks!
  • If anyone could PM me the link I'd be grateful - TIA.
  • @Artemis81 On behalf of fans in the UK or anywhere else who couldn't watch it, I'd really like to say thank you.
  • Can you please send the link to my inbox? ... Dying to see it :)
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I think Lazenby came off quite well and was wholly honest. We have to remember that it was the late 60s and Lazenby was relatively a kid when he got the role. No acting experience, had a lot if balls in his approach to getting the role and the effort put in to landing such a coveted role made him feel untouchable. He understandably let all of that go to his head abd as a result came off as an arrogant jerk.

    Now, he's able to look back and see the error of his ways but I think credit goes to him for still holding a torch for Bond even though he gets more flack than any other Bond actor.

    As for Fleming, Saltzman, Cubby and Sean, viewing the hardships and the strain they faced was really conveyed in a profound way that hasn't been as explored before and I think that even with McClory's obsession, it just goes to show how much of an impact Bond had/has on so many lives and just how lucky we are to still be getting these movies.

    I've always loved and appreciated the series but now even more so.
  • Posts: 158
    were there any clips at all of Skyfall in this doc?
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    grunther wrote:
    were there any clips at all of Skyfall in this doc?

    Just a few in the end, but nothing revealing.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 158
    ok cool. it doesn't sound like its riddled throughout which is better at this stage!

    could someone PM me the link as well please :)
  • At the risk of Artemis, or whoever deals out the links growing tired of this before long... :P

    Link me up as well. Keep the fruit.
  • At the risk of Artemis, or whoever deals out the links growing tired of this before long... :P

    Link me up as well. Keep the fruit.

    I suppose that we should wait for Artemis as it's his YT page, but if any other kind souls have the link address feel free to send it to all of us who have requested it... :-D

  • please?
  • A great documentary. Hoping this will be included in the SKYFALL BLURAY special features. Great interviews and footage and in places quite emotional. All the drama behind the scenes would make for an excellent film....
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 4,619
    Could someone send me the link please? :) (EDIT: got it!)
  • this should work.. I guess.. :-?

  • Posts: 278
    @Artemis81 On behalf of fans in the UK or anywhere else who couldn't watch it, I'd really like to say thank you.

    Yes, me too, thank you. Superb

  • Posts: 1,497
    Does anyone know if Everything or Nothing will come to Netflix?
  • It was certainly an intersting documentary. Not a whole lot of new stuff, obviously, but it's neat to see all the familiar stories together in one package. Finally hearing some new comments from Dalton was probably the best part of it. Well, that and Connery's phone call.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    @Artemis81, if still possible would you please PM me the link? Thanks very, very much! I'm in a hurry just now , haven't read all the comments - but I'd so love to see this!
  • Artemis81Artemis81 In Christmas Land
    edited October 2012 Posts: 543
    @Artemis81 On behalf of fans in the UK or anywhere else who couldn't watch it, I'd really like to say thank you.
    dchantry wrote:
    Yes, me too, thank you. Superb
    You're welcome.
    @Artemis81, if still possible would you please PM me the link? Thanks very, very much! I'm in a hurry just now , haven't read all the comments - but I'd so love to see this!
    Sent it to ya! For the rest of the people who still need, PM me!!. It's really tough to keep track of everyone on this thread since some of you already PM me and others haven't, or you already got the link from someone else. It's just easier this way. :D
  • Just watched it - fantastic, thanks for uploading it.

    Like many docs of this kind it starts out strong with the beginning period of the books and films and then we get less detail as it progresses to later days. I'd happily have sat through an extra 30 minutes for more detail on the Moore, Dalton, and Brosnan years. I'd have loved to hear about how Bond fared at the box office, how important it was as a part of pop culture, etc.

    I thought that they breezed past Dalton leaving the part (was he allowed to "leave of his own accord" to save face or did he *really* quit?) and the few seconds regarding Brosnan's departure seemed a little like...well, revisionist history to make everyone look better - almost as if everyone's lawyers agreed on the way to portray it! I'd also have loved to hear more about the relationship with the studio (such as their insistence to cast actresses based on their internet search/download rankings in the 90s). But I guess that for the most part they wanted to keep it positive.

    Great to see Dalton's passion for the part still so strong all these years later! Unlike certain actors who keep a polished anecdote to say about something he really seems to be speaking from the heart...
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Brilliant documentary! Seeing Dalton's section only made me want to see two more Dalton films!
  • I echo nobodydoesitbetter's comments (8/10). ‘Everything or Nothing’ is a delight from start to finish, a well-deserved encomium to a half-century of James Bond and to everyone who has helped in bringing 007 to the silver screen. Moreover, thanks to director Stevan Riley and writer Peter Ettedgui, it is remarkably well-rounded documentary that dispenses praise and censure in equal measure. Kevin McClory certainly emerges as the ‘villain’ of the piece and undoubtedly contributed - as much as tobacco and alcohol excesses - to Ian Fleming’s premature death. Perhaps unfortunately, Barbara Broccoli comes across as cold and unapproachable – indeed, the exact opposite of her father Cubby. One can well imagine the ruthlessness with which she informed Pierce Brosnan his services were no longer required and, equally ruthlessly, forced through her choice of Daniel Craig as his replacement.

    Indeed, brickbats should be hurled at the distributors alone, for wholly underestimating the demand from Bond fans to see this fascinating documentary. Especially in Bond’s 50th anniversary year, it is nothing short of lunacy to restrict the showing of this film to what amounts to a handful of cinemas across the country – and for a few days only. My nearest cinema showing this film is 30 miles away, but it is showing it on the one day I am not free. Instead, I had to travel to London’s West End to view the film last Sunday afternoon. Talk about being unable to organise a corporate hospitality event in a continuous fermentation plant ...!
  • Posts: 278
    Everything or Nothing. Just watched it.
    As someone who has pretty much lived with Bond at the forefront for most of his life, I found this the most interesting and enjoyable of documentaries that I have ever seen. Abolutely superb. Everyone involved deserves all the credit thats being banded around.

    The Bonds interviewed all came across extremely well, George never sounded so old, Rog never looked so old (god bless him, my hero), Tim, never sounded so Welsh and one gets the impression that of everyone who has actually played Bond it actually meant the most to Pierce. Every part of his interview was superb, a thorough gentleman and a real Star, one who gets a lot of flack for things that were outside of his control.
    I actually think that liking Daniel Craig as bond makes you naturally a little anti Brosnan, even though I liked his films in their time. I'm glad I watched this just to remind myself what a lovely man he is which was always how he was when I met him a few times in the past.

    There are parts of his interview which actually had me laughing out loud.
    Roll on two weeks for Skyfall, can't wait.
  • Posts: 27
    @Artemis81 :
    Thank you for capturing and torrenting! It is a real happiness being able to finally see it. It seems like a kind of condensed version of all Cork/Scivally docs, done with touche and wit, with a lots of new very important details about everybody involved. The honesty works at it's best and brings laughs and cries. Warm lovable doc, probably most essential of them all. It could have had a double length, I wouldn't mind... great great doc. After 50 years some things can be said, yes, but Pierce himself... after only 7 years... and Sean himself... never.
  • I guess I'm just not seeing what everyone else is. Was it enjoyable? Sure. Did I learn anything I didn't know already? Not really. Save for the first act where they told the story of the struggles in getting Flemming's works to film, it was a pretty quick slide down the surface of the Bond story.

    It was well done, especially the first 20 min or so, but they certainly skipped past several years/films as they went along.

    No real revelations, no real in-depth story telling of the later struggles and changes (Dalton years, Brosnan exit, etc). And save for the 9/11 bit, no real discussion of what was going on in the popular culture during each Bond era.

    I understand the limits of a 90 minute documentary, but the 50th anniversary deserves a more complete telling. This should have been a 3 or 4 part series.

    In short, I'm glad I watched it (especially since it didn't cost me anything), but I doubt I'll bother seeing it again.
  • Great documentary - liked that they went through it in a time-linear fashion. Learnt a few things I didn't know before!
    Things that stuck out in my mind after watching the documentary;
    + Had no idea about Connery’s huge spat with the initial producers of the franchise. But it explains alot of things.
    + Had no idea Kevin McCrory or whatever his name was was the driving force behind the Thunderball disputes and the rogue film.
    + Perhaps Roger Moore went on one film too many as Bond - though it sort of sounds like Moore was a binding force keeping the Bond team together before and during his tenure as Bond as the Bond team went through some difficult times.
    + the documentary put a spotlight where it belongs highlighting how great Dalton actually was as Bond and that he decided to do an edgy portrayal of Fleming's Bond when perhaps the viewing audience wasn't ready.
    + Rosamund Pike and Famke Janssen were excellent sexy, fierece Bond girls
    + Pierce Brosnan not remembering any films post-GoldenEye is fitting lol I love the way he laughed at the concept of ‘kite-surfing away from a huge tsunami’ lol
    + On reflection, I felt Brosnan’s Bond run as Bond ran aground pretty quickly in terms of concepts and scripts, whereas Lazenby and Dalton never had the chance they deserved for one reason or another.
  • Posts: 469

    Artemis81 wrote:
    MrBond wrote:
    You are my hero if you put it online ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^
    I just managed to upload it to my YouTube account. PM for link and just let me know if it works. I'm currently away from my computer, but will respond as soon as I can.
    Big thank you - it was worth the wait. You could still see how the Bond's missed playing the part. Brosnan was entertaining as ever. Roll on more docs on Bond. Maybe some of the making of the new film. But lets hope we do not only get it on Sky and Foreign channels only.

    Thank you again Artemis81

  • edited October 2012 Posts: 1
    Nice! Thank you all
  • Can you please PM me too?
    It wasn't released in the country I live in.
  • In defence of Sean Connery:

    Obviously Sean was a HUGE reason why the movie series took off, but he never shared, financially, in that success to anything like the same degree as the producers, or, for example Roger Moore. Imagine being (at least in your mind) one of the co-creators of a business phenomenon which goes on to make hundreds of millions of dollars, but be paid a very tiny percentage of that.

    Its very easy for us to think wow, he should have just been grateful for what he got, and it made him millions, and launched his career. However, I think its hard to appreciate just how frustrated or bitter such a situation could make a person feel.
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