Goldeneye Reloaded spotted, PS3/360 port of Wii Title?

edited June 2011 in 007 Gaming Posts: 103
from cvg:

Activision's registered multiple internet domain names for 'GoldenEye 007 Reloaded', strongly suggesting yet another remake of the N64 classic is on the way.

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The Call of Duty publisher released its first GoldenEye game - developed by Eurocom - last year and it received decent reviews.

Seemingly though, despite Nintendo claiming healthy sales for the title - and Activison's game itself being the second N64 remake after EA's attempt - it looks like the publisher's going for the double dip.

The 'Reloaded' title would strongly suggest what we've been expecting ever since the Wii game was announced; updated ports for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

The new game - if there indeed is a new game, of course - could well be in the works for the Wii U, but our money's on the former.

We'll let you know if anything comes out of this.


  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    edited June 2011 Posts: 15,732
    Another butchering up of the original GE on the N64 ? Craig stealing yet again Brosnan's role in GE ?? Utter nonsense... another failure on the way is evident now, if this is true. The Bond video game franchise is going down the drain at an alarming rate.
  • Posts: 2,107
    I wouldn't mind. I've kinda waited for some news ever since the game was released on Wii. Hoped they'd port the game on PS3 and Xbox360.

    I've never bought a console for just one game. *cough* Excluding changing from ps2 to ps3 when GTA IV came out.
  • edited June 2011 Posts: 9,916
    if had to guess maybe 2 video games yhis year goldeneye for 360 and ps3 and a new bond game i mean we all saw pics and vids from a game they apparently had been working 20 months on well see i hope 2 games more bond the merrier i say

    An idea occured to me perhaps the new game is a sequel to goldeneye for the wii hence the reloaded bit... hmmm
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399

    Who knows... maybe this GE Reloaded is the game they HAVE been working on for months.......... that gives me the shivers - and not in a good way.......

    while i only own a 360, and missed out on the remake of GE - i was sort of glad... because all i wanted was the original game, with slightly cleaned up graphics.... i didn't want a whole new game with different music, different actors and such.... just give me the classic!

    if this is all that i've been expecting since "a new bond game" was being made - is yet ANOTHER Goldeneye remake.......... i will be heartbroken...

    but...... i'll probably still buy it, because i have no spine when it comes to 007 lol.
  • gt007gt007 Station G
    Posts: 1,182
    I don't think it makes much sense to make another GoldenEye remake so soon. If the story is true and there is a project called GoldenEye Reloaded, I'd bet it's last year's GoldenEye made for other platforms. Which sounds possible, because it will probably bring them some money.
    I'd like to see a PC version of it, cause I do not own any other gaming console and I'm not planning on buying one.
  • Posts: 2,495
    Another butchering up of the original GE on the N64 ? Craig stealing yet again Brosnan's role in GE ?? Utter nonsense... another failure on the way is evident now, if this is true. The Bond video game franchise is going down the drain at an alarming rate.
    i agree with you
    but if this game or any other 007 game that will go out is not for PC i will be sooo angry

  • but if this game or any other 007 game that will go out is not for PC i will be sooo angry
    Not to slight the platform (I'm a PC gamer first and foremost), but if Bond games are your thing, the PC has never been the way to go. NightFire on the PC was a mess and the Quantum of Solace port had all the weird technical issues one expects from Beenox, with only Blood Stone arriving relatively unscathed. 007 games have always been console-focused, and (especially given the financial weakness of the PC market right now) I don't think that's likely to change anytime soon.

    As for Activision's next GoldenEye title, the rumored HD port certainly makes commercial sense. I'm not bothered by inclusion of Craig (on the contrary, I see it as an improvement) and I quite enjoyed the Wii version, so I have no objections to Activision making the game accessible to a wider audience.

  • edited June 2011 Posts: 9,916
    I don't want just a Goldeneye remake but if there are 2 bond games for the 360 I'll probably buy both.
  • Well GoldenEye (Wii) is the only reason for keeping my Wii, i bought the 'limited edition edition', which came with the 'gold' controller, and i have to say that it is by-far the best game on the Wii, and i would love to see it on the 360/PS3, and if everything goes well, i promise you, you won't be dissapointed (Or atleast i won't :D) But no-matter what i'd still keep my 'wii' version as it is 'limited' (As they say ¬¬)
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,086
    GoldenEye: Reloaded sounds to me like a 360/PS3 port of the Wii game. I'll buy this for curiositys (not to mention completists) sake. an't say the news exites me though, i'm more interested in the other Bond game in the pipeline.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    i wont mind a port of the Wii game... but i hope to god that that isn't the only Bond game they are working on with Raven.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Maybe it's an upgrade or expansion on the orginal (last year's game not the '97 version) but only for the Wii? The PS3/XBox/PC may get the other game we've seen being worked on...

    I'd love a PS3 version of GoldenEye though so I hope that's the case.
  • Posts: 267
    If its anything other than the GE 64 remake for XBLA then I'm going to be pissed. Unless they can work out a deal to put past Bond's in games while Craig is still the current Bond then I don't want anymore past movies being made into games (unless they use a generic Bond like in AUF). I really disliked the Wii game - not only was it nothing other than a cheap cash in on the GE name, but I just didn't think it was a good game in any sense. I much preferred Blood Stone.
  • Posts: 4,762
    Well, we have enough GoldenEye game titles, and I personally think they need to leave it alone and move on to other Bond movies that haven't been made video games yet. I loved GE 2010 for Wii, and I play it quite frequently, but let's not have another re-make. It hasn't even been a year since the last one's release! Seriously...

    If this thing comes out, though, I would hope it was something similiar to the Call of Duty Map Packs. I could use some new maps for GE 2010 online multiplayer, and some new characters could be useful as well!
  • Posts: 669
    I really hope they'll remake it again and un-COD-ise it.
  • QsAssistantQsAssistant All those moments lost in time... like tears in rain
    Posts: 1,812
    I just want the old game, with much better graphics, on my XBOX 360.
  • Posts: 9,916
    I just want Activision to have the balls to create a bond video game that makes us stop caring about Goldeneye because the new game is "amazing"... sigh
  • Posts: 2,495
    I just want the old game, with much better graphics, on my XBOX 360.
    same but about PC :)
    I just want Activision to have the balls to create a bond video game that makes us stop caring about Goldeneye because the new game is "amazing"... sigh
    true too
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2011 Posts: 4,399
    i doubt Activision will put forth the effort to make a memorable Bond game - they have bigger fish to fry with their precious COD franchise.... i never thought i would say this - but i almost wish the franchise was still with EA... since it's left that company, what have we gotten?... Quantum Of Solace, Goldeneye 2010, and Blood Stone? hardly anything worth while....

    what's sad, is that I was just playing Assassin's Creed 2, and I could only imagine a Bond game set up like that game - maybe without the crazy free running stuff...... there are a lot of games that creators could draw some inspiration from - but instead, they are content with churning out dull boring crap - because when it comes down to it - they just don't care about the Bond video game franchise as much as we do... it's not a money maker for them....

    maybe one day, a company will come along, and give the franchise a refreshing kick start, like the Batman game franchise got with Arkham Asylum... who knows - it's going to take a studio willing to put forth an effort to do so...... and i don't see Activision ever doing that.... i hope i'm wrong though..


    Let's put it this way - if Activision really gave a crap about the Bond gaming franchise, they maybe would've given it to one of their top subsidiaries - instead of pawning it off to Raven Software..... don't get me wrong, I like some of Raven's games, like X-Men Origins : Wolverine - but while that game is fun, it's far from terrific...
  • Posts: 669
    @QsAssistant @Risico007 @dragonsky @haserot
    I agree with you all. Activision will send the 007 Gaming franchise to the trash. I wish EA owned the license for making Bond games.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    I wish EA owned the license for making Bond games.
    When EA lost the licence, no one was saying this. How times change.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399

    The grass isn't always greener... I thought activision would do great with the Bond games when they took over... boy was I wrong..... Activision, if they wanted to, could make an excellent Bond game... but like I said, they don't want to - which is why they hand off to third tier subsidiary... they are just in it to bleed the pig dry
  • Posts: 9,916
    but see the one thing that worries me about Ea is there over gadget laiden game play I can't out right say i would of hated Casino royale the game (as the 2 pictures released from the cancel game do look quite good) I don't know if EA could of built a game around the new concept of bond (less gadgets less humor more tough bad ass moments) I mean for all I know though perhaps they would of stayed true to the film and even allowed you play hold em poker as bond..

    I just wish rocksteady did a bond game look art what they did with Batman.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    I would love to see what Rockstar or Ubisoft could do with a Bond game
  • edited July 2011 Posts: 1,856

    BRILLENT, Rockstar would be PERFECT

    Post Trois cents
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Does anyone know how long Activision have the Bond rights for? After that date they may go to someone else.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    Until 2014.
  • Posts: 9,916
    so potentially all of Craig's bond games (my favorite bond thus far) will be mishandled sigh oh well
  • Posts: 267
    I don't know why people are clamoring of EA. Activision hasn't been great, but does no one remember FRWL or GE:RA? FRWL was a great idea and it looked like they cared when they got Connery involved - and then we got that butchered plot and awful game. I think its going to be like this with any big name publisher. I'd love to see Ubisoft get a shot at Bond.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited July 2011 Posts: 4,399

    as it stands right now, if i were to choose between EA and Activision for Bond games in the future... it would be EA.. while people point at FRWL and GE:RA and go "remember those lousy games!".. i can easily point to AUF, NF and EON and go "remember those good games!" - and i can just as equally compare those good games against what little Activision has brought to the table with QOS, GE2010 and BS..... but while Blood Stone was a step back towards the right direction, it still fell short - and since Activision closed down Bizzare Creations, and handed off the next Bond project to Raven - i expect the next game to be a lateral move.. as early stills from the untitled project yield no overhaul or change in modeling design or feel... but gameplay is everything... if Activision can't offer up a better solution for a multiplayer (heaven forbid they actually put some thought into replay value of the game) - then it's doomed to suffer the same fate as the previous games..... and that's barely mediocrity....

    but if given a choice between Activision and say another creative studio (other than EA) willing to step in and take the reigns - then by all means, let's clean house and get fresh blood and fresh ideas on the project.... nothing Activision has shown me in the past 3 years says they are really willing to put forth an effort to making a great Bond game... the quicker it leaves their hands, the better..
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