Arrow (TV Series 2012– )

edited November 2014 in General Movies & TV Posts: 47
Since we have a Batman thread and Green Arrow is a similar character I desided to create this thread.
Are her any fans of Green Arrow or the new Arrow tv series ?



  • edited December 2012 Posts: 1,107
    I have seem most of the good shows out there and Arrow takes my first spot. From the first episode where it gives you a very good understanding of the plot and story and every single episode after, it will keep you stuck to your chair. Surprisingly fresh story line to an old tail, its not only take from the rich and give to the poor. Don't know what else to say but JUST WaTcH it !!!!! Hands down one of the MOST exciting shows i have ever seen!!! in every show there are some disappointments, but in Arrow, from the characters chosen to the story and the mire mind-blowing excitement this show should hit the top 10 chart if it hasn't already...every time I hate waiting to see what happens next and honestly it has never been the slightest bit disappointing.
    Oh and I love Green Arrow Year one comics.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I like the show. Before this, the only Green Arrow that I liked was in Justice League Unlimited, because his introduction was awesome. Plus, I get the added bonus that my brother and I make Lost and Resident Evil (movie) jokes while watching it.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 4,813
    Green Arrow was one of those characters tht I never gave a damn about, and when I heard he had his own show coming soon I thought it would be another 'Wonder Woman' and never get off the ground. Holy cow was I wrong! I LOVE Arrow!!! I look forward to it every week!

    ....that said, I still feel like the show feels A LOT like somebody wanted to make a Batman tv show but couldn't get the rights. I don't remember GA in the comics being quite this similar to Bats. But hey, it's entertaining and awesome so I can't complain
  • Posts: 1,107
    Green Arrow was one of those characters tht I never gave a damn about, and when I heard he had his own show coming soon I thought it would be another 'Wonder Woman' and never get off the ground. Holy cow was I wrong! I LOVE Arrow!!! I look forward to it every week!

    ....that said, I still feel like the show feels A LOT like somebody wanted to make a Batman tv show but couldn't get the rights. I don't remember GA in the comics being quite this similar to Bats. But hey, it's entertaining and awesome so I can't complain

    Agree I love Arrow tv series.
  • I just love Arrow on the CW.
    I do have to say is it’s a big surprise to me.There is this tone to the show that I just plain love. Everything about the look of the show is dark and gritty. There is no comic book like situations, no horrible corny lines, nothing that you tend to get with TV shows. Now some of that might sound like a bad thing but it’s not. If this show had a more comic book feel I think it would be a horrible thing to watch. The grounded in real life darkness that it is makes me interested in the characters and the stories being told. It’s really only the beginning to the show so I think as time goes on it’s going to get darker and darker.The sound and music for the show is actually awesome. I am not really sure how to describe it other than it really fits well with the dark tone the show has. It’s deep and dubstep like almost, without it actually being dubstep. As you can see it’s not really easy to describe. It’s typical tv show soundtracks with a different feel to it. You really just have to listen to know what I am talking about. At the end of the day, it’s just good.

    Overall, if you are a fan of comics and heroes and all that good stuff then I think you are really going to enjoy Arrow. There is a lot of stuff they can do with this series and I think they are going to actually do it.
    It’s one of my favourite new shows out there right now, so make sure you go and check it out!
  • I'll be damned-- I just found out that Yao Fei is the same actor that played Ryu in 1995's Street Fighter!! :o



    I love it's crazy what you learn there!
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,508
    Interesting idea for a thread - I just wish I knew more about the subject matter.
  • Posts: 9,915
    I love the show
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited December 2013 Posts: 4,574
    I record the first season and start wachting on 18 November and in January i wil finish.
    Second season wil start on 5 January 20.30 in The Netherlands, but will have hard time against Homeland S3 who started on 8 December and who's last episode be on 2 March 2014.

    Modern Batman indeed. Colin Donnell, brother of Chris O Donell (Chris O Donell who played Robin in the last 2 movies from the the first 4 movies) playing the lead. Colin Salmon (Charles Robinson in Pierce Brosnan Bond movies) playing Walter Steele
    his stepfather.
    . Fans of Batman Begins wil like it too.

    Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak (Some kind of Moneypenny/Nerd)

    First i have problem to believe that one of the chacters be father of one other chacters, because the actor look not old enough.

    Another problem mabey be that like other modern tv series, it having a red line and there at more and more things to delay it longer (see Nikita) and mabey to fast with that some people already know it about him.

    From what i have seen now, atleast i think show be good for 3 mabey 4 seasons. Keep in mind that i never expext in the first place from Nikita who next year we can expect the 4th season on Dutch tv. Also i have understand Arrow wil get his own spinoff after second season from chacter introduced in the second season of arrow.
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 4,813
    I guess this can go here since this version of Barry Allen debuted on Arrow:

    First look at The Flash


    Colors might be a bit muted, but it does indeed look like the Flash! I like it a lot!
  • Posts: 9,915
    wow I like it
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    Now, how will a series based around a guy who just runs fast work...
  • edited February 2014 Posts: 4,813
    Now, how will a series based around a guy who just runs fast work...
    They did it before (though admittedly the pilot ROCKED HARD and the series as a whole just didn't last)


    Coincidentally, John Wesley Shipp has been cast as an 'unknown supporting role' and not just as a cameo. The rumor is he's playing Jay Garrick but we'll see

    But The Flash can do more than just 'run fast'. He can do everything fast, including thinking, creating whirlwinds with his arms, and vibrating his own body molecules so fast that he can phase through solid objects. If you're the unlucky bad guy he's after, you won't see him coming, and by the time you even realize he's there, he's already punched you 1000 times! In some cases (with an object called the Cosmic Treadmill) he can even use his speed to reach faster then light travel and visit different times and dimensions.

    Plus the character himself is just cool and likable.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    But The Flash can do more than just 'run fast'. He can do everything fast, including thinking, creating whirlwinds with his arms, and vibrating his own body molecules so fast that he can phase through solid objects. If you're the unlucky bad guy he's after, you won't see him coming, and by the time you even realize he's there, he's already punched you 1000 times! In some cases (with an object called the Cosmic Treadmill) he can even use his speed to reach faster then light travel and visit different times and dimensions.

    Plus the character himself is just cool and likable.

    Believe me, I already like the actor playing him (he did a damn good job in Arrow), but no matter what, the character is very limited. Even doing things like that, he'd have to deal with inertia, possibly screwing himself up by traveling through every phase of reality (he did that in Justice League Unlimited, by the way, almost died). Thinking fast may help in some situations, but overthinking can hinder a situation just as easily. The risks of being able to run so fast (and do other things so fast; his girlfriend must be really pissed off at him for finishing so quickly) seem to far outweigh the benefits, to the point where it would become tiresome watching a hero fail ten time an episode before succeeding once in that CW-ish somber manner.
  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    Arrow is my favourite TV Show and I'm glad to see it being discussed here.
  • Posts: 4,813
    Well here's the new Flash!
    I like it!

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    He just looks... stupid. I'm sorry, he just does. Granted, the character in the comics (and, to be honest, most of DC in general) looked stupid to begin with, so there wasn't much to go ahead with.
  • Posts: 12,560
    Well here's the new Flash!
    I like it!


    I am not that sure. Think they should have gone with even darker colours to be honest?
  • XXXXXX Banned
    Posts: 132
    Well here's the new Flash!
    I like it!

    Looks good that its actually red, not dark brown, this isn't Crastopher Nolan with the shame.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Anyone catch last weeks episode with Slade Wilson in the queen residence the seen of Arrow Black Canary Death Stroke Red Arrow and Diggle all in civilian attire was just brilliant tense and one of my favorite scenes in the series.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    Arrow is one of my all time favorite shows and I just watched the season 2 finale. I have to say that the last two episodes of season 2 were some of the best of the show. Plus we got to see the trailer for The Flash which comes out in the fall.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    About the finale...
    Was it too much for me to have wanted Ollie and Slade to have an interaction much like Bruce Wayne and Ra's Al Ghul at the end of Batman Begins? "I don't have to kill you, but I don't have to save you, either!" I couldn't help but think that the finale needed that last night.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    You mean you wanted that same speech? We more or less got a speech, it wasn't a "I don't have to kill, but I don't have to save you, either" speech, but more of a "you made me the hero I've become" type of speech.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
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    I would have loved the same speech, but more along the lines of a similar situation. I wanted Ollie to have said something similar to that speech, but then an ARGUS drone flies past and fires off a missile at Slade.

    Still, I enjoyed what we got, even though it wasn't as good as season 1's finale, or even that last couple episodes.
  • Posts: 4,813
    Interesting- Brandon Routh will appear on Arrow... but not as Superman. He'll be Ray Palmer, better known as The Atom

    Looks like Routh is now DC's version of Chris Evans, having played two different characters!

    Glad to see him getting work at least
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    So, Sherman Howard, who played Lex Luthor in the Superboy live action show and then Blight in Batman Beyond; or Michael Ironside, who played Darkseid in Superman The Animated Series and then General Sam Lane in Smallville; or Michael Rosenbaum, who played The Flash in Justice League and then Lex Luthor in Smallville; or Christopher Reeve, who played Superman in Superman the Movie and the Dr. Virgil Swann in Smallville... All of them don't count?
  • Posts: 1,107
    Brandon Routh Talks More About Suiting Up As 'The Atom' In Arrow...Or Maybe THE FLASH!
  • Posts: 1,107
    After a couple of fairly weak offerings,I really enjoyed this week's episode.

    I'm pretty sure Malcolm didn't kill Sara,so Ollie seems to have done the right thing.I liked how Diggle and Roy kinda took the opinion of "You can't kill him,but you don't have to save him." I also thought it was pretty funny how when Nyssa hits Ollie,the rest of the team backed the heck off. "I ain't getting involved in this."

    Digg had some good lines ('I don't get what Sara saw in her'),and I had no complaints with Laurel.I thought she was good throughout.(She's healed up pretty fast,though.)Nice that Felicity didn't show up until the end to provide a bit of continuity.

    I wasn't sure I got why Thea just went with Nyssa.I guess she was worried about Roy getting hurt/seeing what she could do.But after months of training how "not to get hurt",that she completely takes the path of least resistance,is somewhat baffling.

    The Ra's tease was beyond underwhelming.The actor didn't really give much presence in the little shown.

    The Flashbacks continue to be underwhelming as well.I guess we'll be made to learn how Ollie got so complacent with killing, this year.I always figured Waller to be DC's Nick Fury.But she seems much more ruthless.If we could learn more of her methods,maybe she'd be easier to take.But as it stands now,I can't stand her more and more in each succeeding appearance

    Dat three way action!
  • Posts: 1,107
    I couldn't be happier with what they're doing with this series. The CW in general is just blowing my mind. They can do whatever they want. I REALLY hope they get Supergirl and not CBS. By the way, I know this will sound ridiculous, but I've preferred what The CW has done with Arrow and Flash more than ANYTHING else in the live action comic book genre, movies or otherwise. The only (I mean ONLY) exception would be Nolan's Trilogy.
  • Posts: 1,107
    Meet The Small Screen 'Ra's al Ghul' In A Clip From Last Night's Episode Of ARROW
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