The TIMOTHY DALTON Appreciation thread - Discuss His Life, His Career, His Bond Films



  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    Zorin61 wrote:
    I wish Dalton had done at least one more film. Although he was dark and could be ruthless, i also liked his 'romantic moments', which really suited his style - such as the "You didnt think i'd miss this performance, did you?" with Kara in TLD, and the "Then why dont you ask me" scenes with Pam in LTK ..I would have been very interested to see Dalton's Bond with a really bad Bond girl. Unfortunately, he never got the chance. Although Lupe was Sanchez's girlfriend, she wasnt 'bad' - i would have liked to see him with a Fiona Volpe kind of woman..

    Could you imagine a younger Dalton in the scene with Eva Green? She is an actress he can truly shine against. And the chemistry would have been interesting too!

    But I think he handled Kara very well. He could have seduced her quicker but chose not too as she was too naive. But a bad girl would be fair game to Dalton's Bond and he would not care less afterwards.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Germanlady wrote:
    chrisisall wrote:
    At the end of the day, that's the proper thing to do, and I am not even sarcastic.
    I wasn't being sarcastic either. It is better to share our likes than spew our dislikes!
  • Posts: 59
    Dalton has long been my favourite Bond, as he's closest to the character from the original books, L.T.K is an awesome movie and one of my faves with T.L.D coming not far behind
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    chrisM wrote:
    Dalton has long been my favourite Bond, as he's closest to the character from the original books, L.T.K is an awesome movie and one of my faves with T.L.D coming not far behind

    L-) Oh yeah, a Dalton fan.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 418
    I wish Dalton had done at least one more film. Although he was dark and could be ruthless, i also liked his 'romantic moments', which really suited his style - such as the "You didnt think i'd miss this performance, did you?" with Kara in TLD, and the "Then why dont you ask me" scenes with Pam in LTK ..I would have been very interested to see Dalton's Bond with a really bad Bond girl. Unfortunately, he never got the chance. Although Lupe was Sanchez's girlfriend, she wasnt 'bad' - i would have liked to see him with a Fiona Volpe kind of woman..
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I'd have loved to see his version of "No more foreplay." ;;)
  • Posts: 59
    it's ashame - though not for the Broccoli's - that Dalton never made McClory's Warhead movie (Thunderball pt 3)
  • SmithersSmithers Bandit Country
    Posts: 48
    I have said this before, but Dalton to me was (certainly until DC appeared in CR) the most real flawed Bond there ever was. I am enormous fan of the books and that is where I get my inspiration for Bond from. Therefore there really was no contest. However, cinematically he wasn't so popular, most likely because people wanted to see a cartoon character rather than someone who really appeared real.

    Don't take my word for how good he was in this respect though. Desmond Llewelyn the man with more Bond film experience than anyone else and who worked with every actor except DC was asked in interview, not long before he was sadly killed in a road accident, who he felt was the best Bond. His answer was "without doubt Tim Dalton, who was the closest thing to Fleming's creation. You felt that he really could kill you if he needed to".

    I haven't seen Skyfall yet, but am looking forward to it. I understand it is potentially the best yet in more ways than one, but will reserve my own judgement until I see it. Will Dc be better -quite possibly, but without TD's influence he might not have created such depth of character that he has been allowed to do.

    Finally for those of you who want to see him in action, in tights, then check out Flash Gordon (Goody) and Rocketman (Baddie). Both fun and show his otherside.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    Smithers wrote:
    I have said this before, but Dalton to me was (certainly until DC appeared in CR) the most real flawed Bond there ever was. I am enormous fan of the books and that is where I get my inspiration for Bond from. Therefore there really was no contest. However, cinematically he wasn't so popular, most likely because people wanted to see a cartoon character rather than someone who really appeared real.

    Don't take my word for how good he was in this respect though. Desmond Llewelyn the man with more Bond film experience than anyone else and who worked with every actor except DC was asked in interview, not long before he was sadly killed in a road accident, who he felt was the best Bond. His answer was "without doubt Tim Dalton, who was the closest thing to Fleming's creation. You felt that he really could kill you if he needed to".

    I haven't seen Skyfall yet, but am looking forward to it. I understand it is potentially the best yet in more ways than one, but will reserve my own judgement until I see it. Will Dc be better -quite possibly, but without TD's influence he might not have created such depth of character that he has been allowed to do.

    Finally for those of you who want to see him in action, in tights, then check out Flash Gordon (Goody) and Rocketman (Baddie). Both fun and show his otherside.

    I very much respect Daniel Craig's Bond. But Dalton had the truer image in terms of the literary character. I am not being shallow, but when I read Fleming the cruel face as well as black hair colour makes me picture Dalton as well as Connery. And his height in the novels is another unignorable fact.

    Dalton before Bond was always cast as a romantic lead. Joan Collins selected him for Sins because of his looks. Those who say Dalton is ugly are spiteful. Let's see their photos and do a poll!:) Wow oh wow would they enjoy it! They are the same people who hated the idea of Craig as Bond when he was cast but changed their tune when the media accepted him in the role.

    Dalton was a striking man in terms of look and he is a thinking woman's Bond. In Brenda Starr he looks outstanding and Brooke Shields had a crush on him.

    Does anyone for a second think Cubby would have cast an unattractive man in the role? And let's not forget Cubby's wife Dana who loved Connery and encouraged his casting. She is the one who encouraged Cubby to invite Dalton to the Dorchester hotel.

    And I think a younger Dalton would have suited the Bond of the seventies. Why would Cubby have him in mind for two decades before casting?

    I once remember a butt ugly woman telling me Dalton was unattractive but she liked Connery. And I said to her though flattering for Connery, I doubt he would want to share a bed with her. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind my dear!

  • Posts: 176
    Smithers wrote:
    I have said this before, but Dalton to me was (certainly until DC appeared in CR) the most real flawed Bond there ever was. I am enormous fan of the books and that is where I get my inspiration for Bond from. Therefore there really was no contest. However, cinematically he wasn't so popular, most likely because people wanted to see a cartoon character rather than someone who really appeared real.
    Don't take my word for how good he was in this respect though. Desmond Llewelyn the man with more Bond film experience than anyone else and who worked with every actor except DC was asked in interview, not long before he was sadly killed in a road accident, who he felt was the best Bond. His answer was "without doubt Tim Dalton, who was the closest thing to Fleming's creation. You felt that he really could kill you if he needed to".

    I haven't seen Skyfall yet, but am looking forward to it. I understand it is potentially the best yet in more ways than one, but will reserve my own judgement until I see it. Will Dc be better -quite possibly, but without TD's influence he might not have created such depth of character that he has been allowed to do.

    Finally for those of you who want to see him in action, in tights, then check out Flash Gordon (Goody) and Rocketman (Baddie). Both fun and show his otherside.

    I don't think that's a fair assessment. That's basically saying that there is no middle ground between Moore's Bond and Dalton's. Dalton's Bond was moody and, I suspect, that's why the public didn't like him. However, a character can seem real without brooding.
  • Posts: 173
    Ah the Daltonite thread! At last I find it... why did it take me so long :).

    I think Dalton is one of the most beautiful men to walk this earth and I have the biggest crush on him. (and I know for a fact tons of women opine the same). As far as "sex appeal" and "screen presence". I think he owned every single scene he was in and he's the only Bond that's made my heart do a sumersault. That whole "lack of presence" stuff is bollocks.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    Regan wrote:
    Ah the Daltonite thread! At last I find it... why did it take me so long :).

    I think Dalton is one of the most beautiful men to walk this earth and I have the biggest crush on him. (and I know for a fact tons of women opine the same). As far as "sex appeal" and "screen presence". I think he owned every single scene he was in and he's the only Bond that's made my heart do a sumersault. That whole "lack of presence" stuff is bollocks.

    Thanks for writing that. I am a straight guy but have to say that in Jane Eyre alone he has it and I would feel sorry for any man having to compete with him to get a woman.

    By the way, do you remember the scene in TLD where he is at the opera house during the day watching Kara rehearse? If that is not extremely handsome then I do not know what is.

    And you are right. I am seeing more women on the internet including journalists who are saying the same. Women have different tastes in men and some pretend like all women think the same.

    Dalton's Bond thanks to the internet and home video technology will live on and grow a bigger following. I saw a teenager review TLD and say he should have done five movies because he was so good. By the way @Regan have you watched Top Gear? They speak about his Bond tenure respectfully!

  • Posts: 11,425
    acoppola wrote:
    Regan wrote:
    Ah the Daltonite thread! At last I find it... why did it take me so long :).

    I think Dalton is one of the most beautiful men to walk this earth and I have the biggest crush on him. (and I know for a fact tons of women opine the same). As far as "sex appeal" and "screen presence". I think he owned every single scene he was in and he's the only Bond that's made my heart do a sumersault. That whole "lack of presence" stuff is bollocks.

    Thanks for writing that. I am a straight guy but have to say that in Jane Eyre alone he has it and I would feel sorry for any man having to compete with him to get a woman.

    By the way, do you remember the scene in TLD where he is at the opera house during the day watching Kara rehearse? If that is not extremely handsome then I do not know what is.

    And you are right. I am seeing more women on the internet including journalists who are saying the same. Women have different tastes in men and some pretend like all women think the same.

    Dalton's Bond thanks to the internet and home video technology will live on and grow a bigger following. I saw a teenager review TLD and say he should have done five movies because he was so good. By the way @Regan have you watched Top Gear? They speak about his Bond tenure respectfully!

    Yes, the Hamster is obviously something of a Daltonite, judging by last night's Top Gear.

    Why did they leave out DBS from OHMSS, or did I miss it?
  • Posts: 173
    acoppola wrote:
    By the way, do you remember the scene in TLD where he is at the opera house during the day watching Kara rehearse? If that is not extremely handsome then I do not know what is.

    OMG @acoppola, that is one of my most favorite scenes, in fact I think that's when I officially fell in love. I sigh everytime I watch it, there is something just so... "right" about that scene and he looks absolutely beautiful there.

    No, I haven't watched Top Gear... where do I find it? Is it a TV show?
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    Regan wrote:
    acoppola wrote:
    By the way, do you remember the scene in TLD where he is at the opera house during the day watching Kara rehearse? If that is not extremely handsome then I do not know what is.

    OMG @acoppola, that is one of my most favorite scenes, in fact I think that's when I officially fell in love. I sigh everytime I watch it, there is something just so... "right" about that scene and he looks absolutely beautiful there.

    No, I haven't watched Top Gear... where do I find it? Is it a TV show?

    You have great taste as a woman because that is an amazingly romantic scene! It's all in the eyes. Dalton is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome.

    Top Gear is a tv show that is popular in many countries. Are you in the UK? Because you can watch the Top Gear 50 years of James Bond Cars on the BBCi Player.

    My Sony Blu Ray player has BBC i Player or you can get it from the website.

    And failing that, I am sure someone will put it on Youtube.

    By the way have you seen Timothy Dalton in Sextette with Mae West?

  • edited October 2012 Posts: 173
    acoppola wrote:
    Regan wrote:

    You have great taste as a woman because that is an amazingly romantic scene! It's all in the eyes. Dalton is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome.

    Top Gear is a tv show that is popular in many countries. Are you in the UK? Because you can watch the Top Gear 50 years of James Bond Cars on the BBCi Player.

    My Sony Blu Ray player has BBC i Player or you can get it from the website.

    And failing that, I am sure someone will put it on Youtube.

    By the way have you seen Timothy Dalton in Sextette with Mae West?

    Thanks! And yes.. it is an amazingly romantic scene *melt*.

    Sadly I am not in the UK, but I'll definitely look for that Top Gear epsiode.

    Yes, actually I have seen Sextette! Getting it was incredibly difficult ( I found the video online, can't even remember where or how) and my god does he look gorgeous in it. The movie is pretty cheesy and sometimes so bad, it's cringe-worthy, but oddly enough it was actually kinda funny if you don't take it seriously. I've got a few screencaps of it just because I couldn't get over how handsome he looks and I needed to immortalize those frames on my hardrive so I could just stare at them.

    I actually couldn't believe it during the last few scenes when he is revealed as being a secret agent, even bigger than 007. Serious foreshadowing there.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    Regan wrote:
    acoppola wrote:
    Regan wrote:

    You have great taste as a woman because that is an amazingly romantic scene! It's all in the eyes. Dalton is the epitome of tall, dark and handsome.

    Top Gear is a tv show that is popular in many countries. Are you in the UK? Because you can watch the Top Gear 50 years of James Bond Cars on the BBCi Player.

    My Sony Blu Ray player has BBC i Player or you can get it from the website.

    And failing that, I am sure someone will put it on Youtube.

    By the way have you seen Timothy Dalton in Sextette with Mae West?

    Thanks! And yes.. it is an amazingly romantic scene *melt*.

    Sadly I am not in the UK, but I'll definitely look for that Top Gear epsiode.

    Yes, actually I have seen Sextette! Getting it was incredibly difficult ( I found the video online, can't even remember where or how) and my god does he look gorgeous in it. The movie is pretty cheesy and sometimes so bad, it's cringe-worthy, but oddly enough it was actually kinda funny if you don't take it seriously. I've got a few screencaps of it just because I couldn't get over how handsome he looks and I needed to immortalize those frames on my hardrive so I could just stare at them.

    I actually couldn't believe it during the last few scenes when he is revealed as being a secret agent, even bigger than 007. Serious foreshadowing there.

    I have heard Mae West who was a pioneering sex symbol and the original Hollywood bad girl fancied him. He has incredible class and I am not surprised Cubby wanted him for Bond.

    He looks amazing in Sins and Joan Collins was notoriously fussy about her leading men. I mean she was known as a sex symbol in her day and he made her believable in that.

    I have heard some dweeby men say Dalton's Bond was not a ladies man. I said Dalton's Bond goes about seducing a woman like a man would in the real world. It has to be subtle. Also Dalton's Bond is a blatant alpha male in terms of his commanding style and women are drawn to that.

    An inexperienced man will make a move on a woman too soon and Dalton knowing this from real life would take his time as Bond. You have to build attraction first unless you are paying for it if you get what I mean.

    Dalton's Bond also subliminally shows he has had a lot of women and it is not a big deal for him. Been there, done that attitude.

    Look, in any film, you could show any actor in bed with ten women. But it is more school boy fantasy than how sex works in the real world. I always notice how Dalton's Bond subtly eyes a woman without letting her know he is attracted to not give her the upper hand.

    But Connery had a great way too and Dalton did not want to copy his Bond seduction approach. But Connery did it great too!! More aggressive and that worked for his films.

  • Posts: 173
    Yeah, for me the sleaze-ball Bond just never worked. As much as I love Roger the way he went about it was just so obvious it never worked for me. Same for Brosnan, as pretty as he was, something always kept me as bay. The general attitude towards women was like... here I go, I'll just snap my fingers, utter some double entendre and she's already half naked. I can see how that works for so many men (because they want to be that guy), but for me, as a woman, it just always repelled me.

    I prefer the Dalton approach. He is not the typical suave playboy, he is more... romantic, in the literary sense. There really is no better way to put it. He has that "get the f*ck out of my way" stride, that thing were women fall for him because he couldn't care less, because he gives a vibe that screams ALPHA without trying. I realize he is a bit of an asshole to women, way more violent around them then the othe Bonds (Pam getting thrown on the bed and interrogated at gunpoint anyone?)... but that to me is exciting because it's just so dangerous. I'd rather fall in bed with the Dalton Bond than the Brosnan or Moore Bonds.

    The other side of the coin is that he gives the impression that, were he to fall for one of these women, really fall, he'd be the ultimate protector. In short, Dalton's Bond is sort of the quintessential Byronic hero. Flawed, imposing, brooding, dark, bad to the bone and yet somehow redeemable. He reminds me of Heathcliff.

    As for Craig's as a comparative, he gives some of the same vibes, although something is still missing for me. As a woman, I have to say muscles are alluring, and of course he is the most ripped Bond. I think that is part of his sex appeal, but I think what drives me crazy about Dalton is those eyes. So cold and intense, add the broad shoulders, the lean body and the deep authoritative voice and I'm done. And yet the funny thing about him is that when he smiles, the whole room lights up. He all of a sudden becomes vulnerable. His interpretation of Bond was actually multifaceted, human and passionate and that's why he's my favorite.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Regan wrote:
    I think what drives me crazy about Dalton is those eyes. So cold and intense, add the broad shoulders, the lean body and the deep authoritative voice and I'm done. And yet the funny thing about him is that when he smiles, the whole room lights up. He all of a sudden becomes vulnerable. His interpretation of Bond was actually multifaceted, human and passionate and that's why he's my favorite.
    Reading all this just might turn me to the all-boys club....
    Just kidding, I'm a Solitaire man!!!
  • Posts: 1,052
    People seem to be talking about the actors as if they themselves were seducing the women as oppossed to a character which who's actions actually come from a script!?
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    People seem to be talking about the actors as if they themselves were seducing the women as oppossed to a character which who's actions actually come from a script!?

    The thing is some blame the actor not realising he can only follow the script's direction.Dalton was criticised for being an under sexed Bond and some thought it was his preference. Especially as Moore's Bond would take the first thing coming.

  • Posts: 1,052
    acoppola wrote:
    People seem to be talking about the actors as if they themselves were seducing the women as oppossed to a character which who's actions actually come from a script!?

    The thing is some blame the actor not realising he can only follow the script's direction.Dalton was criticised for being an under sexed Bond and some thought it was his preference. Especially as Moore's Bond would take the first thing coming.

    Exactly, people say Dalton was not a ladies man but that wasn't neccesarily his choice, that's just the direction the producers decided to take the films.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,243
    Regan wrote:
    Yeah, for me the sleaze-ball Bond just never worked. As much as I love Roger the way he went about it was just so obvious it never worked for me. Same for Brosnan, as pretty as he was, something always kept me as bay. The general attitude towards women was like... here I go, I'll just snap my fingers, utter some double entendre and she's already half naked. I can see how that works for so many men (because they want to be that guy), but for me, as a woman, it just always repelled me.

    I prefer the Dalton approach. He is not the typical suave playboy, he is more... romantic, in the literary sense. There really is no better way to put it. He has that "get the f*ck out of my way" stride, that thing were women fall for him because he couldn't care less, because he gives a vibe that screams ALPHA without trying. I realize he is a bit of an asshole to women, way more violent around them then the othe Bonds (Pam getting thrown on the bed and interrogated at gunpoint anyone?)... but that to me is exciting because it's just so dangerous. I'd rather fall in bed with the Dalton Bond than the Brosnan or Moore Bonds.

    The other side of the coin is that he gives the impression that, were he to fall for one of these women, really fall, he'd be the ultimate protector. In short, Dalton's Bond is sort of the quintessential Byronic hero. Flawed, imposing, brooding, dark, bad to the bone and yet somehow redeemable. He reminds me of Heathcliff.

    As for Craig's as a comparative, he gives some of the same vibes, although something is still missing for me. As a woman, I have to say muscles are alluring, and of course he is the most ripped Bond. I think that is part of his sex appeal, but I think what drives me crazy about Dalton is those eyes. So cold and intense, add the broad shoulders, the lean body and the deep authoritative voice and I'm done. And yet the funny thing about him is that when he smiles, the whole room lights up. He all of a sudden becomes vulnerable. His interpretation of Bond was actually multifaceted, human and passionate and that's why he's my favorite.

    It would have been too easy for Dalton to play the playboy, but that is not in the Fleming books. Fleming's Bond imagines what he would do with a woman but hides it in front of her. He will appreciate her beauty as well as Body and Dalton shows this when he takes quick glances like when Pam is in her bathing suit in LTK.

    When he first encounters Lupe in the Pre-titles sequences he shows he is dominant and she is afraid of him because of her Sanchez experience.

    But in LTK when he throws Pam on the bed, it is heavily implied that the scene is angry and heavily laden with sexual tension. On one hand he is angry because he thinks she has betrayed him but at the same time it is obvious from the way they both play it, that there is sexual attraction. And it shows that Bond's charm is an act and can be turned off if any woman displeases him. He sets the boundaries in how the relationship will be and holds all the psychological ace cards.

    The woman cannot read him in that scene and unpredictability is attractive. He also plays off the two women against each other. He creates competition for him which is the hallmark of a womaniser. He almost rejects Lupe as she is too emotionally damaged and he does not want to take care of her as in be a shoulder to cry on. Lupe is a fire and forget woman to him and only good for one thing.

    I have never heard anyone say this, but when he has sex with Lupe, it is almost as if Bond is turned on that he is doing it with the villain's woman and the danger is the excitement because of knowing what Sanchez would do if he caught him. It is actually a nod to Bond's perverse side. And then to see Sanchez the next day without him being aware is another dark touch in Dalton's Bond. He gets revenge at Sanchez through using sex and violence.

  • Posts: 1,052
    Women always suddenly become half naked when I utter a terrible double entendre!
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,425
    Regan wrote:
    Yeah, for me the sleaze-ball Bond just never worked. As much as I love Roger the way he went about it was just so obvious it never worked for me. Same for Brosnan, as pretty as he was, something always kept me as bay. The general attitude towards women was like... here I go, I'll just snap my fingers, utter some double entendre and she's already half naked. I can see how that works for so many men (because they want to be that guy), but for me, as a woman, it just always repelled me.

    I prefer the Dalton approach. He is not the typical suave playboy, he is more... romantic, in the literary sense. There really is no better way to put it. He has that "get the f*ck out of my way" stride, that thing were women fall for him because he couldn't care less, because he gives a vibe that screams ALPHA without trying. I realize he is a bit of an asshole to women, way more violent around them then the othe Bonds (Pam getting thrown on the bed and interrogated at gunpoint anyone?)... but that to me is exciting because it's just so dangerous. I'd rather fall in bed with the Dalton Bond than the Brosnan or Moore Bonds.

    The other side of the coin is that he gives the impression that, were he to fall for one of these women, really fall, he'd be the ultimate protector. In short, Dalton's Bond is sort of the quintessential Byronic hero. Flawed, imposing, brooding, dark, bad to the bone and yet somehow redeemable. He reminds me of Heathcliff.

    As for Craig's as a comparative, he gives some of the same vibes, although something is still missing for me. As a woman, I have to say muscles are alluring, and of course he is the most ripped Bond. I think that is part of his sex appeal, but I think what drives me crazy about Dalton is those eyes. So cold and intense, add the broad shoulders, the lean body and the deep authoritative voice and I'm done. And yet the funny thing about him is that when he smiles, the whole room lights up. He all of a sudden becomes vulnerable. His interpretation of Bond was actually multifaceted, human and passionate and that's why he's my favorite.

    I think that's the case for Dalton made. Where's GL now then...?
  • Posts: 37
    It's nice to see Dalton love. He's my second fave Bond actor. I love his grounded, gritty , no-nonsense portrayal. He was ahead of his time but the rest of the world was still stuck in the theatrical Moore phase. I think it's a bloody shame that he didn't do more Bond movies.
  • Posts: 1,092
    acoppola wrote:
    There are those who say Dalton failed as he was not accepted. I want those people to think for a second.

    Roger Moore's first Bond film was a mega hit and his second took significantly less. Had Roger stopped after TMWTGG, then people would say it was because he was not Connery. But it was his third film that changed the perception of him for good.

    Now why did Roger's second film take far less money? Well less people went to see it and you could wrongly conclude from that, that it was because they did not like Roger in the role. But the third film proves that a little alteration and bang, the actor is fully established.

    Some great points about Dalts' second film here I'd like to highlight. It's true. Think about Moore or even Craig now. Their second film was a drop-off from their first, critically and financially. Moore needed Spy to establish himself AS BOND. Craig seems to be doing the same with SF. For both of them, their 3rd films really have been "their Goldfinger" as people like to say.

    As far as 2nd films go, LTK is far and away better than Moore's, Craig's and Brosnan's. Only FRWL I'd say is better but that also goes back to the situation Connery found himself in: a very, very good one. It's based on one of the best Fleming novels IMO and he had Fisher as the director. The franchise was fresh and strong and gaining momentum at that point and rolling along almost unstoppable. LTK came at a low point for the entire franchise. Everything and everyone felt a bit tired.

    If he had come back in '95 I think he would have gotten his GF, no doubt. He would have knocked it outta the park.
  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    edited November 2012 Posts: 1,243
    The_Reaper wrote:
    acoppola wrote:
    There are those who say Dalton failed as he was not accepted. I want those people to think for a second.

    Roger Moore's first Bond film was a mega hit and his second took significantly less. Had Roger stopped after TMWTGG, then people would say it was because he was not Connery. But it was his third film that changed the perception of him for good.

    Now why did Roger's second film take far less money? Well less people went to see it and you could wrongly conclude from that, that it was because they did not like Roger in the role. But the third film proves that a little alteration and bang, the actor is fully established.

    Some great points about Dalts' second film here I'd like to highlight. It's true. Think about Moore or even Craig now. Their second film was a drop-off from their first, critically and financially. Moore needed Spy to establish himself AS BOND. Craig seems to be doing the same with SF. For both of them, their 3rd films really have been "their Goldfinger" as people like to say.

    As far as 2nd films go, LTK is far and away better than Moore's, Craig's and Brosnan's. Only FRWL I'd say is better but that also goes back to the situation Connery found himself in: a very, very good one. It's based on one of the best Fleming novels IMO and he had Fisher as the director. The franchise was fresh and strong and gaining momentum at that point and rolling along almost unstoppable. LTK came at a low point for the entire franchise. Everything and everyone felt a bit tired.

    If he had come back in '95 I think he would have gotten his GF, no doubt. He would have knocked it outta the park.

    Thanks! The Dalton critics forget that when LTK was test screened, audiences rated it very highly. Dalton's third not being made is the worst thing to happen to the series. It is still a missing piece of the puzzle that is the universe of Bond. It will always be controversial because by Dalton's exit, the series took one step forward and two steps back.

    With Dalton, it marched forward and made no apologies. Cubby was enthusiastic and wanted the misperception that Bond is not a real actor's role crushed once and for all. I admire Craig but do not for a second forget Dalton's contribution when I watch his films.

    In fact Cubby was flattered when a Shakesperian actor like Dalton told me him he found the role intimidating. And Craig's casting in the role owed to Barbara knowing that a serious actor could turn the role upside down. Bond is not just an image driven character. It takes more than donning a tuxedo to be Bond.

    Controversy is not a bad thing but takes years for the dividends to pay off for the series. Dalton's work lives on but that is not say that the others did not contribute. Of course they did.

    Brosnan's best film is the scripted by Michael France for Dalton Goldeneye. I rest my case but probably not for long!:)

  • acoppolaacoppola London Ealing not far from where Bob Simmons lived
    Posts: 1,243
    Getafix wrote:
    acoppola wrote:
    Regan wrote:
    Ah the Daltonite thread! At last I find it... why did it take me so long :).

    I think Dalton is one of the most beautiful men to walk this earth and I have the biggest crush on him. (and I know for a fact tons of women opine the same). As far as "sex appeal" and "screen presence". I think he owned every single scene he was in and he's the only Bond that's made my heart do a sumersault. That whole "lack of presence" stuff is bollocks.

    Thanks for writing that. I am a straight guy but have to say that in Jane Eyre alone he has it and I would feel sorry for any man having to compete with him to get a woman.

    By the way, do you remember the scene in TLD where he is at the opera house during the day watching Kara rehearse? If that is not extremely handsome then I do not know what is.

    And you are right. I am seeing more women on the internet including journalists who are saying the same. Women have different tastes in men and some pretend like all women think the same.

    Dalton's Bond thanks to the internet and home video technology will live on and grow a bigger following. I saw a teenager review TLD and say he should have done five movies because he was so good. By the way @Regan have you watched Top Gear? They speak about his Bond tenure respectfully!

    Yes, the Hamster is obviously something of a Daltonite, judging by last night's Top Gear.

    Why did they leave out DBS from OHMSS, or did I miss it?

    Actually, I do not recall seeing the actual TLD Aston being driven in the programme. But they have featured it in another episode. I can only assume they left out the OHMSS Aston because they thought no one would notice. Yet, I say it is a beautiful car and far nicer than the Lotus.

    For a 50th, what harm would it have done to add an extra 3 minutes to show off the 1969 car.

  • How does LTK look in blu ray? I cant afford the box set yet. Years ago I got LTK on blu but it would not play on my PS3 because it was locked to another region.
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