The Skyfall DVD/Blu Ray-Out now!



  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    DCisared wrote:
    @Tuulia digital copy is just the film no extras
    @YouHaveAnOddJob it's region 2

    What about the DVD copy? Probably only a few extras I figure, or none at all since they all come in one pack with the meat being on the bones of the Blu-ray disc.

    And how good is the resolution on the digital copy? I have Green Zone and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol on my iTunes but never watch them because the quality leaves a lot to be desired.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 2,081
    DCisared wrote:
    @Tuulia digital copy is just the film no extras
    @YouHaveAnOddJob it's region 2

    Damn. What I want most from the extras is Sam's commentary, and from what I understand it's not on the dvd and I have no equipment yet to watch the damned br. Not fair if it's only on br.

    Region 2? says "region free". *shrug*

  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Amazon don't have any in stock at the moment.
  • Posts: 1,817
    I need a piece of advice. I'm obsessed with getting good prices at Amazon and I treat my products in wish list as it were stocks.
    Now I don't know if buy now SF (at $16.99) or wait a little to get a better price...
  • Posts: 12,560
    36 hours and counting until i get my copy! <:-P
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 I tried the digital copy on my laptop earlier mate and the quality was awful , looked only marginally better than a bootleg streamed via a dodgy broadband connection. Having transferd it to my iPhone the quality is fantastic however that is to be expected with the screen being so small ,
    I can't comment on the DVD quality as I haven't ran that through anything yet but I can do a test when I get home later tonight from my friends house :) and I'm pretty sure the extras are all on the blu ray disc I'm afraid :(

    @Tuulia again ill double check when I get home mate but I'm pretty sure I saw a little world icon with a 2 on? I'm not an expert but ill try and confirm when I get home :)
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    As I'm stuck to my laptop and desk at home here in the UK this morning, I have no chance to get into the supermarkets to check prices...please post on here if you've seen any cracking deals (Tesco, Asda etc) for the blu ray/dvd so I can make my lunch hour matter! :-)

    Appreciate any help guys/gals.
  • What's so special with the steelbook?
    Does it contain exclusive content, or is it just the cover that's special?
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    As I'm stuck to my laptop and desk at home here in the UK this morning, I have no chance to get into the supermarkets to check prices...please post on here if you've seen any cracking deals (Tesco, Asda etc) for the blu ray/dvd so I can make my lunch hour matter! :-)

    Appreciate any help guys/gals.

    Just seen sainsburys are selling DvD at £7:00 and Blue Ray at £12::00 hope this helps.
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    @Mrcoggins You are a diamond, many thanks. :-)
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    My Pleasure.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    My local WH Smiths doesn't stock DVDs, Blu-rays or CDs. Yet today they have a standee with Skyfall blu-rays and DVDs - the power of Bond!
  • Going to work now and I'll get it on the way home.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Going to pick up the blu ray from Tesco soon.

  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Just been to Tesco.

    Not only do they have lifesize standees of DC and Bardem and then a big display with hundreds of copies with Judi on one side and Bernice on the other but there is a little mini-standee at every single till with 007 on the side where you can pick up a copy if you missed all the other advertising.

    Combined with the buses and tube posters its practically impossible to go from A to B in London without being aware of SF on DVD. Its marketing is monstrous compared to say Die Hard for which I have seen about 2 posters - and remember this is for the DVD not the actual cinematic release!

    I think this as close to Bondmania as I will see in my lifetime.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 11,216
    @Wizard At the Tesco I work there was a big cardboard poster of Daniel Craig which encouraged people to order SF before it was even released

    Mine has just arrived by the way:D

    I've got the day off but I'm going to force myself to wait until the evening before I watch it on my new 40' HD TV.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 8
    To correct a previous poster , Sainsburys are actually selling it at £18.99 in the store for the Blu ray.
    Im just off to check Tesco and Morrisions, but it seems theyre both £15 . Seems there arent any good offers around for it yet.

    edit - Morrisons is £15 in the store, as is HMV.
  • Posts: 11,216
    I got it for £1.50. Thanks staff discount and clubcard vouchers :D
  • Yep good point reference sainsburys went down their after finishing work which commenced at 4am and they have posters all over advertising blu ray for £12.99 and DVD for £7 but in the smallest writing ever and not even on the products them selfs just on a select amount of adverts in the stands not in the promo stands it says only when you spend £30 in store. And they would even let my 2 year old have a skyfall balloon :( grumps.
    Not very impressed with that sneaky bit of advertising. So got blu ray for £14.99 in morrisons which seems to be the standard price.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Ha! Sainsburys and their crooked advertising. Well, I'm off to get a hair cut and then pop into Tesco and SF is mine. *Rubs hands together*
  • Monsieur_AubergineMonsieur_Aubergine Top of the Eiffel Tower with a fly in my soup!
    Posts: 642
    In light of the Sainsbury's naughtiness I have just purchased from Tesco in store.

    Not going to watch it just yet however as i've sent it off for Horse DNA test before inserting in my player. :-)
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329

    Get a load of this! Tesco have added the 007 logo to its Tesco sign at some of its braches for the blu ray / DVD release!
  • Cant wait for my dvd from amazon , and i can;t knock sainsburys, my local are letting me have display stands after, but just to make sure my local asda are letting me have theirs as well hoorah !!
  • Posts: 183
    DCisared wrote:

    Get a load of this! Tesco have added the 007 logo to its Tesco sign at some of its braches for the blu ray / DVD release!

    That's brilliant - all is now forgiven over the horse meat scandal!

    I have just got in from purchasing my copy and the anticipation is rising, I have a feeling it will take me an hour to get past the Pre Title Sequence because I'll have to watch it about 4 times to satisfy the craving I have had for it since it left the cinema!
  • Posts: 6,601
    A lot of the Supermarkets are really promoting Skyfall heavily. Sainsburys has Bond themed staff dressed in tuxes and evening wear. There were standees of the cast, balloons....
  • RC7RC7
    edited February 2013 Posts: 10,512
    HMV Oxford Street has also gone Bond mad.


    They seem to be showing the film on every available TV and there are posters everywhere. A lot of people seem to be picking up copies, as well as standing around watching the film. It was good to see, on two seperate occasions, kids (both boys and girls) coming in with their parents and going straight up to the SF stands.
  • edited February 2013 Posts: 2,081
    *sigh* If I was in London I'd just be walking around drooling, probably... :P
  • Posts: 1,492
    Not going to watch it just yet however as i've sent it off for Horse DNA test before inserting in my player. :-)

    :-)) :-)) :-))

    Amazon have just told me my copy has been despatched.

    Every bus I see going past has Dan Craig on his back firing. London loves Bond.
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Pop-it-in-Pete the Postie delivered mine today from Amazon. Guess what I'm watching tonight?
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