A Young Bond Movie

edited November 2012 in Bond Movies Posts: 408
How would everyone feel about a "Young Bond" movie? I'm currently reading "By Royal Command," and feel it would make a great film. This would be totally independent of the current EON productions. James Bond as a teenager in the 1930's. Kind of an "Indiana Jones" Bond, with James in 1938 Austria with the Nazis. Any thoughts?


  • NO, JUST NO.

    I believe Bond was meant to always be portrayed as an adult, and his backstory shouldn't be explored. Plus, if this would become successful, the old Bond we know and love will slowly begin to disappear (assuming EON does this series too, it's all about the money for them).
    Posts: 260
    hell no. but seeing how poorly skyfail turned out to be, I honestly wouldn't blink an eye if a young bond happened. You can always watch james bond Jr on YouTube
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 83
    NO!!! Flemming will come back and haunt you if you say that Hollywood crap again Next thing we will hear is Bond as a drag queen!!!
  • I think Eons film franchise is too precious to them to allow for any other interpretations. Especially involving a non-adult Bond. Also they would have to make is a cross between the likes of Harry Potter and Twilight to get their target audience remotely interested!
  • Posts: 1,548
    hell no. but seeing how poorly skyfail turned out to be, I honestly wouldn't blink an eye if a young bond happened. You can always watch james bond Jr on YouTube

    If this guy for real? What film were you watching fella?
  • there was a lot of talk about 7 years ago. Serious talk, i think. It was all back in the height of the Harry Potter success. I think we got the young Bond movie with CR (ironically we got the old Bond movie 2 films later)
  • LeChiffre wrote:
    hell no. but seeing how poorly skyfail turned out to be, I honestly wouldn't blink an eye if a young bond happened. You can always watch james bond Jr on YouTube

    If this guy for real? What film were you watching fella?

    His post tells you if he is for real. "Hell no" - then having insulted Skyfall, suddenly he wouldn't blink an eye?!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Anyone notice this isn't news? Moved to the proper section.

    Again with the Young Bond. Like we haven't had that debate before about a gazillion times... (yawn!).

    The answer is no! We reject it. No doubt some money hungry folks out there are at this point dreaming up a young Bond series of cartoons or films or whatever but like the Jinx spin-off that luckily never came to fruition, I desperately hope neither will this. As our recent SF debates have taught us, making a 'normal' Bond film is hard enough and getting it sold to all Bond fans is nearly impossible a task. Any EU they might squeeze out will only confuse and further polarize the fan base. It brings the risk of making the official film series less authentic, of cheapening out the franchise, of establishing a fan base for the wrong type of 007 product and so forth. The YB books are troublesome enough for me. (Why can't people simply accept the fact that Ian Fleming wrote James Bond as James Bond the agent, not as James Bond the youngster, James Bond the teen, James Bond the WWII soldier, James Bond the retired, James Bond the zombie, ...? Why does everyone want to play a part in the world of Bond? You want to explore the life of a young man before he becomes a renowned spy? Go write your own damn books and fiction, invent your own damn character instead of messing up one we all love and cherish!)

    I am confident though that since EON seems to holding most of the rights that count, a young Bond travesty of a project won't see the cinematic light of day. (But never say never...). Besides, who would play a young Bond? That Bieber chick? Not in my lifetime.
  • DarthDimi wrote:
    Anyone notice this isn't news? Moved to the proper section.

    Again with the Young Bond. Like we haven't had that debate before about a gazillion times... (yawn!).

    The answer is no! We reject it. No doubt some money hungry folks out there are at this point dreaming up a young Bond series of cartoons or films or whatever but like the Jinx spin-off that luckily never came to fruition, I desperately hope neither will this. As our recent SF debates have taught us, making a 'normal' Bond film is hard enough and getting it sold to all Bond fans is nearly impossible a task. Any EU they might squeeze out will only confuse and further polarize the fan base. It brings the risk of making the official film series less authentic, of cheapening out the franchise, of establishing a fan base for the wrong type of 007 product and so forth. The YB books are troublesome enough for me. (Why can't people simply accept the fact that Ian Fleming wrote James Bond as James Bond the agent, not as James Bond the youngster, James Bond the teen, James Bond the WWII soldier, James Bond the retired, James Bond the zombie, ...? Why does everyone want to play a part in the world of Bond? You want to explore the life of a young man before he becomes a renowned spy? Go write your own damn books and fiction, invent your own damn character instead of messing up one we all love and cherish!)

    I am confident though that since EON seems to holding most of the rights that count, a young Bond travesty of a project won't see the cinematic light of day. (But never say never...). Besides, who would play a young Bond? That Bieber chick? Not in my lifetime.

    Well put. A passionate viewpoint which I'm in agreement with. Even more so at the mere mention of a potential prospect like Bieber. One shudders at the thought!!
  • Think any spin off would ultimately damage the franchise.
  • If that ever happens, I'll immediately go and NOT watch it. ;)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I prefer Alex Rider over Young Bond.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I prefer Alex Rider over Young Bond.

    Isn't that the film that had Mickey Rourke as the baddy? I remember hearing about it when it was coming out.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I prefer Alex Rider over Young Bond.

    Isn't that the film that had Mickey Rourke as the baddy? I remember hearing about it when it was coming out.

    Yes it was, but I was talking the books. The Alex Rider books work better than the Young Bond books. And, the Alex Rider books would work better on film (though Stormbreaker flopped badly, sadly).

    Great cast, too. Ewan McGregor, Mickey Rourke, Andy Serkis, Bill Nighy, Alica Silverstone, Stephen Fry and Damian Lewis, plus Robbie Coltrane in a bit role as the Prime Minister.
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 12,837
    The film was really hyped in the UK when it was coming out, that's why I remember it. I think mainly because the books sold well and it had a great cast.

    Anyway, I haven't read them but the young Bond books don't sound like I'd enjoy them as films. I like watching badass secret agent James Bond, not posh schoolboy James Bond.
  • DB5DB5
    Posts: 408
    "Besides, who would play a young Bond? That Bieber chick?"

    LOL! I can just see the poster. "By Royal Command. Justin Bieber IS James Bond, of Eton. His chocolate malts are shaken, not stirred!"
  • DB5 wrote:
    "Besides, who would play a young Bond? That Bieber chick?"

    LOL! I can just see the poster. "By Royal Command. Justin Bieber IS James Bond, of Eton. His chocolate malts are shaken, not stirred!"

    No, no, please no!!!
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    A Live Action Film? No.

    An animated movie? possibly...most likely no. An interesting idea though. Maybe like Batman Year One or something like that.
  • Maybe a spin off may work in this capacity, but only the once, and never attempt it again, and it will never happen for the actual series releases, although Lazenby was only 29 when he made his debut in 1969, but it seems we're looking even younger than that, although not quite 'Bond in diapers' proportions..

    I think all said, maybe it's for the best it doesn't see the light of day at all. Just leave it as it is now and most people will be content enough. James Bond should be an adult character, they changed it for Indiana Jones, but they're two seperate film franchises
  • Posts: 1,856
    I wouldn't be surprised if EON announce they own the film rights. But mainly as a butt saving measure in this teen-hero world of Hunger Games etc..

    But as for a film it's self. I'm going to say done if care and understanding of the text it would work. I mean looking at them they do lend themselves to film. Again you need the right actors to play James and his mates and a director that has the vision to make the film and not to put his foot in it. So maybe, it's about quality. I honestly think some of you are being a bit judgmental, considering some of you haven't read the books judging by your comments.

    Even if they don't adapt the books directly. The plots of the books can so easily lifted into a regular bond film. Also I don't think anyone here would of cared if there was a reference to Max Bond in Skyfall.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,379
    Virage wrote:
    I wouldn't be surprised if EON announce they own the film rights. But mainly as a butt saving measure in this teen-hero world of Hunger Games etc..

    But as for a film it's self. I'm going to say done if care and understanding of the text it would work. I mean looking at them they do lend themselves to film. Again you need the right actors to play James and his mates and a director that has the vision to make the film and not to put his foot in it. So maybe, it's about quality. I honestly think some of you are being a bit judgmental, considering some of you haven't read the books judging by your comments.

    Even if they don't adapt the books directly. The plots of the books can so easily lifted into a regular bond film. Also I don't think anyone here would of cared if there was a reference to Max Bond in Skyfall.

    I thought the Skyfall ancestral home was a reference to the Silverfin castle belonging to Lord Hellebore.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2012 Posts: 14,884
    If such a film were made, I suppose I wouldn't mind seeing how it turns out. My main problem would be the time period and plot involving Nazis- as it will be compared to Indy. Put young Bond in an 80's Cold War setting, and have him lead into CraigBond's timeline.

    Outside of MI6's Bond, I'm really only interested in seeing him during his years with the Navy- and leading up to his meeting with MI6.

    Also, I would love to see a film with Bond as a regular agent (not 00) getting his mission from M- the mission which eventually earns him his 00 status:

    The film is straight-up spy/thriller. The first half of the film involves MI6 learning that someone is selling government secrets, and Bond doing some solid investigating. Bond has not killed anyone yet. The second half of the film involves Bond locating and killing Dryden's contact Fisher, and a more in-depth reaction from Bond as he comes to terms with having just killed a man. M guides Bond through this transition. Let's see Bond washing the blood off himself. That could be a powerful scene. Bond, having discovered MI6's informer, Dryden- follows him to Prague, killing him thus earning his 00 status. Remember, Dryden is MI6, so he knows every step Bond is making. Bond knows this too, now- so we can flesh out the rest of the second half with Bond's strategy to bring down the ever-watching Dryden. ;)
  • You know, I wouldn't be opposed to a Young Bond film, but only if it was a drama rather than an adventure and of Craig's Bond backstory. Watching Skyfall, I thought it would be interesting to see a Young Bond hiding in the priesthole, being sent off to Eton and getting into trouble, etc. I think if it was written well enough it could be a compelling drama.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The young Bond novels are great pieces of literature IMO. I really enjoyed reading them all and Higson does an amazing job with the mythology without defecating on it. That being said they can easily be translated into motion picture, however, part of the charm I'd that they're prequels to Fleming and as such should be kept as period pieces should the novels ever be adapted into motion picture. Now, I completely against adapting these novels into live action movies and hopefully it'll never happen, however, I am in favour of them being made into animated DVD movies or into a live action miniseries.
  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    Certainly not. Furthermore, after those stupids and boring blockbusters called Harry Potter and Twilight... Let's keep it to read. It obviously depends on what kind of "Young Bond" were talking about... From birth (I don't even know yet if this event exists in books, can someone tell me ?) to Royal Navy employment before Casino Royal. Virginity lost at 16 in Paris... It would employ numerous actors to play it and I don't think they could all get the same chemistry, keeping the essence of James during a film. It would seem quite yawning... and "disjointed". Better as a documentary.

    If it ever happen in theatres, I just hope the character would never be a Harry Potter and Daniel Radcliffe alike, never inspired. HELL NO ! Neither Robert Pattinson, who I quite prefer to,as an actor.
  • I say why not, at least if they made a film from the novels, written by a talented author in Charlie Higson, it'd be a start, plus I bought these books for my nephew when he was growing up and he really liked them. I say give it a chance. Who knows we may gain a new generation of fans?
  • Daniel Radcliffe
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