Thoughts on TWINE

edited January 2013 in Bond Movies Posts: 28
my blog post with analysis of The World Is Not Enough. Yes, Denise Richards is ridiculous but the Elektra plot works in my estimation and makes TWINE a fairly solid entry in the series:


  • AliAli
    edited January 2013 Posts: 319
    I seem to be alone in thinking Denise Richards at least tried, even if only her bottom had
    acting of any worth. Sopheie Marceau's performance seemed to be phoned in even though she was present during filming. It was also far too slow in getting going, the Z8 was wasted for one silly stunt and the final action scenes would have only been enough for the midway point in most Bond movies. The Elektra plot idea is good. But the reality is still a disappointing film. Only Brosnan and Coltraine seemed to be putting in any effort, and I expected a LOT more from Robert Carlyle. His role ended up being pretty small and his acting was pretty stolid for him.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 82
    not great and not bad
    - love the opening sequence(the boat chase)
    - LOVE the theme song by garbage
    - Elektra King was good
    - I liked that valentin helped bond
    - Liked qs sendoff
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,487
    I don't get all the TWINE hate on here. It was a very successful film, with a meaty plot that returned Brosnan to a GoldenEye type-plot again. TND and DAD were much worse, as Bondian actioners and little else!
  • I don't hate it but TWINE is my least favorite Brosnan film. The plot is far too convoluted, especially in the beginning, I often need to put subtitles on and even that doesn't fully help.

    I don't care how bad Denise Richards was, I still like my Bond girls with more depth. She was really just there so Bond would have someone to end the movie with. I think Elektra's story and relationship with Bond was strong and would have been even better if Christmas Jones wasn't in the film.
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    Dragonpol wrote:
    I don't get all the TWINE hate on here. It was a very successful film, with a meaty plot that returned Brosnan to a GoldenEye type-plot again. TND and DAD were much worse, as Bondian actioners and little else!

    I agree with you until the second point. TND wasn't a bad film, it was just a "medium" film one, because it actually hadn't highlights like Goldeneye (as highlights, I mean, a super hidden base, the Bond x Alec fight) unfortunately, TND hadn't any of that, though it still being a good film, and though Paris is my favourite Bond Girl yet. But i still make it controverse because, personally her role would be kind of useless because she didn't brought so much for the story as she just ended up in bed with Bond and then she died, but i think you'd agree with me when i say that if she was on another previous film like TSWLM, TLD, or LTK, it would be better.

    Sorry for being kinda off-topic, but it'd like to argue with that. :)

    As for TWINE, it IS a great film. It brings back some classicness from the first movies, as i can remember from FRWL. The movie itself hadn't so much action, but it still was great and one of the best Bond movies. As for TWINE, it could be compared with FRWL with those points. Though it has some more action scenes, they've had focused on the storyline and not in action, and that is a great point. The baddest point of all was using Denise Richards. She's beautiful and all, but acting is not her best (not even her worst). If we could have someone else's in her place, like Sandra Bullock, Catherine Zeta-Jones or Charlize Theron, we'd have a so much better movie, tho it still is - at least for me.

    I'm sorry I dont bring the exact words or the best arguments, but it's all of my thinking.
  • AliAli
    Posts: 319
    "Shall we go and investigate the pipeline on our own?"


    "So we can get chased on skis, of course, I need to tick that box on my "being Bond" Equity card."
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I like TWINE. The finale was a bit underwhelming, Brosnan overracts a bit and Carlyle, although good, could've been so much better, but I think there's lots to like in it.

    The theme song and score are great, there's some cracking action, Zukofsky is back and is hilarious, Elektra was brilliant, I really like the story and Renard/Elektras plan, M being used more was original, there are some nice locations, the PTS is one of the best in the series, there's a touching final performance by Desmond, etc.

    Richards I didn't mind. She's far from the best Bond girl and she's not a brilliant actress but I can put up with her. She's just a shagpiece and she does her job as being eyecandy and the damsel in distress.
  • Posts: 22
    Let me first say that TND is my least favorite Brosnan and probably my least favorite Bond film in general. I probably would rank it something like GE, First half of DAD, TWINE, Second half of DAD/TND. So, it already gets some bonus points in my book for following up TND.

    But having said that, and as a standalone, I think TWINE is just an OK Bond Film, and here's why: there are a lot of great separate moments and locations in this film, but when combined it is just too much. Most Bond Films have things that stand out quickly. For instance, when someone says LALD, instantly I think of the boat chase. When someone talks DAF, Las Vegas comes to mind. When someone mentions GF, the first thing that sticks in my head is the classic fight with Oddjob in Fort Knox. And so on.... TWINE has moments like these that would be great if they were maybe fleshed out a bit more and draw the focus of the film for longer than a few minutes.

    But, there are just too many locations, characters, action sequences, and plot/subplots to give us anything special to focus on. Action: Bank Scene, Boat Chase on the Thames, Ski Chase, Nuclear Lab Stuff, Riding in the Pipeline, The Firefight at the Caviar Warehouses, The Final Battle in Istanbul, and all of the Submarine Stuff = too much. Plot/Subplots: Someone killed King and Bond needs to find out who and why/ Bond is unfit for action, which Elektra and Renard exploit/ M feels responsible about what happened to Elektra and Elekra is bitter with M/ Elektra and Renard are in love with each other as a result of Stockholm Syndrome and are plotting to destroy her oil empire's competition/ Denise has to find that missing plutonium or someone's going to have her ass/ Bond teams up with Denise/ Zukovsky is involved for some reason that I can't remember/ Bullion works for Zukovsky, but wait, he really works for Renard? Again, there is just too much going on.

    I commend them for trying to involve an ancillary character (M) and involve her in the plot, but there was already too much going on this story to include her this go-round and should have been scrapped for this one and saved for a later movie.

    Overall though, good movie, but too much to make it great.

    Best sequence by far: When Bond infiltrates Renard's team and then travels with them to the nuclear bunker. Even though Denise is part of it and drops the ball on most of her lines, Brosnan is at his best here and has some of his best delivery of all his (Bond) films.
  • My full review as an opposing point of view is in the originals thread and can be found here-

    The high points of TWINE are Q's final scene (along with the EON produced feature tribute that makes me cry), Marceau and her clothing designer, the PTS save the underwater tie straightening, Bond's kill of Elektra, and Team Zukovsky who are hilarious.

    The rest? Very average to sometimes cringing. It's not the worst Bond film on the level of DAD, MR, or DAF, but a definite bottom 5 type of film that failed to live up to it's plot potential. I prefer GE and TND greatly to this for many viable reasons and as much as I try to love all 23 EON films, this was a melodramatic mess that overall far outweighed it's better points.
  • My full review as an opposing point of view is in the originals thread and can be found here-

    The high points of TWINE are Q's final scene (along with the EON produced feature tribute that makes me cry), Marceau and her clothing designer, the PTS save the underwater tie straightening, Bond's kill of Elektra, and Team Zukovsky who are hilarious.

    The rest? Very average to sometimes cringing. It's not the worst Bond film on the level of DAD, MR, or DAF, but a definite bottom 5 type of film that failed to live up to it's plot potential. I prefer GE and TND greatly to this for many viable reasons and as much as I try to love all 23 EON films, this was a melodramatic mess that overall far outweighed it's better points.

    I agree with a lot of what you say. I also have a mini-review, or points of thought, in the thread you mentioned. I can understand why some people like TWINE; the idea of TWINE is good but the execution was terrible. So many things were poorly done that the few things that are excellent - Q's final scene, the killing of Elektra - get overwhelmed. Better actors and a better director would have helped because really, there were a lot of solid ideas and situations in there.

  • edited January 2013 Posts: 546
    I enjoyed The World is Not Enough. There are some people who may have thought Renard getting a bullet to the head was over the top. (Blame Purvis & Wade) But this is my favourite screen play from both of them. I like the Renard character. He was one of those Bond villians that had no remorse. Pierce Bronsan & Sophie Marceau had great chemistry together. My favourite was the Torture Queen scene. Now Pierce Bronsan & Denise Richards had decent chemistry. If they had more scenes together it could have been better. Great action, it was cool to see Robbie Coltrane as Valentin Zukovsky & John Cleese was good as R. (But I wish he would have got more screen time) I chuckle everytime I wach his scene with Pierce & Desmond. Also Desmond Llwelyn's last scene as Q. I was so sad when I found out he passed away.. (R.I.P.)
  • pachazopachazo Make Your Choice
    Posts: 7,315
    I happen to think that the things that drag TWINE down keep it from being a great film not make it a terrible one. So I can certainly understand the disappointment in it but I'll never understand the people who think it's awful. I believe it's Brosnan's best performance as Bond.
  • I'm going to get pelted with fruit, but there's already a handful of The World Is Not Enough appreciation threads in existence already

    In any event, while we're at it, only to say, it's Brosnan's best release of the four for me. Probably most plausible Brosnan appearance and performance, if only he had finished with this and not got caught up in that embarrassment three years later. It's a damn shame, in retrospect

    Best pre credits sequence of the franchise, decent theme intro, lots of good action, a plausible main adversary in the usually excellent Robert Carlyle, Sophie Marceau does well for the most part, but Brosnan, for all his good work here, does let himself down now and again. I never liked the finish - "Christmas In Turkey" - and Denise Richards is the most banal and mundane Bond girl since Maryam d'Abo

    Other than those minor issues, a mighty fine Bond release. One of the very best of the last 40 years
  • I put in second after Goldeneye. I liked it slightly more than Tomorrow Never Dies and WAY more than Die Another Day, which I just rewatched and feel it's the worst of the franchise, slightly worse than Moonraker.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 5,634
    I put in second after Goldeneye. I liked it slightly more than Tomorrow Never Dies and WAY more than Die Another Day, which I just rewatched and feel it's the worst of the franchise, slightly worse than Moonraker.

    That's almost a duplication of how I see it, in that Goldeneye is Brosnan's second best, far better than Die Another Day, while Tomorrow Never Dies comes in at third place, for Brosnan releases, but it's nearer to Die Another Day than anything else

    Can't agree with the Moonraker thing though
  • Posts: 1,492
    A wonderful pts then it is all downhill. Shoddy action scenes and melodrama done wrong. The locations are dreay.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 20
    I watched this a couple of weeks ago and quite enjoyed it, it was a better than I remember. There are a few bits I'm not keen on like John Cleese, the inflatable ball coat thingy and the end fight on the sub is a bit anti-climactic but overall its not that bad. PTS is great fun and I do like a ski chase.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 204
    Denise Richards gave a wonderfully nuanced performance as a nuclear physicist and I felt hands down the best performance of any Bond girl in any of the movies having spanned the 50 years, even topping Eva Green's portrayal of Vesper Lynd. In fact I would go as far as to say Denise Richards should play the Bond girl in every movie from now on, under different roles. IMHO she should be up for an Academy Award rather than Judy Dench.
  • Posts: 406
    First bond film I saw in the cinema so I'll always enjoy it
  • Posts: 1,052
    It's not bad, but not great. I can see what they were trying to do with this film, going for more character and depth etc but ultimatley it doesn't really pay off and the action scenes don't really take off they just fizzle.

    Brosnan is not bad, never really had an issue with Denise Richards, i don't watch Bond for oscar winning perfomances and pretensions. The scenes with M locked up are emabarassing but the farewell from Q is touching and the PTS is very good.

    All in all a mixture of the good and the bad but still streets ahead of DAD.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    Great PTS, good leading performance from Brosnan and a great performance by Marceau. The music and title song are good. The actual story itself is nice and intriguing for the most part and actually takes its time to build up. Denise Richards never bothered me, but I can see why people would dislike her. She's essentially just window dressing.

    The film is almost just as good as GoldenEye but falls short on two key levels for me. The submarine finale is rather underwhelming and completely abandons some plot points that were heavily emphasised earlier. And the film throws a lot of the great ideas it established earlier out the window for the usual formula to tie things up neatly. Once Elektra is revealed as the mastermind, Renard just fades into the background as a glorified henchman. As well as that, some of the dialogue is horrific in parts.

    That said, it's a good two hours spent. There's nothing to hate here for me, just a couple of things I would have done differently. I like the movie as a whole and it sits nicely just inside my top ten.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    Sorry lads but we're not going to start a thread for every fan review, no matter how good said review is (and incidentally I can say, this one rocks. ;-)) Please either follow one of Sam's links or create one thread in which to assemble all your reviews. Our preference, in case you'd like to know, is option one.
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