Sean Connery set to join fellow James Bond actors at the Oscars



  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    actonsteve wrote:
    How frail is Sean Connery now? I know he has stopped playing golf. Does he leave his maximum security twilight home in The Bahamas?

    If he is too frail to play golf then you can forget any sort of appearance just to help EON celebrate. Even if it was for a lifetime achievement award it might be beyond him now if hes been forced to abandon golf.

    For him to give up his biggest love in life means he must be in a bad way. I think we might all be shocked at how frail he looks if he turned up so lets just leave it.

  • edited January 2013 Posts: 11,216
    actonsteve wrote:
    How frail is Sean Connery now? I know he has stopped playing golf. Does he leave his maximum security twilight home in The Bahamas?

    If he is too frail to play golf then you can forget any sort of appearance just to help EON celebrate. Even if it was for a lifetime achievement award it might be beyond him now if hes been forced to abandon golf.

    For him to give up his biggest love in life means he must be in a bad way. I think we might all be shocked at how frail he looks if he turned up so lets just leave it.

    I'm sure he's not as frail as Christopher Lee. I saw him at the SF premier and he looked pretty elderly.

    Also, Connery can't be THAT frail if he managed to make it to America to see Andy Murray

    Then again I suppose people can deteriorate quickly at that age.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Yeah, I was at tge SF premiere too and Lee looked decrepit. Seriously, he looked like he could clock out at any moment. As for Connery giving up golf?? Dies anyone have a link to prove this because I just dont see that happening even in the face if ill-health.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    doubleoego wrote:
    Yeah, I was at tge SF premiere too and Lee looked decrepit. Seriously, he looked like he could clock out at any moment. As for Connery giving up golf?? Dies anyone have a link to prove this because I just dont see that happening even in the face if ill-health.

    If he did give up golf that doesn't mean his health is too frail, maybe it's more due to orthopedic problems that most people his age have, like hip failure or a back hernia. Sir Christopher Lee does look frail but he is a lot older than Connery, nevertheless he's still working and going to premieres so although he might look decrepit (I hate this word) he's still got energy for a lot.
  • Posts: 6,601
    The_Reaper wrote:
    HTF did SF not get nominated for Best Picture? So lame.

    Don't even start talking about that again. Its somewhat a hot potatoe around here. ^#(^
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    It wouldn't be such a hot potato if the chef didn't overcook it. /:)
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    The_Reaper wrote:
    HTF did SF not get nominated for Best Picture? So lame.

    Because not enough academy members thought it was good enough.

    It's quite a simple system which I'm sorry to say is not influenced by Twitter, Heat magazine's film critic or Germanlady getting all her friends on Facebook to sign a petition demanding the UN officially declare that every nation has to recognise that SF is the best film ever made.
  • Posts: 11,216
    doubleoego wrote:
    Yeah, I was at tge SF premiere too and Lee looked decrepit. Seriously, he looked like he could clock out at any moment. As for Connery giving up golf?? Dies anyone have a link to prove this because I just dont see that happening even in the face if ill-health.

    Connery would probably have an indoor golf course set up in his hospital room before he considers giving it up.
  • He may have given up doing 18 or 9 holes, not unusual sometimes. My 83 year old Dad is quite sprightly, does cycling around town and drives everywhere, but draws the line at 9 holes at the moment.
  • Posts: 1,723
    If he turns down a role from Sly then I don't see how he's gonna do an Oscar gig.......
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Tracy wrote:
    If he turns down a role from Sly then I don't see how he's gonna do an Oscar gig.......

    *He's a member of the Academy.
    *They have treated him well.
    *There is a big difference between an action film and the Oscars.
  • Posts: 161
    *He's a member of the Academy.
    *They have treated him well.
    *There is a big difference between an action film and the Oscars. [/quote]

    Plus its the character that made his name and living and everyone remembers him for.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    lahaine wrote:
    *He's a member of the Academy.
    *They have treated him well.
    *There is a big difference between an action film and the Oscars. [/quote]

    Plus its the character that made his name and living and everyone remembers him for.


    Well to be truthful, every actor who has played Bond is most famous for that role, obviously.
  • brinkeguthriebrinkeguthrie Piz Gloria
    Posts: 1,400
    I think it's very unlikely he'll be there. But if all six are on stage at
    What if they all walked on stage in profile, then turned and faced the stage while the gun barrel was in the bg.

    nah, the oscars will just put the GB at the end of the show.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    bg wrote:
    nah, the oscars will just put the GB at the end of the show.

    =)) Nice one.
  • =bg= wrote:
    nah, the oscars will just put the GB at the end of the show.

    =)) Nice one.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117

    lahaine wrote:

    Plus its the character that made his name and living and everyone remembers him for.

    Basically the character that he has been trying to escape from for his whole career? If theres one thing to guarantee him not to appear its if hes only wanted because hes Bond and not Sean Connery.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 11,216
    On a side note I was watching a bit of Diamonds Are Forever* yesterday with my mum and her response during one scene with Sean was "god he's so wooden". Obviously not won over by him :))

    *Still not a fan
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited January 2013 Posts: 28,694
    @=bg= said: "nah, the oscars will just put the GB at the end of the show."

    *COUGH* Well played, sir *COUGH* :-\"
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Ha! I'll believe it when I see it.

    On another note, those of us who were fortunate to attend the royal premiere, remember that montage tribute of all the Bonds before SF started? Does anyone know if it's available online somewhere?
  • Posts: 183

    doubleoego wrote:
    Ha! I'll believe it when I see it.

    On another note, those of us who were fortunate to attend the royal premiere, remember that montage tribute of all the Bonds before SF started? Does anyone know if it's available online somewhere?

    Remember it? I will never forget any part of the greatest night of my life! Can't find it online though but I am no expert on the Internet so hope someone can enlighten us.
  • It is once in a life time opportunity for him as well as the Bond fans all around the world. He could make it a history and could be magnanimous too, after all he has achieved.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Since he detests the Bond part in his life so much (his problem), why would he want to present himself, have people cheer at him for exactly this role? Doesn't make sense from his point of view, no? To be honest (and get a heavy beating for it as usual) what did he do that was so extraordinary? He did, what most actors do - he gave his best and did a good job. From what I saw of him and that's a lot, he was mostly himself and was lucky enough to perfectly fit what was required of Bond. He ain't that great an actor really.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I agree he's not a brilliant actor (although he was pretty good in that Robin Hood film, most of the time he does just play Sean Connery) and he won't show up, but it's like I said in another thread.
    The other actors are compared to Connery for a reason. Him being the first and having great films to star in did help (say he was the 6th actor, he got one film and that was DAD, would he be thought of as the best then?), but there's another reason.

    Connery was the first but he could've easily been a terrible first Bond. His films could've arguably not have been as good without him. So yes him being the first Bond helped but what also helped massively was that he was bloody brilliant.

    He's not my favourite (I rate him 2nd along with Brosnan), but him (and Young, we should give him credit here), DID create the definitive take on the role, without Connery the cinematic Bond as we know it might not even exist.

    I think Connery deserves all the praise he gets.
  • Posts: 6,601
    I think, those, who chose him were very lucky to find a raw diamont, who did fit the role, who had the mannerism and presence, that was needed. But Connery brought that with him, its nothing he worked on to get better. He just had it and that was his good fortune. Add to this, that he doesn't want to be connected with the role anymore, I don't see a reason to still hold the candle that high. He is one of six, who all did their best, only not all brought with them, what was needed. But it could be, that they worked harder then he ever did. I am sure, your beloved Dalton ;) gave it a lot more thought and energy then Sean ever did, not to speak of DC, who gives 150% every time he is Bond. (But I rather stay away from him, as this goes into a wrong direction then). So - this is not about DC being better, this is about "Why all the praise?", when he just used the equipment he had and that's it. Not really a big deal. He was just lucky to have it all.
  • edited January 2013 Posts: 12,837
    I see where you're coming from, but although he was just really playing Sean Connery, I think he still deserves lots of praise for playing Sean Connery because Sean Connery made a pefect cinematic Bond.

    I know he hates being connected to Bond but I don't let that stop me enjoying his movies. To be honest there's los of things about Sean Connery the person that I'm not a fan of and I'm not sure I'd get along with him much at all in real life, but he was a great Bond and for me, that's what counts.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Huh? Connery had nothing. Terrence Young had to nurture him into a gentleman. So many people assume it's easy to be Bond and I suppose it could be seen as a compliment because Sean made it look easy but that was down to skill abd hard work on his part.
  • Posts: 6,601
    doubleoego wrote:
    Huh? Connery had nothing. Terrence Young had to nurture him into a gentleman. So many people assume it's easy to be Bond and I suppose it could be seen as a compliment because Sean made it look easy but that was down to skill abd hard work on his part.

    Do you have any source material? If that was so, I would be fine with it. I know, he was working different jobs and was at the marine for a short time and then the body bulding. But honestly, I believe, that what made his Bond good was something, you can not learn. You either have it or not.

  • edited January 2013 Posts: 2,015
    Germanlady wrote:
    Do you have any source material? If that was so, I would be fine with it. I know, he was working different jobs and was at the marine for a short time and then the body bulding. But honestly, I believe, that what made his Bond good was something, you can not learn. You either have it or not.

    First, when Terence Young was interviewed about Dr No on French TV (Young speaks a perfect French), he "introduced" Sean Connery to the viewers in a very special way (Connery was standing behind him, in full costume, waiting for Young's signal to enter in front of a backdrop looking like Crab Key), it almost looked like he was presenting a horse, describing his physical features etc. This weird sensation is also a bit due to the fact Connery was speaking English only

    Terence Young to Sean Connery : "I wouldn't say you are a prisoner of James Bond ..."
    Sean Connery : "No, not at all, as an actor if i would have believed that, then i would have never touch James Bond "

    Second, in a French TV interview for The Hill, Connery was asked something like "James Bond gives us an image of you that surely is not the correct one, so who are you ?". He answered very frankly he had very bad temper, he was violent, that he already took part in some fights, and that to know who he was, the interviewer should ask the Scottish police (and only this last line was said with a little laugh). He was not claiming to be as cool as he is when playing Bond.

    Anyway, if you think Connery has always played Connery in his carreer, you should watch Sidney Lumet's "The Offence". It's the "famous" movie he did as a deal with Universal Artists to compensate for his coming back in Diamonds Are Forever - and this movie was basically censored by United Artists so that his 007 image would not be shattered by this role (try to find its box office data ! :) ). I won't spoil it, and well, it's essentially a filmed stage play, but it has to be seen if you want to understand what Connery tried to do at this period (and the film itself is far from bad, but definitely NOT a feel good movie). The deal was also that he would *direct* a second film after that, but the way UA prevented the first film to be seen ended all this, and left Connery with IMO good reasons to have lots of griefs against them, and possibly indirectly EON...

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