For Your Eyes Only - 30 years old today

Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
edited June 2011 in Bond Movies Posts: 13,369
For Your Eyes Only, the twelfth Bond film and fifth to star Roger Moore, is 30 years old today. It was released and had it's world premiere on the 24th of June 1981.

Happy Birthday!

Will MI6 be putting up some kind of looking back/retrospective I wonder?


  • Posts: 11,216
    Happy Birthday FYEO.

    My 8th favourite Bond movie ;)
  • Posts: 2,495
    Happy b-day to FYEO :)
  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    edited June 2011 Posts: 2,637
    Happy Birthday to the 12th Bond film!!!

    Mod edit: probable MGM/ Eon-copyrighted image changed to a link
  • Posts: 4,762
    Happy Birthday to FYEO! One of my Top Ten favorite Bond movies!
  • Posts: 26
    Ah, have been thinking about this all day, was waiting to see if anyone else would remember FYEO's 30th birthday. One of the best of the Bonds, giving it a watch right now. B-)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited June 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Diamonds' 30th is also coming up later this year.
  • Posts: 11,216
    ahem 40th ;)
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    ahem 40th ;)
    My mistake. Right you are @BAIN123 - 40th.
  • Posts: 251
    Ooooh, one of my favourite! I will never ever tire of watching FYEO. Happy Birthday!
    Gee, they don`t make `em like this anymore....(and that`s a bad thing before any smart ass says otherwise!!!)
  • Posts: 1,492
    My favourite Bond movie...
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    edited June 2011 Posts: 642
    Happy Birthday to the 12th Bond film!!!
    Sainsburys have this image on a t shirt in their clothing section, with an official bond tag inside for £7 - this could be the start of a roll out of 50th anniversary fashion statements! At least I hope so! - as for the movie, I used to be a holiday rep in Corfu at the hotel on the exact beach where the buggys let loose! My poor guests... They never heard he end of it!! lol. Certainly my favourite Moore film in terms of character progression and acting. "yes, well, you put your clothes on...and I'll buy you an ice cream!" Brilliant. Nice one Rog.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    My favourite Bond movie...
    Certainly a fantastic effort by Moore in this one with memorable scenes like the kick to Locque's car. It is my favourite Moore flick, sitting somewhere in my mid top 10.
  • Posts: 825
    I seen this in the Big Screen in 1981. It was great & Excellent James Bond movie. Sadly no M but Q & Moneypenny was in it. Today it remind me of Christmas 1981. Plus I got the diecast cars of this movie.
  • Posts: 172
    An excellent 007 film and I am just one year older than the film. I think my only nitpick of the movie is that Michael Gothard's Loque never got any lines. I do think he was a good villain but just under developed.

    Happy 30th FYEO. :-D
  • Posts: 158
    My first Bond film at Odeon Leicester Sq and since then watched all them all 1st time there. Happy 30th FYEO.
  • Posts: 13
    The first bond I was and still my favourite!
  • Posts: 1,092
    Heck yeah! My #4.
  • Posts: 11,216
    Make that my 9th favourite film ;)
  • Posts: 94
    Scene from that film, with beautiful, philosophy uni educated Melinda Havelock will probably remain in my memory for ages :-).
  • St_GeorgeSt_George Shuttling Drax's lovelies to the space doughnut - happy 40th, MR!
    Posts: 1,699
    Happy dies natalis, FYEO.

    Not necessarily my fave Bond movie, but, for the same token, far from my least favourite.

    If I bump into it in the next day or two, I'll certainly buy it an ice-cream... ;)
  • One of the two Moore films (the other LALD) in my personal top 10. My first memory was that it was a great big breath of well needed fresh air when it arrived. Bond is always best served grounded in reality.
  • Posts: 1,497
    I'll have to give this one another go. The Bond of my birth year afterall and I like hearing all the fanfare for it: there must be something in it that hits a chord with people. The serious quality and down to Earth plot are intriguing, with echoes of FRWL and OHMSS. I just thought they got the tone wrong: it's too inconsistent--more so than OP IMO. I don't need to re-iterate all the out of place scenes in the film, you all know them. Help me see the light...what am I missing? Currently sitting at about #15 in my rankings.
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    I'll have to give this one another go. The Bond of my birth year afterall and I like hearing all the fanfare for it: there must be something in it that hits a chord with people. The serious quality and down to Earth plot are intriguing, with echoes of FRWL and OHMSS. I just thought they got the tone wrong: it's too inconsistent--more so than OP IMO. I don't need to re-iterate all the out of place scenes in the film, you all know them. Help me see the light...what am I missing? Currently sitting at about #15 in my rankings.
    My plus points would be Roger Moore playing his age to his advantage. He looks very lean in the keel hawling sequence. He truly looks worldly wise in FYEO instead of the boyish grin and out of place flirting of the 70's.

    There is something of a cosy relaxed feel to the direction (especially in Cofu) which fits perfectly given that it is a family murder revenge flick and we should be rooting for Melina to avenge her parents. This then juxtaposes nicely when a shocking event occurs. Ferrara death, Gonzales and his gun toting plane. In terms of inconsistency I think dramatically these sit very well, there be a case of slight jarring when by John Glens own admission "keystone cops" start influencing the the chase sequences.

    The film falters in it's climax and threat factors, but other than that we are treated to a wealth of good and believable character acting. ( Topol taught me how to be cool whilst spitting pistachio husks out in public!!)

    A great theme, a funky score, a Bond for the 80's!...and if they hadn't had done this then you wouldn't have OP's swagger blending the best of Moore or indeed the harsh killing of Howe in AVTAK. FYEO ushers in the decade of Moores exit and Daltons entry very nicely methinks.

    Hopefully this helps my friend. :-)

  • A good film, it had its flaws, the killing of Blofield and the car chase in the citroen were a bit cheesy and the ending was an anti climax with bond throwing the device away, bibi was very irritating and Moore was getting on a bit. Despite these flaws I thought Moore gave a brilliant performance as a world wearied secret agent. With a better ending it could have been a real classic.
  • SmithersSmithers Bandit Country
    Posts: 48
    I second that mark91, Blofeld shouting as he was dropped down a chimney I'll buy you a delicatessen is one of the most cringeworthy lines in the whole series. But Moore's acting in this film is possibly among one of the best performances in his whole career. His age was just on the limit, but he showed all the right amount of emotion and depth now associated with the part. His dodgy eyebrow only getting a look in during encounters with Bibi and while driving the 2CV6. In contrast when he kicks Locke's Mercedes over the cliff saying "you left this with Ferrara" proved Moore was more than just a caricature. My favourite of his films by far for those reasons alone.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Happy Birthday indeed FYEO!!! Moore's most accomplished performance as Bond for me!
  • Posts: 2,142
    Not for these eyes.
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