Which Bond would you trust with your life in order to survive?

0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
edited January 2013 in General Discussion Posts: 28,694
The smell of gun powder fills the darkness amid frequent sparks of fire and the vibrations of explosive shells shake the foundations underneath your feet. Through the smoke, you see the grim reaper himself in the form of a strong-built team of men armed to the hilt with devastating weaponry. The odds are drawn, 6 to 1. You run for the only means of solace, small knee high cover that begins to blast apart with the constant fire of assault rifles, each bullet tempting your fate. Smoke encompasses the space, making your eyes run with tears, burning like a steaming fire. As oxygen becomes further depleted, you stave off death's forceful grip by keeping low on the cool stone floor. The shouts of the men become less distant, and just as they begin a final assault on your cover you shut your eyes through the stinging, wishing only to disappear. Then suddenly, spits are heard echoing through the caved in building. The men all fall in beautiful unison before you, all dead before you hear the thud. Looking around behind you, your eyes meet a face: Bond, James Bond. Through the explosive chaos raging around you, he picks you up and hands you a handgun and rifle. Together, you run forth into the veil of smoke to take on more of your approaching pursuers, but this time you are not alone.

So, my question is this: Who of the 6 actors embodies this James Bond that you put your complete life and trust in the hands of during this time of intensity? The stakes are high, the odds stacked against you, and you both need to be able to count on the other to survive this ordeal. The choice, and the battle...is yours.


  • Major_BoothroydMajor_Boothroyd Republic of Isthmus
    edited January 2013 Posts: 2,722
    Im going with Dalton. Connery and Moore had a lot of collateral damage and often didn't care too much about it and Craig is going the same way. Lazenby couldn't even save his own wife.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I would go with Brosnan. Not only would I be giddy to see him - hell, I'd be happy to see any of them - but he travels all the way to the Tower to save M, stop Elektra, dives to a sub, and kills Renard. Yes, please!
  • Posts: 147
    I go for Lazenby.

    He knows how to kick ass.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    To save my life? None of them. His track record is sketchy at best, although, Dalton has the least collateral damage but then again, through no fault of Bond, Felix got his leg chewed off and Della...poor Della.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Craig Bond - obviously. Also he is the strongest of the lot and the most brutal to kill the bad boys off. Not always happening, but then - I can die happy at least :D
  • I'd say definetly not Craig. Almost everybody he's been remotely close to has died.

    With Brosnan it only seems to be women he's slept with that get bumped off ally wise, so I would probably be ok with him.

    Lazenby is one of the toughest Bonds (definetly the toughest in real life, in his prime obviously), but if he couldn't protect his wife what chance would I stand? To be fair there's not much he could've done to save Tracy but still.

    Connery and Moore had their fair share of allies killed off and didn't seem to care all that much so not them.

    And so we're left with the best Bond, Dalton. Despite being a badass even he has his fair share of dead allies (Della wasn't really anything to do with him but Sharky died after helping Bond).

    So I'd take my chances on my own.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 117
    It's ironic that Craig seems to be the strongest of them all when he's actually a deadly company.

    But answering your question, Dalton. I think he'd care for me more than anyone else, tbh.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited January 2013 Posts: 28,694
    I'd say definetly not Craig. Almost everybody he's been remotely close to has died.

    With Brosnan it only seems to be women he's slept with that get bumped off ally wise, so I would probably be ok with him.

    Lazenby is one of the toughest Bonds (definetly the toughest in real life, in his prime obviously), but if he couldn't protect his wife what chance would I stand? To be fair there's not much he could've done to save Tracy but still.

    Connery and Moore had their fair share of allies killed off and didn't seem to care all that much so not them.

    And so we're left with the best Bond, Dalton. Despite being a badass even he has his fair share of dead allies (Della wasn't really anything to do with him but Sharky died after helping Bond).

    So I'd take my chances on my own.
    I have to call you out on Sean not giving a care for his allies. In DN he wishes to strike at Dr. No for payment after Quarrel's death. In FRWL Bond's face looks completely infuriated and saddened at Kerim's nasty passing. In GF Bond is almost taken off the mission when his anger over Jill's death gets to him, and later he is pained at Tilly's death at the hands of Oddjob. In YOLT he was completely floored by Aki's death. She was the real Bond girl of that picture, not Kissy. Sean's Bond loved his allies, plain and simple, and was extremely loyal to them if they were to him. He also had great care for his Bond girls. Saying he was devoid of any emotive response or care simply isn't right.
  • As much as I like Craig, I really don't think I could trust his Bond with my life. He would probably get me killed more likely than the rest.

    On a pure hunch and instinct.... I'm going to go with Connery.
  • All the Bond's have let someone die, be it by accident or just not being there in time. The funny thing is that Moore at least feels bad about it (compared to Connery's 'whatevs' attitude)
    Plus, keeping in mind how many movies he's been in to scale, Moore had a pretty good track record. For the moment I can only think of Countess from FYEO & the nameless girl from TSWLM ('Seemed to have missed desert')

    I'd have to go with Moore or Dalton
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Connie in MR died and you could maybe count May Day (since she was a goodie at the end).
  • Posts: 1,492
    Strangely enough i would pick rog.

    He's the most dependable. His reactions might need tuning though.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 157
    Pierce Brosnan.

    No. Just kidding. Daniel, for sure, coz I am a man. Because if I were a woman, i would be just dead... Vesper, Solange, Fields, Severine... Everything he touches withers and dies. :)

    Actually, his men allies dies all along the films too... So, strangely, I would choose Moore.
  • Connie in MR died and you could maybe count May Day (since she was a goodie at the end).
    Damn I can't believe I forgot Corrine! Thanks

    Still, that many deaths over the course of 7 films isn't bad at all. Ol' Rog is Mr. Dependable!

  • I'm going with Pierce Bronsan. He was loyale to 006 before he found out he formed the terrorist group Janus & protected Electra King very well. So I would trust Pierce Bronsan to watch ny back.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited January 2013 Posts: 28,694
    All the Bond's have let someone die, be it by accident or just not being there in time. The funny thing is that Moore at least feels bad about it (compared to Connery's 'whatevs' attitude)
    Plus, keeping in mind how many movies he's been in to scale, Moore had a pretty good track record. For the moment I can only think of Countess from FYEO & the nameless girl from TSWLM ('Seemed to have missed desert')

    I'd have to go with Moore or Dalton

    Again, I don't see why people think this:

    (My previous post is below)

    In DN he wishes to strike at Dr. No for payment after Quarrel's death. In FRWL Bond's face looks completely infuriated and saddened at Kerim's nasty passing. In GF Bond is almost taken off the mission when his anger over Jill's death gets to him, and later he is pained at Tilly's death at the hands of Oddjob. In YOLT he was completely floored by Aki's death. She was the real Bond girl of that picture, not Kissy. Sean's Bond loved his allies, plain and simple, and was extremely loyal to them if they were to him. He also had great care for his Bond girls. Saying he was devoid of any emotive response or care simply isn't right.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    If I can't pick Fleming's Bond, I'll take Lazenby as my bodyguard.
  • All the Bond's have let someone die, be it by accident or just not being there in time. The funny thing is that Moore at least feels bad about it (compared to Connery's 'whatevs' attitude)
    Again, I don't see why people think this:

    (My previous post is below)

    In DN he wishes to strike at Dr. No for payment after Quarrel's death. In FRWL Bond's face looks completely infuriated and saddened at Kerim's nasty passing. In GF Bond is almost taken off the mission when his anger over Jill's death gets to him, and later he is pained at Tilly's death at the hands of Oddjob. In YOLT he was completely floored by Aki's death. She was the real Bond girl of that picture, not Kissy. Sean's Bond loved his allies, plain and simple, and was extremely loyal to them if they were to him. He also had great care for his Bond girls. Saying he was devoid of any emotive response or care simply isn't right.
    I'll definitely grant you Kerim's death and to say COnnery had a 'whatevs' attitude may have been harsh

    But I don't agree though that he was affected all that much with Aki's death- he probably went right back to bed after it happened!

    When I said Connery before, I had in my mind the likes of Aki, Tilly, Plenty, & Paula.

    Of course, that's not to say such an attitude isn't perfect for that of a spy-- I think it still stands that Moore simply let fewer people get killed

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    This notion that a Bond let more people get killed than the other is rather poor, I must argue. There are moments when the odds are stacked against Bond and there isn't any physical way to save some. He can't bend time and stop bullets from killing Tracy or any allies he holds dear, or he damn well would have. Sean's Bond showed the right amount of sympathy and care while still keeping a level head on the job. The deaths can be devastation, but the mission is still on. His Bond shows this perfectly, and as I said many times before: Sean's Bond cared about those close to him.
  • Posts: 1,405
    Funny discussion...I used to ask my wife who'd she choose to get her out of a desesperate situation with her life on the line between Ethan Hunt, James Bond and Jack Bauer. I'm still waiting for the answer.

    I myself would choose 007 without hesitation, and given the choice of all 6 Bonds, I'd choose Timothy Dalton's version first. Even if Timmy was one of the deadliest Bonds, I think he's also the one for who human life is the most precious.
  • MrBondMrBond Station S
    Posts: 2,044
    I think Dalton or Lazenby. They seem as the most stable and most caring Bonds.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    edited January 2013 Posts: 2,629

    Connery would use me as a human shield.
    Lazenby would lead me to ski off of a cliff.
    Moore would kick me off of that same cliff.
    Brosnan would have me hold a mirror up, the mirror would get shot. I'd survive but have glass in my face for the rest of my life.
    Craig would lead me to a dead end and shoot me.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,990
    Dalton, no question.
    (see above)
  • I don't like to say it, but I do think Craig would be best in this capacity. He's such a good Bond sometimes. Ruthless, efficient, knows how to handle himself, I'd feel safe enough, but if not that, then Dalton as mentioned in other responses, he has such similar qualities and you'd feel reassured in so many words, with his presence

    Moore - no, Lazenby - not really, Connery - didn't quite do it, Brosnan - not at all, so Yes, I'm going with Craig for this on recent evidence, but Dalton is worth a mention
  • Dalton too. Sean and Roger would go somewhere else, probably where the girls are. George would be OK but I think he might be traumatized once I die or got hurt. Brozza can't even punch (he'd let his phones do the punching), and Dan might shoot me in the head if I didn't follow him properly.
  • I'd trust Brosnan as much as I'd trust Adele with a twinkie

    No, he has to be in last place for this, even though it's little secret he's not my favorite of the Bond actors, but I just can't envisage him being some kind of savior or having my life in his hands during a dangerous situation
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I'd trust Brosnan as much as I'd trust Adele with a twinkie

    No, he has to be in last place for this, even though it's little secret he's not my favorite of the Bond actors, but I just can't envisage him being some kind of savior or having my life in his hands during a dangerous situation

    Might I ask why you don't see that? Granted, it's in the way of a woman, but he lets Trevelyan get away to save Natalya in GE, and he avoids a better escape route in DAD to save Jinx. He also braves an avalanche and protects Elektra at all costs - until he finds out her plot - in TWINE. I think he would be capable enough to protect me, granted he wanted to.
  • I would pick Daniels Bond because of his ruthless effency and quick improvising and he can care if he wants to
  • @Creasy All what you say may be true, but I just feel Craig and Dalton would be far better choices, and even Lazenby, Moore or Connery, I would feel more comfortable with their presence and safe keeping. If I was more favorable of Brosnan, it may be different, but I'm going to stick with initial thoughts. Above all else, I always insist Brosnan was the least Bond-esque of all the actors so that without question played into the response. Once again, I wouldn't put my life in his hands I'm afraid. It has to be a direct choice between Dalton and Craig for this I truly feel
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @Baltimore_007, Craig? He got M killed!
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