Bond movie ranking (Simple list, no details)



  • Posts: 401
    My top ten currently;

    1. Diamonds Are Forever
    2. Thunderball
    3. The Living Daylights
    4. From Russia With Love
    5. Licence To Kill
    6. Dr. No
    7. Goldfinger
    8. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    9. The Spy Who Loved Me
    10. The Man with the Golden Gun
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 553
    I ranked them all - over a couple of weeks - recently on the Last Bond Movie You Watched thread - what I think of the films is broadly unchanged, if some of the comparative points have been re-thought, so the details are over there. Since then I have seen Dr No - Thunderball again, as well as Skyfall twice and The Living Daylights. My revised list (I wasn't going to rank Skyfall this early, but I know for certain where it goes for me - though that is not to say that won't change over time) is below. I will review Skyfall on the Last Bond Movie You watched thread when the Blu Ray comes out - as I prefer it to match the retrospective approach I took with the the others. The big winners are Dr No overtaking Goldfinger; Thunderball, which improves each time I see it, and Licence To Kill which, although I didn't rewatch since last month, I just can't get it or Dalton out of my head. It is just sad I can't quite see it with The Living Daylights; which I still find overrated. Big losers are Goldeneye and TWINE - Skyfall and LTK are just killing my affection for Brosnan, even though I stand by most of the positive things I said about him. It is clear to me that whilst I like the 'formula' it does tend to be the atypical ones that stand out for me. I see this more as a slight rethink of the original list, rather than a do-over: as I'd need to watch them all again, and be fairer to poor Roger - whose films were starting to seriously pain me by the end of their run. The top-5 is on a higher plane for me than 6 and below (or maybe the top-6, I adored Dr No last couple of times).

    1. Casino Royale (2006)
    2. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
    3. From Russia With Love
    4=. Skyfall
    4=. Licence To Kill
    6. Dr No
    7. Goldfinger
    8. Thunderball
    9. The World Is Not Enough
    10. Goldeneye
    11. Live And Let Die
    12. The Living Daylights
    13. Tomorrow Never Dies
    14. Quantum Of Solace
    15. For Your Eyes Only
    16. You Only Live Twice
    17. The Spy Who Loved Me
    18. Diamonds Are Forever
    19. Die Another Day
    20. The Man With The Golden Gun
    21. Never Say Never Again
    22. Moonraker
    23. Octopussy
    24. A View To A Kill

    Previous list (completed 5th Oct).

    1. Casino Royale (2006)
    2. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
    3. From Russia With Love
    4. Goldfinger
    5. Dr No
    6. The World Is Not Enough
    7. Licence To Kill
    8. Goldeneye
    9. Live And Let Die
    10. Thunderball
    11. The Living Daylights
    12. Tomorrow Never Dies
    13. Quantum Of Solace
    14. For Your Eyes Only
    15. You Only Live Twice
    16. The Spy Who Loved Me
    17. Diamonds Are Forever
    18. Die Another Day
    19. The Man With The Golden Gun
    20. Never Say Never Again
    21. Moonraker
    22. Octopussy
    23. A View To A Kill
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    edited October 2012 Posts: 4,043
    1. OHMSS
    2. Skyfall
    3. CR
    4. FRWL
    5. TLD
    6. LTK
    7. SWLM
    8. TB
    9. QOS
    10. LALD
    11. GF
    12. FYEO
    13. DN
    14. MWGG
    15. OP
    16. YOLT
    17. MR
    18. VTAK
    19. GE
    20. DAF
    21. TWINE
    22. TND
    23. DAD
  • Posts: 418
    1. From Russia with Love
    2. Skyfall
    3. Casino Royale
    4. Goldfinger
    5. Thunderball
    6. Licence to Kill
    7. The Living Daylights
    8. You Only Live Twice
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me
    11. OHMSS
    12. Quantum of Solace
    13. Octopussy
    14. Live and Let Die
    15. Dr No
    16. Diamonds Are Forever
    17. Goldeneye
    18. The World Is Not Enough
    19. A View To A Kill
    20. The Man With The Golden Gun
    21. Moonraker
    22. Tomorrow Never Dies
    23. Die Another Day
  • quantumofsolacequantumofsolace England
    Posts: 279
    1. OHMSS
    2. FRWL
    3. TB
    4. GF
    5. DN
    6. TLD
    7. CR
    8. YOLT
    9. SF
    10. QOS
    11. LTK
    12. DAF
    13. LALD
    14. TSWLM
    15. MR
    16. FYEO
    17. TMWTGG
    18. OP
    19. AVTAK
    20. GE
    21. TND
    22. TWINE
    23. DAD
  • I've added Skyfall and switched some other films around.

    1) Licence To Kill
    2) The Living Daylights
    3) Goldeneye
    4) The Spy Who Loved Me
    5) Skyfall
    6) Thunderball
    7) The Word Is Not Enough
    8) OHMSS
    9) Octopussy
    10) From Russia With Love
    11) You Only Live Twice
    12) Casino Royale
    13) Never Say Never Again
    14) Live And Let Die
    15) Tommorow Never Dies
    16) For Your Eyes Only
    17) Goldfinger
    18) Dr No
    19) The Man With The Golden Gun
    20) A View To A Kill
    21) Diamonds Are Forever
    22) Moonraker
    23) Die Another Day
    24) Quantum Of Solace
  • As stated elsewhere, we are lucky to have 23 films of the BEST in the business. Its like saying which is your favorite parent. So here it is from a 48 yo
    1. TSWLM
    2. CR
    3. GE
    5. DR NO
    6. GF
    7. LALD
    8. TB
    10. TWINE
    11. FRWL
    12. LTK
    13. TND
    14. DAF
    15. FYEO
    16. TMWTGG (just for that amazing car stunt)
    17. TLD
    18. QOS
    19. YOLT
    20. OHMSS (great potential, but...)
    21 AVTAK
    22. DAD (sadly...)
    BOMB non EON Never say Never I wouldn't mention it but Connery is Bond
  • Interesting to see Skyfall rank so high....I am not going to consider adding Skyfall to my rankings until the DVD comes out, just out of fairness and so I can properly assess it. It's easy to be swept up in the whole "new Bond" craze...I remember coming out of DAD saying it was the best Bond ever :-O

    But it excites me to see SF rank high upon initial viewings
  • I wasn't sure if I wanted it in my top 5 or not but in the end I decided it deserved it.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    TND GETS A RAW DEAL-as always... 8-|
  • #23 DAD
    #22 TND
    #21 AVTAK
    #20 TMWTGG
    #19 TWINE
    #18 MR
    #17 GE
    #16 TSWLM
    #15 YOLT
    #14 QoS
    #13 GF
    #12 DN
    #11 OP
    #10 DAF
    #9 FYEO
    #8 SF
    #7 LALD
    #6 OHMSS
    #5 TB
    #4 LTK
    #3 CR
    #2 FRWL
    #1 TLD
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,997
    WaltherPPK wrote:
    #1 TLD
    I concur! :-?
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 267
    Haven't seen Skyfall.

  • edited November 2012 Posts: 501
    My list before doing the Bondathon and watching Skyfall was:
    22. Moonraker
    21. Die Another Day
    20. Licence To Kill
    19. You Only Live Twice
    18. Tomorrow Never Dies
    17. A View To A Kill
    16. Diamonds Are Forever
    15.The World Is Not Enough
    14. Goldfinger
    13. The Living Daylights
    12. Live And Let Die
    11. Thunderball
    10. Quantum Of Solace
    9. Goldeneye
    8. Casino Royale
    7. For Your Eyes Only
    6. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    5. Dr. No
    4. Octopussy
    3. From Russia With Love
    2. The Spy Who Loved Me
    1. The Man WIth The Golden Gun
    Now after watching them all again and watching Skyfall, there are some slight changes:

    23. Moonraker
    22. Die Another Day
    21. Licence To Kill
    20. You Only Live Twice
    19. Tomorrow Never Dies
    18. A View To A Kill
    17. Diamonds Are Forever
    16. Goldfinger
    15. The World Is Not Enough
    14. The Living Daylights
    13. Live And Let Die
    12. Thunderball
    11. GoldenEye
    10. Quantum Of Solace
    9. For Your Eyes Only
    8. Casino Royale
    7. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    6. Dr. No
    5. Octopussy
    4. The Man With The Golden Gun
    3. The Spy Who Loved Me
    2. Skyfall
    1. From Russia With Love
  • JWPepperJWPepper You sit on it, but you can't take it with you.
    edited November 2012 Posts: 515
    1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Skyfall
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Thunderball
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. For Your Eyes Only
    8. The Living Daylights
    9. Goldfinger
    10. Licence To Kill
    11. Goldeneye
    12. Live And Let Die
    13. Dr. No
    14. Diamonds Are Forever
    15. Tommorow Never Dies
    16. Moonraker
    17. Quantum Of Solace
    18. You Only Live Twice
    19. The World Is Not Enough
    20. Octopussy
    21. A View To A Kill
    22. Never Say Never Again
    23. The Man With The Golden Gun
    24. Die Another Day
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 1,817
    Finally I can publish an updated version with SF:

    1. From Russia with Love
    2. Casino Royale
    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    4. Skyfall
    5. Thunderball
    6. The Living Daylights
    7. Goldfinger
    8. Licence to Kill
    9. GoldenEye
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me
    11. Dr. No
    12. Octopussy
    13. The Man with the Golden Gun
    14. Tomorrow Never Dies
    15. You Only Live Twice
    16. Quantum of Solace
    17. Moonraker
    18. A View to a Kill
    19. Live and Let Die
    20. For Your Eyes Only
    21. The World Is Not Enough
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
    23. Die Another Day
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    Keep those rankings coming, my fellow 00-agents. :D

    "with pleasure"...
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 172
    1. Skyfall
    2. Casino Royale
    3. GoldenEye
    4. The Living Daylights

    5. Live and Let Die
    6. Thunderball
    7. From Russia with Love
    8. Licence to Kill
    9. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    10. Quantum of Solace
    11. The Spy Who Loved Me

    12. Dr. No
    13. The World Is Not Enough
    14. Goldfinger
    15. You Only Live Twice
    16. The Man With The Golden Gun

    17. Octopussy
    18. For Your Eyes Only
    19. Tomorrow Never Dies
    20. Diamonds Are Forever
    21. Die Another Day

    22. Moonraker
    23. A View to a Kill
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 514
    No Skyfall for me yet:

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Thunderball
    4. The Spy Who Loved Me
    5. Dr. No
    6. Casino Royale
    7. Goldfinger
    8. GoldenEye
    9. License to Kill
    10. For Your Eyes Only
    11. The Living Daylights
    12. Octopussy
    13. Moonraker
    14. The World Is Not Enough
    15. You Only Live Twice
    16. Live and Let Die
    17. Quantum of Solace
    18. The Man with the Golden Gun
    19. Die Another Day
    20. Tomorrow Never Dies
    21. Diamonds Are Forever
    22. A View to a Kill
  • Posts: 1,631
    1. Licence to Kill
    2. Quantum of Solace
    3. The Living Daylights
    4. Casino Royale
    5. From Russia With Love
    6. Dr. No
    7. For Your Eyes Only
    8. Thunderball
    9. Live and Let Die
    10. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    11. Octopussy
    12. The Spy Who Loved Me
    13. A View to a Kill
    14. GoldenEye
    15. Diamonds Are Forever
    16. Tomorrow Never Dies
    17. Moonraker
    18. You Only Live Twice
    19. Goldfinger
    20. The World Is Not Enough
    21. Die Another Day
    22. The Man With the Golden Gun
  • 1. Thunderball (1965)
    2. Goldfinger (1964)
    3. Casino Royale (2006)
    4. Skyfall (2012)
    5. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
    6. Live and Let Die (1973)
    7. From Russia with Love (1963)
    8. Dr. No (1962)
    9. GoldenEye (1995)
    10. You Only Live Twice (1967)
    11. Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
    12. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
    13. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
    14. The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
    15. License to Kill (1989)
    16. Moonraker (1979)
    17. The Living Daylights (1987)
    18. Octopussy (1983)
    19. Die Another Day (2002)
    20. The World Is Not Enough (1999)
    21. A View to a Kill (1985)
    22. For Your Eyes Only (1981)
    23. Quantum of Solace (2008)
  • Posts: 140
    1. FRWL
    2. TLD
    3. OHMSS
    4. CR
    5. FYEO
    6. LALD
    7. GF
    8. TB
    9. LTK
    10. DN
    11. TSWLM
    12. OP
    13. DAF
    14. AVTAK
    15. MR
    16. QOS
    17. YOLT
    18. TMWTGG
    19. TWINE
    20. TND
    21. GE
    22. DAD

    (Note: My top 10 is pretty much set, but everything else is fluid. This particular order is just how I felt at the moment I wrote this list and is subject to change in about an hour or so.)

    (Further Note: I haven't seen 'Skyfall' yet.)
  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    Okay. I AM MAD. Who dislikes LTK? Who put GF lower than 5?
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 822
    TOP 10:
    no particular order:


    Haven't seen SF yet.
  • doubleonothingdoubleonothing Los Angeles
    Posts: 864
    Okay. I AM MAD. Who dislikes LTK? Who put GF lower than 5?

    Actually, one of our moderators here ranks LTK as the worst.

    By the way, any misuse of the flagging system will result in a warning.
  • Posts: 501
    Okay. I AM MAD. Who dislikes LTK? Who put GF lower than 5?
    Well I have LTK just above DAD & MR in the 20th position and I don't have GF even in the top ten. I got it in 16th position…
  • This seems like a good place for my first post. Haven't yet seen Skyfall, because it hasn't come out in Australia. I realise my list may be quite different to the average one on here, so please don't jump down my throat too much.

    1. The Living Daylights
    2. GoldenEye
    3. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Die Another Day
    6. Tomorrow Never Dies
    7. Licence To Kill
    8. Goldfinger
    9. Dr No
    10. The Man With The Golden Gun
    11. Live And Let Die
    12. A View To A Kill
    13. Moonraker
    14. The World Is Not Enough
    15. Thunderball
    16. The Spy Who Loved Me
    17. Quantum Of Solace
    18. For Your Eyes Only
    19. You Only Live Twice
    20. From Russia With Love
    21. Octopussy
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    Okay. I AM MAD. Who dislikes LTK? Who put GF lower than 5?

    Actually, one of our moderators here ranks LTK as the worst.

    By the way, any misuse of the flagging system will result in a warning.

    I let you in on a few things:

    - I think that GF is the most overrated Bondmovie ever, without it being horrible though.

    - Opinions are a beautiful thing.

    - I also like LTK, but I don't expect everyone to rate it as high as I do.

    I hope you don't destroy our beautiful website now.
  • Posts: 176
    Okay. I AM MAD. Who dislikes LTK? Who put GF lower than 5?

    I don't dislike LTK but it's not in my top 10 either.

  • 1) LTK
    2) TLD
    3) GE
    4) TSWLM
    5) TB
    6) SF
    7) TWINE
    8) OHMSS
    9) FRWL
    10) OP
    11) YOLT
    12) LALD
    13) TND
    14) CR
    15) GF
    16) NSNA
    17) FYEO
    18) TMWTGG
    19) DN
    20) MR
    21) DAF
    22) AVTAK
    23) DAD
    24) QOS
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